Chapter 113 Black Coffin Fully Launched

“Well, it’s better this way.” Duobao looked at Taiyi with satisfaction.

The previous Taiyi Realm is as tall as it looks to him. It looks like a castle on the beach. It looks good or it looks good, but when the waves come, there is nothing left.

But now, after some reforms by him, Taiyi’s Realm has been knocked down, and the foundation has been smashed.

Although it is still a little vacant, it will not be lost by a wave.

At least, a few more waves are needed.

“Although the universal strength of the prehistoric world feels a bit imaginary…but…” Dubao thought, looking at Taiyi and shook his head again: “But, this guy is too imaginary.”

To be honest, Taiyi’s strength is not weak, and it is equivalent to Jinxian’s strength in Realm that Dubao has redefined.

It’s just that his foundation is too weak, his strength is too weak, in short, it is virtual.

If he really fights someone who has reached the Golden Fairy Realm that he redefined, he won’t be an opponent at all.

It’s like a battle between ice and water vapor, and the strength is the same, but the combat strength is far away.

Duobao knows that Realm redefined by his own foundation and strength will be stronger than the normal realm.

this is normal.

After all, other people don’t have such unique conditions as him.

Xiantian Restrictions suspension pill, Magic power infinite compression, condensed, no one else can do it.

Therefore, it is normal to be stronger.

However, Duobao also knew that although it was strong, it would not be too strong.

Especially after high Realm, the gap will gradually narrow.

After all, the higher the Realm, the higher the goal.

In the process of reaching these Realms, you will inevitably continue to Ascension yourself and stabilize your foundation.

The huge gap at the beginning will be made up little by little later.

Duobao estimated that such a gap, after reaching the Da Luo Jinxian, should not be too big.

If it reaches the quasi-sage, then it can be said that there is almost no gap.

The foundation of Emperor II is really too imaginary, not only for the Realm he set, even if it compares with the realm of the prehistoric world he perceives, it is too far behind.

“Feeling better now?”

Taiyi heard Duobao’s words and couldn’t help looking at Duobao in amazement.

Is this to him?

Is it just better for me now?

So what standard do you think is normal?

Taiyi felt that the standard in Dubao’s cognition, he might never be able to imagine.

“Let’s go.”

Duobao patted Taiyi on the shoulder and couldn’t wait to say: “The reward has been given to you in advance. Now, let’s go back to Honghuang.”

“Huh?” Taiyi put aside the thoughts in his heart, and turned to show an embarrassed expression at Duobao: “Terror, I can’t go back for the time being.”

“Can’t go back?” Duobao looked at him in amazement, not understanding what this meant?

“Could it be…” Duobao’s expression turned ill, and his eyes became cold: “Do you want to regret it?”

“I’ve received my payment, but I don’t plan to do anything?”

Duobao raised his hand, and the black coffin reappeared in his hand.

The horrible aura reappeared, too panic.

Being watched by Dubao’s icy eyes, and looking at the terrifying black coffin in his hand, he couldn’t help but panic.

This thing is really terrible.

Although his strength has become a lot stronger now, he has not forgotten that all of this was given by Duobao.

If Dubao makes a move, I am afraid that he really has no way of survival.

Tai Yi quickly explained: “It’s not that I won’t take you back, but…I can’t go back.”

Dubao’s expression improved a lot, and the coldness in his eyes disappeared a little: “What do you mean?”

Seeing that Duobao didn’t do anything, Taida sighed in relief and didn’t dare to neglect, and said at a very fast speed: “The chaos has rioted, and countless demon phantoms have been born.”

“If you don’t eliminate these demon gods’ phantoms, it will be difficult to go back.”

Tai Yi tried to open his eyes wide, and expressed his sincere expression with his eyes.

The bright golden eyes are full of sincerity.

He lied, the Chaos Demon God is rioting, this is a fact.

However, it’s not that you can’t go back unless you eliminate these demon phantoms.

However, in order to resist these demon phantoms, the monster race has reached its limit and can’t hold it anymore.

Duobao’s powerful strength, coupled with his powerful methods, is his monster race’s best helper right now.

If Duobao can stay and help his monster race, then this time, his monster race’s loss will be much less.

“The Demon Phantom?”

Duobao looked at Taiyi for a long time without seeing anything else in his eyes. He whispered, and his face also showed a sad expression: “That’s it.”

“This is a problem.”

“The Demon God Phantom, endlessly killing, a steady stream, when is this going to kill?”

“Could it be that these things are really blocked outside?”

Duobao was very distressed.

Demon phantoms, he has already killed how many, so far, I feel that those demon phantoms have not seen a trend.

Moreover, its background is chaos, how could it be finished.

“It can be killed.” Taiyi said quickly when he heard Duobao’s words.

Duobao looked over with a puzzled look.

Taiyi explained: “The Demon God’s Phantom was created because of the chaos riot.”

“It was also born because of the chaos of this riot.”

“As long as all the phantoms of the demon gods produced by the chaos of the riot are killed, naturally there will be no other phantoms of the demon gods.”

“Riot Chaos? Not all Chaos?” Duobao heard what he meant and asked.

Too First Stage nodded: “It’s just riots and chaos, not all chaos.”

“Therefore, these demon phantoms also have a limit in number, but they are not visible yet.”

“Just keep killing…”

A killing intent flashed in Duobao’s eyes, and he waved his hand to block Tai Yi’s words: “Needless to say.”

There was excitement in the cold eyes, expecting: “Since it is not endless, it is good to have limits.”

Duobao slapped the black coffin. In the black coffin, a thousand swords were shot out.

The lines formed by the endless paper knife, the black spots formed by the infinite weight ball shine.

A far more powerful force burst from the black coffin, making Taiyidu feel chilled by the strength of the side.

He looked into the black coffin and saw countless paper knives and black balls flashing on the black coffin.

There is an inexplicable connection between each other.

Under this connection, all the powers of Magic Treasures are connected in series, making the power stronger.


Duobao’s killing intent was soaring, and he said in a single sentence, taking Taiyi towards the endless magic shadow to kill.

Looked too stupidly.

Under the black coffin, all the demon shadows that could be seen by the eyes were crushed, and many newly born demon shadows were shattered by terrifying power without even showing their bodies.


Taiyi couldn’t help but swallowed again: “Too strong!”

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