Chapter 154

To this, Duobao was very pleased and looked at Yuding.

On Yuding, various Sword intents continue to appear, imaginable and unimaginable.

There are heaven and earth and everything, there are real things, and there are also those who like to be empty and come from fantasy.

Basically, whatever you can imagine and see, you can find the corresponding Sword intent on Yuding.


Duobao appreciated in his heart that he could do this for the sake of the sword.

Taking the nature of heaven and earth as a teacher, and being able to do so, Yuding is really good.

It’s just that he has only achieved a complicated character now, which is still a bit worse.

After a long time, the endless Sword intent on Yuding suddenly began to decrease.

At first it was just one, then two, three, ten, one hundred…

Slowly, there are fewer and fewer Sword intents, like the sea at first, and the river behind, and then there will be no more Sword intents.

The jade tripod, which was originally sharp-edged, suddenly became ordinary.

The snowy white clothes did not look dazzling.

“Thank you!”

Yuding opened his eyes and bowed respectfully to Duo Bao.

Duobao nodded in satisfaction: “So, do you understand?”

Yuding sighed and said, “It’s already clear.”

His previous swords have reached the limit of a complex word. The world and everything, in imagination, everything is turned into a Sword intent, which should prove his way.

Kendo was not created by him, but he has developed it to the extreme. It has already surpassed the original creator of Kendo and reached Realm that they have never been able to achieve.

There is no way ahead, he can only open it himself.

Therefore, he used his own knowledge and cognition to open up this kendo.

Originally thought that he had truly reached the pinnacle of kendo, and there was really no way ahead.

But in front of this stranger, in front of that little black sword, he just understood how vast the swordsmanship is, he was just getting started.

“Returning to the basics, turning the complexity into simplicity.” Seeing Yuding’s eyes suddenly, excited and excited, Duobao smiled: “It’s good if you understand.”

“So, you continue to cultivate.”

After understanding it, Yuding should have recovered his memory and recognized him.

But he still did not recover after all, which represented Yuding Dao Heart’s choice.

Duobao didn’t force it.

According to Yuding’s current situation, it was thought that he would cultivate this sword to his limit, and only after he had reached the point where he could not make progress, would he recover.

This is his way, Duobao does not interfere.

When he is confused, it is enough to point a direction.

After that, Duobao is about to leave.

“Senior, please stay.” Yuding knelt down and said respectfully: “Dare to ask the name of senior!”

Duobao turned his back to Yuding: “When you should know, you will naturally know.”

“Then, dare to ask when can I see senior again?” Seeing Duobao’s figure slowly disappearing, Yuding asked again.

“When it’s time to meet, I will meet each other naturally.”

When the words fell, Duobao disappeared.

Only Yuding was left on the spot, quietly kneeling in the void, muttering: “When I know it, I will know it naturally.”

“When it’s time to meet, I will meet each other naturally.”

Doesn’t it mean not saying it?

What is the time to know?

What is the time to meet?

Yuding couldn’t understand or think of it.

However, for Duobao, what is strange is that he has a familiar feeling in his heart, as if he had seen him somewhere before!

However, he thought about breaking his head, and didn’t think about it. When and where did he have seen Duobao, he didn’t have any impression at all.

“Forget it…always know.” For a long time, Yuding sighed and gave up.

Then I was shocked, eyes revealing excitement, looking at the sword in my hand: “Swordsmanship…Simplify the complex, return to the basics…This is the goal I need to work on next!”


Duobao sighed out of the twenty-four heavens and was happy for Yuding.

In the simulated prehistoric Star, a chaotic aura suddenly spread.

The smile on Duobao’s face froze, and he looked at the simulated predecessor Star: “What’s the matter?”

As soon as the thought moves, the figure disappears in place, and when it reappears, it is already in the simulated prehistoric star.

In the simulated prehistoric Star, the sky was originally clear and bright, and the sky was high and the ocean was wide, but at this time, the sky and the earth were full of endless black and gray gas.

Black air and gray air don’t feel good to people, they are ominous, weird, and extremely unlucky.

Flooded in heaven and earth, making the whole world become ominous.

“Karma, Ghost Qi, Yin Qi?”

Duobao frowned: “Why do these things appear?”

“Could it be that the wild world…”

His simulated prehistoric world is connected with the real prehistoric world, and everything that happens in the real prehistoric world will trigger changes in the simulated prehistoric world.

“What happened to the prehistoric?” Duobao was puzzled, and a lot of speculation appeared in his mind: “Even my simulated prehistoric has so many Ghost Qi, Yin Qi, karma…I am afraid that the real prehistoric is about to be chaotic. Bar!”

He sighed: “Sure enough, the prehistoric is the prehistoric. How long has the ten-day survey of geniuses passed, this will happen again.”

“So dangerous, my decision to close Kunlun Mountain is indeed right.”

Duobao sighed and looked at the changes in the simulated prehistoric Star, not happy in his heart.

It doesn’t look like a normal world for a party, it feels more like a ghost ghost…

“Wait…” Suddenly, Duobao gave a sharp shot and his eyes widened: “Could it be…Hou Tu is about to transform Samsara?”

“In the midst of the predicament, Ghost Qi appeared, and the yin aura was permeated, but many creatures died too much.”

“After they died, the accumulated Yin Qi, resentment, Ghost Qi, crisscrossed the wild land, must not disperse and disturb the world.”

“If things continue like this, it will be very detrimental to the development of the world.”

“That’s why Samsara has been transformed into a post-earth soil. It absorbs these yin Qi, Ghost Qi, and the grievance becomes the Yinsi Difu… After Samsara is formed, the world is completely perfected.”

Doubao’s thoughts flashed in his mind, and his eyes were thinking: “It should be like this… the prehistoric world is not perfect.”

“In the beginning, I didn’t know whether it was powerless or deliberate. Pangu god-tier didn’t transform Samsara’s place.”

“It’s like a person has no backyard, everything is piled up in the body, no Samsara, no circulation, no catharsis, naturally it is a big problem.”

“For this reason, heaven and earth cannot be complete.”

“If the world wants to be complete, the opening of Samsara’s land will fall into the bloodline descendants of Pangu.”

“Either the master and two uncles, or the twelve ancestor witches.”

“However, the master and the two uncles have been sanctified, and most of the twelve ancestor witches have well-developed limbs, and they rarely have such a compassionate heart.”

“Therefore, the matter of transforming Samsara has fallen on Hou Tu.”

Duobao took a deep breath and looked in the direction of the wild land, eyes reveal the color of admiration.

Houtu is the real witch of great mercy.

Maybe there are other ideas, maybe there are other plans, but in the end, she still transformed Samsara, achieved the first merit after the opening of the world, and perfected the world.

All the creatures living in this world should be grateful to Houtu.

“Post-soil Samsara is Samsara…I can’t control it anyway, and I don’t have the ability.”

“It can only bear his great favor… However, these yin auras in my world, Ghost Qi, grievances, hostility, can be resolved.”

Duobao stretched out his hand and thought, and an infinite black hole appeared, forming a huge suction force, sucking in the endless resentment, Ghost Qi, hostility… etc. in the world.

Just after clearing the world, suddenly a woman in yellow walked out of the infinite black hole, with a vigilant face, looking around, her temperament was graceful and luxurious, as if she was the most holy.


Above the wild land, in the Pangu Hall, the Eleventh Ancestor Witch sat cross-legged, encircling Houtu in the center, with a worried expression on his face.

The Central Houtu body, like the source, constantly attracts endless Yin Qi, resentment, Ghost Qi, hostility, and karma, falling into its body.

The Eleventh Ancestor Witch exhausted his strength and wanted to stop it, but it didn’t have much effect.

Time and space, ice, fire, Realm, all kinds of means can’t stop it.

As Hou Tu absorbs Yin Qi, resentment, Ghost Qi, hostility…the more Hou Tu’s situation becomes more wrong.

The Pangu Temple, which was originally warm and hot because of the Blood Qi on the body of the Twelve Ancestral Witch, has now become as cold as the polar land.

Houtu’s consciousness was obscured by resentment, hostility, Ghost Qi… etc., unable to respond.

The Eleventh Ancestor Witch looked sad.

Zhu Rong worried: “What’s wrong with my little girl? How could it cause these ghosts to invade?”

Gonggong was also very upset: “Yes, this thing is not a great thing, the key is that it can’t be removed.”

He stretched out his hand, a water of love flowed out of his hand, rushing towards the hostility, Ghost Qi, the grievance, but did not disperse it.

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head slightly: “This is my little sister’s destiny… Therefore, we can’t stop it.”

“What destiny?” Zhu Rong was furious: “Can’t you see that these ghosts use the little girl’s body as a container, turning the little girl into a monster?”

“If this is destiny, then we will break this destiny.”

Di Jiang said angrily: “Zhu Rong!”

“If it is possible, who doesn’t want to, but is this destiny so easy to break?”

“If it can be broken, how can it be deadlocked until now?”

Dijiang sighed helplessly: “Samsara…my sister, this is going to transform Samsara.”

The ancestors looked at him in amazement: “What is Samsara?”

Zhu Jiuyin answered: “Before, I worked with Dage to calculate, walking on time and space, and going to the future.”

“In the future, we see…”

Gong Gong asked anxiously: “What do you see?”

Dijiang: “I saw that under the Nine Earths, a huge world appeared. In that world, there was a Samsara, which was in charge of everything.”

“These Ghost Qi, hostility, resentment… are all in that world.”

“What do you mean?” Zhu Rong still didn’t understand.

Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin looked at each other and sighed: “That Fangtiandi, the land named Samsara, is the place to receive the souls after the death of living beings.”

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