Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1770: Journey to the West to buy a group; come to the Marvel Universe again!

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!

After initially confirming the intention of "Electrical Equity Transfer and Industrial Reorganization" with Gujia, Li Mo, who had just returned to Hitaheim, was busy again. At this time, he had three urgent tasks to do!

First of all, go to the 'Marvel Universe' to pick up her daughter home, and by the way find the lost 'Pale Hawker', after all, there is a 'universe-grade crystal wall project' behind this goods, which is a proper corner overtaking Opportunity!

Therefore, this mission will be carried out by ‘Budo Real Body-Victor’! By the way, a wave of Zhenjin was searched to directly break through the four robbers of Yin and Shen. This is the same as the "Old Victor" entering Marvel.

(Unfortunately, this old Victor immortal who refused to accept it now is no longer the talented and handsome old lady of that year!)

Secondly, it is naturally a problem of the "Westward Journey Shopping Group". When the Tiandao internal test is launched, the journey of the Westward Journey is imminent. Today, after confirming cooperation with Gujia, ‘Lingshan and his party’ have become tasks that must be completed. So he immediately notified Branch, Hitomi, Sister Ruth, Andy Niang and others, ready to start tomorrow!

This is also the opportunity for a pass in a corner.

In the end, today's "Independence Ink" is completely whitewashed, and it is necessary to start the name of "Taiyin Zhenren" in an outer space, choose a place to live and establish your own dojo.

The best choice of address is ‘Old Star Realm’, which can form a couple with ‘Emperor Ziwei’. What Li Mo needs most now is to create a crazy momentum, and then determine his own "private moon" and start competing for the "Taiyin Law Avenue" of the main world!

The avenue battle is a bit like the "big presidential election" of the lighthouse country. Not only does it require strength, heritage, core technology, and private rules, but also prestige. Taiyin lived for many years, and has been indifferent for many years. Now everything is ready, but it owes Dongfeng, and his East is crazy to build a reputation and surpass other ‘Taiyin gangster’.

For ordinary practitioners, the coolest route is to buy a "property" with full property rights, implant the rule of heavenly certification Taiyin into it, and create a moon that belongs to you! Then crazy spread the word, and strive to sign a contract with the ten-digit ‘material plane’, become the exclusive moon of these worlds, and expand his influence in the universe.

When the "Taiyin Rule" is further expanded, you can expand your business again and promote your "moon" to more "worlds" and become a household name of the "Moon God" of the crystal wall system!

But Li Mo obviously didn't plan to do this, which was too compelling. He decided to buy out one or even a few well-known veteran moons and put them under his own name. It's like a local tyrant involved in the fast-food industry, directly buying the cut-off dishes, the golden arch, and not yet becoming a big player in the industry?

Li Mo has long inquired about it. The pressure for him to mix "Tain Avenue" is far less than that of Blanche's "Star Avenue" and Gujia's "Sun Avenue".

The number of "Luna" in the main world is quite large, but the quality is really not very good. Except for the queen of the elven **** system, there are only a few competitors such as the 'Longevity Forming Magic Palace', which deserves his attention.

After he bought out a few lunar moons, and then supplemented with his own "Taiyin Rule", he would soon stand out from "Taiyin Avenue"!

However, the low number of enemies also means that the foundation of the "Taiyin Avenue" is poor. The 49 sequence should not be delusional at all.

Li Mo has calculated that, with his current net worth and all-out effort, he can almost push the "Taiyin Rule" into the 1000 series.

It is for this reason that he locked the core rule as ‘Taiyin ’s Devil ’s Heart’ and simultaneously controlled the two ‘Taiyin ’s and Devil ’s laws, and merged into a brand new 360 sequence! Even higher.

After the internal test of Tiandao is fully opened in the future, he must hold at least 60% of the moon in the main world. Wherever there is a "moon concept", it is his "Heart Demon Cloud Terminal"; wherever there is moonlight spreading, there is his "Heart Demon Cloud" platform ... Sun Moonlight downloads "Taiyin Demon Client", Mom no longer fears that I will be caught in the fire!

Register for free, new users will get 1G heart attack killing traffic, and members will give 20G heart attack killing traffic every month.

In fact, Gu Jia's approach is the same as Li Mo's. He pursues the ultimate goal of "Sun Avenue", not just as simple as "Sun God". There are also plans to put ‘The Law of the Sun’ into the ‘Radiation Avenue’ and send himself to the throne of the ‘Fifth Giant of the Radiation Route’.

Where can the future "Sun Avenue" go? We don't know. But the "radiation avenue" has a chance of more than 90%, and it must enter the 49 sequence. Then Gujia took the name of "sun" as a stepping stone to raise the radiant avenue, and then took a slice of the soup from it, which was more refreshing than being a "primary sun **** of crystal wall heaven."

What's more, he needs both identities!

"The sun and the moon were taken away!" Li Mo exclaimed with emotion. Although he is the future 'lord of Taiyin', it is not false, but Taiyin is also used to set off the 'heart demon'.


On the second day, on the 597th floor of the abyss, Tong En adjusted himself to the size of 12 years old, hung a 'SLR' (acquired Lingbao level) on his neck, carrying a small schoolbag and eagerly trying, waiting for a new trans-crystal wall transmission 's arrival

Not long afterwards, Sister Ruth of all kinds of styles also came. She rarely wears a pair of gold-colored glasses today, which is more temperamental, but the ‘Children ’s comic book-Journey to the West’ in her hand has greatly damaged her B grid.

Hitomi disdains this, and does not forget to open the schoolbag to reveal the hardcover version of "Journey to the West" prepared by her mother. Ruth just rolled her eyes at this. She learned from her intelligence channels that there was no westward journey to the ‘world’ this time! The picture book in her hand, but a figure of fun, really lost.

"Isn't the person here yet?" Tong En asked.

"Antine is coming soon, Blanche has entered the abyss and is packing up in the" Shenguo Space Station "at 403.8," Li Mo explained.

"Oh, man, do you want to take your little earth?" Tong En didn't see the little succubus and meow steward today. Instead, eating a lion is a pair of hikers. He moved a small bench and sat down. Beside Li Mo's leg, he gnawed a piece of 'Fate Tablet'.

When Tong En saw this little partner, he immediately moved up happily, stroking the golden dumb hair above Penny's head as the elder sister's head. The little lion was not angry. Instead, he pretended to be old-fashioned and said to Tong En: "Don't make trouble! Don't make trouble!"

"Penny went with us this time. I have more scores on hand. I can see if I can put together a set of" Five Yue emperors "." Li Mo felt that among his pets, the small earth had a destiny with the Westward Journey. A lot of opportunities and reinforcement, "What about you? What are your plans?"

"I! I!" Tong En raised his hand high and greeted Li Mo, "I haven't thought about it yet, take a step by step!"

Sister Ruth pondered for a moment and replied: "I will go to Lingshan first, then go to Heaven Court to touch the chance. Finally I will go to that silk hole to walk around."

Li Mo wondered: "What do you want spiders to do?"

"I plan to return to this time and start working on 'Queen of Roses' and replace it!"

Sister Ruth has followed Li Mo's team to go south and north all these years. It can be said that her eyes are wide open. It is no longer the self-employed person who even went to the sea often. She is now influenced by Li Mo, and she is also in the disposal industry. In addition to the small Dianyin Yoga Sect, there are several private laws such as the abyss of the demon world, the evidence of the egg ... and so on, of which the "Drow Elf" was condensed by her Priesthood '.

The ‘Dungeon’ of the main material plane is about to open. The ‘Queen of the Spider’ who has escaped from the abyss and escaped into the shadow area has decayed to the extreme. Returning to the lack of skills at the end of the crossbow is a good opportunity to start! She intends to paint the title of "Pansi Daxian" in the Westward Journey this time, and then bombard Rose, condensing a "religious deity" to become a new generation of "Queen of Spiders".

Li Mo is very optimistic about this. He has internal intelligence channels and knows that the value of the "God in the God List" is very high and is the center of contention for each other. On the contrary, those demons and ghosts traveling westward are destined to be unable to escape from the world, and the "Running Road Group" does not have their ferry tickets, nor does they have any place in the Gods List, so all kinds of life, name, and luck are extremely cheap.

Sister Ruth wants to brush the title of “Pansi Daxian”. It is estimated that a spider can earn it with 1 point. And the seven little spiders are grateful, and set up an arch for Sister Ruth.

Just as the 'West Journey Shopping Group' organized by Li Mo was about to depart, the lord Viktor on the other side was already packed.

He did not intend to bring a helper with him on this Marvel trip. But Millie was left in the Chi Yan Maze, responsible for 597 headquarters. And Peter was sent to the Old Star Realm by Li Mo, and began to negotiate with the major gods and forces on the ‘old moon acquisition’.

"It seems that you still need some time, then I will take a step first!" Victor compresses his body to the height of humans, and the horns on his head and the tail behind him are all concealed and put on a suit to look human. Model-like.

But today's "Professor Li" is much taller and more burly than when he left the Marvel Universe, and the aura is also more mature and domineering. If he was the temperament of a researcher when he left last time, then this would be more like the big brother of a society.

Next, Victor contacted his sister, Erica, and walked through the trans-crystal colonial passageway dedicated to the Radiation Legion, and descended on the blocked "Magic Warlock Universe" for unknown reasons.

Li Mo arranged the arrival of Wu Dao this time, and made a sufficient investigation.

When he left 'Marvel Earth' that year, it was a stage of transition from 'reincarnation expansion' to 'crystal wall colonization', and the colonial heaven was not yet completed. Later, he sold the Marvel cosmic coordinates to the Legion, and the Radiation Legion successfully used the "Radiation Virus" derived from the "Desperate Virus" to complete the invasion, and also supported a group of spokespersons.

But what about the "Marvel Universe"? Everyone knows that there are many famous moths, and the parallel universe system is extremely fragile, and various situations can happen.

According to the colonial records of the Legion, angel investors in the main world had a messy accident in the process of developing this world. During the period, there were losses and profits. Finally, due to special circumstances, they gave up continuing colonization and blocked the 'transcrystal wall. aisle'.

Li Mo has been in contact with the two small dumplings, including the paleness of space entering the Marvel Universe, and the passage of the reincarnation hall. Now the Legion has blocked its 'private passage', but there are still a large number of small and medium forces in the main world, and even wild repairs, and they are constantly trying to enter this huge world and tapping into endless opportunities.

But the top forces in the main world are not interested in this universe, and they are probably afraid of trouble. When the Temple of Reincarnation has come to a close, the previous 'crystal wall colonization activity' will converge and be transformed step by step into 'Sitaheim's Crystal Wall Strategic Defense and Space-Time Administration', responsible for the diplomatic work of the major universes And the invasion defense of the extraterrestrial demon. (Washed ashore)

So Marvel, a vicious world with causal disorder, is not worth over-exploiting. In case of a "mass of bad karma", the Temple of Reincarnation may not buy it. Only those small forces with no foresight and wild scattered training will come here to fight.

In Li Mo's watch, Victor first left the main world and came to the long-lost magician universe!

Destination: Artificial Lake by Central Park!

Event name: I have an appointment with Wade Winston Wilson.

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