Chapter 186: Rule Star

“However, this thing is very dangerous, I still can’t give it to you directly.” In the anticipation of the three, Duobao slowly shook his head.

The three looked at each other and said in unison: “We are not afraid of danger.”

The Lich Clan can become the ruler of heaven and earth, not on the backstage, but on fighting each other.

They are not natural overlords of heaven and earth either.

Originally, they were also members of a hundred tribes, and they had been killed step by step since they were the weakest.

He walked up abruptly on the road paved by flesh and blood.

Fortunately for the Wu Clan, the Demon Clan is even more difficult.

In the original prehistoric world, there was no concept of a demon yet.

Some are Xiantian Divine Residence and Houtian Divine Residence.

It was these two demons who forcibly conquered countless Xiantian divine residences. Relying on various means, they integrated them together to open up the demon clan Heaven Court and establish the demon clan. Since then, the concept of a demon has only come into being.

Compared to not easy, Emperor Jun, Taiyi, is even more difficult than Wu Clan.

In this regard, even as an opponent, Zhu Rong admired the two demons.

When are they afraid of danger?

“That won’t work!” Duobao continued to shake his head, his expression solemn.

It’s weird, ominous, and too involved. If it goes out of Own’s line of sight, it will cause unnecessary trouble.

At that time, something really happened, he still knew nothing and was too passive.

Therefore, after thinking about it, he still did not hand over the strange and ominous to the three of them.

The three were immediately anxious, and each persuaded Duobao.

However, no matter how they persuaded, Duobao had already firmed his mind and did not waver.

After persuading for a long time, the three of them gave up. Knowing that Dubao was determined, they really couldn’t persuade them, and they were helpless.

I can only persuade, really want to grab, not to mention that they don’t have the mind, even if they have, they are not Dubao’s opponents.

Thinking like this makes it even more helpless.

Looking at the helpless three people, Duobao shook his head: “Don’t worry.”

“Although, I can’t give this thing to you, after all, this thing is too dangerous.”

“But, I didn’t say, I can’t help you solve the problem.”

Hearing this, the three of them suddenly had hope again, and looked at Duo Bao expectantly: “What do you say?”

Duobao suddenly waved at the three of them.

The three of them had a flower in front of them, and when they saw the surrounding situation again, they had already arrived at a place familiar to the other party.

“Simulate the wild world?”

The three looked around.

They are no strangers to the existence of this world.

I have also cultivated in this world many times.

After all, this world is different from the real prehistoric world. There are many things in it, which are very inspiring and useful to them.

Especially for all kinds of powerful illusion beyond imagination, they also benefited a lot when they were being cultivated.

Compared to cultivation in the real world, the effect is much stronger.

When nothing happened, they spent most of their time in this simulated prehistoric world.

After a long time, they slowly learned the name of this world from Duobao’s mouth.

Simulate the wild world!

Is this a simulation?

This is better than the real prehistoric world, right?

In addition to the size of the world, as well as some other subtleties, many other places, in their opinion, are much stronger than the real prehistoric world.

“What do you bring us here for?”

The three looked at Duobao suspiciously.

Duobao did not explain, but said to the three of them: “Come with me.”

After speaking, walked towards the starry sky in the simulated prehistoric world.

The three of them were full of doubts, but Dubao didn’t say anything, they had no choice but to follow behind him.

Soon, several people came to the simulated prehistoric starry sky.

The vast starry sky and endless Star shocked the three of them.

Although it was not the first time I saw Star in this world, every time I saw it, they were already shocked.

Because, the stars in this world, the stars in the stars, each is a method, the aggregation of the avenue.


The three of them looked at the Stars, and the look of astonishment in their eyes grew stronger and stronger.

“It seems that these Stars are stronger and more complete than the last time I saw them…”

The three were not sure if it was an illusion of own, but after seeing the shock in the eyes of the other two, they were sure that it was not an illusion.

There is really an illusion, and it is impossible for all three of them to appear.

So their feeling is true!

“These Stars?” Regardless of the others, Zhu Rong asked Duobao in amazement.

“What’s the matter?” Duobao turned to look at him.


Zhu Rong Shennian fell into a fire attribute law, the Star condensed in the avenue, and felt the flame that was enough to melt him, and couldn’t help swallowing.

He is the Witch Clan Fire God!

Born to be good at controlling fire, but under the flame in this Star, there is a feeling of melting.

Who can believe it?

In the depths of the starry sky, it was not the first time he saw these Stars, but before, although they were strong, they were not so strong.

It made him feel weak.

“These stars…have they become stronger?” Zhu Rong swallowed and asked cautiously.

Emperor Jun, Tai Yi also looked over in amazement, waiting for Duobao’s answer.

Duobao nodded suddenly: “Yes.”

“I cultivated before, and occasionally felt insights, so I made some adjustments to them.”

“I don’t know… what is the adjustment?” Zhu Rong took a deep breath, did not spit out, and stared at Duo Bao closely.

He has a hunch that what he hears next will surely subvert the three views of his own, and even make his worldview collapse.

“Oh, it’s actually very simple.” This is not a secret, and Duobao didn’t conceal it, and said calmly: “The Star in the starry sky is the result of the principles of my Insight.”

“Each Star is my perception of the corresponding law.”

“Before, I haven’t had a deep understanding of these laws…”

Hearing this, Zhu Rong, Di Jun, and Taiyi looked at each other, Qi Qi remembered the Stars he had seen before. The power was so powerful that they were greatly horrified.

That’s it, isn’t it deep?

Do you have any misunderstandings about the word not deep?

The three of them looked at Dubao like monsters…it was ridiculous!

If they hadn’t personally experienced the changes in the Star in this starry sky, and compared it with the previous Star, it would really explain the meaning of the word not deep, and they would really feel that Dubao was talking big.

But now, it seems, feels, that although this is outrageous, it seems to be quite normal.

“Later, I sorted out the feelings of the major laws and made some progress.” As he said, Duobao recalled his own gains, but couldn’t help but feel a little stunned: “Speaking of which, now, I’m on the rules and have entered door.”

The cultivation of the law is really too difficult.

He originally thought that the cultivation of the law was very simple, and he had almost gained some gains.

But later I discovered that after Insight finished the rules, this was just the beginning, and the more difficult ones are still to come.

After Insight, the law is only the foundation. On this basis, it must be continuously expanded and extended until the limit is reached, and then it can be regarded as the true cultivation of the law completed.

At that time, Duobao estimated that he would be considered the path to the complete cultivation of the law, and it was also the time for him to become holy.

However, this road, even now, he can’t see the end at all, and he feels desperate and powerless.

The rule of law is really too difficult.

Duobao sighed.

Dijun, Taiyi, and Zhu Rong looked at each other, always feeling that their brains became a mess.

Everything in front of me seemed to become unreal.

getting Started?

Do you care about this rule Star, is it for getting started?

In their opinion, these law stars, each one, are far beyond their sensing range.

Even Emperor Jun, Tai Yi, who had seen Nuwa, had a very absurd idea in his mind.

That is, every rule Star here, I feel that compared to Nuwa, it is not much worse.

At least, when they looked at these law stars, they felt, as if these law stars existed on the same level as Nuwa.

How can this be?

How absurd is this?

Who is Nuwa?

That is Sage, one of the real masters of the world!

Can a star be at the same level as Nuwa?

Who will believe it?

Di Jun, he was too conscientious, and instinctively unwilling to admit this speculation, but… the longer he looked at those Stars, the more clear and powerful the feeling in their hearts.

Subsequently, the thoughts in their hearts became less firm.

Zhu Rong didn’t have so much thoughts from them, and he sensed the rules Star in the starry sky. Under the shock in his heart, he suddenly asked: “I don’t know, these rules Star…Getting started…”

Zhu Rong’s brain is very empty, and even one sentence is incomplete.

Duobao was puzzled and looked at Zhu Rong in confusion, “What are you trying to say?”

Zhu Rong stopped, exhaled the breath in his chest, and took a deep breath again to make his brain slowly clear.

After a long time, under Dubao’s strange gaze, he asked: “I don’t know, what is the concept of these rules Star? Getting started… and what does it mean?”

Listening to Zhu Rong’s question, Di Jun and Tai Yi’s heart also raised, and subconsciously took a deep breath, and then stared at Duo Bao tightly.

They had guesses in their hearts, but they were not sure, they could only wait for Dubao’s answer.

It’s not so much that I’m not sure, it’s better to say that I can’t believe it.

“Why? Don’t you know?” Duobao was even more strange as he felt the three gazes falling on him, and asked when he looked at the three of them.

The three of them held their breath and shook their heads together.

The corner of Duobao’s eyes jumped, and he was suddenly speechless: “I said you guys, with such good conditions, why don’t you know how to cultivate?”

“Even if you don’t cultivate well, you should have a good understanding of these basic knowledge.”

Duobao was helpless. He knew them and wanted to learn more about other things from them, but it seemed that they didn’t know as much as him.

They are backed by such powerful forces as the Lich Race!

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