Magic card gods

Chapter 389 The Second Attack and the Hunter Plan

The card disciples in Yubao City made the Emperor Miserable!

In a few days, three beasts infected by that thing became bigger. For a while at the beginning, no one noticed.

Then a crocodile started eating everything in the swamp, a wolf killed all the other animals in the zoo and ran to the mountains, and a gorilla in the reserve started growing every day.

Colleagues are paying attention to this accident, and to be honest, it is a bit unexpected!

"Those scientific research lunatics in Yubao City actually developed this kind of thing so quickly? It looks a bit dangling!"

"No, they didn't study it. They improved the original formula with the remains of that axe. And it wasn't three, but countless. Only three survived and adapted."

"This is a large-scale irresponsible experiment! It really was done by those lunatics!"

A considerable number of Katu in Yubao City are mad scientists. They are keen on various genetic and blood technology, and they even don't hesitate to transform themselves.

I heard that they have a Tier 6 boss who has fused countless legendary species and is known as the Devourer of Everything! Cock burst! It's just that the mental state is a bit weird...

Wei Yuan found Zhu Huamei, "Miss, can you find the card disciples in Yubao City?"

"What are you going to do?" Miss Zhu asked.

"I want to buy a few cans of that stuff."

Miss Zhu looked at him with eyes that looked at a fool: "It's not a problem to contact them. After all, the relationship between the two cities is good. The problem is that the genetic medicine is obviously unreliable. With the style of those lunatics in Yubao City, I'm afraid it's another They don't care about the changes in the fantasy world for a crazy experiment that cast a wide net. There are already many fantasy worlds destroyed by them."

Wei Yuan nodded: "I know, among so many creatures infected with the gene fusion drug, only three survived and adapted in the end, which shows that this thing is immature. But it's not my turn to mature, right? I'm going to buy a few cans Basically, I want to transform it myself!"

Zhu Huamei: "Do you know biotechnology?"

Wei Yuan looked at his two hands: life and death, online plastic surgery.


The three behemoths made a lot of noise in the U.S. Empire. The most important thing is that they just experienced the San Francisco ax incident. The people of the U.S. Empire are nervous.

However, the three gene fusion monsters are far inferior to the Kaiju beast. The largest crocodile is more than 60 meters long and 18 meters high. level.

Moreover, their defensive power is completely inferior to that of Kaiju Beast. Although individual weapons are not effective, heavy weapons are still useful. And there is no ability to pollute.

In the end, the heavy firepower was wiped out, and two of them were killed, leaving the white orangutan that grew to a height of twelve meters.

The U.S. officials hurried to appease the public, saying that it was due to a genetic mutation for some reason. The probability of this is very small, so there is no need to panic.

Don't panic yet, many American imperialists have already driven their RVs to the west and inland!

After all, anti-intellectualism is very prevalent in this place, so don't talk too much about doomsday.

No matter what, people are calling for the end of the day, and now the ax first destroys San Francisco, and then the three rampaging behemoths run amok in Chicago, so it's not the end of the day!

In short, because of this incident, the US emperor became a mess.

After all, nothing happened for the next few months, which made the forgetful people forget about these things.

And in the last month of the year, countries suddenly detected strange energy fluctuations in the Challenger Abyss.

Everyone has experience this time, especially the Asian branch of the Emperor Organization chaired by Miss Xiao Tiantian, who has been paying attention to this matter. Issue a warning immediately.

More than ten hours later, a chrysanthemum suddenly appeared in the wasteland coastal city of Manila!

There is no other way, we have to rely on nuclear peace in the end!

The Kaiju Beast is at peace, and the waste donkey is also at peace.

The place with a bigger fart was first destroyed by monsters, then attacked by nuclear bombs, and then hugely polluted by monster corpses, basically declaring the country to be destroyed.

At this time, no experts dared to show up, for fear of being beaten to death.

This attack caused two consequences. The first is that most of the carders gave up the idea of ​​directly fighting monsters, and instead infiltrated the various forces of the aborigines.

The second is that under the instigation of the carders, all countries, especially the Pacific countries, have started various plans to prevent monster attacks.

When the second Kaiju Beast was on the mainland of Mani, many Katus rushed over.

The first Kaiju Beast was cautious, so no one made a move. But this second Kaiju Beast, everyone is about to try it.

The big guy who started the group in the flesh took advantage of the night and punched Kaiju Beast's palm, but then the poisonous monster blue sprayed out.

According to the 4th-level warrior boss, the monster's blood has a huge corrosive effect on all kinds of fighting energy and stellar energy.

Even if it is the peak of the 4th order, it will not be worthwhile to fight against this kind of highly poisonous monster that is dozens of meters high.

After all, the fantasy world has its own rules of operation. If I really want to play the kind of drama where the Tathagata's palm beats monsters, I'm afraid the backlash will be huge.

Those masters of the spell route have also tried it. The Kaiju Beast is an artificially prepared biochemical weapon. It has no normal mind and is basically immune to mental influences.

And all kinds of resistance are extremely high, even the effects of curse spells are very poor.

It's okay for the masters to play as a support. If you want to kill Kaiju Beast with spells, curses, and black magic, I'm afraid you will have to make a lot of noise and pomp.

At that time, there is no need to open the chrysanthemum beast, and the Lord will be able to let the useless donkey destroy the country.

The Katus used the temporarily established Katu communication network in the fantasy world to discuss, and finally decided to follow the style of the fantasy world for sustainable development.

Monsters fight monsters, or robots fight monsters!

Katu can give some extra help, but he can't make any move that Jiuyang Yaotian burns Kaiju beast to ashes, or the doomsday judgment directly destroys an area of ​​Kaiju beast.

Even the carders in Yubao City have been warned, if there is such a thing as a behemoth rampaging in Chicago, we will join hands to eliminate them first!

So far, the carders have roughly reached some basic consensus, and began to encourage various countries to quickly come up with a plan.

Katu: Don't wait for Jiebao! Do you still believe what the experts say? Then you are such a mountain cannon!

So the countries gathered together and finally put forward several proposals.

First of all, use the Titan Behemoth to open the Chrysanthemum Beast!

Because the Emperor Organization has contacts with the officials of many countries, those big countries all know the existence of the Titans.

The second is to build a wall!

Wouldn't it be enough to build a high wall to keep the monsters out? Those who come up with such an idea should be sent to build the Great Wall!

The third is super firepower!

The French officials proposed a plan for a French giant cannon, saying that it is to build a giant cannon and put it on the coastline, and the Kaiju beast will be bombarded to death when it comes up!

Libya Quit: Why don't you buy our self-destruct truck? Anyway, whether it is killed by a cannon or a truck explodes, the land will be polluted in the end. Our trucks are also cheap!

Finally, there is the Super Mecha Project!

It is said that a scientist thought of it when he saw his son holding Transformers and monster dolls. This scientist should work for the children's channel.

Some people were dissatisfied with the four proposals, and no consensus was reached for a while.

But the Kaiju Beast is here again!

I don't know if it was because the Katus participated in the Manila incident, which stimulated the alien pioneers, causing them to start the third attack a few months earlier.

Anyway, Wei Yuan has to take it easy after knowing the plot he is familiar with.

This Kaiju beast, code-named Cutter, attacked Sydney, Australia, and was finally lured to no man's land by a warship, where it was bombarded to death with a nuclear bomb.

At this time, the countries also know, and there is no point in delaying it any longer. We must find a reliable plan to implement it first!

The Titan Behemoth has no idea for the time being, and it will not work if it wants to implement it.

Everyone feels that the High Wall Project is a bit negative, so let’s not use it for now.

The French Cannon isn't too good either, because the monsters pollute too much. If there are other options, it is better not to use the super heavy Rewu.

Finally, everyone thinks to try the super mecha first! Much less pollution than nuclear bombs and French artillery.

If fighting in the coastal waters, the attack of the mecha can minimize the pollution caused by the monsters.

Therefore, a joint organization called PPDC (Pacific Rim Defense Corps) was established.

And put forward the "Jaeger program" (Jaeger program), the ideal state is to manufacture humanoid weapons to beat the monsters to death in the Pacific Ocean, and reduce the pollution of Kaiju beasts as much as possible.

In fact, the Hunter program is not very appropriate, because the literal translation of the Jaeger program is "Jaeger Program". The skua is a bird that regularly migrates across the Pacific Ocean to hunt for prey.

The meaning is obvious—surrounding the Pacific Ocean, preying on Kaiju beasts!

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