Magic card gods

Chapter 118 Reward me for choosing a beacon!

"Okay, okay! I see, let's talk about it later!" Yuan Fenghua hung up the phone impatiently.

Zhou Yang on the side said with a half-smile, "Auntie?"

Yuan Fenghua looked a little impatient, "Well, I have to introduce a girl to me again. I am now a card with a bright future! How could I be so anxious to get married and have children? I am still an ordinary person! I will become a high-level card in the future. !"

Zhou Yang looked at his face and nodded: "That's right. You still have a chance! You can't trust women!"

Yuan Fenghua: You and I seem to have different ideas?

As I said before, there are mobile phones in Tianyuan City, but they can only be used within the city and outside the city. In the fantasy world, it is not easy to use.

In fact, even if this city is not the kind of city that focuses on science fiction, it still has very high-end technology. It is not difficult to regenerate limbs and organs in medical warehouses using cloning technology, and suspension vehicles are also common, and the richest people have their own intelligent butler robots...

However, this city is also a very polarized city.

The Katus of the upper class and some wealthy and officials of the established class enjoy a life of luxury and convenience that ordinary people can't imagine. But the free people still ride the simple subway and drive cheap electric cars every day. Not to mention slaves.

Generally speaking, it is almost like Wei Yuan before crossing.

No, in some respects it's not even as good.

For example, mobile phones and cars are not good on the original earth, at least there are cheap ones, but in this city, ordinary people have mobile phones and electric cars, which are equivalent to the treatment of millionaires.

It probably means ten thousand households and big mobile phones at the end of the 20th century...

For example, Fatty recently spent a lot of money to buy a mobile phone in order to start his business. He was so excited! Don't wear it on your belt every day, show off!

Sending text messages to Wei Yuan every night, saying to become bigger and stronger, pushing Will Gang to other cities. (Reluctant to call, calls are very expensive)

However, all of this will be different immediately when you become a carder!

Even those Tier 1 card disciples who were born in Yeluzi and suddenly awakened their soul cards will be different.

Because you have energy levels and can use cards, even if you don't take risks and become stronger, you can become a high-end limited-edition tool man! Many positions that only Katu can take are waiting for you. Immediately become a master!

Before Wei Yuan's life was very ordinary, only when he became an unknown master could he be a little more presumptuous in the black market. It's different now, all income comes from "legitimate" sources!

Wei Yuan equipped Hao Mengmeng and Ai Xi with mobile phones, and bought a lot of things to improve their quality of life. He even plans to change houses!

Speaking of it, it is almost time to move out of the old city. It's just that the huge one-bedroom apartment he requested was not easy to find.


Not long after Yuan Fenghua and Zhou Yang arrived at the restaurants around the college, Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng also arrived.

Zhou Yang immediately leaned over and asked, "Wei Yuan, what did Billy Zhou want from you? When did you get on line with him?"

Wei Yuan: I didn't, I wasn't, don't talk nonsense! I have nothing to do with him, if you want, I can give you a line!

At school just now, after Billy Zhou gave Wei Yuan and these novices who had just experienced their first fantasy world adventure two choices, he called Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng out for an extra chat before arriving late.

There were 42 students who graduated as card students a month ago, and now after the first fantasy adventure, there are still 30 students left.

Even though the first adventure had the school's information and beacons, and the teacher who led the team gave them advice, there were still twelve novice card disciples who failed to survive.

The risk of adventure in the fantasy world is still very high. Even the old carders who have experienced several adventures often overturn their cars.

The several fantasy worlds provided for graduates are relatively familiar, but there are still such casualties. Those uncommon or even first-time fantasy worlds are full of surprises.

It is not so easy to become stronger.

Katu who can survive the first fantasy adventure are precious resources. Naturally, the Second Academy will try its best to keep them.

The Second Academy is an institution affiliated to the Katu Association, one of the only two institutions that officially trains Katu.

At the same time, these two academies are also the two directly affiliated organizations of the official Katu, and they also have the responsibility and power to open up the fantasy world and participate in the decision-making of Tianyuan City.

In addition to the first and second colleges, there are also some semi-official and semi-private organizations such as the Strengthener Association, Blacksmith Association, and Card Trading Association under the Card Apprentice Association.

These institutions basically do not participate in the daily management of the city, but they deeply affect the operation of the city. After all, ordinary people revolve around the Katu, and some decisions are made for the benefit of the Katu in the city.

However, there is a saying that there is no faction in the party, and there are all kinds of strange things.

This Katu Association is an organization similar to a parliament, established to protect the interests of all Katu in Tianyuan City. But it itself is only a decision-making body, and all decisions will be delegated to subordinate agencies and administrative positions for implementation.

The "senators" among them are also representatives of the interests of various institutions and groups, so the interior is definitely not a whole.

A novice like Wei Yuan is the target of various interest groups.

Not only this kind of semi-official groups and institutions, but also many non-governmental organizations such as the "Katu Small Team", "Big Company", and "Scavenger Association" affiliated to the Katu Association. These peripheral organizations also need to absorb fresh blood . It's just that academic cardists seldom join these non-governmental organizations.

Basically, Katu ended his first fantasy adventure, which was the most beautiful time at the low level. Because all organizations are stretching out olive branches and vying for it.

And among the two choices given by the academy, if you graduate directly, you will naturally have a good relationship with the academy after that.

If you choose to stay in school for further study, you will be affiliated with the college. The college will give "salary" and "benefits", issue some tasks and assignments, and rewards for completion. And if you perform well, there is still a chance to climb up, and even enter the Katu Association and become a direct member of the association.

This is the best choice for many card players who have no heels or ordinary backgrounds.

For example, the leading teachers and teaching teachers of many colleges are all former graduates.


"Wei Yuan, do you want to stay in school?" Zhou Yang asked.

Wei Yuan asked back, "What about you?"

"Me?" Zhou Yang pouted, "Tsk, I stay in school! Staying in school has great potential and good development. If I encounter a bottleneck and cannot be promoted to the middle-level card student, I will be forced to go home and inherit the family. I'm done. How can I do that?"

Ever since he awakened his soul card because of something, Zhou Yang's thinking has changed. From being a management class to having to be a powerful carder.

So what if you have money? You provided her with food and drink, bought her a house, sent her to a good school, and finally got married with your boss? For someone who is stupid and bad, you have to make her feel scared.

For example, the woman who stimulated Zhou Yang to awaken the soul card had already been killed by Zhou Yang and his old man.

She would never have imagined that she would find such a big stimulus after looking for it herself.

Zhou Yang continued excitedly: "However, I also found a good way! I can do business in the fantasy world! Money is coming soon!"

Daringly, during the last period of Huanglong City, Zhou Yang mixed with Qian Jide, a profiteer in Luoge's camp, and developed a series of new business models such as gambling equipment.

In the end, he earned all his excellent equipment in this way!

This gave him the idea of ​​becoming a second-way dealer in the fantasy world.

Wei Yuan: You are really nothing! I, David Kelly, despise you!

Besides Zhou Yang, Yuan Fenghua also had another "fortunate encounter". Well, he and Miss Xia Yanan got very close...

In the end, Yuan Fenghua, Zhou Yang, Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng all chose to stay in school for further study. Even when Billy Zhou left Wei Yuan and the two at that time, it was just to increase the bargaining chip and let the two stay in school.

Wei Yuan: When you were still thinking about the school’s legendary path——Baoyan Road, I had already read both undergraduate and postgraduate courses!

However, it seems that Brother Elf did not choose to stay in school, and Sister Hammer returned home to make other arrangements. The dog-headed senior, Bippubab, succeeded in his advanced studies and was promoted to the school's exclusive team of card disciples. He heard that the next fantasy world will hit the third level!

After submitting the application to stay in school in the afternoon, Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng were led by Billy Zhou to receive the reward.

The college can still reward meritorious deeds and punish others. According to Billy Zhou, Zhou Siqi's mother donated five epic material cards to the college at the expense of that time, and spent five million to suppress this matter.

The main reason is that it is not uncommon to have conflicts between the carders, and it is normal for people to die. This time, it is an offense to the academy. Otherwise, it wouldn't be so bad to be beaten.

Of course, there is another reason that Zhou Siqi chose to kill the Katus who had no heels, no relatives and friends to be the grassroots of Katus, otherwise the matter would not be so simple.

However, on the way to the school warehouse, Billy Zhou whispered to Wei Yuan: "Be careful with the one in front..."

At this moment, a middle-aged man with round glasses came over, "Thanks for your hard work, Mr. Zhou, just leave the rest to me. Students Wei and Hao, please come with me."

The middle-aged man greeted them kindly, and took Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng to the warehouse with several checkpoints not far away, and kept chatting with them on the way, looking very amiable.

"There are a lot of things in the school's warehouse. Although some cards are high-level, they are not of high value and are not practical. Many newcomers will blindly pursue card levels, which is wrong..."

The middle-aged man called himself Ma Tong, and was one of the school's warehouse keepers, so he was quite a character.

Wei Yuan stepped down from the donkey and asked modestly: "We are just newbies with little experience. Can Teacher Ma give us some advice?"

"That's it, well, anyway, it's not a violation of school rules and regulations. I suggest that you better not choose skill cards, good skill cards will definitely not be placed here. For low-level equipment cards, you are in the period of rapid growth. It will be eliminated. The props are the same, and it is very lucky..."

Ma Tong pushed his glasses and said with a smile: "If I were you, I would choose a good beacon. As long as you manage it carefully, the rewards will be huge. It is difficult to find a good beacon outside... Besides, you guys Aren’t you a companion? Go on an adventure together and take care of each other, the harvest will be even greater.”

Ma Tong took out a card, opened more than a dozen mechanisms and barriers from machinery to magic, and finally opened the school warehouse door.

"Your contribution value is only 100 points, so choose carefully. If you exceed it, you won't be able to get out of this door."

At the last moment before Wei Yuan raised his leg to enter the gate, Teacher Ma's subtle voice suddenly sounded in his ears, "The bottom column of the beacon area is the biochemical fantasy world, which is more suitable for beginners..."

If Wei Yuan hadn't listened to Billy Zhou's warning before, he might really regard this teacher Ma as a gold medal Hong Kong teacher now!

However, the Illusory Beacon is indeed what he needs!

Immediately, enter the new fantasy world tomorrow!

Ask for a ticket, there are very few recommended tickets these two days~~~

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