Magic card gods

Chapter 138 The Ark Project (Part 2)

When Saeko Busujima's sword went down, the fang of revenge in her hand was like a bright line, hitting the female doctor's two knuckles.

The huge force carried by Kazuko caused Saeko Busushima to fly backwards, and after landing, he dragged his feet on the ground for five or six meters before standing still.

However, the power flowing from the Fang of Vengeance penetrated her whole body, so that she was not harmed, and she stabilized her posture, not afraid of the enemy's follow-up pursuit.

At this time, Saeko Busujima's heart was beating like a drum, and she was staring at the female doctor in front of her with full concentration.

Saeko Busujima: If it is such an enemy, the normal self is definitely not an opponent. Even if there is a force flowing from the knife into the body now, I can only hold on for a while longer. The strength and speed are too much, the attack distance is close to four meters, the attack methods are changeable, and the angle is tricky...

The female doctor was also taken aback by Saeko Busujima's slash. It was the first time she saw an ordinary person who could hold a knife to resist Kazuko's blow.

She didn't hold back!

I thought I could pierce it through with one blow, insert it on He Zi, and shock everyone, but I didn't expect it to return without success. Instead, Hezi suffered some injuries. Although this kind of injury is harmless, it will recover in a short while, and Hezi is a semi-solid tissue formed by Rc cells, so it will not be really damaged.

But such a thing can only happen in a battle with ghouls.

"It's just a mere human being, but..." The female doctor's expression was not very good-looking. There is a feeling of saving money for half a year to buy a bag, only to find that a competitor also has one on his arm!

Even those investigators with weapons made of Hezi, after being enhanced by Hezi weapons, it is difficult to withstand their own full-strength blows. After all, Yuhe is known for his high mobility and high explosive power. But relatively, the durability is much lower. Feather ghouls are not durable.

Facing the young man who was always smiling on the high platform, she always felt a little guilty when she was alone.

Female doctor: We must quickly deal with the opponent, get out of here first!

Hezi turned into butterfly wings and slammed her back, and the whole body flew in front of Saeko Busujima. He Zi turned into a sharp sword behind him and attacked again!

The first sword was firmly caught by Saeko Busujima with a knife, and under preparation, the huge force of Hezi's sharp sword failed to defeat her. But at the same time, another Hezi sharp sword turned a corner and stabbed from the side!

"Crack!" Just as Saeko Busushima was about to be pierced, an arrow pierced Kazuko's sword first, and a large swath of frost began to spread on Kazuko.

The female doctor was startled, and hurriedly retreated. The arrow just now was more lethal than the firearms in the hands of those investigators. Even if his Hezi was Yuhe, ordinary small-caliber firearms would not be able to penetrate it.

This arrow is quirky! If the target was his own head, the consequences would be disastrous.

Behind Wei Yuan, Ai Xi put another arrow on the string with a blank expression, and looked at the female doctor quietly. Her meaning was already obvious: you can be beaten, but if you fight back, you will be shot.

"Those people are a bit dangerous. I'd better not show off and retreat first. When I return to the headquarters, the apostles will naturally bring people over..."

Thinking of this, the female doctor suddenly raised her hands behind her back, and unexpectedly shot six or seven thin, thin Hezi throwing knives more than 30 centimeters long!

Yuhe is the only one among all Hezi who can fight from a distance. Yuhe Ghoul can shoot his half-materialized Hezi out.

Saeko Busujima made a judgment in an instant: she couldn't intercept all the red and black throwing knives! I can still try if I only have one, but now...

At this moment, a huge bronze-colored wild boar with four limbs standing on the ground and a height of 1.5 meters appeared sideways in front of Saeko Busujima, blocking all attacks.


The little bronze Peggy, who was used as a shield as soon as he came out, hummed helplessly to express his dissatisfaction.

The Hezi flying knife, which can easily penetrate the human body, failed to pierce the thick layer of bronze-colored pigskin. As little Page turned around, it fell crookedly and dissipated.

"This is?!" The female doctor was also shocked.

Female Doctor: What kind of ability is this? Is this young man really an Onmyoji? No, I have to withdraw first!

She leaped into mid-air and spun, and her two Hezi wings flew around like machine guns, shooting countless finger-length Hezi flying knives.

She wanted to create chaos and take the opportunity to escape. If she could cause damage, that would be even better!

She likes to kill humans, and in the files of the Countermeasure Bureau, she is marked with the code name "Scalpel"!

Her Hezi is Yuhe, who can not only change into two long swords to attack the enemy, but also fly many sharp scalpel-shaped Hezi flying knives from a long distance.

This kind of ghoul, which can attack from a distance, was the deadliest to the early countermeasure bureau investigators.

It is equivalent to a super soldier with explosive physical fitness, and he is also holding a powerful firearm.

If Captain America had a shield in one hand and an infinite ammo submachine gun in one hand, it would be terrible for Nazi soldiers.


Countless red and black Hezi scalpels flew out and shot at the surrounding people who had retreated dozens of meters to the corner of the wall.

This female doctor ghoul actually wanted to kill more ordinary people when she finally escaped.

However, six beams of light shot out from the ground in the blink of an eye, and there were translucent barriers connecting the beams of light.

A hexagonal light prison traps the female doctor in it. The dozens of Hezi scalpels hit the light prison, causing tiny ripples, and then fell to the ground.

She tried to use her feathers to turn into a sharp sword to attack the light prison, but the light prison only made bigger ripples.

It feels like this thing can't be broken in a short time... Am I trapped?

"What is this?!" Since becoming a ghoul, the female doctor has never been as deflated as she is today.

"This?" Wei Yuan said with a smile, "This is nothing more than the Yin-Yang technique 'Six Daoes of Light Prison'."

In fact, this is a magic scroll [Six Paths of Light Prison (Green)], which is trapped inside but not outside. Wei Yuan bought it for 5,500 yuan.

The female doctor ghoul + the terrified audience who were eating melons, were all shocked: This male boss is indeed an Onmyoji!

Wei Yuan's move can be regarded as confirming his identity as an onmyoji. Immediately, it became mysterious, noble and unfathomable in the hearts of everyone. Coupled with the fact that he immediately highlighted his own characteristic "immortal spirit", his image became taller in an instant!

Those people who saw him with only fear and some resistance, now began to be in awe.

"Xuezi is just an ordinary person after all. Mengmeng, go ahead and save yourself a life."

Hao Mengmeng was bored to make circles with his feet on the ground, when he heard this, he said happily: "Okay! Leave it to Mengmeng!"

Hao Mengmeng stretched out her hand and made a gesture of digging out of the pocket on her belly, and then, under the incredulous eyes of everyone, she took out the ghost-headed sword!

Spatial equipment, props or cards are necessary for card players. It's just that Hao Mengmeng was too poor to eat before, and had nothing but a knife.

Now Wei Yuan has prepared a dimensional pocket for her. Although it is a bit annoying to stick it on the stomach, the space in the dimensional pocket is very large this time, and it can hold some food. Just right for Hao Mengmeng.

Ashe also has a space ring, but it is much smaller, but she can take arrows with her mind, allowing the arrows to appear directly in her hand, increasing the rate of fire.

Hao Mengmeng doesn't care about other things, now it's Big Brother Wei who can do whatever he wants. Let’s go east instead of west, let’s kill dogs and don’t eat chicken, let’s turn off the lights and go to sleep… I have food, drink and entertainment, I have given up thinking, and I feel happy all day long!

She walked into the prison of light like this, swiped the big knife in her hand, and rushed towards the female doctor without saying a word. Even his eyes didn't change, as if he was eating and drinking on his way.

No, when eating, Mengmeng's expression is rich, and her eyes are full of fanaticism.

When I went out to collect supplies for lunch today, those younger brothers were so scared that they didn't dare to pick up food. They watched helplessly as she ate more than half of the lunch for a dozen people.

At this time, the female doctor no longer had the confidence and arrogance she had at the beginning, and she was already a little scared.

In the face of this unexplainable force, Hezi, whom she was proud of, could not bring her a sense of security.

She was the first to attack Hao Mengmeng, and a dozen Hezi scalpels flew towards Hao Mengmeng in no particular order. But Hao Mengmeng made a flat 90-degree turn to avoid most of it, drew a circle with the ghost knife in his hand and lifted it above his head, and knocked the remaining scalpels away.

Hao Mengmeng's sudden burst of speed not only dodged the scalpel, but also bullied her in front of her all at once, never giving her opponent a chance to attack from a distance.

After all, the female doctor has also experienced several fights, so she is not at a loss at this time. She immediately controlled two slender giant swords transformed from Yuhe, and stabbed at Hao Mengmeng like a gust of wind.

The two slender black and red swords stabbed alternately at an extremely fast speed, making more than a dozen thrusts in two seconds!

But Hao Mengmeng was even more domineering, the ghost head knife in his hand was burning bright flames, opening and closing and attacking with the black and red sword, the speed was not slow at all, and the strength was still greater than that.

After a few seconds of fighting, Yu He, the female doctor, couldn't hold on anymore.

Hao Mengmeng's Wang Zhiqi is too domineering, and Yuhe is a kind of semi-solid Hezi similar to flames. It is difficult to maintain the materialization, and he cannot form a solid entity for a long time like Jiahe.

After dozens of violent collisions in a few seconds, Hezi's sharp sword was forced to collapse into Rc cells by Hao Mengmeng's Wang Zhiqi!

But before the female doctor felt terrified, Hao Mengmeng suddenly swung two black and red Hezi sharp swords with a ghostly sword, and slashed at the female doctor more than two meters away!

"Puff~" A blade stretched out, directly across the female doctor's thigh.

The female doctor froze for two seconds in panic, then fell headfirst to the ground, her legs were still standing there, blood spurted out for a while, it was extremely bloody! Many onlookers around couldn't eat this kind of blood melon, they screamed and passed out!

Wei Yuan slapped his forehead, letting Mengmeng keep his life alive, he really kept his life alive. If you don't die, you're alive... But if you don't rush to rescue him, you won't be able to live for long.

With a wave of Wei Yuan's hand, the flower vine in the Zen realm opened the floor tiles and got out, showing a Wei's rope technique, tied the female doctor tightly, stopped the bleeding simply, and used the vine to penetrate into the female doctor's flesh and blood control her actions...

After a busy meal, the female doctor who managed to stop the bleeding was taken away by Wei Yuan and the others. The onlookers rushed back to their rooms tremblingly.

Saeko Busujima stood still and reflected on herself. After a while, she walked to the wall. Because the female doctor was not far from the back wall, the knife left marks on the back wall.

The crack was a full three centimeters wide, and even a finger couldn't touch it to the bottom. If it weren't for the thicker wall, it might have been cut open.

Saeko Busushima caressed the knife marks on the wall, and felt Hao Mengmeng's indomitable intention when she swung the knife.

Saeko Busujima: I'm so envious, as long as Wei Yuan talks, Mengmeng can draw the sword without distraction. Can I also let go of all my thoughts and become his knife? What is that terrible power? I feel a little reconciled!

However, the knife Wei Yuan gave me seems unusual...

Saeko Busujima carefully looked at the Fang of Vengeance in her hand.

After two months, we have reached the bottleneck period.

I urgently need some tickets to calm my anxious mood, book friends help me, tickets come~

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