Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1789: Little Lord

Aoyama-in, a building surrounded by spirit.

The savage ancestor looked at Song Yan with admiration, and the intensity of his soul was much more than that of that year.

You know, he paid homage to Master's door that year, and although he also deduced the danjue on the 108 stone pillars, he spent two hours.

And his apprentice did not use even one hour of his time.

"Master, you don't know, Master also created a magic alchemy!"

Yun Bo said again.


The pretty old ancestor raised his eyebrows slightly: "Tuer, show your alchemy mastery to the teacher to see."

"Yes! Master!"

Song Zheng nodded, took out hundreds of elixirs, and then the magical magic of the dandan was unfolded. Suddenly, a mysterious force enveloped hundreds of elixirs and melted them in a very short time. The medicinal solution fuses quickly under the envelop of mysterious power, forming a piece of elixir.

However, with dozens of breaths, Song Yong refined one hundred pieces of elixir.

Seeing Song Xi's refining process, his ancestor's eyes flashed with surprise. Even if he wanted to make a furnace of the best fairy yuandan, it would take half a quarter of an hour.

So he said, "You Alchemy Alchemy is really amazing. Can you make more advanced elixir?"


Song Zheng nodded again, refining a furnace of the best immortal essence, and a furnace of the best like Yuandan.

Seeing Song Xun's alchemy and supernatural powers can be refined even with the best-looking Yuandan, the ancestor of Tiantian couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

"Can you make more advanced elixir?"

Ask the pretty ancestor.

"I haven't tried it, I don't have enough elixir!" Song Kun said.

"Take it, try it!"

The ancestral ancestor directly threw a storage ring to Song Yun, and he penetrated into it, and found that it was filled with a lot of elixir, and the worst was the sixth-grade elixir.

It really deserves to be the ancestor, it is too rich.

As soon as he thought about it, Song Ye took five immortals from the storage ring. Four of these five immortals were six-pin immortals, and the remaining one was seven-pin immortals.

Qipin immortal medicine is extremely precious, any one of them is worth tens of millions of immortal stones, and there is still no price.

"Are you planning to make the elixir?" Asked the pretty ancestor.

The law of elixir is a kind of elixir taken by Xuanxian. After taking this elixir, it can accelerate the absorption and fusion of the condensed law, and at the same time increase the affinity with the law.

The symbol of the master of alchemy is to make the rule of elixir.

As soon as he thought about it, Song Xun once again performed the technique of condensing alchemy. Immediately, the mysterious force wrapped the five immortals, and then it took half a quarter of an hour to melt them. The impurities were removed as black smoke, and then the medicine was removed. The liquid began to fuse, and in a short time, a longan-sized, golden-canned elixir was formed.

The ancestral ancestor grabbed his hand, and the law just refining the elixir fell into his hands.

After checking it, I used a very affirmative tone: "This rule is an elixir!"

"The young master really has talent!"

Yun Bo hurriedly said, the joy on his face was stronger.

Slightly silent, the ancestral ancestor suddenly took out thirty-six immortals, each immortal exuding an extremely powerful breath, Song Yong concluded at a glance, of the thirty-six immortals, twenty-seven It is the eight-pin elixir, and the remaining nine strains are all nine-pin elixir.

"Can you know what elixir is made of these thirty-six immortals?" Asked the pretty ancestor.

"It's made from the treasures of the avenue!"

Song Tao said that there are also many alchemy books in the Tibetan scripture pavilion in the temple, so after the ancestors of the savage took out the thirty-six strains of elixir, he concluded that it was used to make the treasures of the avenue.

Dao Bao Yao is an elixir that is taken by ancestors. After taking it, it can increase its own power of the Da Dao. It can also enhance the perception of Da Dao. It is extremely precious. Any one can sell tens of billions of cents of stone.

"Will your alchemy supernatural power be able to make it out?" The pretty ancestor asked again.

Song Yan shook his head: "Back to Master, the disciples cannot make it!"

This is not because he is deliberately hiding, but that his state of soul cannot be controlled at all, because in the process of refining Dao Bao Dan, it is necessary to draw the power of Dao into the elixir.

If he reaches the level of ancestral immortal, he can use the Danning technique to make Dao Baodan.

It was said that the ancestors of the savage sky could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. If Song Qiu could even make Baodan from the Avenue, it would be too bad.

Suddenly, Song Yong moved.

Take out a piece of jade Jane and give it with both hands: "Master, this is a book of sutra unintentionally obtained by the disciple. The disciple's practice is temporarily unable to comprehend, so give it to the master!"


The pretty ancestor was very happy, but he didn't take the "Danjing" seriously. After all, his level of Dandao was at the peak of the whole immortal world, and he was no more than a few people.

It was only after he slightly explored this "Book of Sutras" that his face suddenly changed, because the contents recorded in this "Book of Sutras" were too mysterious, just looking at some of them, he found that he had stagnated for many years. Dan Daoxiu was actually loose.

"Lao Yun, this ancestor felt something. If you want to retreat for a while, you will take care of Qingshan Yuan!" After thinking about it, he threw another jade bamboo slip to Song Yan: "Tuer, this is As a teacher for many years of Dan Dao experience, you should take it to see first, if there is any incomprehensible, wait for the teacher to go out and then you will be puzzled, and let Yunbo take you to the Xianqi library to select three ancestors! "

"Thank you, Master!"

Song Ye quickly thanked.

"Old slave obeys!" Yun Bo said quickly.

The next moment, the pretty old ancestor disappeared.

Yun Bo smiled and said to Song Yi: "Young Master, let me choose the Dan Tong for my master!"

"Will this?"

Song Yong said hesitantly.

"It's okay!" Yun Bo smiled. "You are the only apprentice of the master. In the future, you will inherit the master's mantle. It does n’t matter if you choose Dan Tong. Let ’s go. Take the young master to pick the ancestor! "

The ancestral device is the existence of the transcendental celestial device. Each ancestral device contains the power of the avenue of the ancestors. Once urged, it will release the power of the avenue and possess some of the power of the ancestor.

Soon, Song Yan and Yun Bo returned to the hall.

When everyone saw that Yun Bo was a little behind Song Kun, everyone in the hall showed an extremely surprised expression.

Yun Bo said in a deep voice: "This is the young master of my Castle Peak and the only apprentice of my master. The master's Dan Tong will be selected by the young master!"



Hearing that Song Huan became an apprentice to the ancestors of the sky, the faces of the people present were extremely shocked, especially the face of the white-dressed Xuanxian was as black as the bottom of the pot.

[Author off topic]: One more

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