Magic card gods

Chapter 117 Staying in School for Further Study

When the lights came on, Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng also returned to his house.

Wei Yuan: "Mengmeng! This will be our home from now on!"

Hao Mengmeng's eyes were blurred with tears: "Wow, I have a home again?!" She wiggled her ears.

Mengmeng, who has looked inside and out several times and still can't get enough, looked around the room. It was obviously old furniture and ordinary items, but she seemed extremely happy. This feeling of going home has not been felt for a long time since my aunt passed away. Her hut was more like a place to sleep.

Wei Yuan was secretly delighted: cute bunny-eared girl, I will have a cute bunny-eared girl in the future! This was in my previous life, so I had to go to my dreams to find it!

Looking at Hao Mengmeng who was busy arranging the bedroom, Wei Yuan sighed: "My parents worked too hard back then, the two rooms and one living room are a bit too big. It would be perfect if they had one bedroom and one living room."

Chicken Leg squatted in his huge cat nest and glanced at him, saying: "You have to have a limit to being shameless!"

Wei Yuan dismissed this: "I'm already shameless, what limit do I need?"

While Hao Mengmeng was tidying up his room, Wei Yuan summoned all his contract summons except King Kong Caesar.

Forget about King Kong Caesar, it's too big to fit in this hall even if it's sitting on the ground.

Just like the summoned objects of the summoning card, the summoned objects contracted by [Dominance Talisman (Red)] can also be taken back into the card. At that time, the time of the summoned object was stagnant, and it was unaware of the passage of external time.

Erha squatted on the ground in a daze, its consciousness still stuck in Luo Ge's camp. As soon as it came out, a black Cadillac was in front of it, and there was an exhaust pipe in front of it.

In front of it was the hearse Katie. When Katie came out, she found Erha behind her. Immediately, a burst of flames spewed out from the exhaust pipe, blackening Erha's face. Erha hid in the corner of the wall with an "Aww", stood on both feet and squeezed in desperately, wishing to squeeze himself into the crack of the wall. Be ruthless!

I don't think I will dare to smell Katie's car butt again in my life.

Then came Ai Xi, who suddenly appeared in an unfamiliar environment, immediately clutching the bow and arrow and the dagger at his waist, and only relaxed when he saw Wei Yuan.

Thinking about the past, she knew that she might not be in the original world anymore. Although I was mentally prepared, I was still a little flustered.

Finally, there is the old turtle. As soon as it came out, it turned into a turtle shell, and the whole body shrank in.

The old turtle was summoned and brought feedback to Wei Yuan: +1 constitution, +3 defense power and the characteristic "wave breaking (100% increase in movement speed on the water surface and underwater)".

Wei Yuan has tried it before, flopping around under the water faster than he can run on the shore!

Considering that the old turtle has no name, although it calls itself old turtle, it is always bad to call it that way, and it feels like a curse.

So Wei Yuan gave it a new name. Since I like pretending to be sea turtles, I'll take the surname Hai. What is the sea?

Wei Yuan had an idea: Sea! big! rich!

Wei Yuan knocked on the turtle shell, "Da Fu, come out, it's safe."

Hai Dafu: "Oh, master, don't blame me, Dafu, I was nervous for a while, and I lost my composure."

Wei Yuan: "Understand, understand, safety first!"

Only then did Hai Dafu stretch out his head and limbs slowly, and stood up with both feet, and took out his cane from the turtle shell to lean on. It seems that this turtle shell can not only protect, but also hold things!

Wei Yuan clapped his hands, "Welcome everyone to the original world!"

"Everyone should already know that I am no longer in the dark world of Huanglong City. Of course, this world is not a paradise, and it is also very dangerous. But there are many strong people in this world, and hell is not a problem. Let me tell you something Speaking of this world..."

Wei Yuan briefly explained the relationship between the original world, Katu and the fantasy world.

In fact, it is mainly for Ashe to hear, because both Katie and Laogui gradually gained wisdom and self after the catastrophe.

But Ashe was different. Before the fantasy world lost control and merged with their world, she had already lived in that world for six years, and then struggled in the apocalypse for another twelve years.

If someone suddenly said one day, you may be an unreal existence, a character in the world of novels/comics/games/films. When the time is up, the world will be reset, and you are the NPCs who keep looping the plot. It is estimated that no one will accept it well.

However, Ashe still has some preparations, and Huanglong City is already in a doomsday state. It can't be that bad anyway.

As for Erha... wait!

Wei Yuan suddenly shouted: "Erha! Shut up! That sofa is more than ten years old! If you dare to bite it, I will kill you today!"

At this time, Erha was eager to try the wooden sofa, thinking that this thing might have a good taste. But Wei Yuan found out as soon as he opened his mouth. So quickly pretended to yawn, then bowed his head and pretended to be very obedient and obedient.

The chicken leg on one side has actually been discovered long ago, but it just wanted to see how Erha was beaten after biting the sofa, so it kept holding back and making no sound.

But Wei Yuan, you quickly mentioned it: "Chicken leg, look at Erha. Everything in this room is our own. If you bite your own thing, you will have to beat it! When the time comes, I will send him to the restaurant. Take out all the Gou Bao!"

The chicken leg raised its neck: Let it bite, I haven't seen a gelding dog yet! Let me taste Gou Bao is delicious!

Wei Yuan continued: "If it bites something bad, I will lose one of your chicken legs!"

The chicken leg suddenly gained momentum, and a black-gray qiyan cat roared above its head.

It flashed its cold paws with a "rubbing" sound: "This silly dog ​​dares to open its mouth and try? I gelled it myself!"

After sacrificing Erha to make jokes, Ashe forgot the sadness of the stranger in a foreign land and started laughing.

For a time the room was filled with happy air.


Simply tidy up and go to rest.

Put a blanket under the dining table for Erha, and the old turtle leaned against a pot of green plants in the corner. It is more convenient, with the head shrunk and the eyes closed, it is one's own bedroom.

Ai Xi and Hao Mengmeng live in the second bedroom together.

Feeling unwilling, Wei Yuan pretended to be serious and asked: "It's a bit crowded for two people to share a small bed... How about this, whoever of you will live with me in my room, my room has a big bed!"○ (^皮^)っ

"No, no, no! Let's just squeeze together!" Ai Xi couldn't help rejecting Wei Yuan's proposal, and even covered Hao Mengmeng's mouth, who wanted to agree.

"I want to go to Brother Wei's room to sleep in a big bed."

"Hey Mengmeng, why don't you understand anything?!"

"Know what?"

"...Sleep with a boy and you will have a baby!"

"Oh? That's great! I want to have a baby with Big Brother Wei!"

"Ah! I'm going to be mad at you~~~"

Hearing the faint voices coming from the next door, Wei Yuan sighed again: "It's a pity, it would be nice if there was only one room and one living room!"


Before going to bed, Wei Yuan habitually began to reflect on today's experience, and began to take stock of gains and losses and plans for tomorrow.

This fantasy world adventure can be said to be a great success! The kind that rolls the dice and rolls 100 points!

First of all, it was upgraded from level 2 to level 7, a huge leap of 5 levels!

Generally, a novice like Wei Yuan who has no heels will have to take two adventures in the fantasy world if he is lucky.

If it is said that the level has been raised a few more levels, it is just that Wei Yuan is two steps faster than others, then for the development and understanding of the soul card, it is that others are running and he is driving.

The first soul card [All Things Refining (Soul)], Wei Yuan never used it before when he didn't wear a mask and turned into Wuming, the enhancer. There are too many carders in Tianyuan City this day. If you use all things to refine frequently, once, twice, three times, or four times, you will be discovered by others sooner or later. Do you know which carders have what ability?

Don't think that no one will know if you hide at home and use it secretly. If you want others to not know, unless you do nothing.

With a golden finger in his body but not using it, Wei Yuan relied on such a strong self-discipline, and was not found to have any "abnormalities" for twelve years.

However, this also made him lose many opportunities to explore the refining of all things.

Now this unscrupulous use in the fantasy world has made him quite addicted. Even because of this, the "position formation" that may be used in battle has been developed.

This gave him more ideas, and he no longer regards the first soul card as a card that simply supports logistics.

If possible, a soul card slot will be reserved in the future for [All things refining (soul)]. The soul card slot should be bound and built around the soul card...

The performance of the second soul card [Everyone is for me (soul)] is also very impressive, and the effect is better than Wei Yuan imagined. This is just the beginning, and the feedback in the later period will allow Wei Yuan to completely surpass other card players, and even catch up with those old strong players.

The third soul card [World Positive Feedback (Soul)] Wei Yuan originally thought it was a mission system, and it was an extra supplement for himself. Let him get some extra income and increase the upgrade speed in the same monster-fighting and adventure.

Unexpectedly, this task of [World Positive Feedback (Soul)] actually has a reward that can increase the upper limit of the energy level! Will there be other more powerful and valuable rewards? Wei Yuan couldn't help thinking.

What kind of world does this world in positive feedback refer to? Fantasy world? The native world? or something else...

In addition to these future gains, Wei Yuan has more tangible gains that are already in his hands.

The most valuable are naturally the various summons!

[Heart of the Wild (Red)] and [Mourning Cemetery (Purple)] directly let Wei Yuan take off!

The effect of the first soul card slot [Controlling Charm (Red)] is also gradually revealed. Moreover, Wei Yuan ruthlessly inlaid two precious cards on the [Domination Talisman (Red)], which has already met the requirements for upgrading.

Now, if Wei Yuan has an epic level upgrade card, he can plan to upgrade [Domination Talisman (Red)]. However, if the three mosaic positions can be fully inlaid, it is naturally the best.

There are also some equipment and props to be harvested!

Ghost gold rod, magic smartphone, diamond ring, stand-in doll, New Year pictures, Mr. Yue's big and small leather whip, Sanqingling, Wuleiling...

Presumably those old seniors of the second and third ranks did not gain as much as he did.

Especially Sanqingling and Wuleiling after being strengthened by Sun Kaien Sun Taoist seal. Wei Yuan even had the idea of ​​strengthening it to the perfect level!

Speaking of seals, Wei Yuan also learned something from Daoist Sun. It's just that the time is short and the gains are mediocre, so he can only draw one more sigil when making enhanced equipment cards.

Early the next morning, Wei Yuan took Ai Xi and Hao Mengmeng to meet his friend Fatty.

Fatty's business is very good, many people wearing masks and the like are buying things in a sneaky way, and the sales of the little blue pills are soaring.

And while the fat man was killing a pig, "I didn't expect you to betray the revolution! You are a vicious winner in life, you will be burned to death!", Wei Yuan left a few excellent material cards and took them away. A batch of dog skin plasters and other adventurous odds and ends.

Fatty is a bit talented, and he even started his own brand. Yes, the brand name is "Wilgang".

In the evening, he took Mengmeng to meet Bipubabu, Zhou Yang, and Yuan Fenghua and had a meal. Discussed the sale of some miscellaneous cards, the most important one is the pet card Zombie.

Several people summoned them to take photos. The Q version of the little zombie is one meter tall and five heads tall. It is very cute and cool.

Bipbab said that he has already contacted the auction house!

Soon it was the third day, when Katu, who had completed his adventure, returned to school for the last time.

When Wei Yuan showed up with Hao Mengmeng, many people paid attention to him!

Billy Zhou gave these newbies two options: first, graduate directly. Second, strive to stay in school for further study.

It's not the time to be in the original world, don't compare, and enter the fantasy world as soon as possible to strengthen yourself.

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