Magic card gods

Chapter 137 The Ark Project (Part 1)

Wei Yuan has arrangements for this fantasy world. Although the main goal is to solve the enemy, he has not given up the opportunity to improve himself.

Katu who came from the academy knew one thing: don't give up any chance to improve your level in the fantasy world adventure.

Many card players from Yeluzi often have problems such as giving up lightly and avoiding important things. They think it is a beacon card anyway? As long as you don't pay, it's no big deal. There are many opportunities, and there are countless fantasy worlds waiting for you.

It’s like many people think: there are ten minutes left, sleep for a while; there is still half a month of exams, don’t rush to review; I am still young, and I am young enough to stand up to making mistakes...

However, they often encounter their own bottlenecks after a few fruitless adventures. At that time, there will be almost no energy level fluctuations, and the level increase is purely a dream.

There is a saying: Those gifts of fate have already been marked with a price.

Katu entered the fantasy world, did he really just consume a beacon card? A beacon is just a positioning!

This kind of behavior of reaching those time loop fantasy worlds without going through the cracks in the world must consume something, right?


Although Wei Yuan stayed in Tianyuan City for only a few days, he made a lot of preparations.

The most important thing is the [Soul Stone (Blue)].

Biochemical zombie monsters are relatively less stimulating to energy level fluctuations, and their card revenue is not very good. It belongs to a monster that is even less exciting than a skeleton monster.

But the zombies have an advantage, the strength is low and the number is large, for novices, they can be swiped vigorously! Don't think about the plot, characters, decryption, etc., just concentrate on it! Simple and boring, but useful.

Even if only three or four zombies can stand up to a monster of the same level, tens of millions of zombies are enough to make them soft. There will be no problem of no monsters to farm or grab monsters at all.

According to Wei Yuan's knowledge, under the guidance of the elders in the family, many card disciples used some special methods to sharpen their ranks in the Biochemical Illusory Realm.

There is no need to think about the card harvest, but the level harvest is very huge.

Wei Yuan came to this fantasy world just to level up, and he also brought [Soul Stone (Blue)] to try to generate extra income.

There are also many Katu who take the path of slaughtering sentient beings, and playing with the soul is a broad road.

However, there were too many killings in the fantasy world, and some people stood up to resist, so there were countless katu who overturned.

It's a quick but risky path.

Only kill the undead, kill the zombies, there will never be any righteous people, hidden powerhouses, stand up and kill you. They wish you could kill more.

But monsters like zombies don't have many souls, and killing dozens of them may not be comparable to a living person.

Aren't those people who follow the wrong path just trying to make great strides and make rapid progress, like this kind of hard work, so what's the point?

Well! I buried my head in killing zombies for three months, sleeping in bloody water every day, and killed 40,000 to 50,000 zombies! In the end, hundreds of souls that were much weaker than ordinary people were harvested.

It seems that I have been living day and night for three months, and finally got two SRs... What am I planning? Am I worthy of myself?

It's almost like letting those who have lost their way go to the construction site to move bricks. Even if they can make money in the end, they won't do it!

It is impossible to work part-time, I will steal a battery car to support you!

But Wei Yuan is willing to move the bricks, anyway, he has a lot of summons, so he doesn't have to move them by himself. Making full use of the surplus labor force in hand and squeezing out the surplus value is the correct way to lead capitalists~~

The undead monsters in his hands didn't feel tired, so he went to kill them street by street.

And once a faction is formed, with more younger brothers in hand to cooperate, the efficiency of "moving bricks" can be doubled several times!

This is the correct way to unfold the summoning flow! Be a big boss, or be the mastermind behind the scenes!


After a tired day of killing monsters, Wei Yuan let out a distorted laugh. He discovered a big secret!

Although the fluctuation of the energy level of killing the body was in line with my expectations: the various summoned objects scattered out killed the body together, killing hundreds of them all day, and I did not rise to level 1.

But why are there so many souls collected in the soul stone?

According to Wei Yuan's original plan, he would be able to upgrade by himself for three days.

Then expand the power of the refuge, let the younger brothers cooperate with themselves, chase and intercept those dead bodies, and form an assembly line slaughter process of dead bodies!

Wei Yuan: Those entrants are pursuing high risk and high return, but I want to grow with low risk and large scale! Steady and steady step by step, as steady as an old dog!

In order to maximize the benefits and drain every ounce of value from the dead body, Wei Yuan put soul stone fragments on the summoned objects, which can automatically absorb the free souls nearby, and finally gather them into this big soul stone in his hand.

In the end, it must be put into the mourning cemetery and become the nutrient of the cemetery.

Is it okay to "eat one body and eat two"?

He never expected that this fantasy world gave him a big surprise!

The Umbrella that shouldn't have appeared, the Sumatran rat monkey that shouldn't have been acquired by Umbrella, the rabies virus that shouldn't have appeared on that rat monkey...

The runaway fantasy world put these coincidences together and created this new type of dead body virus!

This virus will not kill people, it is a highly contagious and highly mutated rabies virus.

It will cause the infected person to lose their sense of pain and mind like a zombie, and have an unparalleled desire to attack. Like a mad dog.

However, those infected people will not die, and even the vitality is more vigorous because of the overdraft development in a short period of time. Therefore, my strength has also increased, and I can run faster, and it is not difficult to go up to the fifth floor in one breath.

These dead bodies are not resurrected zombies, in fact they are hopeless patients, they are alive!

The souls of zombies that died once are pitifully small, like sugarcane that has been chewed carefully, no one has the desire to pick it up and chew it again.

Wei Yuan only relied on the abundance of summons and did not need to "chew the sugar cane" himself. Based on the psychology of recycling waste, he came up with such a plan of "one body, two eating, soul harvesting".

But at first he only planned to use a sickle to cut some hogweed, but he didn't expect to get a large piece of green leeks with one knife!

He felt that he might be about to make a fortune!

A man is not rich without windfall, and a horse is not fat without night grass!


The joyous Wei Yuan took Hao Mengmeng and others back to the refuge, and the smile on his face in the car couldn't be restrained, so frightened that Tengnv Erxiong, Shoushan Shisaburo and others thought Wei Yuan had fallen into a demon. !

As a result, when he returned to his "home", he found that a spy had infiltrated the house! A ghoul...

Wei Yuan: This is treating my refuge as a cafeteria!

So Wei Yuan held a collective meeting and said the words of tigers and wolves: "A monster came out of us~ rape~"

The people below were stunned. They helped to transport supplies, strengthen the high walls, pull barbed wire and so on all day long. If you don't work hard, you will be cut off for work points and the distribution of materials will be reduced. You will be exhausted already.

Hearing Wei Yuan's words at this moment, I couldn't help being annoyed: Isn't it you who is the monster here?

Only one very beautiful woman's complexion changed slightly. She fled here with a group of people by car at noon and was taken in.

Because he was originally a doctor, his status among the survivors was quite high.

The Yourong alumnus Ju Chuan Shizuka that Wei Yuan brought out from the Fujimi Academy admired him very much.

This woman is also very satisfied with Ju Chuan Shizuka, and has already made it a night snack.

However, she did not expect that this young man who had just returned to the shelter would suddenly say such a sentence.

"It's like I know some onmyoji and can use plants. This world is not that simple." Wei Yuan reiterated his special status as "foreign onmyoji". It is used to create a sense of mystery, so that you can become a capitalist yourself in the future.

At that time, those who are used to being exploited will defend him: "He can become a capitalist because he has the ability that others don't! Do you have it?"

In fact, the two have nothing to do~

He continued: "There are some monsters in this world. They eat people, but they look the same as us. The reason why I came to Dongpu is to follow these monsters. Even, I suspect that this outbreak of dead bodies, It's about them too."

Wei Yuan's words stunned the people below.

They felt that either Wei Yuan was crazy, or they were crazy.

Wei Yuan continued: "It just so happened that as soon as I came back, I found a monster disguised as a human being and lurking in the refuge. This is treating us as fresh meat in the refrigerator. I hope to take this opportunity to let everyone see this cruel monster." world!"

Speaking of this, the female doctor already felt that something was wrong. The young man didn't seem to be cheating on her. How did he find out about himself?

Anyway, she began to back away quietly, trying to get to the edge of the crowd.

At this time, Wei Yuan pointed out, "Don't move!"

Immediately, more than a dozen long and short firearms pointed at the female doctor.

At the very beginning, Wei Yuan arranged for more than 20 trustworthy people to master guns. It is convenient to control the shelter when you are not there. At the same time, around these people, there are also a few dark soldiers secretly watching, which can be said to be controlled at every level.

As soon as the gun was pulled out, the people below were terrified, and they backed away very naturally, leaving a big circle to let out the intellectual female doctor wearing glasses.

"Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Let everyone experience this man-eating monster ghoul today, so that we can be vigilant."

Wei Yuan said: "Xiezi, go up and try the strength of this ghoul."

Saeko Busujima looked at Wei Yuan with some doubts, and walked towards the female doctor with the handle of the knife in her hand.

She knew that Wei Yuan would never joke about this kind of thing, but the woman in front of her really couldn't see anything wrong.

If it's Hao Mengmeng, then it's naturally Big Brother Wei who said that a monster is a monster, and he can slash as soon as he lifts the knife.

If it was Ashe, although she would have doubts in her heart, she would take the target first and then speak.

It's just that Saeko Busujima has just joined this small group after all, and has not yet been contracted. Although she recognizes Wei Yuan very much and has decided not to let her go, she is not to the point of obeying her words.

She said to the nervous female doctor: "Don't be nervous, don't resist, if we misunderstood you, we will apologize to you, but..."

Just when she was trying to appease the female doctor, the female doctor suddenly showed a weird smile, and the next second her eyes turned into dark eyes with a little blood red in them, two weird wings like butterfly wings. Hezi unfolded and appeared above the shoulder blades, presenting a translucent illusion!

The female doctor felt that she could no longer pretend, so she chose to act first!

Although Saeko Busujima had raised her vigilance because of Wei Yuan's words, and she never left the handle of the knife, but the female doctor was pregnant with feathers and possessed extremely high explosive power and speed, so she rushed to Saeko Busujima in an instant, Kazuko, who was like phantom wings behind her, turned into two long black and red swords and stabbed at Saeko Busujima!

"Clang~" Saeko Busujima instinctively used the Iai Slash at the critical moment, and the [Fang of Vengeance (Green)] in her hand became hot, and a kind of power was instilled into the body from the handle of the knife.

This strike of Juheshou is definitely Saeko Busujima's pinnacle blow!

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