Magic card gods

Chapter 396 Salted Fish Spike! (two in one)

Wei Yuan planned to chase after the gun butt fell to the ground, but was almost killed in the end.

The large knob-shaped tail more than 30 meters long swept across and whipped like a steel whip, directly sweeping down an eight or nine-story residential building on the street!

The load-bearing walls on the first floor collapsed one after another, and the entire tall building fell towards the street!

If this sweeps the Pippi Shrimp, it's normal to lose a leg!

No wonder the Noisy Boy Yukon was defeated so quickly. Who would have thought that this level 2 monster would become so much stronger all of a sudden?

In other words, the alien pioneer actually strengthened the attack ability of Kaiju Beast. For example, the tail of the gun...

That's roughly the difference between a man with bare hands and a man with a machete. The person is still the same person, but the lethality immediately increases. Can be sentenced!

Wei Yuan's own physical fitness is far superior to other mecha pilots, his agility is more than three times that of theirs, and his nerve reflexes are faster.

Coupled with the fact that the modified Pippi Shrimp is now driving, the nerve conduction and information collection capabilities have been extremely amplified, so it is possible to avoid this almost unexpected blow while on guard.

Unexpectedly, the end of the gun can fall to the ground to complete a fatal counterattack, which is somewhat unexpected.

This tail whip failed to work, and the spear tail got up quickly, not as slow as before.

It seemed that he had intentionally lured Wei Yuan into pursuing him? !

"What a cunning beast!"

The gun tail stood bent, arms hanging down to the knees, the two thick hind legs remained in a crouching state, and the big tail swayed behind him. The overall height is only a head shorter than the tall buildings around it.

The Pippi Shrimp stands relatively straight and is very tall and straight, so the tall buildings around it are all a head taller, and it still has a little advantage in height. It's just that in terms of physique and weight, it is obviously at a disadvantage. It's like a lightweight fighting a heavyweight.

The previous batch of Bangbang who were waiting to die now raised their heads and opened their mouths, all dumbfounded. The corners of the mouth are drooling without knowing it.

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes murmured, "What is this? God?"

He used to be a financial manager who valued his work more than anything else.

But now, he has nothing else to think about, not even thinking about running for his life. He just hugged his six-year-old daughter, Xiu'an, and stared blankly at the confrontation between two behemoths not far away.

Watch them decide the outcome, and then decide the fate of their father and daughter.

Next to him, the huge and strong man who was protecting his pregnant wife cursed: "Oh Xiba~ is this a mecha? If we also have one, we won't let that monster be arrogant!"

The brawny man has a big round face, with green stubble around his mouth, he looks very fierce, he feels like a gangster. But in fact, he is a boxer, and he is also a madman who spoils his wife.

When Gun Tail landed, he was on the edge of the city. He ran back against the current to pick up his wife who was nine months pregnant, but he couldn't escape. He was saved by the Pippi Shrimp, or he would have been buried by the Padfoot at the end of the gun.

His wife covered her mouth and stared at the bright red armor of the Pippi Shrimp, and whispered to her husband: "It's too powerful, it's too powerful! Shang Hua, our child will call this mecha by its name, okay?" good?!"

The big boxer rubbed his mouth, "Of course..." If we can survive.

(I really want to know her expression after learning the name Pippi Shrimp!)

Beside her were two young men who were on the school's baseball team. Baseball player Jung-kook and cheerleader Jin-hee.

Originally, the two had a little love for each other, but at this moment, the cheerleader Zhenxi stared at the back of Pippi Shrimp Wei'an, and her legs weakened for a while.

The crazy secretion of adrenal hormones, dopamine, endorphins, pituitary hormones and other hormones made her feel electrified!

Rongguo pushed Zhenxi who was in a daze and asked, "Jinxi, are you okay?"

He wanted to hold Zhenxi's hand, to keep a trace of warmth at the last moment of this disaster. But Zhenxi avoided it, her eyes were fixed on Pippi Shrimp, motionless.

"I'm fine..." It's just love!

A third-tier carder hurriedly ran out of Busan, cursing and using cards to cover his tracks.

He was researching a biochemical virus before, and originally wanted to experiment in Busan. Unexpectedly, the monsters came faster than the virus, so I had to give up the experiment and run away.

On one side, a fire rescue member wearing a yellow striped uniform was pushing a teammate who had fallen to the ground, "Zihong? Zihong, wake up!"

Just now the firefighter jumped from several floors in order to save a little girl, and his heartbeat was gone.

A Tier 3 card disciple bound to the ghost of the blood card is harvesting resentment and death in this city wantonly.

Yinhun is not afraid of physical attacks, so he is not afraid of monsters, so he just takes advantage of this kind of disaster to make a fortune.

He suddenly found the soul of the dead firefighter wandering around in a daze. His eyes lit up!

It is not an ordinary person who can form a soul in this fantasy world. Maybe it's the good man of the Ninth World!

This soul is valuable, at least one perfect material card can be sold!

He changed his clothes, leaned over coolly, and said, "Hey, what about you, don't look at me and follow me. Who am I? I'm the messenger of the underworld. You're dead, haven't you found out yet? Go Where? Go to hell to be judged! Come on, you won’t be able to catch the No. 2 bus if you’re late..."

He began his cajoling.

Dead people lie, rat tail juice!


The Pippi Shrimp quickly collected various data on the tail of the gun, and calculated its arm length, tail length, attack range, etc.

After all, the central processing system of Pippi Shrimp was bought by Wei Yuan from those magicians in Tianyuan City, and it is already in the category of artificial intelligence. In data collection and analysis, it is much stronger than the human brain.

Pippi Shrimp began to move, with the shield in his left hand on his chest, approaching the end of the gun. It didn't go in a straight line, but approached with the cover of tall buildings.

A large piece of scale armor on the chest of the gun tail was broken, and it was hit hard by the shield from the sky. But its bones were hard, it was just a flesh wound, and some sticky blue blood shed, it was not serious.

It is a man-made biochemical weapon, its IQ is not high, but its combat intelligence is not low.

At this time, it is very uncomfortable, because the forward route of the red mecha in front of it makes it unable to attack, and from time to time there are building obstacles that block the attack, and the opponent counterattacks.

But if you are approached too much, it will be difficult to play your own long-tail advantage!

Pippi Shrimp moved swiftly between high-rise buildings, forcing the tail of the gun to twist its body to face Pippi Shrimp.

In a few tens of seconds, the tail of the gun was blinded!

After all, it is a war machine, at most it is a little cunning, and it doesn't have much IQ, so I can't hold it anymore!

The bestiality and impatience let the tail of the gun roar, and then rushed to the Pippi Shrimp.

If you don't attack again, you will be approached by your side. At that time, you can't shake your tail and wrestle with the opponent!

The rumbling footsteps were very dense, and the whole city was shaking, and many buildings of average quality collapsed in the violent tremors.

The tail of the gun approached the Pippi Shrimp very quickly, and the super long tail slammed towards it.

But Wei Yuan had already calculated, an office building next to the Pippi Shrimp blocked the tail, and the section by section of the exoskeleton tail almost swept the middle of the building, but it was only almost.

Half of the office building collapsed suddenly, but the tail was caught in the hands of Pippi Shrimp!

Pippi Shrimp's right arm clamped the thick, constantly struggling tail under his armpit, and his left hand clenched his fist at the head at the end of the gun, and it was an old punch!

The elbow of the left arm and the outside of the arm have a large number of exhaust holes, which spew out a large amount of gas at the moment of punching, accelerating the punching force!

"Boom boom boom~"

Almost unresponsive, within two seconds Pipi Shrimp's left fist performed a jet heavy punch and twelve piston mechanical light punches!

The exoskeleton on the right side of the face was shattered by the straight shot, and a lot of blue blood flowed out!

It's just that for the Kaiju beast with tenacious vitality, this kind of injury is just scary and does not affect its combat effectiveness.

But the continuous slaps in the face did numb it, and he staggered to retreat, but his tail was pulled and he couldn't retreat!

Pippi Shrimp's data analysis instantly concluded that, except for the first air jet heavy punch, the subsequent twelve light punches had very limited effects. If there is no weaponry, relying on the mech's fist and kick ability, it is difficult to hit the tail of the gun.

In other words, not only in terms of attack, but also in terms of defense, the butt of the gun has also been strengthened.

The PPDC staff on the satellite side also came to a similar conclusion: to achieve the perfect idea, to kill the internal bleeding through blunt blows to the Kaiju beast, with the current mech level, the possibility is extremely low.

The power and various indicators displayed by Pippi Shrimp are already in the top three levels of mechs. But it can't kill the tail of the gun with fists and feet alone.

It's like trying to kill someone with your fist. The main reason is that this person has no harm. Broken head or something, don't care at all.

But Wei Yuan's test is not over yet, he raised his foot, "Duang~"

The sticks who were less than one kilometer away clearly heard a dull loud noise!

Everyone was shocked!

what do i see

That mighty red mecha, used a trick to tease his vaginal legs?

That's right, because the tail was controlled by Pippi Shrimp, he was beaten by a boxer and wanted to retreat, and the end of the gun leaked a flaw invisibly.

Wei Yuan is an old hand, and he made a quick decision to flirt!

The design of Pippi Shrimp is extremely optimized, and its movements are equivalent to those of top athletes and master boxers. It is extremely standard and extremely powerful!

With this kick, I almost didn't kick the tail of the more than 3,000-ton gun over, and I saw that I used all my strength!

There is no way, Wei Yuan subconsciously used all his strength for this kind of trick.

This gave the PPDC people a new understanding of the output power of the Pipi shrimp, and a new understanding of the hooliganism of the Pipi shrimp driver.

Lifting the yin leg has little effect. It seems that Kaiju Beast does not have the key point of yin. It can only be said that one foot hurts the flexibility and athletic ability of the lower limbs in a short period of time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wei Yuan made another low-sweep kick, directly knocking the butt of the gun to the ground!

Pippi Shrimp hugged the big tail with both hands, and started to swing it on the spot! With a half-circle swing, the head at the end of the gun hit a building! All of a sudden, the building collapsed, and the ground was smashed into pieces!

There was almost no good place to hit the head at the end of the gun, and blue blood dripped down the head. But even so, the speed at which the gun tail climbed up did not have much effect.

Just like those protagonists in the movie who were beaten badly, but still able to stand up and fight again!

I am afraid that such a fight will not have much effect, but the damage to the city will not be small.

"Test the opponent's offensive strength!"

Because of this short fight, the surrounding high-rise buildings and countless low-rise buildings have turned into architectural ruins, and the battlefield has been opened up.

Gun Tail: It's my turn! The impact is followed by continuous claw strikes, triggering the tearing effect!

The tail of the gun is heavy, and the speed is not too slow, and the collision is very powerful.

For the test, Wei Yuan didn't dodge, and took the impact hard with the most optimized posture. He was hit and slid back forty to fifty meters on the ground!

The subsequent continuous claw strikes also resisted a few times, and the super-strong carbon fiber armor can block two, but if it is a fragile part, it must not work.

There are already several deep scratches on the chest of the bright red and mighty red armor!

People from PPDC feel that the shock they received today is a bit big!

The mechs of the Celestial Dynasty seem to be stronger and more advanced than their own!

Not to mention anything else, the strength of this armor is much stronger than my own tungsten steel. What kind of material is this?

The Noisy Boy Yukon was almost completely torn apart because the weak part of the flank was torn by the claws of the gun tail.

But the defense of this red mech is very strong! Especially under the premise of a slender body, the power is also very sufficient! This is a comprehensive technical advantage!

The black driver of PPDC praised: "If the tail of the gun is a level 2 monster, then this mecha is a second-generation mecha!"

Pippi Shrimp: Now is my turn! Use triple split empty palm!

Pippi Shrimp poses: Wing Chun, Pippi Shrimp!

It seemed that he wanted to fight in a melee bunt, but he slammed three palms on the way from the end of the gun!

Three bright silver plasma cutting rays like a full moon flew out!

The principle of the split palm comes from the alien fantasy world, but for such a large mecha, it is too difficult to operate with Wei Yuan's energy level consumption, so in the subsequent transformation, it will be combined with technology. Here comes a sci-fi biography!

Three bright silver plasma splitting palms directly opened three big openings on the shoulder, chest, and abdomen at the end of the gun! Blue blood spurted out!

Pippi Shrimp: Continuous rounds! Use Fenglei Bajiquan!

The qi pulse of Pippi Shrimp's biological body began to run, and the fists of Pippi Shrimp flashed blue electric currents, and the whole body was surrounded by strong howling winds! This is also the wind control ability and lightning method in the fantasy world of aliens!

Bajiquan - elbow to the heart!

The Pippi Shrimp sprinted for a short distance, its elbow hit the chest at the end of the gun, and a large area of ​​wind and electric current blasted out!

"Pfft~~~" Even the tail of the chrysanthemum beast spurted out a big mouthful of blood even if it didn't know the pain, and staggered back.

The scales on the chest had already been smashed by the shield strike from the sky. This strike of Pippi Shrimp's heart and elbow was so fast that when it hit the gun tail on the chest, it shattered the surrounding glass hundreds of meters away. !

The injury was added to the injury, almost shattering the sternum at the end of the gun!

But the end of the gun is a war machine, as long as there is no nest, the injury does not matter. After it stood still, it attacked again very quickly!

Gun Tail: My turn! Clashing and swinging claws... Puff~~~~

Pippi Shrimp: Defense counterattack! Success, the tiger climbs the mountain hard!

The round shield on the left arm blocked the giant claw, and pushed it outwards, the body squeezed forward, the palm of the hand suddenly supported the chin at the end of the gun and squeezed upwards, and at the same time, the elbow hit the seriously injured chest again! Knee hit~ hit crotch!

"Hiss~" Many men in the PPDC liaison room gasped, the mecha pilots of the Celestial Dynasty know Chinese kongfu~ and specialize in Xiasanlu!

This can be regarded as a serious injury. Several times of attacking the chest, the chest at the end of the gun collapsed! Tissues similar to bones have pierced the skin and flesh!

Although it is still possible to fight for the end of the gun, but the sternum is broken, and most of the offense of the arms has been abolished. The sharp drop in combat power is certain.

It turned around and ran away!

Gun Tail: My turn! escape~

Wei Yuan yelled: "Where to go!" Quickly chase after him!

At this moment, the tail of the gun suddenly turned around on the spot, and the whole tail swung up, turning into a barely visible black shadow and piercing Pippi Shrimp's chest!

It detonated in an instant, and even a group of air explosions that broke through the sound barrier could be seen!

The speed of this tail thrust unexpectedly exceeded the speed of sound, so that there was a sonic boom!

This is actually a knife trick! Back to the carbine! No, trail meter! Back to ponytail!

But Wei Yuan laughed, and set up a shield sideways, defending!

With a loud bang, the tail with the tip of a gun obliquely pierced the super strong carbon fiber round shield, was cut open with scratches and flames, and then pierced into a building!

It was as if a dynamite package had been placed in that building, and a large piece of it was shattered with a "bang".

Pippi Shrimp has six pupils, and its observation ability is too strong. The moment before the end of the gun is about to make a move, it has already discovered the change in the tail muscles. Then calmly dodge the defense.

Pippi Shrimp: Open your eyes! Passive dodge!

Wei Yuan: "Report the loss!"

Pippi Shrimp artificial intelligence: "4% damage to the body, 68% damage to the shield, unable to completely defend against the next attack. The attack data has been collected..."

The reinforced carbon fiber on the surface of the shield has already peeled off a large piece, and the entire shield is no longer in shape. However, at a reasonable westerly angle, the blow that caused the Noisy Yukon to be scrapped was blocked.

Although it can't defend against the next tail thrust, the gun tail can't make the next tail thrust for a short time.

Wei Yuan: "The next step is to test yourself with the strongest blow! Tiangang step is ready! Jet wing is ready! Salted fish stab is ready~"

Pippi Shrimp: "The Tiangangbu system is ready! The jet wings are deployed! The salted fish stabbing is ready!"

Suddenly, six white mechanical wings like wings spread out from the back of Pippi Shrimp, and at the same time, bright lines began to appear on the body surface, and the outer thighs suddenly spread out, revealing a black sharp blade!

He took out the sharp blade and began to stretch it section by section. It turned out to be an alloy spear with a blade made of obsidian!

This gun head is a Skull Island product! It is a magic weapon made by refining concentrated magma for decades!

In the next moment, the whole body of Pipi Shrimp shone with light, and the six wings on the back sprayed out at the same time, and the whole body accelerated and flew up in an instant!

The entire right arm held the gun barrel back to the inside of the body, and the obsidian gun head began to change color as if it was burning red!

At the same time, the structure of the right arm changes, and the mantis shrimp imitates the hyperboloid structure to eject and stab! ! !

This move of the salted fish thrust was too fast, so fast that it was slowed down fifteen times, and the image of the spear's attack could not be seen clearly! The stabbing speed is probably more than three times the speed of sound!

Combined with the jet acceleration and the instant ejection, the stabbing was completed in a hundredth of a second!

The fiery red obsidian tip pierced into the chest at the end of the gun in an instant, and then exploded!

Because of the sonoluminescence effect, it looks like a burst of light!

The entire chest at the end of the gun turned into a big hole five meters in diameter. The high temperature of the obsidian gun tip made the blue blood freeze instantly!


The butt of the gun fell down with a bang, stirring up a cloud of thick dust on the ground.

After a few seconds, everyone in front of the TV applauded wildly.

After the level 2 monster destroyed the Noisy Boy Yukon before, everyone's heart felt like a stone was crushed.

As a result, the theory of monster worship is rampant. Many people say that monsters are sent by God to destroy human beings, and the only thing humans can do is to accept them.

Many people even marched with signs!

Celestial Man: Pooh! We don't believe in God! Love to accept yourselves accept! Stay away!

Now, this crushing victory has finally lifted the stone in everyone's heart.

In the ruins of the entire city, the towering Pippi Shrimp was armed with a spear, its armor had many scratches, cracks and scratches, and the corpse of a fallen monster lay in front of it... The sun shone on the red paint, like hope of mankind.

The fighting scenes affect the experience separately, so two in one!

The last one, don’t forget those who have a monthly pass.

The most tragic thing in life is that one month has passed, and the monthly pass has not been spent~

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