Chapter 123 Little things of conferring the gods

Di Jun looked at Taiyi incredulously.

Tai Yi sighed slightly: “Yes, that’s it.”

“He really really thinks that this predecessor is dangerous, and his own strength is very weak…weak enough to make him feel insecure.”


Di Jun couldn’t help it anymore, and said in shock: “Are you sure you are talking about Duobao?”

Nodding too much: “It’s him, yes, that’s true.”

“The disappearance of Kunlun this time should also be his behavior based on this idea.”

Taiyi guessed Duobao’s mind.

Di Jun is even more incredible, even unable to understand: “How did his cognition come into being?”

Tai shook his head, his eyes a little dazed: “Who knows?”

Tai Yi was stunned at the time when he came up with such a result from his guessing about Duobao’s knowledge of the ancient past!

Emperor Jun Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry asked: “So, he thinks that the prehistoric land is too dangerous, so he hides Kunlun and seals the mountain to avoid danger?”

Based on Dubao’s cognitive impairment, it is not difficult to understand his behavior again.

Taiyi said straightforwardly: “I’m afraid, that’s the reason.”

Although it is incredible and incomprehensible, it should be true.

“Hiss~” Di Jun took a breath and thought for a long time, but still felt unacceptable: “Could it be that he didn’t feel that something was wrong?”

“With his strength, the Primordial World should be very fragile to him.”

“He doesn’t feel anything abnormal in his life on weekdays?”

As long as there is something wrong in Life, then naturally he will be able to doubt it, and slowly confirm it, it does not take long, and it should be enough for him to understand this point.

Taiyi understood Dijun’s doubts, thought about it for a long time, squinted, and slowly guessed: “Perhaps because… his knowledge is too deep?”

“?” Di Jun.

It was like an explanation and also like a guess. He sorted out his own thinking and said: “Perhaps because he has such a deep understanding, so, everything else is wrong, he has explained it himself.”

“On weekdays, he may not have found out what is wrong, but because of his own knowledge, based on this as the core, he has come up with various reasons to explain these errors.”

Di Jun was full of question marks: “…Can it be like this?”

Taiyi smiled bitterly: “Otherwise, how can I explain it? He hasn’t noticed until now. In fact, he is really strong, and Honghuang is really not dangerous to him?”

Di Jun was silent.

In this way, it seems that such an incredible explanation may be a fact.

“How did his cognition come into being?”

After a long time, Taiyi Emperor Jun’s eyes met and sighed together.

“Heavenly Emperor, the matter of conferring the gods, has been prepared.”

Just when the two of them sighed and were shocked, Baize Lion walked in and said loudly.

Di Jun put aside his thoughts: “So, let’s go ahead with the arrangements… By the way, discuss with the Wu Clan, anyway, this time the enshrining of the gods is also in their place.”

Before, because of the chaos of the invasion, Tai Yi had to push the sun and the stars to bathe the sea, stimulate the great cycle of water, and wash out the world’s karma.

Only in this way can the invading chaos’s backhands be eliminated, and the catastrophe can be overcome later.

But such behavior greatly depletes the foundation of the great water cycle.

The most important thing in the Five Elements cycle is balance. Now, the cycle of water is consumed, and Five Elements is unbalanced.

The water line has become weaker, so the Five Elements cycle has also become chaotic.

They must strengthen the water cycle and rebalance the Five Elements. Otherwise, if the world changes again, then the chaos may invade again.

The water cycle is the center that controls the movement of the world. In each major cycle, there are a huge number of karma and fruit positions.

Originally, the great water cycle itself could support the world.

However, because of the previous large consumption, it has been unable to support the operation of the world, and there have been other reactions.

In this case, the only way to strengthen the water cycle, stabilize the Five Elements, and balance the Five Elements can only be achieved through the Divine Mansion of Sealing Water.

This is also the problem that the monster race wants to solve now, to be a god.

The mansion of the God of Fengshui.

“Respect the Heavenly Emperor’s decree.” Baize Lion said respectfully, and then withdrew from the Great Hall.


In the wild starry sky, within the first sun star of the stars, above the Xiantian Spiritual Roots hibiscus tree, ten small Golden Crows are playing on the tree.

I was playing happily, and suddenly I felt a little uncomfortable on my body, and the real fire of the sun all over my body became a lot smaller in an instant.

“Dage, I’m so uncomfortable.”

The youngest ten Golden Crow said.

“I’m so uncomfortable, too.”

“What’s wrong?”

As Dage’s big Golden Crow, he frowned and looked at the Little Brothers, panicking, but there was nothing he could do, because he was also uncomfortable.

It felt like being suddenly dropped by a sea of ​​water, the real fire of the sun would be extinguished.

When the attributes are overwhelming, it is even more uncomfortable.

But he searched carefully, but didn’t find anything unusual.

There is no water and nothing else.

“Could someone calculate us?” the big Golden Crow guessed.


In Kunlun, Duobao finished everything and returned to Immortal Cave, first went to check the situation of the three nights, and found that they were still asleep, relieved.

Taking a step forward, I came to the simulated prehistoric Star, frowned.

Standing among the simulated prehistoric Star, Duobao stared at the world for a long time.

“Five Elements is out of balance.”

As you can see, in the simulated prehistoric Star, the Five Elements cycle that is responsible for the operation of heaven and earth appears, showing the five colors of white, blue, black, red, and yellow.

Among them, black, which represents the great cycle of water, is obviously much weaker than the other four colors.

“Is the problem with Honghuang?” Duobao guessed.

own, which simulates the prehistoric world Star, is connected with the real prehistoric world.

To a large extent, changes in the real prehistoric world will affect his simulation world.

Now that the great water cycle in the simulated world behaves in this way, it represents the real prehistoric world, and there is a problem with the great water cycle.

This is no small problem.

The Five Elements cycle, presiding over the movement of the world, is equivalent to a person’s heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

Any of them is extremely important. Once something goes wrong, I am afraid that the world will have a big problem because of it, and even if it is destroyed because of it, it is not an incomprehensible thing.

Just like a person, if any one of the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys has major problems, it may cause sudden death.

Moreover, the Five Elements cycle is relatively more important.

Five Elements reinforces and suppresses each other, and the connection is closer. One problem can cause a chain reaction.


Duobao is horrified, and he is more aware of the dangers of the prehistoric world. This carelessness may lead to the destruction of the world.

Although, judging from the rest of the matter, this time the matter should be resolved.

But it also proves the degree of danger in the prehistoric world.

For an instant, Duobao recognized his decision to seal Kunlun from the mountain.

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