Chapter 188 Dark Trial Ground

After the ominous red clouds dispersed, they fell into the starry sky and disappeared gradually.

Dijun and the three of them exuded their spiritual thoughts, but they did not find any unlucky red clouds in it.

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn’t believe that there would be such a terrifying thing in the quiet starry sky here.

“I transformed this starry sky into a trial field. As long as the creatures that enter it, they will be contaminated and parasitic ominously.”


Hearing Duobao’s voice, the three of them shook their bodies and looked at Duobao in amazement, and then each looked around vigilantly.

Is that thing called ominous?

They are all put into this starry sky, and any creature that enters this starry sky will be ominous, contaminated, parasitic…

The trio of thoughts came to this place, and suddenly they all stretched out their hands to show magical powers, magical light.

Duobao was planning to continue the introduction, but was interrupted by the actions of the three of them. He looked at them who were obviously panicked: “What are you doing? What’s wrong?”

The three of them were cold, always feeling that something in their bodies was lurking in them, quietly devouring everything about them.

What makes them most uncomfortable is that no matter how they look for it, they can’t find the existence of that thing.

This is the most uncomfortable, most terrible, and most unbearable thing for them!

“Are we already contaminated with ominousness?” Di Jun searched for a long time, without gain, and his face was ugly, and he asked Duobao in a condensed voice.

Taiyi, Zhu Rong also looked over.

When Duobao heard the words, he immediately understood their thoughts, and instantly felt a black line in his forehead.

“I said, are you as good as it?”

“It’s just some ominous. Although it is a bit dangerous, it won’t make you like this?”

“Look at what you are afraid of!”

Duobao said something contemptuously.

He felt that there was a reason for the three of them to mix up to the present appearance.

How timid than him, more afraid of death than him.

He was timid, and he was afraid of death because he came from later generations, which is understandable.

But these three people have always been a prehistoric world, local creatures, they have long been used to fighting, fighting, especially Zhu Rong, who is also a warrior known as a warrior at any rate, how… now they don’t look like it at all. .

Duobao suddenly wondered if Zhu Rong was a Wu clan.

Seeing that the panic on the faces of the three of them never disappeared, Duobao couldn’t help but said: “Okay, don’t be afraid to this level, okay?”

The three stopped their movements and looked at Duobao speechlessly.

Nonsense, you are not afraid!

This thing is Sage-level power, and with the strange characteristics, it feels so uncomfortable, it’s strange that they don’t panic.

Duobao sighed: “For now, this thing is still under my control. With me here, you can rest assured, it’s okay.”

Upon hearing this, the three of them breathed a long sigh of relief.

“Ominously invading creatures, living in them, and at the same time ascension creatures’ talents and cultivation speed.”

Duobao continued: “I will transform this starry sky, don’t you Lich race want to quickly Ascension strength?”

“Bring them into this starry sky and be parasitic ominously, their strength will naturally Ascension.”

“However, for now, the upper limit is very low.” Duobao was a little regretful.

Di Jun swallowed and asked: “How low?”

He had already realized that the lowness that Duobao said should be different from the lowness they perceive.

“Only Jinxian… And, it is difficult to reach the limit of Jinxian!”

The three of Dijun looked at each other, silently: “Jinxian…”

Is Jinxian not high yet?

They all knew that the golden immortal in Dubao’s mouth was different from the golden immortal in their mouth.

It was their current strength, in Duobao’s mouth, they were just golden immortals.

Moreover, it is far from reaching the Jinxian limit.

In other words, after entering the starry sky, and being parasitized by the horror and ominous, all monster races will soon be able to break through to their current Realm.


The three of them stared at each other, shocked and aghast.

This is not a simple matter!

The golden immortal in Duobao’s mouth is a quasi-sage, that is to say, the ominous red clouds they had seen before can actually produce quasi-sages in batches!

This is also a monster!

The eyes of the three are different.

Looking at the quiet starry sky, in addition to fear, there is more greed.

This thing is horrible, but this effect… is too fierce!

“For the time being, it may not be able to meet your requirements. Jinxian is indeed too low, but I already have an idea.” Duobao did not pay attention to the expressions of the three, and continued: “Soon, I will observe for a while. , You can reach the upper limit of Ascension to Taiyi Golden Immortal… Although it can’t completely solve your problem, it’s barely enough.”

Duobao believes that the two families of Lich are big clans. Of these two clans, Jinxian is really not a strong one, at least it must be Taiyi Jinxian to shake, and Daluo Jinxian is a strong one, a quasi-sage. Is the pinnacle.

The ominousness he has created now only reaches the limit of the Golden Immortal. It requires weird cooperation to break through the Taiyi Golden Immortal, which is really not worthy of the two races.

However, now he just released the ominous, not dare to release the weirdness.

Because the weirdness will directly affect the mind, from the early stage to the late stage.

To be ominous, you need to reach the late stage, which means that troubles will only occur in your later years. Relatively speaking, it is better to solve them.


Listening to Dubao’s words, the three shook their heads.

Not reluctant, not reluctant at all.

Enough of Jinxian, really enough.

This has greatly exceeded their expectations.

The Lich races have not yet reached their peak.

To be strong, but to be strong in the overall, strong in high-end strength.

The demon clan is Dijun, Taiyi, Fuxi, and Kunpeng are quasi-sages, and under them, there are only a few Daluojinxians among the top ten demon gods.

Most of the rest are still Taiyi Golden Immortals.

Ronaldo is not so easy to prove.

Emperor Jun, Taiyi was able to become a quasi-sage because of the creation of the demon clan and the great luck, and they were born and strong enough.

Fuxi also has a strong heel.

Relatively speaking, Kunpeng is a little worse, but his Houtian created the monster character, so he gained great luck, and this was also able to break through the quasi-sage.

As for other monster races, they don’t have so much luck, that is, after the monster race was established, they gained the blessing of the monster race, and their strength became ascension.

But that’s it, most of the monster races are also under the golden immortal, and those who can become the golden immortal are considered elites among the monsters.

There are not many Taiyi Golden Immortals.

To put it simply, Daluo Jinxian, Taiyi Jinxian-level demon clan, the vacancy is too big.

The main reason is that the establishment of the Yaozu is too short, mainly relying on Dijun, Taiyicheng, and the high-end strength gap is too large!

Like the monster clan, so is the witch clan.

Therefore, the ghost car, one of the top ten demon gods, has only the strength of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Based on the strength of the Heaven’s Karma position, Emperor Jun, Taiyi estimated that as long as he can have the strength of the Golden Immortal, he can barely control the weakest Karma position. When he reaches the Taiyi Golden Immortal, he can control most of his karma. Position, Da Luo Jinxian, all positions can be controlled.

Therefore, their highest expectation is just to make the Demon Race’s strength Ascension reach the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

It wasn’t the Taiyi Golden Immortals in Dubao’s mouth, but the normal Taiyi Golden Immortals. Converted to Realm on Duobao’s side, perhaps it was a real immortals, Celestial Immortals.

“Enough?” Duobao found the movements of the three of them and was very puzzled: “Is the golden fairy enough?”

There are two families of dignified lich, isn’t it?

Can Jinxian be satisfied?

“Did I see a fake Lich family?” Duobao was suspicious.

Dijun, Taiyi and Zhu Rong nodded their heads: “Enough, completely enough!”

“Well, in this case…” After receiving the affirmative answer from the three of them, Duobao said somewhat disappointed: “Then I won’t change much.”

“If it’s just a golden fairy, the current dark trial field is enough.”

He originally wanted to take this opportunity to make friends with the Lich clan and get a big favor, and then take a look at their Universe Star Dou Great Array and Twelve City Heavenly Gods Great Array.

Even though I knew this, it was too much to want such a big reward.

But, I can try it anyway, what if, Dijun, Taiyi, Twelve Ancestor Witch Brain pumped, then agree?

But now, their demands are so low that he is embarrassed to make own demands.

Di Jun took a deep breath and looked at the silent starry sky worriedly and asked, “So, is the name of this starry sky called the Dark Trial Field?”

“That thing, can it really be controlled?”

“You won’t lose control!”

Duobao shook his head, put away the thoughts in his heart, and said to himself: “Don’t worry, if it’s a stronger ominous, I don’t dare to say it, but it’s just an ominous thing on this scale, and it’s completely within the controllable range.”

“I can pack tickets with you, there will be no problems.”

“Starry Sky originally didn’t have a name, but I just chose a name, it’s called the Dark Proving Ground.”

“Just treat it as your ordinary little demon, the little witch’s trial ground!”

Hearing this, the three of them were immediately puzzled, and Zhu Rong asked cautiously: “Little demon? Little witch?”

Duobao had weird eyes: “Yeah, is there any problem?”

Jinxian’s strength is not enough, the highest goal is only Jinxian, among the two families of Lich, not a little demon, what is a little witch?

Could it be the great demon, the great witch?

How can this be?

Under Duobao’s puzzled eyes, the three of them froze for a moment, and then reacted.

Yes, Dubao’s cognition is abnormal.

In his opinion, the second family of Lich is very strong… Golden Immortal’s strength is really only the little demon, little witch among the two clans.

“It’s the little demon, little witch.” Zhu Rong said slyly.

God knows how he said this.

You know, he intends to bring the entire Wu Clan here.

After getting the guarantee from Duobao, he didn’t worry anymore.

And the witches in his plan also include their twelve ancestor witches.

Because their twelve ancestor witches were far from reaching the golden immortal limit that Duobao said.

When there is no danger, this starry sky is undoubtedly their best cultivation place.

In other words, their twelve ancestor witches have become one of the little witches in Dubao’s mouth!

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