Magic card gods

Chapter 159 Worrying about the country will collapse and the war will collapse (end)

Makoto Ito ran away, abandoning the world of Saiyuanji where he could not escape with him. It's like abandoning Gui Yanye, whom I loved so much in my heart back then.

Is his feelings for Gui Yanye and Xiyuan Temple world false? Could his love and sweet talk be fake? Is it a disguise?

No, it's all true. He really loves two people and would like to spend his life with two lovely girls if possible.

But at the same time, he is a timid and irresponsible person. It's a bit like Jia Baoyu in the Dream of the Red Chamber, a trash with love in his heart but no sense of responsibility.

When faced with the threat of a possible dead body, Ito Makoto chose to abandon his beloved Gui Yanye; and when faced with the pursuit of Takashiro Soichiro's Yokoku Yishinkai, he feared in his heart that he was the only one left. People's little black house. So he abandoned the world of Xiyuan Temple again.

He ran and ran like this, crying while running, wailing pain in his heart, for the girls he loved.

However, the world of Saiyuanji, which was abandoned by Ito Makoto who has always been deeply in love, was not captured by Takashiro Soichiro and the others. Because at the last moment, something happened suddenly to worry about the country.

The huge Worrying for the Country and One Heart Association base, which had gathered nearly 500 survivors, was destroyed in less than 20 minutes!

It was a giant corpse monster composed of hundreds of corpses and exuding strange light patterns!

It's Koichi Wisteria, of course it's a Kabane fusion body without self-awareness now.

Wisteria Koichi has been wandering around these days after becoming a Kabane fusion body, absorbing dead bodies that also lost their self-awareness. In just a few days, he had accumulated hundreds of dead bodies. Those dead bodies were connected together by a strange red light emitted from Koichi Wisteria's heart, as if glued together, forming a giant spider-like corpse!

It was Wisteria Koichi who wandered here unintentionally, and was attracted by the lights to attack Youguo Yixinhui.

It may be a joke made by Takashiro Souichiro's Susano God, although he escaped the Chimera, he ushered in Wisteria Koichi. so many disasters...

Soichiro Takashiro gave up his base in despair after seeing this corpse monster more than ten meters high, and ran away in a car with only a few confidants around him.

However, under the attack of such an almost irresistible monster, and the leader ran away again, Youguo Yixinhui only resisted for less than ten minutes before collapsing. Then the wisteria fusion began to wantonly destroy the base, chasing and killing the scattered survivors.

Takashi Komuro and others snatched a car at a critical moment, and then started a journey of escape.

Is that what you said? If you are not the protagonist, then you must stay away from the protagonist, because there is no good thing!

In the end, the protagonist and other key characters are fine, but the extras have already been completed.

A three-eyed crow squatted on the eaves of a tall building nearby, squinting and looking at everything.

Wei Yuan has been paying attention to this place since the Red-tailed Dragon's small team of biochemical ghosts attacked the Woguo Yixin Association a few days ago.

In fact, if it weren't for Wei Yuan's vigorous consumption of dead bodies in the main city these days, the number of dead bodies in the city would have been reduced by 60,000 to 70,000 in a short period of time. Even if worrying about the country will wipe out the biochemical ghost team, it will be surrounded by countless dead bodies because of the huge gunshots.


In the refuge, Wei Yuan kept a close eye on the escape routes of the survivors of the Worrying Country Yixin Society through the Three-Eyed Crow, and marked them on the map so that the convoy going out tomorrow would gather people along the way.

It has to be said that the red-tailed dragon helped him a lot. As long as Wei Yuan stood still and watched the fire from the other side, a competitor disappeared in just a few days.

Wei Yuanna has a mission to become the largest extreme power in the entire Tokyo circle, and now it can be regarded as unifying the bed master city.

During this period of time, worrying about the country and one heart will have repeated difficulties, which can be called Mercury retrograde, but Wei Yuan is going smoothly.

Especially after he reached level 1 and level 10, and placed a large cemetery in the underground space of the shelter!

The Necropolis is like no other card, it's a land card! With its own magic and infinite magic. Wei Yuan didn't expect this card to be so strong even before placing the Great Tomb!

He just needs to open the entrance to the large cemetery in the underground space, and then use various summoned beasts to lead the dead bodies to rush in!

After the necropolis was placed, it was an irregular space with a diameter of about one kilometer. There were countless mounds, tombstones, dead wood, weeds, ayahuasca, urns, decayed coffins, and the like.

Wei Yuan's undead summons are active here and will not occupy energy levels, so they may be summoned to slash people.

Even if the dead bodies were brought in and left alone, they would die of weakness within a few hours!

Because the dead air in the necropolis will eat away at these living creatures!

Those dead bodies that died here will sink to the ground soon, and some will generate undead, such as skeletons, ghosts, zombies and the like. There are also some materials that are partial to undead attributes, such as bone strengthening powder, human skin scrolls, undead bones, teeth of the dead, immortal tongues, filthy blood, and the like.

This is simply an automatic monster spawner! Even the collection work is fully automatic, squeezing out every remaining value!

In the past two days, Wei Yuan's energy level has not stopped fluctuating, and within a few days he felt that he had reached the critical point of breakthrough!

He needs to kill something to stimulate, and then advance to the second level!

Every advancement of Katu is a great enhancement, not just as simple as adding one more poka slot.

Because advancing will strengthen your soul card!

As for what enhancement is, everyone is different, so it's hard to say.

This is why Wei Yuan has been in the fantasy world for so long, and has been responding to all changes without change, because time is on his side, the longer it drags on, the greater the advantage!

Zhou Siqi used some indescribable means to break through the dilemma of being unable to upgrade within a short period of time due to the use of escape cards, and even successfully advanced to the third level. But normally speaking, this method basically cut off the possibility of her advancing to the fourth level in the future.

After all, even her mother, who is proficient in this way, is stuck at level 3 and level 10 and cannot make any progress, and even has to take risks to seek a breakthrough in a very risky way.

Coupled with her two-headed dog of the same level 3, Zhou Siqi thought that she already had an absolute advantage. Not to mention that she still did mental calculations and did not intend to plot against Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng.

But she never expected that Wei Yuan would advance to the second level after entering the fantasy world for the second time! Moreover, the strengthening of his class at one time is much stronger than that of ordinary people! When the time comes, Wei Yuan will give her a surprise!

Wei Yuan: Sister, Si Po Rui Aiz~


And just two hours before the wisteria fusion attacked the worrying country Yixinhui, before the sun had completely set, Wei Yuan led his own people and surrounded and killed a monster that had been searching for several days!

One of the ten special experimental subjects—the Great Evil!

Treacherous and evil, but they made a couple!

Dajian is a mutated salamander, and Dae is a 12-meter-long crocodile with rough skin and thick flesh that can bite a car when it opens its mouth.

The crocodile skin on the back has been specially modified, even if it is the defense in other places, it is quite powerful!

Its defense reached an astonishing 42 points! Ordinary weapons are useless, even some small-caliber pistols can't shoot through them!

Hao Mengmeng's ghost-headed machete hit Da Ei's back, and after a loud noise, sparks flew! Even the Qi Lifting Cut can only cause some internal injuries.

The Kazuko Taidao strengthened by Saeko Busujima can only cut some small wounds in weak parts!

Ashe's armor-piercing arrow can only penetrate a few centimeters, and the effect of the ice is not very good for the big crocodile.

Although this monster has short legs and is clumsy, although the powerful master can't hit anyone, it is not a big threat to Wei Yuan and others, but Wei Yuan and others will have nothing to do with it!

If this monster is done by someone who is worried about the country and knows how to do it, a hundred awakened people will be extra food! You have to use a large amount of explosives.

In the end, Wei Yuan made a large, elongated, thickened, white phosphorus and magnesium bar incendiary bomb with floating particles using the refining of all things, and threw it into the throat of the big crocodile, directly imploding it!

After killing this big evil, Wei Yuan successfully broke through to the second level!

At this time, he had just "returned to the imperial court" and knew from the Three-Eyed Crow that the Worrying Country Yixin Association had collapsed. It can be said to be more happy than happy!

"It seems that we can harvest two or three hundred survivors tomorrow. Tell Hirata Yukio to prepare him."

After Wei Yuan explained, he came to the underground cemetery, where all his summons were.

Because after Wei Yuan advanced, they all got a very obvious strengthening!

This kind of enhancement is not like the tiny, imperceptible enhancement after Wei Yuan's Tier 1 upgrade before, but a large amount of enhancement suddenly!

Wei Yuan needs to do some confirmation, at least he needs to know the various changes of himself and the summoned objects now!

And when Wei Yuan came to the cemetery to check his growth, after a hard fight, the battle between Gui Yanye and Chimera was also decided.

Gui Yanye's whole body was broken, and he stood in place crookedly. One shoulder collapsed and one leg twisted weirdly. But her black-bottomed red-striped Hezi big sharp knife pierced into the chest of Chimera's seemingly insignificant, but cumbersome, human-shaped body!

The battle between the two lasted for more than four hours. All the buildings within a radius of five or six hundred meters collapsed, and the concrete ground was completely smashed, as if they had been baptized by shelling.

Gui Yanye's strength is quite strong, and he no longer has human thoughts, no fear and hesitation, let alone pain and death.

The result of not thinking is that intuition and instinct start to play a huge role, fighting like a natural killing machine.

And the Hezi deformed Chimera is not an ordinary person. It has mutated and multiplied. I don’t know what to call it. What kind of Hezi tentacles are they? Often, a random wave of hacking and smashing can cause a large area nearby to be destroyed.

Moreover, its regeneration ability is very strong, and it will quickly return to its original state after being destroyed. There is no time to completely destroy those huge limbs that are more than ten meters long!

Gui Yanye also went through several hours of hard fighting, almost exhausting all methods, and then according to the guidance of intuition, pierced the human body that had been dragged behind.


After being pierced, the already somewhat unrecognizable human figure suddenly opened its eyes as if awakened from a nightmare, and took a deep breath. Then he gradually relaxed and lowered his head.

The big mouths on the huge Hezi's limbs began to howl, and then quickly shrank, like a deflated ball.

There was something red and black that glowed like shredded meat, which was absorbed by Gui Yanye's nearly two-meter-long Hezi big sharp knife.

Gui Yanye's injury began to improve rapidly.

It was dawn and the sun rose.

After a night of despair, the world of Xiyuan Temple, which was closing its eyes and waiting to die, found something blocking the sunlight. She opened her eyes and saw that it was Gui Yanye who was covered in rags and blood...

Because there is no such thing as a click now, starting tomorrow, the update will update two chapters together at night. This makes it easier for everyone to see.

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