Chapter 153 Sword Immortal Jade Cauldron

Feel the chaotic air in the infinite black hole: “It’s still a little bit.”

After pondering for a moment, Duobao stretched out his hand and ran the three thousand infinite black hole with all his strength, and then a huge tide of chaos suddenly appeared in the chaos.

The endless chaotic power fell into three thousand infinite black holes.

This lasted for a long time, and finally, Dubao was satisfied, withdrew his power, and casually also recovered three thousand infinite black holes.

The chaos calmed down instantly.

It doesn’t work if it’s not calm, the chaotic air here has been completely swallowed up, and the chaotic air in the distance is still being replenished.

However, the huge gap cannot be filled in a short time.

“Go back to create chaos!”

Duobao said with joy in his heart, and then closed the store door and returned to Kunlun.

As soon as Fang returned to Kunlun, he suddenly felt a sharp Sword intent coming.

This Sword intent is thick, sharp, and has the meaning of breaking Wanfa with one sword.

Duobao raised his brows and became interested. After a careful sense, he found that he was in the twenty-four heavens.

“Huh?” This surprised him a bit.

The twenty-four heavens are separate worlds, and there is no connection between the world and the outside of the world.

In other words, there are huge obstacles.

Generally speaking, what happens outside or what happens inside will not spread to the outside or inside.

But now, he stood outside and felt the Sword intent inside.

How can this not surprise him?

“I want to see, is that Junior Brother and Junior Sister, such a genius?” Duo Bao became interested.

Such movement and breath can only represent that among the twenty-four heavens, he has a junior or junior sister who has cultivated an incredible Dao method…or it should be the Sword Technique.

“Who on earth is it?”

With other thoughts in mind, Duobao fell into the twenty-four heavens.


“Jade Daoist, don’t deceive people too much. We are already hiding in the forbidden ground, and we won’t get out for a billion years. What else do you want?”

When Fang entered the twenty-four heavens, a voice with introverted color calendar came from his ears.

The voice was loud, like thunder, but it sounded, but there was an inexplicable sense of guilty conscience.

It’s like a person who speaks, lacking confidence.

Duobao stood in the void, looking at the speaker.

It was discovered that although there was only one person speaking, a large number of people stood behind him.

The aura in each body is not too strong, but it is just for comparison.

Looking at the creatures among the twenty-four heavens, they are already the strongest.

Obviously, these people are the strong among the twenty-four heavens.

The place where they stand is not a world, but a big black ship.

A strong ominous aura exuded from the big ship, and a heavier death aura appeared.

“Dead Ship!”

Duobao looked at the ship, and suddenly a message appeared in his mind. This was the explanation given by the twenty-four heavens.

He is the creator of the twenty-four heavens, an existence like a creation god.

Although he didn’t manage the world much, he didn’t care much.

But as long as he appears in this world, the corresponding authority, information, as long as he wants, there is nothing he can’t do, there is nothing he doesn’t know.

It’s just that he doesn’t like that kind of almighty, omniscient feeling.

That’s boring.

Therefore, there is no deliberate use of own authority, and I want to see with own eyes.

When he sees it, the corresponding information will appear.

“The ship of the dead…a forbidden ship that travels through the twenty-four heavens and the vastness.”

“Legend, there is a big horror on the ship, once you enter it, you can no longer get out of it.”

“There are no creatures on the boat…or, the people who can be on the boat are all dead, so it is called the Dead Man’s Ship.”

“Once you get on the ship, whether it is your mighty power or Wushuang the Great, it represents your future, death.”

There was a lot of information about the dead man’s ship, and Duo Bao was stunned.

Then he looked at all the creatures on the boat and smiled.

These are not dead people, they are all living people.

Slightly shook his head and looked at the figure in white clothes that stood opposite the big ship.

“Junior Brother Yuding?”

Duobao raised his eyebrows and recognized his identity, which is what Yuding Daoist has transformed in this world.

At this time, he seems to have not recovered his memory.

“Huh?” Duobao was puzzled, looked carefully, and suddenly a glimmer of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

Yuding did not restore his memory.

But it was not that he was unable to recover, but that he deliberately suppressed his own memory.

Just take this pure Sword intent on him.

In his mind, there is nothing but a sword.

Nothing, except the sword, can stay in his heart.

Only sword in his life, even the memory that he was about to restore, was suppressed by this pure Sword intent.

“Black Emperor… to die!”

Facing the crowds of peak powerhouses standing on the ship of the dead, Yuding’s expression remained unchanged, and his hands were placed on the snow-white jade sword on his waist.


Only a clear sound of the sword sounded.


The next moment, a crisp crackling sounded.

A group of people on the dead man’s boat showed a small red dot above their eyebrows.

The red dots are neither big nor small, just like red beans.

Yin Hong’s blood condensed from it, and was suppressed by the Sword intent, and could not escape.

The divine light in the eyes of Hei Di and others dissipated, and instantly lost their vitality and died.

The dead ship broke in the middle and fell from the void.

The terror taboo among the twenty-four heavens was eliminated by Yuding with a sword.


In the void, the sound of palm flapping sounded.

“A good sword, it really is a good sword!”

Duobao withdrew his hidden power, walked out of the void, came to Yuding, and looked at him admiringly.

“Who are you?” Yuding’s expression moved, and his hand suddenly grasped the sword in his hand and wanted to make a move. However, an inexplicable danger came, and he couldn’t make a move with this sword.

He who has always acted simply and neatly, at this time, hesitated for the first time.

Putting his hand on the hilt of the sword, he couldn’t pull it out a bit.

It was not that he drew out the sword, but that he was not sure.

Yuding was shocked: “Among the twenty-four heavens, is there such a strong man?”

He has traversed the twenty-four heavens for countless years, invincible in all directions, overwhelming the world, and never encountered an opponent.

Even those big demons who continue their lives with the common people, Qi Chu is not his opponent.

Gathering separately, hiding above the taboos of this dead ship, none of them can beat him.

In this way, it can be seen that he is powerful.

But that’s it, he was so powerful that he couldn’t even draw his sword in front of this stranger who appeared suddenly.

“Are you a swordsman?” Duobao asked with a smile looking at Yuding, who was already sweating on his forehead.

Yuding nodded: “Yes.”

Duobao: “What do you think of your Sword Technique?”

Yuding proudly: “Unparalleled, worldless, with one sword, the heroes bow their heads.”

This is not pride, but fact.

Looking at the twenty-four heavens, who would dare to say that he could take over the sword of his jade Daoist.

Except… the person who suddenly appeared in front of you.

“Who are you?” Yuding asked again.

In amazement, there were more doubts.

Among the twenty-four heavens, when did such a powerful person appear?

If it is so powerful, how can there be no news before?

It’s as if this person popped up suddenly.

“You will know in the future.” Duobao did not answer. He stared at Yuding carefully for a long time, and suddenly said, “Since you are a swordsman, you are so proud.”

“It just so happens that I also have a sword here, please take a look.”

Duobao stretched out his hand, and the Magic power condensed into a small black sword in his palm.

The small sword is a real small sword, only the size of the hand, without the slightest strong breath on the body, but just a Sword intent.

The artistic conception of a pure sword.

When Yuding’s eyes saw this small sword, he couldn’t leave it anymore.

It’s like seeing some peerless treasure.

In the eyes of Gu Jing Wubo, there was also a lot of restlessness, and ripples appeared.

He stared at Xiaojian greedily.

Duobao smiled, retracted his palm, and the small sword was suspended in the air, slowly showing his own existence.


Suddenly, there were swords on Yuding’s body.

In the beginning, the sound of swordsmen was not loud, and the number was not much. Slowly, the number increased rapidly, and the rare swordsmen became a group of swordsmen.

Tao Tao Sword intent appeared from Yuding’s body.

Sword intent of mountain, Sword intent of water, Sword intent of dragon, Sword intent of life, Sword intent of death…Various Sword intents, almost all Sword intents imaginable, can be found in Yuding.

In these Sword intents, what is called is profoundly demonstrated. The world and everything can be swords.

Duobao looked at Yuding with admiration: “Sure enough, he is a swordsman.”

Yuding almost cultivated kendo to its limit.

In this world, he has indeed put aside a lot of kendo cultivation methods.

However, those swordsmanship, or almost all the spells, Taoism, and supernatural powers he put down were all incomplete.

The purpose is to prevent them from following the old path and to blaze a path for themselves.

In this way, they can be more autonomous, stronger, and more rewarding.

The path that I opened up may not be the strongest, but it is definitely the most suitable for them.

However, the spells he left behind, Dao Fa, even if he blazed a path for himself, it would be difficult to reach the Realm that Yuding has reached now.

His goal is to blaze a path for himself, and that’s it.

Basically, after opening the own way, you can find the own way, and then transcend the twenty-four worlds.

But Yuding didn’t know the reason, he should have been able to come out long ago, but he never came out.

Instead, he continued to study and study cultivation in the twenty-four heavens, on the path he opened up.

On top of this, it took a few more steps.

This really made Duobao amazed.

Without using his own authority, he can guess that there is no road ahead, and the Jade Ding uses the natural world as a teacher, turning the whole world into his own kendo.

Based on this, Shengsheng opened up a broad way.

From Duobao’s point of view, the kendo developed by Yuding Insight now almost allows him to reach the Golden Immortal without any problems.

Among the current juniors and younger sisters, the current Yuding can be said to be top-notch.

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