Magic card gods

Chapter 176: Kill the Dog!

Never expected that the Cerberus was severely injured, and it turned out to be such a scene!

The Cerberus was attacked twice by Saeko Busujima and Hao Mengmeng, and it was already seriously injured. This time, the fatal blow from the chrysanthemum really hurt it quite badly!

Wei Yuan immediately felt that the opportunity had come!

Zhou Siqi thought that the two-headed Cerberus would have an advantage in the number of high-end combat power by reducing it to two. At the same time, Wei Yuan gave up his original plan to summon the Supreme Corpse King or King Kong Caesar to stand up to the two-headed hellhound.

One into two, although it only changed the two-headed hellhound from the 3rd-level leader to the 3rd-level leader. But it also gave Wei Yuan a chance to defeat them one by one! There is still a big difference between the 3rd order and the 3rd order.

If you can take this opportunity to kill a hellhound! You are in your hands!

"Do it!" Wei Yuan shouted and rushed out.

At the same time, Zhou Siqi was also casting spells, and she also discovered that something was wrong. But the long-range troops that have been secretly preparing will not make her easy!

Ashe shot out an enchanted technology arrow worth six excellent material cards—laser refraction arrow!

The price of this arrow is equivalent to the two-month income of a middle-class family of three in Tianyuan City!

That arrow hit the top of the sewer above Zhou Siqi's head. The moment the arrow hit the concrete on the top, it turned into dozens of blue lasers. These lasers would continue to refract after hitting the wall!

In an instant, hundreds of blue laser beams refracted continuously in the sewer, covering Zhou Siqi in it!

Although it is difficult for an archer to advance to an advanced level, as long as you have money at the elementary level, you can display strength far beyond your own level. You only need money to buy a good bow and various expensive special arrows! Then every arrow shot out is shooting money! But the effect is also excellent!

Dozens of laser beams kept refracting, as if hundreds of archers were firing round after round!

Even Zhou Siqi, who was wearing a multi-layer magic shield, did not dare to resist this, otherwise the magic shield would have to be broken.

She used the fire resistance ring again, and the huge flame shock wave spread, but failed to send these intangible laser arrows away.

Almost every second, seven or eight laser arrows hit Zhou Siqi's shield, and she had to use the ice barrier again!

The huge ice wrapped her in it, refracting all the laser arrows. After a few seconds, the laser fades away.

This ice barrier is not a spell mastered by Zhou Siqi, but a skill on an accessory. It can only be used once every three days, and it can withstand very strong attacks! Basically below level 4, don't try to break it.

I didn't expect to be redeemed by such an arrow!

After all, places like sewers are really suitable for laser refraction arrows. At this time, Zhou Siqi had already faintly regretted using the dimensional anchor. Otherwise, a flicker could appear twenty meters away, directly leaving the damage range of the refracted arrow.

Besides Ai Xi, the skeleton will-o'-the-wisp shooter also shot a will-o'-the-wisp arrow, which scattered around after hitting Zhou Siqi's shield, splashing the dark green will-o'-the-wisp everywhere.

There is also the skeleton mage who has been hiding in the dark and has not appeared. No matter it is the curse of weakness, or the growth of bone teeth, it cannot penetrate Zhou Siqi's magic shield.

However, this series of attacks really left her with no time to care about him.

At this time, Wei Yuan had already rushed towards the hell dog with the ghost golden rod. Wei Yuan jumped high and hit his head with a stunt!

The hellhound still wanted to use its flexible body to dodge, but the underworld swordsman who survived with only one arm suddenly came out of the ground.

It didn't use the long knife in its hand to cut through the hell dog's belly, because with its strength, it couldn't hurt the hell dog at all.

It chose to hug a dog leg directly!

Although the flames of hell on the claws of the hell dog turned it into fly ash in less than two seconds. But it stops the Cerberus from moving.

At this moment, Wei Yuan's ghost gold stick fell down.

The Cerberus is also vicious, and it can't dodge it, so it bites the falling ghost gold stick. Wei Yuan had quietly summoned the fanatical caveman long ago, and various buffs and feedbacks made his power skyrocket!

With this blow, although the Cerberus bit the ghost gold stick and was not smashed into the head by the stick, it also spurted blood, and even broke two of its fangs!

It has to be said that the things in this hell are fierce. In this serious injury situation, they didn't flinch at all, and then tried to wrestle with Wei Yuan to snatch the ghost gold stick. He still wants to tear Wei Yuan's chest open with his claws! The poisonous snake's tail wanted to bend over and bite Wei Yuan!

When Wei Yuan raised his leg, it was a flirtatious kick! This hellhound is male, can this be tolerated?

With a scream of "嗤", the hellhound let go, its claws became weak, and the poisonous snake's tail instinctively turned around to wrap around the crotch like a puddle of mud.

Wei Yuan snatched back the ghost golden stick, but took a step forward and hugged the dog's head, wrestling with his whole body and gave it a fierce over-the-shoulder throw!

"Bang", a hellhound the size of a mule was thrown heavily to the ground by Wei Yuan, and the hellhound spurted out another mouthful of blood. The blood fell to the ground and ignited the flames of hell.

Seeing that the hellhound was about to die, he turned his head desperately and spewed out a mouthful of hellfire!

This hellfire is amazing, it is a medium-level magical flame, very evil, it will directly cause double damage to the body and soul!

Cerberus' death blow was definitely deliberate for a long time!

It's just that after Wei Yuan advanced to the second level, he got the feedback of "mastering the Hellfire" from Katie, the Hellfire Hearse. Although it is only a rudimentary mastery, it is impossible to compete with the hellhound for the control of the hellfire, but it is also possible to avoid being hurt by the hellfire!

Wei Yuan held up the ghost gold stick and slammed it into the throat of the Cerberus, "Shut up!"

At this moment, Zhou Siqi, who was dealing with all kinds of attacks in a panic, suddenly showed a tricky smile!

"Explosion!" she said viciously.

"Duang~" Wei Yuan was in a trance, he was already more than ten meters away, and what followed was a large piece of scattered hellfire and countless flying gravel!

That Zhou Siqi actually "detonated" the Cerberus!

Wei Yuan took a look at the [Stand-In Doll (Blue)] in his inscription bag, and it was indeed missing one time!

The explosion was quite powerful, especially the spread of hellfire, which almost ignited the concrete walls and floors. The hellfire burned on the concrete for more than 20 seconds before it gradually weakened.

There should have been a substitute doll to bear the attack instead of Wei Yuan, but it may have been turned into ashes by now.

"What a vicious woman, she actually murdered her husband!" Wei Yuan scolded while checking his losses.

I don't know if it was Wei Yuan's "talking tongue" characteristic that stimulated Zhou Siqi, or if Zhou Siqi was furious when she saw Wei Yuan was unscathed, in short Zhou Siqi fell into hysteria!

"Kill you! Kill! I'm going to peel off your skin!" Zhou Siqi's voice was raised, and the tone of shouting and cursing changed.

In the next moment, she activated the ability of the professional card, and instantly summoned the hell dog chasing Erha back.

It can be seen that she was actually able to summon the hell dog back, and she had been paralyzing Wei Yuan and the others before.

Although the hellhound was very reluctant, she suppressed it with her professional ability. It is foreseeable that even if she can win this battle, this hellhound will not be obedient again in the future!

But Zhou Siqi couldn't care less about the future.

And Wei Yuan noticed that a small dog's head grew out of the hell dog's neck. Compared with the main head, which is much bigger than a horse spoon, this newborn Cerberus head is only the size of a fist. If you don't look carefully, you may think it is a sarcoma! And the size of this hellhound has also recovered! Strength has returned to Tier 3.

It seems that the Cerberus clone that blew itself up before is not considered dead, but just lost its strength and returned to the main body for a short time.

Whether Cerberus has this ability, Wei Yuan doesn't know, but he thinks this ability is more like Zhou Siqi's professional ability...

In the next battle, Zhou Siqi did her best. Frost and flames alternate non-stop! The entire sewer is covered in ice and scorched marks! Her ice and fire spells are like free shells, constantly washing Wei Yuan's position!

At this time, we can see the strength of the third-order mage. Even a half-assed person like Zhou Siqi can still transform into an elemental turret, overwhelming Wei Yuan and others.

If Wei Yuan hadn't chosen the battlefield to be underground, the movement of the battle would have already attracted the attention of others. Especially before the Three-Eyed Crow was often able to catch those bionic flying insect spy planes, Wei Yuan has not yet found out which faction it is from.

Zhou Siqi's hell dog was picked up by the Supreme Corpse King who had been hiding behind. The two fought hard! The Supreme Corpse King is extremely powerful, his whole body is as strong as fine steel, and his predecessor was the Yinhuo Corpse King, so he is also very resistant to hellfire.

The battle between the corpse and the dog is shaking, almost like tearing down the sewer!

Now Wei Yuan's undead summons are almost extinct, but it doesn't matter, the refueling tactics have just begun.

Wei Yuan also has the Heart of the Wild summoner!

Little Paige, who was wearing refined armor, charged directly, but was tricked by Zhou Siqi's skillful use of greasy technique and position wall.

Little Page changed the direction of charge three times in a row, but his feet slipped, and he hit the invisible stand wall with his head, and was then guided to hit the wall.

After that, Zhou Siqi summoned a group of huge skeleton guards with the bone ring on the top of his head, and fought with Little Page.

The two wolf spirits pounced on Zhou Siqi, but Zhou Siqi used the demon summoning technique to summon two strange-looking demons that smelled like sulfur.

The Three-Eyed Crow tried to attack, but was almost burned to ashes by Zhou Siqi, so scared that he hid aside and did not dare to appear.

The flower vine in the Zen realm has been hiding underground since Wei Yuan blocked the "ravaged internal organs".

The Spirit of Green Pine is an auxiliary unit, which adds halo to everyone at the farthest distance!

The chicken leg has sneaked into the shadows to ambush.

Erha came back with a limp, the hair on his butt was burnt, it seems that if Zhou Siqi hadn't called the Cerberus back, Erha would be honored.

At this point it raised its legs and was peeing. It seems that it is a little angry, and the urine is very yellow. The piss on a scorched canine skull turned out to be the head of the self-destructing hellhound!

Erha pissed, while lolling his tongue and giggling, it seems that the amount of water is quite enough...

Hai Dafu cooperated with Fuwa who was riding a carp, and from time to time made "Storm Waves" to attack Zhou Siqi. Zhou Siqi could only freeze the water with ice. But soon the ice will be shattered.

Wei Yuan, Hao Mengmeng, and Busujima Saeko were frantically weakening Zhou Siqi's mana shield with the guns in their hands.

And once Zhou Siqi tried to cast a spell to amplify his moves, Ashe, Skeleton Archer, and Skeleton Mage in the darkness in the distance intervened.

Now the battle situation is stalemate, but as Zhou Siqi's mana is gradually consumed, the Cerberus dog gradually loses to the corpse king under the harassment of the crowd and appears injured, and the balance of victory begins to tilt towards Wei Yuan and others!

It seems that there is no need to summon King Kong and Katie!

Ten minutes later, the entire sewer began to crumble, and Zhou Siqi was also crumbling, her magic power was about to bottom out.

And the two-headed hellhound was also seriously injured!

Just now, Saeko Busujima did a dance with a fishbone dance fan, which caused a flood to hit the Cerberus. Since the water attack is ineffective against Zhou Siqi, then attack the Cerberus.

Wei Yuan, on the other hand, took the opportunity to spray the two-headed Cerberus all over with the acid produced in the biochemical strong soluble stomach bag. The Cerberus has good resistance to acid, poisonous fire, so it only suffered a little injury.

But then Wei Yuan took out the parasite gun, and according to the Cerberus dog, Zhou Siqi, the master and the servant, were on fire!

Zhou Siqi has a magic shield and was not hit by the parasite. But the Cerberus was parasitized and exploded after not noticing it for a while. It was already a little helpless, and it was seriously injured.

Regardless of consumption, Zhou Siqi continuously released powerful spells to force Wei Yuan and others back, and snatched the dying two-headed hellhound back.

At this time, she was already at the end of her battle. It seems that the final victory belongs to Wei Yuan and the others!

Zhou Siqi hugged the Cerberus who couldn't stand up but still bared its teeth at Wei Yuan and the others, showing a sad expression.

Just when Wei Yuan was about to make a victory speech, Zhou Siqi suddenly reached out and inserted his hand into the Cerberus' chest, directly pulling out the Cerberus' heart!

At this moment, Zhou Siqi's hand had turned into a claw covered with black scales, and her face was full of relief and excitement!


Ps: Haha, I didn’t expect it, the one who killed the dog was the senior! Unexpectedly, I got the ticket~

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