Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1769: Asked the 49 masters: 300,000 younger brothers, the genuine Sun God-human sea tactics!

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!

After a long tear-off, Li Mo and Gujia bargained and finally negotiated the last cooperation project, and took a big order from the other party: the future of the "Daihe Nuclear Sect under the Dianyin Consortium" ... The Sun God's Franchise !

This thing is translated into Mandarin, which almost means ‘hanging the sky’.

As we all know, Xiaodianyin Temple has mastered the technology of 'mass production of virtual gods'. Before the arrival of Tiandao Internal Test, these 'virtual gods' can temporarily replace genuine gods and fulfill the function of heaven and earth.

However, when the internal test is started, the divine system will be reorganized. At this time, all pseudo-gods with the same "virtual deity" with similar attributes need to carry out a tragic battle to transform the "virtual deity" in their hands into a "physical deity" certified by the Tao of Heaven.

(The first cosmic-level doomsday disaster in Tiandao's internal testing is destined for 9/10 virtual gods to fall! Lucky, eat chicken this year. Blood stained Tiandao, so stay tuned.)

Of course, some private rules have entered the 3000 series, or the real big guys who are at the forefront of the outside road, without competition, people sitting at home, Jingbi Tiandao will actively send 'Daoguo' to your door, allowing you to directly become the VIP of the crystal wall system. Supreme gangster. Sitting leisurely in the dojo, listening to songs with cups of noodles, watching the underlying virtual deities madly killing and eating chickens.

In order to expand their influence, both Dianyin and Sanctuary, there has been a situation of "excessive distribution of virtual gods", which has caused serious "God inflation".

Before the internal test, it can be suppressed, and the problem is not prominent; however, once the internal test, the contradiction will inevitably erupt, and only part of the divine personality can be washed away.

Li Mo and Gu Jia signed the "Sun God Personality Franchise", it is related to this!

Regardless of the old crystal wall universe, or the heaven of the fairy system, the position of the gods is limited, and it is impossible to release an unlimited amount. In the wilderness universe, the pit of Taoist ancestor is 1, and in the crystal wall universe, the pit of God is 1. In the vast universe, the sage pits are limited, and there are also fixed numbers of divine personalities 20, 19, and 18 in the crystal-walled universe.

The same is true for Jingbi Tiandao. The Taoist ancestors only have 49 pits, and the ‘physical deity’ issued on a large scale also has to talk about the basic law. At the same time, Heavenly Dao allows any benign competition in the ‘avenue’ and allows everything to become gods.

Take the law of the sun as an example. When an ancient "sun god" can not keep up with the rhythm of the change of the cosmic law, a "new sun god" who is more adaptable to the new cosmic environment will be born and become stronger step by step to overthrow the old sun God's rule ...

This is a benign cosmic cycle, as the 'crystal wall heavenly path' replaces the 'old cosmic will'. Although this cycle may be very long, measured in billions of years. However, the newly born ‘little god’ has succeeded in defeating the old deceased ‘old god’.

So in today's "Sun Road", even if Gujia became the chief sun god, he madly cracked down on the rise and development of the Krypton Emperor and the Lord of Dawn, and even successfully bombarded them, monopolizing the "Sun Road" and advancing 49 masters. It does not mean that their status will remain unchanged forever.

He must always keep in line with the direction of the ‘crystal wall heaven’, and whenever a new deviation occurs, it will become the opportunity for the rise of the new ‘sun god’.

In addition to this, even if he became the ‘Sun-Taoist’, Heavenly Dao still allowed other practitioners to condense the ‘sun divinity’ and challenge his status.

Therefore, from the perspective of heaven and earth, the industry of "production and manufacturing of sun **** lattice" is not only reasonable and legal, but also vigorously supports development.

Heaven does not need a Sun Avenue dominated by the Supreme Master. Such a monopoly will only make the Solar Law inactive and become rigid. On the contrary, a large number of sun gods are competing with each other, prompting the continuous updating and updating of the "law of the sun", which is more conducive to the operation of the macro universe.

Therefore, even if there are 49 masters, they will never make the crazy move of enjoying the exclusive road, but reserve at least 40% of the blank resources to cultivate new heirs and even old enemies. Everyone is constantly competing, innovating and expanding. Affect the scope, maintain the activity, competitiveness, and advantages of this 49 Avenue.

For example, the 'Destroyed Sword Master' who locked 49 masters in advance will never do anything to suppress the Seven Sword Masters, but instead will cultivate more brand new 'Kendo Golden Immortals'. The larger the sword repair community of the Crystal Wall Universe, the stronger his status ...

(There is really a funny way to lock a 49 avenue. It will take tens of millions of years, and it will be replaced by other avenues ranked 360 ... After all, the avenues are also highly competitive.)


The connotation of the "solar **** franchise" requested by Li Mo is quite vicious!

Because Li Mo had no intention to get involved in the ‘Sun Avenue’, did it care about the health of this avenue? Therefore, a poison scheme for Guja was created, that is, a large-scale distribution of ‘weak divine power-sun **** lattice’ to dilute the potential and future of other sun **** competitors.

The total resources given to 'Sun Avenue' by Jingbi Tiandao are limited. If Gujia becomes the strongest 'sun god' in the main world, then according to Tiandao's 'Anti-Dalian Monopoly Law', Gujia must give up at least 40% of the resources To train other sun gods as a reserve.

At this time, if this resource is given to the enemy, for example, it will be more difficult to be killed by the Krypton Emperor and the Lord of Dawn, and they will threaten their status at all times, even if they achieve the "lord" Worrying, the two seats and three seats have been staring at their chrysanthemums.

Li Mo asked for the 'solar **** franchise', but Gu Jia, as the top sun god, authorized Li Mo to obtain his 'private law patent' to create genuine gods that were completely out of his control and sold freely by Li Mo himself. (These gods have nothing to do with his Gujia! Li Mo holds full copyright.)

Theoretically, Li Mo used his laws to create an uncontrolled personality and was able to sell it freely. He suffered a huge loss. But there is one more item in this contract: The limit of 'Sun Godhead' made by Li Mo will never exceed 'weak divine power' ... and will never be sold to any hostile forces against 'Gujia,' the purchaser of Sun Godhead, absolutely not It will hinder the development of Gujia.

If the "sun" is compared to a nuclear bomb, then Gujia is the only "big Ivan" (170 million tons of "Trent"), then the "God" produced by Li Mo is of the `` 100,000 tons '' level. With just one material plane, three or four sun gods of this degree can be fed, and their potential is exhausted and they cannot be upgraded.

The benefits of doing so are huge!

Looking at the entire crystal wall system, in addition to a few tough and unkillable enemies, the entire universe will be flooded with a huge number of 'garbage sun gods', each of them is a truncated version of 'little brother' , All piled up together, can not pose any threat to Gujia.

According to the joint deduction of Li Mo and Gu Jia, it is assumed that Gu Jia became the first sun **** certified by Heavenly Dao. Even after the "Dao Lord", the spare Sun Avenue resources were used to invest in newcomers and was made into a younger brother by Li Mo- "Sun God's Word", the crystal wall universe can hold at least 300,000 + ...

The Sun God, the youngest of the 300,000 younger brothers, has no say in the universe-level halls of the gods, and can only roll back to different planes and feel at ease to be a plane-level indigenous ‘little god’ waiting for his death. It is almost a grade or two higher than the lowest grade ‘Demon Lord’. It is simply not qualified to be a ‘combat unit’, but it can be used as a reference to a ‘food unit’.

For example: at the end of the abyss there is the chaotic spirit root Amurala, and every meal can eat ‘three thousand sun gods’! For a thousand years, he is good at selling cute. The child plant is edible and lives the same as the crystal wall!

Put in the traditional mythology, these younger brothers are probably the level of ‘old man of the land, **** of the river, **** of the mountain’.

Hmm ... In short, it is enough to live forever. (This world specifically refers to the life of the 'plane', not the life of the crystal wall system.)


Li Mosuo asked for the "Shenge franchise" to mass-produce the "Sun-brother-in-law" to do such a lack of virtue and smoking. Of course, it was not to eat and support everything, but for Victor's sake.

His real body of the flame demon martial arts needs to consume the vibration gold resources, and open up 12,960 space in the body, and in each space, there are 99 virtual holes.

According to Victor ’s original calculations, he needed to sacrifice the magic weapon of the “12,960” nuclear explosion reactors, suppress each space of the crypts, and then add an additional “small electronic sound virtual god” to upgrade to 'Divine magic weapon', incarnate into the sun of Qiao cave space, refining Qiao cave space into a virtual small world with 99 cave heavens and earth.

Once this is done, the B grid of Yan Mo's real body will almost explode in place! Break through the shackles of Yinshen 6 in one fell swoop and enter an incredible state.

Nima has a real body of flames, and has opened a small world of "12,960" at the same time, and built a variety of "Nuclear Explosion Flying Sword Laws". His physical strength can definitely face the original Devil Lord! Raising one's hand and throwing one's hand is that ‘more than 13,000 worlds’ are smashed up, and more than 13,000 ‘nuclear explosion sword circles’ are saturated with tilting nuclear bomb flying swords, breaking the void without any pressure.

However, this small world of "nuclear explosion reactor + virtual sun god" is ultimately false. So Li Mo ’s brain hole is wide open. If the magic weapon for suppressing the ‘trick hole’ is replaced with a genuine ‘sun **** lattice’ ... then in each trick hole is a ‘sun god’ sitting in town!

This is Nima's rhythm of sanctification! Uncle Pangu did not dare to be so arrogant like me.

Even if it is a younger brother with a weak divine power, that is also the younger brother of 12,960 God-level brothers who are certified by Heavenly Dao. When they unite together, Yan Mo really ca n’t bear it and explode properly. Just think about it and turn it over!

Therefore, this kind of unlimited castration of a Sun God's growth potential, "the younger brother Sun God franchise", he absolutely must get it. After all, he made it for him.

In addition to this goalkeeper level ‘Brother and Younger Godhead’, the main world will never allow ‘thirteen thousand genuine sun godheads’ to exist at the same time, because ‘Sun Avenue’ ca n’t afford it at all!

To put it another way, Li Mo is planning to sacrifice a ‘avenue’ with a potential of 49 sequences to complete his own ‘fire demon true body’. Such a desperate matter of such a desperate matter, the whole crystal wall universe is probably the only one!

After discussing the future of the dead business of countless gangsters of the Sun Road, Li Mo and Gujia waved goodbye.

After leaving the 233 Xiaodianyin Temple, Gujia's heart was also cold, and his back was cold. He was full of fear for Li Mo, the ‘heteromorphic god’. It is worthy of being a celestial demon who can contract half of the sky-robbing business, and the mind is too bad! It's hardly leaving other sun gods alive.

(Most Celestial Universe, the Heavenly Tribulation business is divided into two parts, belonging to the Heavenly Dao's "Thunderstorm System", and the outsourced "Heart Demon Business". So the narrow "Heavenly Tribulation = Thunder + Heart Demon". Only hope Taheim ’s law-rich universe will only bring up a large number of random Skyscraper list package options ... you ’ll lose if you do n’t die!)

Gujia can even imagine that in addition to himself, other sun gods, including Krypton Emperor, Lord of Dawn, and 嗤 嗫, etc., in the future when preparing to further enhance their authority of the "Sun Rule", suddenly found in horror: the main world The remaining resources of 'Sun Avenue' are already 0! ! !

Imagine the "Solar Avenue" of the Crystal Wall Universe as a supercomputer, each hard disk of the entire universe, each folder is filled with a large number of genuine and undeletable "Brother Brother" junk files, which will be able to support the hard drive of N big brothers. , Filled with dangdang.

Three or four hundred thousand ‘younger brothers’ sun gods ”, even the garbage is the true god!

They also have to run the Sun Law of all planes, and the cache files generated every day burst the entire ‘Sun Avenue’ memory. In addition to being the boss of Gujia, it has its own independent hard disk and memory; even the very large software that has a place, such as the Krypton Emperor and the Lord of Dawn, ca n’t run normally!

Because of their hard disk space, they have long been surrounded by ubiquitous younger brother cache files ...

In addition to Gujia, Hitaheim ’s ‘Sun Avenue’ will face the embarrassment of collapse, stuttering, and super slow operation. Heavenly Caton! Just ask if you are afraid? Over time, they eventually forced the Krypton Emperor Krishna, Lord of the Dawn, and others, and forced them to change their foundations and renovate other avenues.

Emperor Krypton, Lord of Morning Dawn, and others, of course, can obtain more operational resources by bombing the "brother-in-law". But keep in mind that Li Mo's "brother-in-law" is all a "Genuine True God" certified by God.

With the status of Krypton Emperor, there is no pressure to bombard hundreds of gods ... But every time you kill a "brother brother sun god", the resources gained are no different from eating a mosquito.

And every killing of a "brother-in-law" is, after all, a true **** certified by Heavenly Dao, and it is necessary to contaminate karma. Krypton Emperor ’s accumulated good deeds, in the eyes of Heavenly Dao, can freely kill their younger brothers who have offended their own brothers, and even kill their younger brothers to testify! ... but killing thousands of younger brothers is not right.

(Jingbi Tiandao: MMP! I have endured you for a long time, Krypton Emperor, you deleted my 10,000 genuine APP applications. Although they are all rubbish, only my owner can delete them! You are an APP in the Ya area. Other APPs, their hearts can be taken for granted! Do you think you are a 'Delepid Security Guard'?)

By that time, Gujia will be able to succumb to the soldiers without fighting and become a veritable 'Sun Avenue-Master'. Because in the field of "The Law of the Sun", no one can bear Li Mo's "300,000 younger brother tactics!"

Even if the scale of the Sittaheim crystal wall system continues to upgrade in the future, the total resources of Sun Avenue will continue to increase, and more "Sun God Reserves" will be cultivated that threaten themselves.

He can still cooperate with Li Mo and drive the tactics of "1 million younger brothers" to drive more crazy sun gods!

In short, this is a shameless win-win situation. Gu Jia and Li Mo each take what they need at the cost of the entire universe!

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