Magic card gods

Chapter 147 The Licker Attacks

After experiencing the battle of the giant salamander in the Meguro River, everyone in the refuge generally became optimistic.

After all, such a huge and terrifying river monster was easily killed, so what are some rabies who bit people indiscriminately?

After everyone's respect for Wei Yuan and others has grown to a higher level, they also have expectations for the future.

Especially after Wei Yuan announced that eating the meat of this big salamander will strengthen the body, everyone in the refuge was very happy.

Although it was only the first meal that Wei Yuan invited everyone to eat, everyone tasted it, and wanted to work hard after eating, in exchange for "work points".

But everyone is still very enthusiastic! Everyone is motivated to work, and many people ask Wei Yuan if he still recruits people to collect supplies. Because the "work points" for the assignment tasks are more.

However, Saeko Busushima has been a little depressed these two days.

She is not worried about her bloodthirsty nature anymore, after all, the two girls under Wei Yuan are more vicious than the other. But now she is starting to worry about her strength!

"With my strength, am I really qualified to stand next to Wei Yuan?"

After the battle with the giant salamander, Saeko Busujima became a little unconfident and began to question herself.

Although she was determined by nature to say that she would not let go, she would definitely not let go. But it is a fact that he is not strong enough to keep up with the pace of this team.

She never thought that one day she would worry that she was not strong enough. Before, I was worried that I would not be able to restrain my bloodthirsty instinct and would hurt others, so that I couldn't let go of my body and mind even when I used swordsmanship.

Wei Yuan naturally found out that Saeko Busujima seemed to have something on his mind these two days, after all he valued her very much.

Generally, in fantasy world adventures, there is an unwritten unspoken rule, that is, under normal circumstances, do not touch the main personnel of the plot, because that will cause the plot to run wild and accelerate the reset of the fantasy world.

In particular, the main members cannot be brought out of the fantasy world by any means. Because then there is a great chance that the fantasy world will collapse and go berserk.

That is to go your own way, leaving other Katu nowhere to go. This is considered a move to cross the river and tear down the bridge.

Once the fantasy world runs amok and gets out of control, all previous accumulation and experience will be in vain. How many people are living by pointing to the strategy, this is cutting off people and money.

If this kind of thing is known, there will be no punishment, but there will definitely be people who are upset and will secretly trip you up. It's not scary to be stumbling on one person, but if hundreds of people are stumbling you, then you won't be able to get along.

But it's different now. In order to break through, the Tier 5 boss has already torn his face and rushed to destroy the fantasy world. He was on the first day of junior high school, and Wei Yuan was on the fifteenth day of the junior high school. Anyway, he was standing in front, and he was just following the trend.

However, when he really reached the 5th rank boss, how many people are still qualified to trip him up? It's too late to lick!

Power is privilege, and unspoken rules must give way to the privileged.

Therefore, Wei Yuan made up his mind to take away Saeko Dudao. He feels that Saeko Busujima has great potential, even more potential than the protagonist in this world.

It is generally believed that the protagonists in each fantasy world have great luck, great fortune, and superior roots. If you can pull out the illusion, you will definitely have a lot of achievements.

But this stuff is also divided into people, such as Ito Makoto, Akizuki Takazo, Hirasaka Ryuji, etc., why pull them out? Sleeping with the enemy?

But Saeko Busujima, as an aborigine with a very low upper limit of power in the fantasy world, has the potential to become a strong person. If you cultivate it carefully, you can't go wrong.

The most important thing is the character of Saeko Busujima, as long as she is identified, she will become a reliable...well, partner!

And Saeko's figure... Wei Yuan is hungry, how about you? \u003c( ̄ˇ ̄)/

Of course, don't misunderstand Wei Yuan, he is not a giant (river crab) milk party. Poor breasts, Lolita, Married Wife, Tsundere, etc., as long as there is love, there is no problem!

But just when Wei Yuan was looking for an opportunity to have an open and honest exchange with Saeko Busujima, Yakuza, who was on guard on the city wall, suddenly rang the alarm bell.

In order to prevent accidents, Wei Yuan installed many alarm bells inside the shelter. Because the dead body's eyesight is not very good, and they rely on their sense of smell and hearing to find the target, so generally, unless it is a serious situation, they are not allowed to ring the alarm bell, for fear that it will attract a large number of dead bodies.

Wei Yuan hurried up to the high wall, where Hao Mengmeng and Ai Xi had already arrived.

He looked outside, no wonder the sentry rang the alarm bell, and it turned out that five different monsters appeared. And they went straight to the refuge.

That thing is not a good thing when you look at it, and it is disgusting when you look at it.

Wei Yuan saw that the monster had no skin, and its muscles were wrapped in a layer of transparent fascia. Its head had no skull, and its brain bulged like a pig's brain that hadn't entered the water. They are on all fours, their hind legs are set aside like toads, and they are so agile that they can bounce on the ground and walls to avoid shooting from Yakuza's pistol!

Wei Yuan was surprised: "Isn't this a licker? This dead body virus made me almost forget Umbrella's flagship product!"

However, this licker is obviously different. It looks much bigger, with bulging muscles, sharp and huge claws, and very fast movements. It may have been re-evolved.

This thing was originally the product of a T-virus infected person who devoured other infected people after infection, and finally produced a secondary mutation. If you eat more of this thing, you will become stronger if you collect more and stronger dna.

This was not made by Umbrella, but a "product of natural evolution" born by coincidence. But later, Umbrella also mastered the catalytic technology of this monster, and added the Licker to his list of biochemical weapons.

I just don't know, how did these five lickers come from? And why did they attack the shelter?

As the five lickers rushed forward, the wolf-headed witcher pendant hanging around Wei Yuan's neck began to tremble. It seems that this pendant regards this thing as a monster.

Wei Yuan waved his hand to stop his subordinate Yakuza from firing in a panic. Even when they are calm, it is difficult to hit these lickers who are jumping up and down and scurrying on the wall and ground, not to mention these Yakuza are so nervous that they are completely blown away.

Even if the licker hits the bullet actively, as long as it doesn't get shot into the brain, it will have no effect at all.

These muscular, gigantic lickers can do little damage with a pistol.

At this time, Wei Yuan's men were all ready to fight.

Hao Mengmeng, Ai Xi, Busujima Saeko, Fujimi Four King Kong, Kasuga Rokuban and Kiryu Ao who have just completed strengthening.

I won't talk about Kasuga Six Fans, he is very good at fighting and has a good foundation. Moreover, his performance in the past few days has been very good. Wei Yuan strengthened him as a typical example of Yakuza and young adults, and used it to set a benchmark for Yakuza and young adults.

As for Kiryu Cang, this was an accident. She is a member of another school's kendo club, and she has a resolute and courageous personality.

After she arrived at the shelter, she quickly recognized the reality. Started to help convey Wei Yuan's intentions and orders to ordinary people, and to ease everyone's emotions and help stabilize the situation.

Later, she approached Wei Yuan and asked for it to be strengthened. She used herself as a guinea pig to show ordinary survivors the benefits of strengthening and obeying the rules of the shelter.

Wei Yuan thought about it and agreed. Take it as a stand for Saeko Busujima and Shizuka Juchuan to see the effect of strengthening methods on women.

There are currently four strengthening methods in the shelter: [No Potential Quick Success Method (Green)], [Basic Soldier Inauguration Temple (Green)], [Elementary Enhancement Potion Injection Device (Green)], [Evolution Puzzle Nine (Green)] )].

A full set of five excellent material cards, which is five thousand yuan.

Some Yakuza who performed well and were responsible for maintaining order, standing guard, and going out to collect supplies will also be allowed to undergo one or two enhancements. About fifteen or six people in total.

The combination of kindness and strength is very effective. Now the work efficiency of the people in the refuge has been greatly improved, and Wei Yuan's "experience harvesting assembly line" is almost completed!

Wei Yuan began to assign tasks: "I have one, Mengmeng has one, Passerby, Erxiong, Shasanlang, Queheming, Liufan, Cang, you six will deal with two, and the remaining one..."

Du Dao Saeko suddenly interrupted Wei Yuan in a rare way, and said, "Leave the remaining one to me!"

In normal times, Saeko Busujima would never interrupt Wei Yuan, because it would damage Wei Yuan's prestige as a man and leader. It was something she absolutely shouldn't have done as a woman.

It's just that she especially doesn't want to be excluded now, she wants to prove herself. She knew that if she didn't speak, the last one would be given to Ashe with the bow and arrow.

Wei Yuan glanced at her and nodded, "Okay, I'll leave the last one to you, Saeko. Aixi, you can support us at any time..."

Ai Xi nodded, knowing that Wei Yuan meant to support Saeko Busujima.

Saeko Bujima also knew the meaning of Wei Yuan's words, she was grateful to Wei Yuan for saving her face, and did not directly say to support her, but she was very unwilling.

She swore secretly: "I, Saeko Busujima, must never be a weak person protected by others!"

Wei Yuan waved his hand: "Let's go!" He said, holding Saeko Busujima's waist, and jumped off the nearly five-meter-high wall. Saeko who has not undergone any strengthening cannot jump directly like other people.

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