Magic card gods

Chapter 148 Wei Yuan is so tough!

With a fish head shield in one hand and a ghost gold rod in one hand, Wei Yuan casually dealt with the lickers in front of him.

These lickers may be much stronger than those in "Resident Evil" because of the chaos of many things in this fantasy world. With that kind of strong and tight muscles and extremely fast continuous bounce, ordinary people may not be able to follow their movements with their eyes, and they will be thrown down and eaten. It's like a muscle-enhanced licker.

But it wasn't enough for Wei Yuan. He could see the licker's movements very clearly, and he could follow them completely. The attack and pounce of the huge bone claw had no effect in front of the fish head shield.

Going down with one paw and grabbing the fish head shield is hard and slippery, just like holding a loach with force, the more force you use, the less force you can use. The licker expressed distress.

On the contrary, Wei Yuan's casual stick can beat the licker to the point of tearing his flesh and blood.

The muscles and membranes, which the police don't care about even if they shoot twice with a small-caliber pistol, can't withstand Wei Yuan's stick at all. The muscles were smashed with a stick, and the ice cold deceleration was frequently triggered...

Although Wei Yuan dealt with it very simply, that doesn't mean that the Licker is weak. In fact, Wei Yuan's attributes are too high, and he has formed advantages in all aspects, and he is so strong that he has no boundaries in a fight.

Among the card players, there are those who specialize in attribute flow. Once this card player faces an opponent who is weaker than him, he basically pinches with his hands and rarely overturns.

It belongs to the type that as long as you are weaker than me, you are definitely not an opponent. There is no such thing as being overturned by the opponent's weakness. This is the first choice for a reckless man!

This kind of card player is relatively stable, unlike those "skill flow", "skill flow", and "spell flow" card players, they have to see their performance. Once you make a mistake, it is normal to overturn the car.

When Wei Yuan was fighting, he focused on two things, observing the performance of other people.

Hao Mengmeng didn't say anything, and didn't even know what it means to hold back. At this moment, the licker's long tongue and one arm have been removed. It is estimated that even if you don't use Qi, in another thirty seconds or one minute, the licker will be chopped into pieces.

However, the Four King Kongs have been carrying out missions in the past few days, and there are many dead bodies hacked to death, and there are also a few special infected people and Kabane. Whether it is experience or cooperation, it is quite good.

Kasuga Rokuban is a representative of Yakuza who is trusted by them. He is the kind of talented player who has played since he was a child and has experienced many battles. After being strengthened, the combat power is not weak, and the two machetes are brandished together with the big tongue sound ~ quite imposing. The two knives often slash with the licker's big claws, a batch of crazy battles~

Kiryu Cang is a little immature. Although he has also undergone a full set of enhancements and got Wei Yuan's batch standard sword in his hand, he is not bad at dealing with dead bodies. Facing the enhanced version of Master Licking, he is at a loss.

But this is already very powerful, how many girls can actively ask to participate in the battle, instead of hiding in a safe shelter and praying?

And Kiryu Cang's swordsmanship is also good, and under the cover of Kasuga Rokuban, he didn't suffer a disadvantage.

Finally, Saeko Busushima. It can be clearly seen that Saeko Busujima is a little too aggressive, and often takes a lot of risks in her offense.

This way of fighting is not in line with her habits. This is the "evil way of swordsmanship" where the sword is slanted to fight for life. It is the swordsmanship used by those rogues who are very eager to get ahead and have nothing but a life and a sword.

The swordsmanship of the Saeko Busushima family has been passed down for more than three hundred years. It is the authentic samurai swordsmanship and the swordsmanship on the battlefield. While killing the enemy, he is very particular about preserving himself. Otherwise, after several battles, people will be disabled even if they don't die, what kind of warrior should they be?

But now, Saeko's mentality is obviously a little impatient and out of balance. She is anxious to prove herself and vent her emotions. Although she also knows that this is wrong, it is like this unconsciously.

Saeko suddenly sacrificed herself and stabbed the licker's chest, but was blocked by the opponent's giant claws. The fangs of revenge pierced through the huge sharp claws, but was unable to penetrate the licker's heart.

In fact, the key point of a licker is the head. It can live for a long time even if the heart is pierced. If there are too many people who eat it, it may be able to heal.

When Saeko Busujima stabbed with the sword, she knew in her heart that it was not good, and she was dominated by her emotions. But at this time, the moves are too old, the sword in his hand has been stuck to death by the giant claws, and the licker has already rushed over!

At this moment, a long arrow suddenly shot over and hit the licker on the shoulder, shooting the licker backwards.

At the same time, the Zen flower vines also burst out from the ground. The thorny vines bound the licker's lower body tightly and injected paralyzing poison.

Saeko Busujima took the opportunity to pull out her fangs of revenge, and sliced ​​off the bulging brain of the licker with a single sword.

The licker, which lost most of its brain, was still twitching and struggling on the ground, rolling over for a while, before dying completely.

After more than a minute, the battle between Fujimi's Four King Kong and his group also ended.

Fujio Nio slapped a licker's head with a large shield one after another. After being strengthened, Fujio Nio's physique, which was already much taller than his peers, skyrocketed, and his strength and physique were quite outstanding.

The shield was slapped firmly, and the licker was stunned, and his tongue was thrown out for a long time. Then Shoushan Huisaburo, who had been fishing for a long time, suddenly took the opportunity to get violent and decapitated him with a single knife.

Another licker also died under the joint efforts of Kasuga Fan and a Luren.

When the licker attacked Kiryu Soo, who was relatively weak, Sparrow River's explosive speed was not lost to the licker, and one of its hind legs was abolished with a single sword.

To be precise, it should be Quehe's death.

In the second or third day after the disaster broke out, these people basically confirmed the situation of their family members. Those who can be picked up are picked up, and those who can't be picked up, of course...

Among them, the name of Quehe is quite miserable. The most beloved sister drank the polluted water, then turned into a dead body and killed her parents. In the end, when Que Heming cut off his sister's head with his own hands, he was so painful that he almost shed tears of blood.

His relatives died overnight, but he wanted to kill his dead sister with his own hands. What kind of pain is this?

After being depressed for a day, Quehe Ming became silent and changed his name to Quehe Mingshi.

Maybe the heart of this big boy who has just grown up is already dead.

Taking advantage of the serious injury to one leg of the licker, Kasuga Rokuban rushed forward and slashed with two knives, almost cutting off the two big claws of the licker who could not dodge.

And one of the chicken thief's landers took the opportunity to sneak up and stab the licker in the back of the head with a gun, completing a righteous backstab.

This kid looks like a little shou, but he has become quite resilient after going through several hardships. Well, Japanese high school students are indeed the three creatures that cannot be provoked.

The other lickers were all dead, but the biggest and strongest one that Wei Yuan was facing suddenly backed away. It already feels that the man in front of it seems to be very strong, it is not an opponent.

But it didn't want to run away as Wei Yuan thought, but it jumped on the carcasses of several lickers and began to eat.

Aixi on the high wall in the distance immediately shot an arrow to shoot it to death, but Wei Yuan waved his hand from a distance. He wanted to see what the hell this licking master was doing.

In about ten seconds, the large licker swallowed about 30 catties of meat on top of several licker carcasses, and then began to curl up and tremble, turning red all over!

More than ten seconds later, it suddenly erupted under the shoulder blades, and the strangely colored dark red knuckles wrapped around the licker's exposed and bulging brain, and then strengthened the two already huge claws, and its figure also became huge!

The leader of the second level, Licking Master, actually upgraded to the leader of the second level by eating the meat of his companions!

The body size has almost doubled, and it is more than one meter high when lying on the ground. The vitals of the brain are protected by the sturdy armor, and the two claws have also been strengthened, and the head claws are shining with metallic luster!

Then the leader of the strengthened licker raised his head and let out a long hiss, his whole body began to turn red...

Wei Yuan saw the investigation information on the phone, and this guy actually used a skill called "burning blood", which improved various attributes in a short time!

Wei Yuan was about to laugh angrily: This kind of move is usually only for the protagonist? You are trying to rebel!

Wei Yuan rushed over with the fish head shield in his hand, and the leader of the lickers grabbed it with one claw, and then was slid away by the slippery fish head shield, and almost fell down because of his body imbalance!

Then the underground Zen flower vines launched another surprise attack, tying up the two "toad legs" of the leader of the lickers! Forced injection of maddening liquid (venom)~

Wei Yuan picked up the ghost gold stick and smashed it at the head of the Licker leader, who looked like he was wearing a helmet!

The leader of the lickers fell back after being hit, raised his big paw, and was blocked by the fish head shield. Wei Yuan raised the ghost gold stick and hit it again! The leader of the lickers raised his big paw again...

The two stood like this for more than a minute and fought dozens of times. In the end, the head of the leader of the lickers was smashed...

"Huh~" Wei Yuan shook the ghost gold stick covered with brains, heaved a sigh of relief, and shouted, "How tough!"

Everyone looked at Wei Yuan, who had been masturbating with the leader of a giant licker for more than a minute without getting hurt, and said in their hearts: You should be tougher...

The next step will involve the strengthening of Saeko Busujima, I think sister Busushima-senpai should take the initiative to take the first blood.

But harmony is also very important!

Headache, let's see the number of votes! See what everyone thinks! If there are too many votes, I will...hehehe~

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