Chapter 114 Witch Clan Comes to Aid

The full power of the black coffin made Taiyi more aware of Duobao’s strength.

It was much stronger than what he had previously guessed and predicted.

Following Duobao, Taiyi slowly understood it, shocked in his heart.

“This is a big array of countless Magic Treasures, Magic Treasures!”

“With Magic Treasures as the core, gather the power of Magic Treasures, and then condense them into stronger Magic Treasures.”

“It is equivalent to the Universe Star Dou array of my Monster Race, with the Monster Race as the core and the Universe Star Dou as the core, laying a large array with infinite power.”

Tai Yi looked more and more frightened, this is almost equivalent to the universe of his monster clan.

Duobao holding the black coffin is much stronger than the ones who have deployed the Universe Star Dou formation.

Moreover, the Monster Race’s Universe star battle formation requires the cooperation of countless Monster Races, and needs to control the Star.

However, Duobao only needs to rely on him alone to set up a large formation.

No, it’s not a big formation. The Magic Treasures formation itself has already taken shape and turned into a black coffin.

As long as the black coffin is there, the big formation is there.

All have omitted the process of laying down a large array.

Looking at Duobao who was showing his power, Taiyi was determined to pay attention, and in the future, he would definitely not be embarrassed with Duobao.

“After you go back, you must restrain your subordinates, and the human race must not provoke them.”

Originally because the demon sky of the demon clan was taken by the human clan, the demon clan was still unwilling to do so and had been planning to see how he could get it back.

After all, Yaotian is very important and cannot be ignored.

But, now, Tai Yi changed his mind without hesitation.

Yaotian…I don’t want it anymore, it’s given to the human race.

As long as Duobao is still protecting the human race, then the human race is absolutely not to be provoke.

Now Duobao can fight against all his monster races with one person’s power. Wait until later…

With Duobao’s strength, Ascension’s speed, I am afraid that it is not Duobao against the Yaozu, but the Yaozu against Duobao.

If it takes longer, I am afraid that Duobao will directly suppress the Yaozu.

“This guy, don’t provoke!”

Tag Duobao in his heart.

Taiyi followed Duobao and never had a chance to make a move. In fact, under Duobao’s black coffin, as you can see, there is no magic shadow to resist it.

The longer the time, the more frightened Taiyi: “It’s been so long, why does he still have spare energy?”

The use of Magic Treasures consumes Magic power.

The more powerful Magic Treasures, the greater the consumption of Magic power.

Originally, Taiyi thought that the power of the black coffin was so strong, even with the strength of Duobao, it would not be possible to support it for too long.

However, the facts once again exceeded his expectations.

Until now, Duobao didn’t see a trace of reluctance.

His face was murderous, his hands kept moving, and countless demons were suppressed by the black coffin.

Not only did the aura on Dubo’s body not weaken at all, on the contrary, it became stronger and more fierce with the battle.

At the same time it was so shocked, it was even more frightened.

“This guy, how deep is the magic power?”

A big question appeared in Tai Yi’s heart.

It scares him and hurts him.

“I take back my previous thoughts.”

A lot of time passed, Tai Yi was already numb, and quietly thought in his heart: “Just by virtue of his current performance, he alone is enough to suppress all my demons.”

Before, I felt that Duobao could only fight against the Yaozu. Now, in Taiyi’s heart, he has skipped the phase of the Yaozu’s fight against Duobao and became the stage where Duobao suppressed the Yaozu.

Moreover, it won’t take much effort.

With this staying power, no matter how powerful the black coffin was, his monster clan would definitely not be able to hold it.

Even now, there is no doubt that Duobao alone is enough to eliminate this chaotic invasion.

It’s just that he really can’t figure it out, doesn’t it mean that the black coffin doesn’t need Magic power for the display?

“It seems, really reduced.”

Duobao suddenly cheered, and the icy eyes that had changed from the constant fighting brought a deep joy.

He looked back at Tai Yi: “This guy really didn’t lie to me, these magical shadows are really not endless.”

Under his constant killings, the reappearing magic shadows are no longer as many as before, and their strengths are completely unified.

In Duobao’s Realm division, the strength of these magic shadows is fixed at the level of the early stage of Xuanxian.

This made Duobao a sigh of relief, thinking that they could continue to grow stronger, and in the end, he might reach the point where even he could barely contend.

When that happens, it will be in trouble.

With his methods, it may be more than self-preservation, unable to breakthrough.

He was so relieved now that he was so relieved.

Seeing hope, Duobao was more motivated, and his movements in his hands became a bit faster.

This made Taiyi, who was already numb, twitched the corners of his mouth: “This monster, he didn’t even use his full strength before!”


Don’t talk about the matter on Duobao’s side for the time being.

On Di Jun’s side, after Tai Yi left, Di Jun and the others fell into a bitter battle again.

Moreover, because of the departure of Tai Yi, their pressure is even greater.

Every moment there is a monster race that has reached its limit, sending out its own final blow, and walking away.

The demon clan who was seeing it was about to be unable to hold it, and suddenly a group of figures appeared.

“Hold on, here we are.”

Di Jun turned around and looked at them, very surprised.

“Witch? How could it be a Witch?”

The monster race had reinforcements, but this reinforcement turned out to be the most unexpected Wu race.

Wu Clan and Yao Clan are rivals.

Seeing that something happened to his monster clan, the witch clan would be fine if he didn’t fall into trouble, would he come to help them?

How can this be?

Holding a big axe, Hou Yi led a group of witch races out of the monster chaos.

As soon as Fang appeared, there was no nonsense at all, and he directly killed a crowd of demons.

“You should rest first, and we will leave the rest to us.”

His words came from afar, making all the exhausted monsters wonder at the same time, when they wanted to find his figure, they had already disappeared.

Hou Yi had already entered the Demon Shadow with a group of witches.

The figure was obscured by the magical shadow, and it was impossible to tell which was him.

At the beginning of the emergence of the Wu Clan, the monster clan was very vigilant, preventing them from suddenly attacking.

But soon, they put down their vigilance.

Because all the witches that I saw in my eyes didn’t care about them, each yelled and rushed into a crowd of demons with excitement on their faces.

He didn’t even look at them for a long time.

“Could it be that the Wu Clan really came to help us?”

The demons looked at each other, but at the same time they breathed a sigh of relief.

The Wu Clan is powerful, and they know it naturally.

With the participation of the Wu clan, the matter this time would be resolved.

As soon as the spirit was relaxed, most of the monster races couldn’t bear it, so they slept in the same place.

In the prehistoric world, in the Pangu Palace, Dijiang and other eleven sober ancestor witches looked at the chaos beyond the sky: “Unexpectedly, such a thing would happen because of us.”

“What happened this time, I am sorry for the Wu Clan.”

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