Magic card gods

Chapter 395 Shield Strike From Heaven!

The mecha production base of Shaw Industries is located in Zhoushan, which is geographically closer to the Bangzi Peninsula.

Moreover, Shaw Industries has excellent aerospace technology, and has advantages in propulsion and other technologies.

Among the external devices of the Pippi Shrimp, there are vector propellers rushing to the battlefield, which can also quickly let the giant mecha enter the battlefield. This thing was also sold to Shaw Industries by a carder!

Everyone on the Bangzi Peninsula has gone crazy with fright, and now Busan is being evacuated urgently. But there is only tens of minutes, how can there be time? ! For a while, everyone was crying for their father and mother, and the whole city was filled with emotions called pain and despair.

This can't help but make some carders of the black wizard route covet. If you collect more of these things, it will be incredible! It is very useful!

Forty minutes later, the satellite observed the back of the gun tail, which were countless huge corrugated protrusions, huge blue-gray scales with a diameter of nearly one meter, tightly pieced together, and looked indestructible.

And the huge tail that pierced the noisy boy Yukon and directly caused the tragic death of the two pilots was swinging flexibly in the sea water.

Every time it swings, a huge wave is set off, which makes the sea rough and brings huge propulsion.

That tail alone is about thirty meters long!

The head at the end of the gun seems to be wrapped by a sharp-edged exoskeleton, and the neck appears to be very short, which protects the vitals of the head to a certain extent.

The whole body looks like a half-standing lizard, but the two upper arms are very long, which looks thick and flexible. The three-finger claws were sharp and sharp, and they were the two claws that tore the outer armor of Noisy Boy Yukon before.

At this time, it climbed ashore from the sea, slowly emerging from the sea surface with a huge amount of water flowing like a waterfall. As the ground shook and muffled, it approached the city step by step.

First, a three-story bungalow building very close to the beach suffered!

That big claw directly grabbed the roof and crushed half of the building!

Like a strong man crushing an empty soda can!

"Wow~~~" Kaiju Beast didn't have a vocal organ, but countless gusts of wind blew out from its thick, cave-like throat, making a dull and distant strange sound, and the whole Busan shivered amidst the roar!

The invaders are inhuman, let alone the Kaiju beast is not human.

It seems to be walking slowly, but it moves extremely fast towards the city!

All the buildings that were above its knee height along the way were torn apart and knocked down by its waving claws. The tail is even more sweeping!

The huge soles of the feet sank deep into the ground every time, and the hardened road surface was like made of paper, and it was no problem to collapse the house.

Ten minutes later, at least one-fifth of Busan's area has been completely destroyed and turned into a large pile of construction waste!

And farther away, there are still many South Korean people stuck on the road, unable to completely evacuate out of the city!

They could even faintly see the figure at the end of the gun, and hear the loud bang of the high-rise buildings being pushed by it!

Death seemed to be chasing after him, approaching!

Although those who maintain order have repeatedly emphasized the need to be silent, to avoid attracting the attention of distant gun tails.

But at such a time, seeing the giant beast more than 60 meters high and more than 80 meters long, stepping down and stepping on the eight-lane asphalt road, is gradually approaching, who can control the excitement in his heart? fear?

This fear is even stronger than the fear of death!

Because someone has committed suicide in despair!

There were also many religious people who knelt down and began to pray. They believe this is the Last Judgment, and that day has finally come.

Speaking of which, South Korea has the most evil religions, because all their religions are legal.

So at this moment, quite a few people are kneeling or collapsing on the ground to pray for repentance. Maybe I didn't believe it before, but I believe it now. Just think of finding a place to return to after death.

Of course, more people chose to abandon the car and the official rescue convoy. They fled in all directions, trying to get out of the city on two feet. But where can they run compared to the tens of meters at the end of the gun?

The screaming crowd attracted the attention of the gun tail!

The mission of Kaiju Beast is to destroy and destroy! And then completely wipe out human beings!

So, seeing a large-scale gathering of humans, I changed my direction without even thinking about it, and walked towards this side!

With the sound of footsteps, the people kneeling on the ground jumped up and down with the ground. They were so devastated that they even forgot about God and the Savior. All that remained in their eyes was the gigantic monster that could not be seen in its entirety. !

They need to hold their heads high, and even then, they can only see the blurred outline of the head at the end of the gun!

Suddenly, a man in a black robe rushed out. He threw away the Bible in his hand and shouted frantically: "Ah! This is the true God... the true God! Please take me away! Take me to God!" Kingdom! You are the master of the world, the only god..."

He rushed towards the tail of the approaching gun with both arms high. The arms spread out, as if embracing the gods in the dream.

A few minutes later, "Boom~"!

Just like people don't pay special attention to the ants under their feet when they walk. With one kick on the butt of the gun, the man disappeared. Sure enough, benevolent and benevolent~

But seeing this scene, several desperate people also stretched out their arms! They chose to embrace this irresistible "god" at this last moment!

The huge soles of the feet pressed down like a black cloud. For the dozens of humans under their feet, it seemed to be under heavy pressure, making people subconsciously stop breathing!

However, suddenly a violent impact sound appeared above the head!

The "dark cloud" that had covered everyone disappeared!

"Boom~" The mighty tail of the gun flew upside down for two to three hundred meters, crushing a street.


The Pippi Shrimp is red as a whole, and the outer armor of the honeycomb structure made of super-strong carbon fiber nanomaterials is like the shell of the Pippi Shrimp.

No matter what is big enough to a certain extent, it will give people a sense of stalwart. This set of red Pippi shrimp armor gives people an ultimate sense of strength and security.

Pipi Shrimp is 76 meters high and weighs 2,340 tons. The head is round and wears two helmets that look like pointed devices (refer to Gundam), the neck is flexible and human-like, and the proportion of the arms is longer. Under the distinctive structure of the Pippi shrimp armor, it looks very strong.

Pippi Shrimp is slender and slender, and looks a little "thin" compared to the others.

Compared with the industrial style of other mechs, Pippi Shrimp is more humanoid. Unlike other mechs, either there is a reactor on the chest, or there are two cannons on the shoulders, or there is a big belly. Angular! Pippi shrimp is more mellow~

Especially compared to the Russian Siberian bear, that mecha is almost like a humanoid titan, almost square.

Pippi Shrimp has an arm shield on one arm, and one hand is empty. There is a huge delta-wing-like aircraft behind it, powered by six four-meter-diameter vector thrusters. This thing should have been on a rocket!

The Pippi Shrimp flew directly from the other side of the sea!

The distance of 900 kilometers took less than 50 minutes, which is faster than ordinary civil aviation planes!

Just now, it was the Pippi Shrimp, with the help of the propulsion of the flying delta wing, it directly hit the tail of the gun with the arm shield. Saved this man~

The huge impact directly knocked the tail of the gun almost as heavy as the two Pippi Shrimp into the air.

It flew upside down for more than 200 meters, and then knocked down a 30-story building. After landing, it flattened all the buildings on the ground like a bulldozer, leaving a ten-meter-deep hole on the ground. Huge "scratches"!


"Sweet, sweet, I'm Wei Yuan. I've arrived in Pusan, Bangzi Country, and encountered a level 2 monster with a gun tail. The flight process went smoothly, and the flight parts are perfect..."

Ms. Britney, who had been waiting on the podium with a headset, hurriedly said: "I received it, please pay attention to safety and collect combat data. The Dongpu Mecha Glory Warrior will arrive on the battlefield in 30 minutes. The Russian Mecha Siberia Bear It will arrive at the battlefield in 70 minutes. Please ensure your safety and delay the time..."

Britney: Wait for the jungler, don't wave!

After all, this is the first level 2 monster in the Kaiju Beast, and it just tore the Noisy Boy Yukon with his hands. In order to ensure safety and prevent Gun Tail from defeating the mecha again, PPDC mobilized three mechas to attack.

It can only be said that young mechs don't talk about martial arts!

Judging from the experience of nearly a year in the past, the battle between the mecha and the Kaiju beast basically takes several hours.

Fast for one or two hours, slow even has a record of playing for eight hours!

So the Glory Warrior arrived half an hour later, which was considered a strong reinforcement.

However, this also requires the Pippi Shrimp to last for half an hour.

After all, it took less than twenty minutes for that noisy boy, Yukon, to go from the start of the battle to the complete destruction.

This level 2 monster has already crushed some first-generation mechs!

Wei Yuan: "Don't worry, there's no problem!"


Wei Yuan saw from the sky just now that the entire area near the sea in Busan has been completely destroyed.

After that, the tail of the gun was attracted by the screams of fleeing, and opened a path in the city along a straight line.

Now he was hit by Wei Yuan's shield that fell from the sky, directly destroying a street.

"Release the flying delta wing!" Wei Yuan gave an order.

The delta wing behind the Pippi Shrimp suddenly loosened its fixed structure, fell off from the body, and landed intelligently and slowly.

The Pippi Shrimp landed at a height of more than 50 meters from the ground, with slightly flexed knees, and landed very stably on the ground.

People from all over the world observing the battle situation through satellites are still applauding the shield attack from the sky just now, and now they are surprised by the performance of the Pippi Shrimp.

Some mech pilots and commanders of PPDC were surprised.

"Is the shock-absorbing structure of this mech so good? What kind of technology is this? Did the Celestial Dynasty use a new damper?"

Even Commander Zhang Zhen of the Moyulan Base was surprised: "We didn't, we weren't, don't talk nonsense!"

For GIGABYTE, solving shock absorption is definitely a crucial structural issue.

Not to mention fighting, even walking on the ground at ordinary times, the impact force and reaction force of hundreds of tons will put the body under tremendous pressure. If you don't handle it well, take it step by step, and you don't need to beat yourself to shake off the parts and deform the structure.

But the Pippi Shrimp actually jumped from a height of more than 50 meters, and it was as nimble as a real person and easily resisted the impact!

This mecha, which looks thin and slender, is surprisingly agile and nimble!

But there was no time for them to study and be amazed, so they saw Pippi Shrimp in a red suit running fast, his movements were extremely standard, like an Olympic sprinter!

In the blink of an eye, it approached the tail of the gun that hadn't gotten up three hundred meters away, and planned to give it a continuous chase, but couldn't get up!

Suddenly, the Pippi Shrimp, which had already advanced to a distance of only 20 meters, jumped up and did a backflip to open the distance!

Everyone immediately rewinded and slowed down, slowed down four times before barely seeing a black shadow flash by!

A black pilot suddenly shouted: "That's the tail of the gun! The tail just swept across when the red mecha approached!"

Wei Yuan wanted to take advantage of your illness to kill you, but he didn't expect that the tail of the gun that fell to the ground was also very cunning.

If it wasn't for Wei Yuan's vigilance and Pippi Xia's flexibility, he might have been knocked down, and the situation would have been reversed immediately!

Wei Yuan couldn't help cheering up: This monster is really my opponent!

It’s the last two days, don’t waste those who have a monthly pass~~~~

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