Magic card gods

Chapter 160 I, Wei Yuan, a Tier 2 carder, is so terrifying!

Katu's advancement is a big event, and many Katu's strength will improve by leaps and bounds after the advancement. Especially those with special soul cards.

And Wei Yuan is a special soul card, and he is a card player with three soul cards! About one out of ten million people!

Wei Yuan closed his eyes to perceive the illusory scene in his mind. The three soul cards shined brightly, the pictures on them became more delicate, and the patterns around them became more complicated.

And the lower soul card slot is opened again, in addition to the first soul card slot that has been bound with [Dominance Talisman (Red)], the second soul card slot is also vacant. There are five poker slots at the back, all of which are shrouded in gray fog.

Wei Yuan opened his eyes, and casually took out a metal ingot in his hand.

This is a piece of bronze, because Wei Yuan has the ability to refine all things and strengthen cards, and now the inscription bag has a huge space, so he always carries some materials with him.

In Wei Yuan's hands, this piece of bronze is like a moving piece of plasticine, constantly changing its shape according to Wei Yuan's ideas.

Spikes, blades, rings, flakes... whatever you want, it changes quickly and is very smooth.

At level 1, this cannot be done.

Wei Yuan could only barely control some easily deformable substances and simply change their shape.

For example, the steel bar array that has been used many times before. It took Wei Yuan a few seconds to bend or shrink the steel bar into an S shape. Or spend more time and energy to sharpen one end of the rebar to form a rebar spear.

He can control the steel bar to form a circle, binding and confining the enemy, but it is difficult to finely control it to change into a sharp blade and directly stab the enemy to death.

He also tried to shrink and deform with all his strength, trying to strangle the enemy through steel deformation, but he couldn't do it, the consumption was too great and it was too difficult.

But it's different now, now he controls the metal as if he is squeezing plasticine with invisible hands, basically he wants to change it when he wants it.

Not to mention turning steel bars into sharp blades, even turning steel bars into a large bundle of steel wires is not a problem!

The difficulty is less, and the consumption is also greatly reduced!

Wei Yuan stared at this piece of bronze, vigorously consuming the energy level. Slowly, the piece of bronze in his hand began to agitate as if boiling, and began to discharge some impurities.

Ten seconds later, Wei Yuan got a smaller piece of refined and purified bronze.

This piece of bronze tends to be perfect in terms of composition, molecular arrangement, and internal stress! This is a perfect bronze ingot!

Afterwards, Wei Yuan took a lot of materials to try, from ordinary materials to magic materials.

He found that after advancing to the second level, the first soul card [All things refining (soul)] got a huge strengthening.

Not to mention the free control and refining of ordinary substances, he can even change magic materials!

For example, strengthening a bone of the undead to make it tougher. For example, blood crystals are extracted from foul blood to upgrade them to higher-level materials. For example, infiltrate Mithril into a piece of tungsten steel alloy to increase its magic conductivity...

It can be said that after this upgrade, the refinement of all things can achieve more effects. From shape change, to refinement, to attribute enhancement, to attribute endowment!

In the future, Wei Yuan's road to strengthen the division is getting wider and wider!

And the strengthening of the second soul card [Everyone for me (soul)] is undoubtedly the most obvious and direct!

The feedback effect of everyone for me has become stronger.

All of Wei Yuan's summons were strengthened once after he advanced, and it was an explosive enhancement!

He is now at level 2 and level 1, and can summon 3 three-eyed crows.

The Three-Eyed Crow has become even bigger now, with a body length of more than fifty centimeters and a wingspan of more than one meter, which is almost at the level of the largest raven among crows.

And in terms of attributes, it completely surpassed normal species. They can peck a hole out of a tree trunk with one bite, and can tear the scalp off the head of a dead body with their claws. The flying speed is extremely fast, and the vision is unparalleled, like an eagle.

Now even if they are fighting alone, raptors of the same size are not their opponents. What's more, they are good at bullying the crowd, and they also like to sneak attack the vital points, very despicable!

Their IQs have improved significantly. If they looked like teenagers before, they are now at the level of normal people. What regular producers can do, they can do. Even the vocabulary has increased, and we can chat with each other!

Moreover, magic power began to appear on them, and they were evolving in the direction of Warcraft.

In addition to this, there is another talent: smoke. It can be turned into a plume of black smoke, used to escape or enter places that cannot be entered under normal circumstances.

It turned out that the feedback that a three-eyed crow brought to Wei Yuan was: +1 perception and the two characteristics of "quickness" and "sharp eyes".

Now the feedback brought by the Three-Eyed Crow to Wei Yuan has also been enhanced: +2 perception, +1 spirit and "quickness" (+8% movement speed), "eagle eyes" (+8% hit rate, +20% field of view distance).

Wei Yuan can now summon 3, which means the total feedback is: +6 perception, +3 spirit, +24% movement speed, +24% hit rate, +60% vision distance.

Wei Yuan felt that with a casual glance now, he could see the faint traces on the tombstones at the end of the large cemetery! Very clearly!

It's probably like wearing a civilian-grade high-powered telescope!

He felt that his legs and feet were light, and he could go a long way with one step, but he felt relaxed. Just run for two steps, you can feel the speed has been greatly improved!

The improvement of perception makes him sharper and more energetic!

The three three-eyed crows landed on the tombstone, staring at the bleak and dead scene in the large cemetery with their three eyes, exchanging words with each other from time to time.

Zen flower vines drilled out of the ground and spread out on the ground. The thorny vines as thick as an arm spread out on the ground in a large area! The area is about the size of a basketball court!

After the green leaves of the flower vine grow and spread out, it is more like a large bush full of vitality.

It is obvious that the Zen flower vines have become thicker and bigger!

The much bigger pea heads protrude from under the leaves, and the nozzle has changed from the original three centimeters in thickness to the current five centimeters in thickness. It is already a veritable "mouth gun"! There are more leaves behind its head, like a green hair. Two small eyes revealed a shrewdness!

There were three more things about the Zen flower vine. A small piece of thin vine on the ground broke off and inserted into the ground, and soon spontaneously grew into a vine as thick as a thumb.

This is "cutting", which uses a part of the body to create controlled clone vines, so that one is many!

As long as enough time is given to Zen Flower Vine, it can create an absolutely advantageous home terrain! And as long as one clone vine is not killed, it can grow into the main body. It will be very difficult to be killed in the future!

Then, under the leaves of the Zen flower vines, small flowers suddenly grew, and a vague fragrance wafted out. If one of your own people does not inhale its pollen, you will experience severe hallucinations.

With this ability, you are not afraid of being surrounded by a large number of low-level enemies, because they will kill each other after hallucinations!

In the end, the white flowers withered, and a black seed the size of a grain of rice grew out.

This is a parasitic seed, which can get under the skin of a person, and then suck the flesh and quickly grow into a clone vine!

From now on, Wei Yuan has the means to control people. If a parasitic seed is stuffed into his body, life and death will be controlled by Wei Yuan.

In the end, the ability of the flower vine in the Zen realm to produce nuts has also changed. The nuts are colliding and can finally explode! Blow up countless parasitic seeds!

At the same time, the bullets sprayed out by the Pea Mouth Cannon also turned into a large number of parasitic seeds. Not only can it bring direct damage, but it can also become a means of secondary damage and control.

The original feedback effect of Zen Flower Vine is: +2 constitution and three characteristics of "toxin resistance", "accelerated recovery", and "language attack".

Now it has become: +5 constitution and "medium toxin resistance" (immunity to most natural toxins), "fast recovery" (greatly increased vitality recovery speed), "sword of tongue" (those vicious words in your mouth, will mental damage to the target), "Nature Affinity" (your relationship with nature becomes closer).

Then there is the totem wolf spirit.

Today's wolf spirit also summoned two. The two wolf spirits also looked different. The first Wolf Spirit No. 1 was white-haired, and the later Wolf Spirit No. 2 was gray-haired and slightly smaller in size.

Now the wolf spirit has become even bigger, standing on all fours without raising his head, he is as tall as Wei Yuan's chest, as long as 2.5 meters!

A big paw is as big as a sea bowl (from the original two-liang rice bowl to the current four-liang rice bowl)!

One mouth can hold a large watermelon. The fangs in the mouth are more than three centimeters long!

This is simply a wolf-shaped tiger!

Moreover, simple totem magic patterns began to appear on their bodies.

The wolf spirit also has several more abilities, not to mention the strengthening of physical fitness. They can now become invisible and flash within ten meters.

The fangs and claws of the two wolf spirits also had the effect of magic fangs. Not only did they become sharper and tougher, and the damage they caused increased, they were also considered magic weapons with magic damage!

It was able to touch and hurt the spirit before, but now it has become a spiritual bite. Doubles the damage to the spirit body, and the physical damage caused will also cause spiritual damage at the same time. Just one bite will not only hurt your body, but also your spirit will be hurt and severe pain!

The original command halo has become command halo (friendly units within 150 meters +8% movement speed, +8% attack speed, increase the chance of resisting negative mental effects). The halos of the two wolf spirits can be superimposed!

It turns out that the feedback brought by a wolf spirit is: +2 agility and two characteristics of "canine hearing" and "spiritual body touch".

Now the effects of the two wolf spirits are: +6 agility, +2 perception and "spiritual hearing" (gain the ability to hear the voice of the spirit), "spirit suppression" (produce a certain suppression effect on the contacted spirit) , "spiritual body trauma" (physical damage causes additional mental damage, and additional damage to the spirit body).

There is also a double layer of command aura: +16% movement speed, +16% attack speed, increased chance of resisting negative mental effects.

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