Chapter 185

“But…” While he was frustrated, looking at Duobao, Di Jun suddenly moved his heart: “Perhaps, even if we say our own identity… he shouldn’t believe it!”


This is really a sad thing.

“That’s it, Brother Duobao.” Hearing Dubao’s question, Zhu Rong slapped Taiyi’s palm on his shoulder: “Isn’t my Wu Clan in control of the earth?”

“Yes.” Duobao nodded, wondering what he meant: “What’s the matter?”

Zhu Rong sighed, but suddenly became helpless: “Because the prehistoric world has entered the stage of development, the earth has grown faster.”

“You should know that there are 129,600 atmospheric nodes on the earth.”

“My Wu Clan controls the earth by controlling these 129,600 atmospheric vein nodes.”

Dobo continued to nod his head: “Yes, I know, but is there any problem with this?”

He still doesn’t understand, why do you want to say this?

Is there a connection between the two?

Or is it that the problems encountered by the Wu clan are related to these earth qi vein nodes?

Hearing this, Zhu Rong was even more helpless, looking at Duobao, deep in his eyes, a faint resentment flashed by.

According to the guesses of many of their ancestor witches, the high probability of this drastic change is due to Duobao, and the high probability is because of him.

The source of the problems they are encountering now lies with Duobao.

However, he couldn’t say this.

“Is there a problem?” Zhu Rong said aggrieved: “The problem is big.”

“What’s the problem?” Duobao asked curiously.

For the Wu Clan, what problems are they unable to solve?

What is even more curious is, what problem did they encounter?

See what Zhu Rong was wronged into!

“My Wu clan…” When it came to the question, Zhu Rong suddenly became a bit hard to tell, especially when he saw the curious eyes of Di Jun and Tai who looked at him together, he couldn’t tell.

The throat seemed to be blocked.

Originally, if there was no Emperor Jun, Taiyi, then he could have said.

But with these two people, I always feel very Losing face. There is a kind of awkwardness when I tell my own shortcomings in front of my opponent.

“What’s wrong with your Wu clan?” Duobao asked, looking at Zhu Rong, he didn’t understand why he said half of a sentence, and then stopped.

Unable to help, he glanced at Dijun from the corner of his eye, Tai Yi, as if the two were the same, the same sentence, half of the sentence, then he would not say it.

No wonder they can become friends. With this tacit understanding, if they don’t become friends, who can become friends?

Zhu Rong hesitated, and the corner of his eyes kept sweeping the emperor Taiyi.

What Duobao looked at was confused, his face covered in black lines.

What’s wrong with this.

With Di Jun on the side, Tai Yi understood.

The main reason is the asymmetry of information. They know more than Duobao. Combined with Zhu Rong’s identity, they can guess even if Zhu Rong didn’t say it.

Dijun looked at each other, nodded together, and made a decision.

Taiyi said, “If, I guess it’s correct, the Wu Clan can’t control those atmospheric vein nodes, right?”

The eye of heaven, the eye of earth, the position of heaven and earth… After the prehistoric world became stronger, the two clans of the Lich seemed to lag behind.

The two groups of Lich are similar in strength. His demons can no longer control the position of heaven. Similarly, the witch family will not be any better. It is estimated that they have also been discharged from the position of earth.

Hearing this, Zhu Rong looked at Dijun in amazement, Taiyi, they actually guessed it?

After a moment of surprise, he reacted quickly.

Oh, yes, yes, the situation of the Lich races should be similar now. It’s not surprising that you can guess it.

Thinking about it this way, Zhu Rong immediately lost his psychological burden, and said frankly: “Yes, they are right, it is true.”

Since everyone is half-hearted, let alone anyone, there is nothing awkward.

“Uncontrollable?” Duobao looked at Zhu Rong in amazement: “With your Wu Clan’s strength, can you not control it?”

“It shouldn’t be!”

Duobao is very strange, but he also knows the great changes in the prehistoric world and the growth of the great cycle of heaven and earth.

After all, he himself is the core of all this.

However, he didn’t expect that just mere growth would make the Wu Clan a headache?

“Perhaps, it’s not just the Witch Clan!” Duobao took a look, and Emperor Taiyi also guessed what they hadn’t said before.

“Couldn’t even your witch clan ancestor witch control it?” Duobao asked in amazement.

Zhu Rong shook his head and said bitterly, “That’s not it, my ancestor witch of the Wu clan is fine, but the point is, the lower erlang can’t do it.”

“Their strength is too weak, and they can’t control the vitality node after they become stronger. They are each expelled from the vitality node and lose their career status.”

Zhu Rong continued to explain the situation in detail: “Without a career position, the Ascension speed of my Wu Clan Erlang immediately dropped.”

“So, you come to me this time…” Hearing this, Duobao understood a little: “Is it trying to find a solution to this problem from me?”

“Or, you want to get it from me, a way to quickly ascension the Wu Clan’s strength?”

“Let you Wu Clan Erlang, regain control of the earth?”

As Dubao said, he felt the strangeness and ominousness of being put away by him.

This question, if he came to find himself before, he really couldn’t help it, but now, it seems that he just has an idea.

“Yes.” Zhu Rong nodded his head and looked at Duobao eagerly: “Is there a way?”

The same eagerly looked at Duobao, as well as Dijun, Taiyi.

“This…” Duobao groaned for a moment, and then nodded in the expectant gaze of the three of them: “Yes, but yes.”

“Great!” Upon hearing this, Zhu Rong called out in surprise, “I knew, Brother Duobao, you have a way.”

“I don’t know, what is the solution?” Zhu Rong then asked.

Emperor Jun also looked at Dubo nervously.

“Um.” Feeling the gazes of the three, Duobao groaned for a moment, then suddenly took a deep breath.

“What’s wrong? Is there any problem?”

With Duobao’s inhalation, Dijun, Taiyi, and Zhu Rong suddenly raised their hearts and asked anxiously.

“Actually is not a big problem.” Duobao shook his head and said to the three of them: “You guys are also just right.”

“If it was before, I really can’t do anything, but now, I have.” Duobao explained, and then to Dijun, Tai Yi asked: “I want to come, you are here this time, is it also for this question?”

Duobao felt that since the Wu Clan had such problems due to the great changes in the world and the predominance entered the stage of development, the Yao Clan would have similar problems.

Emperor One and Emperor Two are both monster races, and their purpose should be similar to that of Zhu Rong.

“Yes.” Di Jun nodded too much.

Duobao asked again: “Did you come by yourself, or Dijun, Taiyi asked you to come?”

Upon hearing this, Zhu Rong gave them a weird look.

Emperor Jun, Tai One…These two birds are not Emperor Jun, Tai One?

However, they had just promised that they would not reveal their identities, which suppressed the urge to jump out of their hearts again.

Emperor Jun, Taiyi: “…Yes.”

“I said, it’s just such a question. As for you concealing it, hiding it?” Duobao looked at the two amusedly, thinking it was a big problem.

Feeling Dubao’s gaze, Emperor Jun, Tai Yi was helpless.

Are they because of this?

Isn’t it because you are afraid of revealing your identity?

It was only because Zhu Rong appeared that things took a turn for the better, so they were able to admit it.

Looking at Duobao, the two sighed constantly in their hearts.

They think too much.

With Duobao’s current mind, they are directly telling Dubao their identities, and it is estimated that Dubao will not believe it.

It is basically impossible to expose identity or something.

According to outsiders, it is estimated that Duobao didn’t believe it.

Only when Duobao himself understood that their identities could be revealed after he figured it out.

I don’t know how this kind of cognition is formed?

Di Jun, Tai Yi was very speechless, but at the same time he was greatly relieved.

That way… it’s great.

“I have a solution, but I can’t give it to you in vain.” Duobao said Di Yi, Di Er, and then turned to say.

Dijun, Taiyi, and Zhu Rong had no opinion on this, and said in unison: “Of course.”

“If there are any conditions, let’s talk about it, we will try our best to complete it,” Taiyi said.

Zhu Rong gave a stern look: “So do we.”

Grab his words.

“It’s not an excessive condition.” Duobao looked at Zhu Rong and stared at Emperor Yi with a funny smile, and said with a smile: “That’s it.”

“As for me, not long ago, I just got a baby.”

“This baby, indeed, can quickly increase the strength of a person, and more than that, it can also increase the talents of corresponding creatures.”

“It’s just…” At this point, Duobao suddenly stopped.

Dijun, Taiyi, and Zhu Rong were immediately anxious and asked in unison: “It’s just what?”

Duobao looked at the three of them: “You are all in one heart.”

The three glared at him, and then looked at Duobao together.

“It’s just that I just got this thing, it’s not perfect in all aspects, and it’s not yet mature.”

After thinking for a while, Duobao simply said directly: “Let’s put it this way, the effect of this thing is indeed not bad, but there is still some danger.”

“There is great uncertainty, instability, and security risks.”

“I can give you this thing, but what about you…”

Having said this, Duobao stopped again, frowning.

Originally, he intended to use the Lich races as experimental objects to conduct experiments, collect data, and perfect the weird and ominous power.

But, think about it, this seems to be unfair to the ordinary people of the Lich race.

He is not a devil, so he has a conscience uneasy in doing so.

“But what?” the three asked in unison again.

Duobao didn’t answer, he thought carefully, and denied his previous thoughts.

After a while, he had a new idea and looked to his direction of simulating the wild world.

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