Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1788: Worship

Song Yi can be said to have completed the first and second rounds of assessment first, so the old man in black robes still looks forward to him.

Facing the eyes of the old man in black robe, Song Yong said in a hurry: "Back to the seniors, seventy-two!"



Everyone could not help but exclaim when they heard Song Ji's seventy-two tactics, especially the white fairy, shouting impossible, and was jealous in her heart.

"Is this true?"

The old man in the black robe had an uncontrollable surprise in his eyes, and asked Song Ye again for confirmation.

"Dare to deceive seniors!" Song Yong calmly said.

The old man in black robes couldn't help but praise: "Okay! Good, now, you will show 72 old tricks to the old man!"

Song Zheng nodded, and then flipped his hands, hitting a tactic, said in the mouth, "This is the Shaoyang tactic."

Then, his hand movement changed, and another tactic was used: "This is the yin and yang fire tactic!"

Next, the actions of Song Yong's hands continued to evolve, and Dan Jue was hit by him.

After half a quarter of an hour, Song Xun changed his last action and hit a Dan Jue: "This is the magic trick of Shenyang!"

"Okay! Good! That's great!"

Seeing Song Ji's demonstration of the 72 tactics, the old man in the black robe couldn't help but clap his hands and applauded, only to see others as envious.

"Brother Song, congratulations!"

Ji Yukong laughed.

"Thank you!" Song Yan also smiled at the other party.

"Song Ye, I'm the master's old slave, you will call me Yunbo in the future!" The old man in the black robe stared at Song Ye with a smile on his face, saying kindly.

Everyone heard the words, all of them looked slightly changed, knowing that one of the two Dan Tongs already had a quota for Song Yong.


Xuanxian Baiyi cursed in his heart. If he knew this, he should pay a higher price to get rid of this lowly ascension fairy. Now it seems that Dan Tong, who wants to become a wild ancestor, has no chance.

"I've seen Yunbo!" Song Yan quickly bent over and saluted.

"Good boy, get up and be polite!"

Yun Bo personally reached out and lifted Song Kun: "Follow Yun Bo, Yun Bo will take you to see the master!"


Afterwards, Yun Bo said to the crowd: "Wait a minute, go and report to the master!" Looking at Song Yan who was taken away by Yun Bo alone, except for Ji Yukong, everyone's face was not very good-looking, especially Xuanxian in white was almost jealous of going mad.

On the way to see the ancestors of Mantian, Yun Bo said meaningfully: "Song Yun, the master has not yet received the disciples. In the first round of evaluation, I noticed you, did you master the alchemy of the void?"

After hearing the words, Song Xun's heart suddenly gave a gift to Yun Bo: "Thank you Yun Bo for reminding me that in fact, I use a kind of magical power called Ning Danshu that I created. The speed of alchemy is very fast, and The refined elixir is the best elixir! "

"Oh! This is amazing!"

Yun Bo was quite surprised, and once again praised: "It seems that your talent in the way of alchemy is beyond the age of imagination, so it seems that the master has someone!"

Originally, Song Yong planned to be a Dan Tong, but it seemed that he had a chance to become an apprentice to the ancestor of the sky. For a moment, he was still a little excited.

After a while.

Yun Bo took Song Yan outside a misty building.

Those mists are not ordinary mists, but are formed by the aggregation of various elixir. Song Qi has gathered countless elixir in the place where the alchemy is refined in the temple, and it is scattered all year round.

"Master, the assessment has been completed. There are fifteen people who have passed the three rounds of assessment. The master is also required to win the prize!" Yun Bo bowed his head toward the emanating building.

"It's over! Hey, why did you bring a little guy?"

A husky voice came from the construction class: "Come in with this little guy!"


Yun Bo winked at Song Ye, and then led him into the building. In a glazed pavilion, Song Ye saw the legendary ancestral ancestor.

The other person must have white hair and wear a black robe, which has the taste of immortality, but there is no breath from the other person, just like an ordinary old man.

"Say, what are you doing with this little guy?"

Quite the ancestor asked.

Yun Bo bowed and replied: "Back to the master, Song Ye learned the 72 tactics of Dan on the pillar in an hour!"


The pretty ancestor's eyes suddenly shot two divine lights, and then he was a little excited and said, "Take it seriously!"

"Song Zheng quickly show the master 72 tricks!"

"it is good!"

Song Zheng nodded, and then began to practice the 72 tactics, and saw that Song Qi really gave the 72 ceremonies to the drill, and the expression of the ancestor of the sky became more and more excited.

Immediately, with a wave of his hand, 108 stone pillars appeared in front of Song Kun.

These pillars are similar to those in the palace, but the runes on these pillars are more complicated.

"If you try, can you learn this one hundred and eight fire control techniques!" Said the ancestor of the sky, his eyes looming with anticipation.

"Don't let the host down!"

Uncle Yun said something profoundly.

Song Zheng nodded heavily, and then released the immortal consciousness over a stone pillar, and began to copy that rune into the consciousness and arrange it.

Compared to the runes on the stone pillars in the previous hall, copying these runes seems more difficult.

But it is still difficult to beat Song Yan, at least take some time.

Soon after, Song Yan introduced the first fire-control technique, and then he directly covered the ten stone pillars with immortal knowledge.

This time, it took him a quarter of an hour to show off his ten tactics.

Then, his fairy consciousness shrouded another 24 stone pillars, and then performed twenty-four tactics with two quarters of an hour. He watched this scene very ancestor, and there was a touch of dignity in his eyes. Secretly said: "This boy's soul quality is so high!"

Next, Song Yan did not shroud more stone pillars, and continued to keep twenty-four. It is not that he has reached the limit, but that he instinctively feels that there should be some reservations.

In less than an hour, Song Xuan deduced Dan Jue on 108 stone pillars.

"Hurry up, show Dan Jue to the ancestors!"

The pretty ancestor urged.

Song Xuan did not dare to neglect, and showed all 108 tactics of Dan, and looked at his ancestor with a smile on his face, shouting in his heart, and his ancestors were followed by someone.

Immediately he stared at Song Yan with hot eyes: "boy, would you like to worship your ancestor as a teacher?"

"I see Master!"

Song Yan bowed directly to the ground.

"Haha! Okay, get up!"

The ancestral ancestor personally helped Song Kun to lift up, and Yun Bo on the side also showed joy, and said loudly, "Congratulations to the master for your good fellow!"

Then he turned around and worshipped Song Yan: "Old slave see young master!"

"Dare not dare! Yunbo is up!"

Song Ye quickly lifted up the other side.

[Author off topic]: Three updates are complete

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