Magic card gods

Chapter 177 It's not easy to become a fairy

"Go to hell! You dirty and disgusting beast! Hahahaha!" Zhou Siqi held onto the beating heart tightly and laughed hysterically.

This scene made Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng foolish!

Is this an infighting? Husband and wife turned against each other!


Zhou Siqi's first soul card slot is bound to [Flame Mastery (Blue)]. Although it is only an excellent skill card, it is a card with a wide range of functions and great development potential.

This soul card is inlaid with [Ice Mastery (Blue)], which is also a card that Zhou Siqi spent a lot of energy on.

It has to be said that Zhou Siqi has indeed been going smoothly these years, and everything has developed according to her plan. It was even possible to get an [Escape Card (Red)] by accident at the second level.

And this kind of success ended after meeting Wei Yuan... The professional card that was about to be discarded, she was seriously injured and spent a lot of money to recover, and the incident of upgrading through harming others was exposed, and the second academy cut her off. The thought of entering the fantasy world of the ruins of Huanglong City.

In the end, for the sake of future development, for revenge, for breaking through the side effects of the escape card, and for not being a logistics management post stuck in the future, she resolutely embarked on a bumpy road of no return...

She was supposed to bind the second slot of the elementalist professional card, but she bound the professional card [Modao Beast Tamer (red)] provided by her mother Xie Huishan, and through her mother's channel, she began to try to "tame" a A two-headed hellhound.

However, Zhou Siqi is not an ordinary person, she is absolutely unwilling to be a slave! She despised her mother from the bottom of her heart. So she prepared another way from the beginning!

On the second spirit card [Modao Beast Tamer], she inlaid [Tianmo Disintegration Dafa (Blue)]. After Zhou Siqi added some fantasy magic door and evil magic cards, he asked someone to upgrade to the elite level.

The two-headed hellhound split into two before, and the total strength changed from 1 to 1.5. This is the effect of this evil version of the demon disintegration method.

But this was just Zhou Siqi's small test. Zhou Siqi also did a very evil thing, and used it to stimulate her own soul card [One Thought Becomes a Demon (Soul)]. Finally, with the help of huge energy level fluctuations, she broke the barrier brought about by using the escape card. sequelae, and even directly entered the third level because of this!

And the card she bound to the third soul card slot is [Abyss Blood Sacrifice (Red)]!

This kind of card is very taboo, even in a city like Tianyuan City, which tends to be magical.

Because the source of this card is the bottomless abyss, which is a world where many magical worlds can be connected and have branches. There are endless demons inside.

These evil-doing, chaotic demons are a huge threat to any force and regime. They are born to sow chaos. And this kind of card dealing with demons has a certain risk of releasing demons into the original world.

In a powerful fantasy world like the bottomless abyss, even the original world must be very vigilant. Many cities that had been created in the past were destroyed because of these demons.

Even if it was a temporary abyss portal, a group of abyssal demons would run in and burn, kill and destroy the city.

Therefore, such cards, even in the black market, will not be circulated. In order to ensure the stability of the city, the Card Players Association will control these cards as soon as possible.

Those who bound the relevant cards, except for those who proved that they have the ability to control this power, the rest were exiled to the wilderness.

Zhou Siqi's card was obtained together with the previous escape card.

She hadn't thought about using this card before, but after being severely injured by Wei Yuan and bound to [Demonic Beast Tamer (Red)], she wanted to!

What does the life and death of others matter to me? Even if Tianyuan City fell because of this, as long as my strength is improved, that would be a good thing!

There is nothing she cares about in Tianyuan City!

Zhou Siqi has been waiting for an appropriate opportunity, she is going to sacrifice the two-headed hellhound that is closely related to her!

Sacrifice is either precious in itself, or has special meaning.

The two-headed hellhound means a lot to her, and the abyss and hell have always been hostile. If you can sacrifice a hell creature, you will get even more rewards!

Zhou Siqi couldn't find a better sacrifice than the two-headed hellhound!

It's just that the power of the two-headed hellhound is much stronger than hers, so it's impossible to do it directly.

And taking advantage of the opportunity of fighting, let the Cerberus split first, and then do it yourself after the battle is exhausted, the chances are much greater!

"To the great abyss consciousness, I sacrifice my husband, the source of my strength, and my two-headed hellhound!" Zhou Siqi pinched the heart that was still beating hard in his hand, and a perverted smile appeared on his blood-splattered face.

At this time, the flames of hell were burning on the heart, but as a huge and strange consciousness descended, the heart quickly withered, and finally turned into a handful of dust.

There seemed to be something chewing or whispering in the void. Calm returned after a while.

Zhou Siqi's energy level fluctuations began to increase dramatically! At the same time, the dead two-headed hellhound also started to burn, and in just a few seconds, that mule-sized dog turned into a fur cape!

"Hahahaha! Hahahaha..." Zhou Siqi stood up staggeringly, and began to laugh wildly, revealing endless joy in the laughter. After suffering and humiliation, and paying countless prices, I finally succeeded!

The two-headed hellhound has become a perfect equipment cloak, and Zhou Siqi's energy level is constantly increasing!

Under the dual effects of [Abyss Blood Sacrifice (Red)] and [One Thought Becomes a Demon (Soul)], her strength has grown by leaps and bounds!

In just seven or eight seconds, Zhou Siqi rose from level 3 and level 1 to level 3 and level 5, and she turned into a different kind of demon subspecies.

Now there are large black and dark purple scales on many parts of her body outward, and her skin has also turned into a very tough dark devil skin, which is equivalent to wearing a good scale armor and a top coat. Good leather armor.

Her legs bent back from the knees into anti-knuckle hooves. Her legs became more slender and straight, and the black and purple scales on the outside of her thighs were densely covered, but the key parts were faintly visible. At the end of her tailbone, a flexible triangular arrow tail grew out...

At this time, Wei Yuan and the others discovered that Zhou Siqi's magic robe was actually vacuumed!

Her tight and slender waist swayed gently, and there were a few translucent purple scales growing on her navel, like weird decorations. Half of the complex colored magic patterns leaked from her lower abdomen...

Her knees, elbows and other joints all had inverted bone spurs. Her hands became slender, and her fingers had turned into sharp claws.

She also had scales on her cheeks by her ears, and sharp canine teeth on her bright red lips.

Her pupils turned into golden vertical pupils, as if a flame was burning in her eyes.

Her hair grew longer and fell to her waist. There are a pair of twisted horns on the top of her head, and a flame burns between the two horns...

She was wearing the robe from before, with the bone ring that could summon a giant skeleton on her head, the metal staff in her hand, and a black fur cloak on her back, with two complete dog heads on her shoulders. on the shoulders. In the four eyes of the dog's head, there is still a blood-red light...

Under the enchantment effect of the soul card [One thought becomes a demon (soul)], and the gift of abyss consciousness, Zhou Siqi turned into a half-demon creature!

That [Abyss Blood Sacrifice (Red)] not only gave Zhou Siqi a channel to sacrifice, but also allowed her to indirectly obtain the blood of the devil!

It's really not easy to learn well, but it's easy to slip away after learning badly!

Zhou Siqi's operation was as fierce as a tiger, and he was immediately possessed! Combat strength from the beginning of level 3 to the peak of level 3!

Zhou Siqi looked at Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng with complacency and greed. If she could kill this pair of enemies again, and then make sacrifices on a large scale in this fantasy world that no one cares about, she would definitely be able to enter the 4th class directly. order!

Tier 4 is an intermediate-level card player, no longer a rookie who makes trouble!

Reach the sky in one step!

This is Zhou Siqi's plan. This woman has always been so ambitious and unwilling to be ordinary!

Thanks to the book friend "Qi Dao Sky" for the reward!

I am ashamed...

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