Chapter 127 Chu He, don’t do it, misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding! (1)

Kyoto City, Military Theological Academy, in the principal’s office.

Military Theology Academy, as the country’s first higher magic card division academy, is also the first military academy.

Any teacher in the academy is a serving soldier.

And the principal, of course, is no exception.

“Old Lin~ Ah, it’s been a long time!

“Don’t you keep guarding in the devil’s cave?”

“Why come to me today?”

As the principal of the Academy of Military Theology, Li Guoshi, who is over the past few years, looked at an old man who was about his age, and asked with a smile.

“It’s not that I haven’t seen each other for a long time. I’ve come to find you, an old friend, to reminisce about the past!” Lao Lin sat opposite Li Guoshi and said with a smile.

“Why do you sound so false?”

“I don’t believe it!”

“If you need my old bones to help me, just say it!” Li Guoshi lit a cigarette for himself and asked with a smile.

“Old Li, since you have said so, then I’m not welcome!

“It’s like this, my unbelievable son is in the No. 26 Army Headquarters, you know?” Lao Lin asked.

“Of course I know, that kid Lin Zhenhuang is a rare talent!”

“Could it be that you want me to introduce someone to your son?

“Indeed, that kid Lin Zhenhuang is now forty!”

“They should be fathers, but they have not even talked about love, and have devoted their life to guarding the wilderness!”

“You should be a grandfather at your age!”

“No problem, I will help your son find a good woman, and promise to let you hold the fat grandson as soon as possible!” Li Guoshi smiled.

Hearing Li Guoren talking to himself, Lao Lin smiled and shook his head, “If it’s just that kid’s personal problem, I won’t come to you!”

“I came here this time, actually for a kid named Chu He!”

“Chu He?” Li Guoshi heard the words, thought for a moment, and then said in surprise, “Are you saying that Chu He who led a wave of wild beasts destroyed a foreign city?”

“Yes, it’s him!” Lao Lin nodded.

Lao Lin “I’m a little confused, I don’t understand what you mean!”

“The boy Chu He is not a student of our military theological academy. Why are you here to talk about him?” Li Guoshi asked curiously.

“Tianwu Academy organized a wilderness trial before, and in that trial, that kid performed very well!

“My unbelievable son praised him a lot!

“Furthermore, when he was in the Devil’s Cave, he led a wave of wild beasts to annihilate a foreign city. This kind of courage and ability are also extraordinary!”

“I’ve inquired, that kid is one of the contestants of Tianwu Academy to participate in this competition!”

“I’m going to ask you to help me confirm that kid’s ability!”

“I want to get that kid into the devil’s den I guarded!” Old Lin smiled.

Li Guoshi heard the words and curiously asked, “Such a kid. Is it worth you to do this?”

Lao Lin nodded, “Of course it’s worth it!”

“In the magic cave where I was, I found a large mixed vein, which is rich in platinum-grade and diamond-grade ore materials!

“But the other person also discovered that mineral vein!”

We “had a fight with a foreigner, but neither of them can do anything about it!”

“If there is a large-scale conflict, neither we nor foreigners can bear it!”

“After all, in the conflict in the Huadu City Demon Cave some time ago, both of us suffered heavy losses!”

“Therefore, the guy who leads the other person, talked to me, we decided to use the gold-level magic card master to divide the victory and determine the ownership of that vein!”

“So I want you to help me confirm the abilities of Chu He, and see if he is qualified to take on such a big responsibility!”Hearing Lao Lin’s words, Li Guoshi wondered, “If the gold-level magic card master is used to determine the victory and defeat and determine the ownership of a mineral vein, you should choose a stronger talent, right?”

“Our academy, fortitude academy, and nine days academy can select a lot of talents, why do we have to use Chu He?”

Lao Lin smiled, “If only the gold-level magic card master is used to score the victory or defeat, then I will not come to you!”

“Because it is to determine the ownership of a large mixed mineral vein, it is not an ordinary magic card battle!”

After Lao Lin finished speaking, his expression became serious, “It’s a magic card battle with a thousand people!”

“We and Yiren each sent a thousand gold-level magic card masters!”

“The two sides are fighting, and in the end only one side survives, the large mixed vein belongs to the surviving side!”

“What I need is not Chu He’s strength, but Chu He’s ability to adapt to changes!”

“Whether it is performance in the wilderness or in the devil’s cave, I think this time the Thousand-Man Magic Card War requires his ability to adapt to changes!

When Li Guoshi heard this, his face became serious.

He knew very well what the Thousand People Magic Card War represented.

Thousands of gold-level magic card masters sent by both sides will be the elite of both sides.

If the mankind fails, mankind will lose a thousand elite, the pillars of the future of society.

But if you can kill a thousand gold-level magic card masters on the other side, it is equivalent to weakening the future powerhouse of the other side.

This matter is very serious. After being silent for a while, Li Guoshi said, Lao Lin, “Thousands of magic card masters are fighting, this is not a trivial matter!”

“That Chu He is only seventeen years old this year!”

“According to the legal age, he is not even an adult!”

“Is it okay to leave this kind of thing to him?”

Lao Lin smiled, “The wave behind the Yangtze River pushes the wave forward, and one generation is stronger than one!”

“The number one on the top ranking list is only thirty-five years old this year, but you should know how powerful he is!”

“It’s the same with the fifth one on the top ranking list, he is only thirty-nine years old this year!”

“The combined ages of the two of them are equivalent to yours and mine. Can we say that their strength is not good enough to be responsible for it?”

“I said, what I need is his ability to adapt to changes!

“You can make him the think tank of the Thousand-Man Magic Card Division Army. As for the command, you can give it to others!”

Li Guoren nodded, “Well, since Lao Lin you have said so, then I will help you test the abilities of Chu He, but what do you plan to let me do?”

“You are free!” Old Li smiled.

Li Guoren heard this and smiled, “Since you let me be free, then I’m not welcome!”

After Li Guoshi finished speaking, he dialed the phone from the landline on his desk.

After a while, a man who was a little snobbery walked in.

When he came in and saw Lao Lin, his expression changed, he immediately looked at Lao Lin with a serious face, lowered his head respectfully, and said, “I have seen Captain Lin!”

“Du County?”

“It’s been a long time!” Lao Lin smiled when he saw each other.

“Principal, Captain Lin, I don’t know if you two are looking for me, are there any orders?” Du Du asked respectfully.

“Xiao Du, you guy is a problem boy in school!

“But this time, I have to use you!”

“Among the students of Tianwu Academy, there is one named Chu He!

“You give full play to your strengths and try his abilities!” Li Guoren said.

“Principal, do you give full play to my strengths?”

“Then I’m not welcome!” Du smiled.

“Okay, go, in an hour or two, they will almost arrive at the airport!” Li Guoshi said.

“Principal, Captain Lin, then I will go out first, you two always talk slowly!” Du Du respectfully said, turning and leaving.

One and a half hours later!

Kyoto city, airport.

After Chu He and others got off the plane, they walked out of the exit.

“Lu Jian, they will leave it to you next!”

“It’s been a long time since I came to Kyoto, I’m going to meet my old friends!” Xiao Chang said to Lu Jian.

“The principal can rest assured, I will take good care of them:” Lu Jian nodded.

“Then leave it to you!” Xiao Chang patted Lu Jian on the shoulder and left alone.

Chu He and Huo Siyu took Xiao Ling’s hand and walked in the crowd.

“What are you looking at?” Huo Siyu found that Chu He kept turning back and wondering.

“Nothing!” Chu He shook his head.

“Is it my illusion?” Chu He muttered.

Chu He didn’t think about it anymore!

“Chu He, are you peeking at the snow?” Huo Siyu said suddenly.

“What do you think?” Chu He smiled.

“If you are not peeking at the snow, what have you been looking back at?”

“Have you not seen Mu Xue realizing that you have been turning back frequently, and her brows are frowning?” Huo Siyu said.

“I said, I didn’t peek at her!”

“I just feel as if someone is staring at me!” Chu He explained.

“Is there?” Huo Siyu asked curiously.

Huo Siyu also looked back, but found nothing.

“Because of this, I feel weird!”

“I have never been to Kyoto, but just after I got off the plane, I always felt that someone was watching me!” Chu He said solemnly.

This makes Chu He feel very strange. Chu He now suspects that the person who monitors him is a human traitor and infidel who takes refuge in other people?

After all, he led a wave of wild beasts to break through a foreign city.


For foreigners, this is definitely a shame.

I haven’t revealed my identity before, it’s nothing.

But now the fact that he led a wave of wild beasts to break through the Inhuman City has spread.

There must be heretics among the magic card masters guarding the cave.

As long as you inquire about his information, you can know it.

Maybe some infidels have already inquired that he will compete as a student of Tianwu Academy, so he waited at the airport specially, looking for a chance to kill him?

Of course, this is just Chu He’s guess!

As for whether this is true or not, Chu He still needs to judge.

“Huo Siyu, you take Xiaoling to go first!” Chu He said.

“What about you?” Huo Siyu asked.

“I plan to bring out the guy who followed me!” Chu He said.

Otherwise, “Let Xiaoling accompany you!”

“Isn’t there a sister in Xiao Ling’s body?”

“Isn’t it safer to have her by your side?” Huo Siyu said.

“No, let Xiaoling follow you better!”

“If Xiao Ling follows me, maybe he will let the other party know that I have found him!”

For the time being, “I don’t know the purpose of the other party following me!”

“What if you are embarrassed to someone I admire and take the initiative to greet me, and secretly look at me?” Chu He smiled.

“Shameless!” Huo Siyu laughed softly when he heard the words.

“Okay, you take Xiao Ling away first!” Chu He said.

Huo Siyu said no more.

“Master, then you have to be careful!” Xiao Ling looked at Chu He and said.


“Little Ling, go with Sister Xiao Yu first!” Chu He rubbed Xiao Ling’s head and smiled.

After that, Chu He found an opportunity, broke away from the crowd, and left alone.

After leaving the airport, Chu He walked forward quickly.

Since airports are generally built on the outskirts of cities, there are not many passers-by nearby.

People who pick up and drop off the airport usually drive by car.

Although it is daytime, there are not many pedestrians outside the airport.

Walking on the road, Chu He can clearly feel that someone is following him.

Chu He didn’t look back, but quickened his pace.

He doesn’t know the purpose of the other party.

But the other party followed him, obviously with bad intentions.

If the opponent is a heretic who takes refuge in a foreigner, Chu He will never let him go.

After walking for nearly half an hour, Chu He quickened his pace and ran towards the laneway next to him.

After a while, someone chased into the lane.

When he saw that there was a dead end inside, he was stunned.

“Why follow me?”

Chu He’s voice sounded behind him.

Chu He looked at the man in front of him, with a cold look on his face.

The man turned his head, with a playful look on his face, and said coldly, “I didn’t expect to be discovered by you. It seems that I really underestimated you!

“I’ll ask again, why follow me!” Chu He said coldly.

“What if I don’t say it?” The man held his head up and looked at Chu He coldly.

After he finished speaking, he took out five magic cards and realized them.

Seeing the opponent’s magic card biological strength, Chu He’s face sank.

The opponent’s magic card creatures are all seven golden stars, and they are not at all defeated by Wang Meng and the three of them.

Those who come are not good, those who are good will not come!

Chu He saw an unkind look on the opponent’s face, and decided not to keep his hands anymore.

Chu He took out the Jiang Chen Magic Card and realized it.

When the minister was realized, the man’s face showed a look of horror.

“Platinum level, how can you have a platinum level magic card!” He looked at Chu He, horrified.

It looks like “You did an investigation on me in advance!”

“It’s a pity that I disappointed you!” Chu He said coldly.

“Jiangchen, kill these five magic card creatures!” Chu He said in a cold voice.

“Chu He don’t do it, misunderstanding, it’s all a misunderstanding!” When the man saw that Chu He was really going to do it, he was frightened and shouted.

But Chu He didn’t stop there.

When he saw that one of his magic card creatures was beaten to death by the general, his voice hurriedly roared, “I am a student of the Military Theology Academy, let your magic card creature stop first, if you have something to say!”

Hearing what the other party said, Chu He frowned, but he still let the generals stop.

Jiang Chen returned to Chu He and stood behind him, looking at each other indifferently.

The man felt his scalp numb and his breathing became difficult.

“I am Du Yu, a student of Military Theology Academy. All this is just a misunderstanding!”

Chu He saw the other party’s bitter explanation, and snorted, “Dare you still lie to me?”

“I didn’t lie to you, all this is really just a misunderstanding!” Guang,

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