Chapter 122 Kunlun Sealing the Mountain

“Hong Huang is really dangerous!”

Duobao sighed again, this was the first few times that he didn’t know how to sigh.

Originally, he was not a person who hurt the spring and sad autumn, but in this predicament, he seemed to have become such a person unknowingly.


Suddenly, Duobao stepped out of the manor, stood on top of Kunlun, looked at the huge Kunlun, felt a little bit, raised his hand, countless Magic Treasures appeared, combined with each other, endless Taoism appeared, forming a shield, The whole Kunlun was covered.

“Master, they are Closed Door Training, Kunlun is only me now, I can’t watch them all the time.”

“In order to avoid having a naughty younger brother, the younger sister came out of Kunlun and caused the problem. I simply stayed at the source and blocked this possibility!”

Closing the mountain!

Dobao uses Magic Treasures refined by itself to block Kunlun from connecting with the outside world.

Although it is impossible to stop those truly powerful gazes, at least, it can prevent own’s juniors and juniors from going out, reducing a lot of unnecessary trouble.

“Now, Gou Zhu is the kingly way!”

After doing all this, Duobao finally relaxed.

“Then, then, let’s cultivate slowly.”

Duobao thought lightly, this is the first time since he came to Honghuang, it feels really good.

Countless Magic Treasures form a shield to protect Kunlun and seal the Kunlun Mountain.

Among these Magic Treasures, there are many treasures that have the ability to hide the secrets of heaven.

Therefore, when Kunlun Mountain was sealed, immediately, the entire Kunlun Mountain seemed to disappear from the wild world.

Kunlun is the second god-tier mountain, second only to the existence of Buzhou Mountain.

Kunlun’s sudden disappearance immediately aroused countless powerful attention.

Countless powerful spiritual thoughts swept toward the location of Kunlun Mountain.

In the divine mind, what can be sensed is nothing but the shadow of Kunlun Mountain.

“Where is Kunlun Mountain?”

Yuanzi of Wuzhuangguan Town was stunned.

The ginseng fruit has matured again. Originally, he was still thinking about when the cheeky guy Dubao would come again.

I’ve been waiting, and Duobao has never come.

Based on some recent insights, Zhen Yuanzi originally planned to wait for Duobao to arrive, and the two will discuss it together.

Moreover, he was really curious about the changes in Duobao itself.

Can’t wait for Duobao, he plans to visit Kunlun Mountain.

Unexpectedly, suddenly, Kunlun Mountain disappeared in the wild world.

Of course he knew that this was not really disappearing, but hidden.

It’s just… Zhen Yuanzi’s eyes are a little weird: “Isn’t he knowing that I’m going, avoiding me deliberately, right?”

Of course this is a joke.

Zhen Yuanzi is familiar with Duobao and knows that he is not such a person.

But because of this, he was even more puzzled.

Not so, what is the reason for his behavior?

The divine consciousness swept through, and I didn’t find the location of Kunlun, but I could feel a familiar breath.

It might have been overlooked if it was replaced by someone else, but if it was replaced by Zhen Yuanzi, he immediately recognized that it was Duobao’s breath.

In other words, the disappearance of Kunlun Mountain was done by Duobao.

“Why hide Kunlun Mountain?”

“Did something happen to Kunlun?”

“It shouldn’t be, there are Sanqing above Kunlun, how about the three Sages, how could something go wrong?”

Zhen Yuanzi was puzzled, but there was no way to answer.

Kunlun is so hidden that he can’t find it at all.

It was because he had the fetal membranes of the world, and he also found the location of Kunlun.

Above the book on the ground, the place representing Kunlun has also disappeared.

Zhen Yuanzi sighed that Duobao was so powerful that he had hidden Kunlun so thoroughly that even the existence on the Book of the Earth disappeared.

If it were stronger, it might be able to erase Kunlun from the memories of all the creatures who knew Kunlun existed.

He was ashamed and deeply shocked.

The first time I met Dubao before, how strong Dubao was, and now it’s only a long time before he has become like this, almost all he needs to look up.

In the demon Heaven Court, Emperor Jun, Taiyi just distributed the Magic Treasures he bought from Duobao to a group of demon ministers who have done a good job.

As a result, the Yaozu’s Qi Yun merits have also risen sharply.

When I was happy, I suddenly sensed Kunlun’s disappearance, and I couldn’t help being stunned.

They looked at each other, confused.

Taiyi: “Duobao…what is this doing?”

Di Jun shook his head, his eyes confused: “I don’t know.”

Taiyi knew this too, and looked in the direction of Kunlun: “What did he think of?”

Di Jun heard what he meant, and asked in confusion: “What do you mean?”

Taiyi: “Daobao, how do you say it?”

Taiyi thought carefully, organized the language hard, and said after a long time: “Let’s put it this way, Dubao seems to have a cognitive impairment.”

“Cognitive impairment?” Di Jun was even more puzzled. This was the first time he heard the word, and it was more novel and still puzzled.

Taiyi explained: “I just wanted to understand it all of a sudden.”

“Duobao himself is very strong, don’t you admit it?”

Di Jun nodded heavily.

Nonsense, it can be said that Duobao is now the first person under Sage, why is it not strong?

Even if he adds Taiyi, then deploys the Universe Star Array, Chaos Clock, Hetu Luoshu, and gathers the power of the monster races, he is not sure to defeat Duobao. This shows how strong Duobao is.

Too looked very tangled and weird, and slowly said, “We all know that he is very strong, but he doesn’t seem to know it himself.”

“I don’t know?” Di Jun was even more puzzled. How could he not know if he is strong or not?

It’s just that he doesn’t know it, and it should be clear compared to other people.

How could you not know?

Too First Stage nodded heavily: “He really doesn’t know.”

Thinking back to the many performances, movements, thinking and words of Duo Bao after I saw Duo Bao before, Tai Yi was not stupid, and slowly I figured it out.

“He seems to think that he is weak, and Honghuang is very strong.”

Taiyi said slowly: “Can you imagine? He once said a word to me.”

Di Jun was curious: “What are you talking about?”

Taiyi: “The Wilderness is very dangerous.”

“!!!” Above Di Jun’s forehead, a concrete figure that seemed to be full of surprise appeared, turning into three big exclamation marks.

Prehistoric is dangerous?

Where is it dangerous?

Perhaps, for those ordinary monster races, it is indeed very dangerous.

But as long as there is a Taiyi…Daluo Jinxian’s strength, it can basically be regarded as a predecessor.

Except for a few places where you can’t go, other places are rampant in the prehistoric times.

There is no way to mention the danger.

However, Duobao, its strength, made such a prehistoric overlord like them feel inferior.

Moreover, there are three Sages behind him, so when added up, he walks horizontally in the wild, and basically no one dares to provoke him.

For him, in this vast wilderness, where is there a hint of danger at all?

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