Magic card gods

Chapter 390 Mo Yulan Mecha Production Base

The hunter plan was launched, and there was a problem lying in front of everyone.

Where did the mecha come from?

Production? Yes, it can be produced.

With the current level of technology, it is not a big problem to produce mechs regardless of the cost, and some technical difficulties are not a big problem. But how to drive it?

Why can't it be like driving a car, holding the steering wheel with both hands and stepping on the clutch with both feet?

It is extremely difficult to control a giant humanoid mecha for complex battles, and the ordinary control system is completely impossible.

Scientists have the same idea and can only use neural synaesthesia to interconnect. That is, it is controlled like an AR somatosensory game.

Similar technologies have already taken shape, such as typing with brain waves.

There are even more radical ones, which directly open a hole in the skull and place the neural components on the cranial nerves to obtain more powerful connection functions.

If these people become card disciples, they are definitely good seedlings in Yubaocheng! A group of madmen of science!

Originally, all kinds of problems in the manufacture of mechs would definitely take months or even years to overcome. From materials to neurology to mechanics, there are many problems.

But isn't there a carder?

All of a sudden, a large number of scientific research talents have emerged in various countries!

What? The strength and toughness of existing alloys are not up to standard?

As a metallurgist, I have an alloy formula - 24K pure krypton gold. There is no problem at all in making the main transmission mechanism of the mech!

What? Energy delivery systems too inefficient?

As an amateur EHV transmission network technician, I have my own theoretical design. It is no problem to replace it with a mecha energy transmission system!

What? Is the mechanical design of the mecha amateur unreasonable?

As a fan of figure making, I have special expertise in mechanical structure design. I will design the shape of the mech, there is no problem at all!


All of a sudden, all kinds of geniuses emerged one after another!

If the original earth had this talent explosion trend, mankind might enter the space age within fifty years.

Sure enough, if you don't force it, human beings don't know how terrible their limits are.

Netizens exclaimed and lamented: the real master is among the folks!

They forgot the next sentence: miss in the underworld!

Those carders on the technology side have found their next home in various countries and directly joined the hunter plan.

Even if all countries are united, in the arms manufacturer, don't they each do their own thing?

Therefore, each country has its own production base and team. Only in joint command and unified deployment.

The mech is basically formed, but there is a problem with the driver.

The mecha is too huge, and ordinary people cannot bear that kind of huge mental pressure.

Even those who barely pass are in danger of mental overload.

And if it is barely qualified, the driving response will be slow, and the mecha's activities will be very inflexible.

This is because ordinary people's spiritual attributes are too low, and normally speaking, people with more than 30 spiritual attributes are required to drive those mechas.

But it is too rare for ordinary people to reach 30 points of spirit! 3 times the normal average value?

That's less than the number of champions in those Olympic Games! Because physical attributes can still be exercised, mental attributes are difficult to exercise the day after tomorrow.

Wei Yuan only has 22 points in naked clothes, of course he still has 15 free attribute points left.

However, some scientists soon came up with a set of retreat solutions: one person can't do it, what about the two of us?

People with more than 30 points of energy are hard to find, but there are many more people with more than 20 points of energy. Let two people control a mech to share the mental pressure.

Of course, this also faces the problem of dual-driver coordination, but that is easier to solve. It is nothing more than a tacit understanding problem that can be cultivated.


Five months after taking up the job in Nevada, Wei Yuan contacted Miss Britney and transferred himself to Changzhou.

Going back to your homeland to build the motherland is the right thing to do. Besides, the egg of the female Muto in Nevada is about to hatch. Wei Yuan has done a lot of tricks to dedicate it directly to Emperor Beifeng, so he has to leave now. To avoid suspicion.

The Asian branch of the Emperor Organization and the Celestial Dynasty cooperated more closely. Here, Wei Yuan got involved in the Moyulan mecha production base of the Celestial Dynasty through Zhu Huamei's connections.

He joined the foundation as a material scientist, participated in the design and production of mechs, and is also a reserve pilot!

Some mages in the card will focus on spiritual attributes. If the 4th-level mages are buffed, let alone 30 spirits, they can be stacked up to 50.

However, Fa Ye would never put himself in an iron can and fight the giant Kaiju beast hand to hand.

Not to mention safety issues, I can't afford to be ashamed!

So there are really not many card players who go to become mecha pilots. Of course, there must be some low-level card players who are born with high spiritual attributes, so they went to participate in the selection.

After all, riches and honors are in danger, if you can really drive a mecha to kill a Tier 4 hero monster, the reward is absolutely unimaginable!


Another round of mental tests came out, and Wei Yuan's results were still among the best.

Among the 150 apprentice pilots who have been selected step by step, Wei Yuan can be ranked in the top five.

It has to be said that the heavens produce talents, and there are always some unreasonable people among a population of more than one billion.

There is even a girl with 32 spiritual attributes!

Isn't this a natural possessor of psychic powers?

However, Wei Yuan didn't intend to compete with these passionate boys and girls who wanted to defend their home and country.

After all, the psychic synaesthesia control system will allow the two drivers to communicate with each other, and the memories between them will be seen by the other driver.

Isn't that bullshit to be a carder?

He just came to hang an official name, it's an affiliation. The real target is Britney's Shaw Industries!

Shaw Industries is currently providing various mechanical accessories and large-scale mecha construction to Mo Yulan's base, and it is considered the most important upstream company.

But in secret, Shaw Industries is a private group that started mecha research earlier than the official.

It's just that in terms of integrating resources, there is nothing in the world that can match the Celestial Dynasty. It was an order from the Celestial Dynasty, and within half a month, the prototype of the mecha could be seen. This is by no means comparable.

But Shaw Industries' mechas are indeed in progress, especially Wei Yuan's first machine...

"Professor Wei Yuan, do you really not consider becoming a pilot?" The handsome Comrade Zhang Zhen, the chief of the Mo Yulan base, asked Wei Yuan again.

He looked very imposing and resolute. Especially when I put on a suit, I feel like I can hit ten! I just like the oily head, the oil on the head is shiny.

Wei Yuan shook his head and politely refused, "Sir, you know that my research direction does not match the mechas in the base, and I also have other research at the Shaw Brothers. Revolutionary work does not distinguish between high and low, and we are also working for the protection of Fight to defend the country."

Zhang Zhen nodded: "Okay, I heard that Shaw Brothers is also developing lighter mechas. I hope you can gain something."

The two shook hands and said goodbye.

Because Ms. Zhu Huamei Zhu had already ambushed related industries in the Zhu Group of the Celestial Dynasty more than 30 years ago, so once the mecha manufacturing started, a very strong productivity broke out in an instant.

Even the American emperor, who was the first to try, was faintly behind. But the United States was the first country to stand up and announce the completion of the mech production.

Their first mecha was actually not perfect, but the politicians announced the completion in advance for the sake of face. Anyway, there was not much difference, and it was even more invisible from the outside.

Shout out first to grab the first place, after all, the United States has priority!

Half a month after the birth of the first mecha of the U.S. Empire, Yukon, the first mecha of the Celestial Dynasty, Shining Red Star, also landed. Afterwards, the Siberian bears from Russia, the glorious warriors from Japan, and the dangerous exiles from Australia landed one after another.

Aliens don't care about you, of course they don't know about it. Still send the chrysanthemum beast to deliver it.

The task of Kaiju Beast is to destroy it and send it to death.

As long as the Kaiju beast dies, it will cause extensive damage to the natural environment, make the earth more and more suitable for the living environment of alien pioneers, and exterminate human beings.

So they don't care about the life and death of Kaiju Beast, they are "self-explosive trucks" in themselves!


Noisy boy Yukon had a battle with a chrysanthemum on the coastline, fought for two full hours, and finally succeeded in killing the chrysanthemum.

At this time, the aliens knew: Ah! Humans have made counter weapons!

Defeating the Kaiju beast immediately boosted morale, and all humans cheered and breathed a sigh of relief.

And those two drivers have almost become world-class stars, accepting interviews non-stop.

But only some upper-class people know that this battle is not perfect.

Noisy Boy Yukon's damage reached 40%, and he couldn't even return to the base by himself after the battle.

Even some carders who joined the forces of the US imperialists secretly tripped the Kaiju beast, so that Yukon, the noisy boy, won.

After all, it is the first generation mecha, so it is too simple. There are no decent weapons.

Restoring the Noisy Yukon is a big project, costing millions. Not to mention it has to be improved!

This is a bottomless pit!

Afterwards, around the Pacific Ocean, battles with the Kaiju Beast began everywhere.

The Kaiju Beast basically failed. They didn't die on the spot, but were also repelled.

But the attack frequency of the pioneers has increased instead, they are collecting the data of the mechs. They are a mature invading race, and they are psychologically prepared for the resistance of the natives of other planets...

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