Chapter 128 This Chu He is really a talent! (2) (Please complete the order)

In the face of Chu He, Du is now unable to express his suffering.

Under Li Guoshi’s order, he came to test Chu He’s ability.

But he never dreamed that Chu He actually possessed a platinum-level magic card.

Platinum level magic cards, if Chu He is a senior student, he can still accept it.

But the key is Chu He is just a freshman.

The freshman took out a platinum-level magic card, which is simply nonsense.

But the facts are in front of you.

Seeing the tall and burly general, the other party just looked at him indifferently, but he felt a great sense of oppression from the general.

This feeling is as if he is a rabbit, being targeted by the tiger who is the king of the jungle.

His back was wet with cold sweat.

If Chu He didn’t believe it, he might have to stay here forever.

He was very nervous when he saw Chu He looking at him with scrutiny eyes.

After a long time, Chu He said, “Tell me, why are you following me?”

When Du Jun heard the words, his mind turned, and he quickly thought of an excuse and said, “I have also been to the devil’s cave, I know that you led the wild beast tide to break through a foreign city!”

“I want to see your abilities. The reason why I follow you is to find a chance to get in touch with you, and if possible, have a magic card battle with you!”

“Chu He, everything I said is true!”

When Chu He heard Du Du’s words, he sneered, “I want me to trust you, no problem!”

“You and I are going to the Military Seminary now, and we are going to see your principal!”

“If you had a clear conscience, you wouldn’t have turned down the offer to see your principal, would you?”

Hearing this, Du San’s expression changed slightly.

If this sees “Nine Zero Zero” Li Guoren, then he will be embarrassed.

After all, Li Guoshi asked him to test Chu He’s ability.

As a result, Chu He was escorted to see Li Guoshi.

It definitely made him lose his face.

But if you don’t go…

He glanced at the general and had an answer in his heart.

“Okay, you and I will go to see the principal of our school!”

Du Du felt very depressed in his heart.

He looked at the magic card creature that was beaten to death by the general.

The magic card creature of the golden seven stars!

Say no to it!

He had to turn the other four magic card creatures into magic cards and followed Chu He away.

As for the corpse of the magic card creature that was killed, it was left here.

Chu He turned his general into a magic card and took it back, and he and Du Du got into a taxi on the street.

Du Du sat in the co-pilot, Chu He sat in the back, his eyes kept on him.

Du Du saw that Chu He had been staring at him through the rearview mirror, and felt helpless.

He didn’t explain anymore and sat in the car honestly.

When the taxi arrived at the Military Seminary, Du Du got off, and Chu He also got off after paying the bill.

“Come on, go see your principal!” Chu He said.

Du Du nodded and took Chu to the office of Principal He.

Outside the principal’s office, Du Bi knocked on the door.

“Come in!”

Dudu opened the door.

In the office, Li Guoshi and Lao Lin were there.

When the two of them saw Chu He who was following behind Du, the two looked at each other, and both saw a look of astonishment on each other’s faces.

what’s the situation?

Both of them were puzzled.

Why did Chu He follow Du Du?

“Chu He, a student of Tianwu Academy, I have met two of you!” Chu He looked at Li Guoren and Lao Lin and said respectfully.

“Are you classmate Chu He?

“Your name has been very loud in recent times!”

“The matter of the Devil’s Nest has helped us humans to breathe a sigh of relief!” Li Guoshi said with a smile.

“I don’t know, classmate Chu He, what’s the matter with you coming this time?” Li Guoshi asked.

“The thing is, when I came out of the airport, I felt like someone was following me!”

“The person who followed me is this one!” Chu He pointed at Du Du and said.

“I drew him out then!”

“I thought he was a traitor to the Inhumans, and then I did it!”

“After I started, the other party said that he was a student of the Military Theology Academy!”

“I came here this time because I want to confront him in front of you, the principal, to see if he is really a student of the Military Theology Academy!” Chu He explained his purpose.

Hearing this, Li Guoshi’s mouth twitched and he said, “Chu He, the student next to you is indeed a student from our Military Theology Academy!

“His name is Du Du, he is a third year student!”

Hearing this, Chu He glanced at Du Bi, and then smiled at Li Guoshi, “It seems that this is indeed just a misunderstanding!”

“If that’s the case, then I’ll go first!”

“I’m sorry to bother you two!”

Chu He bowed to Li Guoren and Lao Lin, turned and left.

When Chu He left, Li Guoshi raised his forehead, looked at Du Bi and said, “Du Jun, do you think you are useless!”

“I asked you to test Chu He’s ability, but instead you were caught by Chu He and brought here to confront you!”

“It seems that I need to think carefully about whether you are qualified to enter the No. 8 Military Headquarters!”

Du Wenyan explained with a bitter expression, “Principal, it’s really not my fault!”

“You didn’t tell me before that Chu He has a platinum-level magic card creature!”

Hearing Du’s words, Lao Lin said a different way, “You mean that Chu He has a platinum-level magic card creature?”

“That’s right, a platinum-level magic card creature. Although that magic card creature is only one platinum star, it is too strong!”

“With just one punch, my magic card creature was killed by his magic card creature!”

“And his magic card creature has a strong sense of oppression. Just looking at that magic card creature, I feel that my breathing is not smooth!”

“Principal, for the sake of the death of a magic card creature, you should let me enter the Eighth Military Department!” Du Du looked at Li Guoshi and pleaded.

“Okay, let’s talk about your business later, you go out first! Li Guoshi” waved his hand.

Du sighed helplessly and left the office.

“Lao Lin, it seems that this Chu He is really talented!”

“He’s only a freshman this year, and he actually created a platinum-level magic card creature. This is really incredible!” Li Guoshi looked at Lao Lin and said with a smile.

“Yeah, it seems that we all underestimated Chu He before!”

“Chu He not only has a strong adaptability, but also is not weak!”

“It seems that in the melee of thousands of card masters, there must be a place!” Lao Lin said with a smile.

“Lao Li, I owe you a favor this time. I’ll treat you to a drink when I have a chance in the future!” Lao Lin got up and prepared to leave.

“Lao Lin, if you say this, you will be born!

“The relationship between our two brothers for so many years, needless to say these!”

“If you need my help in the future, just say it!” Li Guoshi said.

Lao Lin smiled, opened the office door, and walked out.

After Chu He left the Military Theology Institute, he called Huo Siyu.

After learning about the hotel where he was staying, Chu He took a taxi and drove there.

At the door of the hotel, Chu He watched Huo Siyu lead Xiaoling and wait at the door.

Seeing Chu He coming back, Huo Siyu and Xiaoling immediately ran to Chu He.

“Master, are you alright?”

“Chu He, the person who stalked you, didn’t do anything to you, did he?!

Chu He heard the words and smiled, “It’s nothing, it’s just a misunderstanding!”

“It’s fine!” Huo Siyu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

“It’s already past dinner time, let’s eat first!” Chu He laughed.

“Great, I’m already hungry!” Xiaoling said excitedly.

Chu He smiled and took Xiaoling and Huo Siyu to the dining room of the hotel.

The two of them, plus Xiaoling, the magic card creature, ordered a large table of meals.

Chu He and Huo Siyu only ate less than a tenth of it.

The rest went into Xiaoling’s stomach.

“I’m so envious!”

So “Eat without getting fat!” Huo Siyu said with emotion.

“There’s nothing to envy, just eat it if you want!” Chu He laughed.

“No, I have to maintain my figure!” Huo Siyu shook his head vigorously.

“Chu He, you are here!”

“I’ve been looking for you for a long time!”

Xie Wenfei ran to Chu He at this moment and said.

“What’s wrong?” Chu He asked.

“The rules of the National Advanced Magic Card Master Competition have changed suddenly, come to the conference room with me!

“The principal wants to have a meeting!” Xie Wenfei said.

“Huh? Change the rules of the game?” Chu He said strangely.

“I don’t know the specific situation, but you go to the conference room with me first!” Xie Wenfei urged.

Chu He didn’t say more and left with Xie Wenfei.

After the two arrived at the hotel’s conference room, the conference room was already full of people.

Xiao Chang sat in the first seat of the conference room. After seeing Chu He’s arrival, he took a sip of tea, cleared his throat, and said, “I received a notification earlier!”

“This time the rules of the game have changed!”

“First of all, the previous rules of individual battles are still retained, but there is one more rule for team battles!

Hearing Man Chang’s words, Bingxue raised her hand and asked, “Principal, what do you mean by team battle?”

Xiao Chang heard the words and said, “Out of the 100 universities participating in the competition, all universities can send five participants to form a team!””After that, one hundred universities will draw lots, and ten teams will be in a group, and they will be in a melee!

“The winning team from the ten teams will go to the finals to determine the winning team!”

“This time, the ranking of universities will be determined based on individual battles and team battles!”

Chu He heard the words and said in doubt, “Principal, there seems to be a problem with the rules of the team battle you mentioned!”

“What’s the problem?” Man Chang smiled and asked 0…

“For the simplest example, if one of the ten teams in the competition is extremely strong, the other nine teams may even join forces and deal with that one team first!”

“After all, everyone’s strength is similar. No matter how strong a team is, how can it deal with the joint efforts of the other nine teams at the same time?”

“Moreover, some colleges have a good relationship. If they are assigned to a team, they can join hands and kill the teams of other colleges first!”

This “rule is not fair at all!” Chu He raised his own question.

Xiao Chang shook his head and said with a smile, “The rules are fair and unfair, I said it doesn’t count!”

“To be honest, when I received the notice, I was just like you thought!”

“In my opinion, the rules of this team battle are very unfair. I think it is more reasonable to adopt a points system. For example, in a team battle, defeat other team members, how many points you get, your own team members are eliminated, and how many points are deducted. !

“I also responded to this issue to the competition officials, but the rules they set are like this!”

As for “why did they suddenly increase team matches, I am at a loss now!”

Hearing the usual words, Xie Wenfei frowned and said, “If the rules of the team match are like this, it would be difficult to win!”

“Don’t say it is our academy, even the Military Theology Academy, the Fortitude Academy, and the Jiutian Academy, these three most powerful academies, if you are not lucky, it will be difficult to win!!

“Once you are besieged, it will be five to forty-five, with a huge gap in combat power, and you will almost certainly lose!”

“The best way to win is to hide until there are not many people left, and start fighting!”

“The way to hide is no good!” Xiao Chang vetoed.

“why not?”

“Save your own strength first and hide, wait until the other teams lose out, then we can do it again, can’t we?” Xie Wenfei asked.

“When participating in a team competition, a watch will be given to the captain of each team!”

“Every hour, the captain of the team can see where the captains of other teams are in the watch!”

“Of course, where I am will be exposed and seen by others!”

Unless “it’s the 5.4 captain who abandoned himself, otherwise, it is impossible to hide it!” Xiao Chang said.

“This is really a strange format!”

“Why did the competition officials suddenly add such a team game with weird rules?” Wang Meng asked curiously.

“I also want to know the reason, but I asked the official people of the game, and they didn’t give me any reply!” Xiao Chang smiled.

“But don’t worry, the ranking of universities this time is determined based on the ranking of individual battles and team battles!

“But individual battles account for 80% of points, and team battles account for 20% of points!”

“As long as the points of individual battles are high, it doesn’t matter if the points of team battles are low!”

All in all, “I hope you three can achieve good results in this individual battle!” Xiao Chang looked at Chu He, Mu Xue and Xie Wenfei and said.

The three Chu He nodded when they heard the words.

“Although this time there is a team battle suddenly added, it is not just us, but other universities are the same. It must be at a loss!”

“We don’t need to manage team battles for the time being, team battles will start after individual battles!

“As long as you get a good result in an individual battle, it doesn’t matter if you lose in a team battle!”

“My requirement is only one, that is, the three of you must enter the semi-finals. As long as you enter the semi-finals, you will get higher points. We don’t want our universities to improve the ranking, as long as we don’t drop!” Xiao Chang continued.

Later, Chang Xiao took out the information of participants from other institutions except the top three, and told Chu He about the noteworthy students from other institutions.

The meeting lasted more than four hours.

It was dark before the meeting ended!

I ate before the meeting, but at this moment, Chu He is hungry again!.

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