Mage Network

Chapter 277

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 277: The apostolic declaration of war, floating astronomy

Seeing a group of apostles dispersing, Longquan immediately opened a channel of the Famen and said: “Don Grandmaster, Whitehead Headmaster has something to do, please come with me. You can rest assured that it is not about the Yuanding Grandmaster, nor will it Ask the big curse task. Whitehead Headmaster sees you almost as strong as you want to talk to you about the promotion of the Holy Land.”

“Yeah.” Tang Shidao nodded and slowly turned to the Master Pass.

At this time.

On the giant arm of the dragon fist, suddenly the light flashed, and suddenly seized the shoulder of Tang Shidao. Almost at the same second, dozens of fascinating scorpions, in a moment on the body of Tang Shidao, wrapped in a bundle of ‘ropes’. In the same second, there are several artifacts on the body of Longquan, all of which have a special link with Tang Shidao, which does not allow Tang Shidao to return to the Master Network.

To do this, the sneer of Longquan also rises, as if to see the prey of the net.

Next second.

The smile of the dragon fist has solidified again, and the feeling of the claws is…explosion!

There was a loud bang.

Tang Shidao’s body is like an oversized spell bomb, which instantly blows the entire area into a distorted space. The enormous energy is stirring, and even the apostles who are far away are inductive. At this time, another ‘Tang Shidao’ appeared from the hidden, quietly watching the scene of the explosion: “You are very powerful, there is nothing to hurt.”

There was a voice in the distorted space: “I have experienced a lot of battles. This is the most misguided one.”

The voice fell.

A silhouette is slowly presented.

The person who has appeared has silver hair, golden pupils, white skin, and the whole person looks like a very clean feeling, as if the dust is not contaminated. His appearance can be described by the dashing eyebrows and the phoenix dragon. From a human perspective, his appearance can’t pick out the shortcomings, just like a mechanical knife and a pen.

Compared with Tang Shidao, people are more like the protagonist of life, everything is perfect.

“My name is Jin Chen, and my friends like to call me ‘Silver’s Jin Chen’.” The person called himself Jin Chen and smiled and said: “I am very glad to meet you, Tang Grandmaster. Introduce yourself, I am an apostle, just like that. The group of people is a group. Deliberate acting, originally wanted to take hold of the relics of your extortion Yuan Ding Grandmaster, I did not expect to be bitten by you. I wonder why I have a flaw? Please believe that my imitation is perfect, even the dragon I have used a little bit of Mr. Boxing’s blood.”

“The attitude is different.” Tang Shidao looked at Jin Chen, thinking that this is the apostle’s ‘elite’.

“I don’t quite understand.” Jin Chen’s sneak attack did not blush at all.

His attitude was calm, as if nothing had happened.

This indifferent attitude is exactly what the strong should have.

“In a nutshell, such a group of fools stay here to provoke me. I feel that something is wrong in my heart. When Mr. Longquan” appears, your speech is even worse. If it is Mr. Longquan, he will not say so much, most Three words: all go!”

“This way. Well, I am miscalculated. But the Tang Grandmaster is a young man. Why do you have such a deep understanding of human nature?” Jin Chen accepted his opinion with humility.

“I said that I learned in the evil sacred river, do you believe?”

“I believe. The average person will only learn badly when he enters the evil sacred river, but the Tang Grandmaster is not an ordinary person after all. It is completely reasonable to reflect on learning.”

“You are not bad, but there is no injury.”

“I can lose six pieces of the instrument, one of which is still used to save my life. I can now feel badly hurt, I would rather hurt myself. But you… well, I guess that is the derivative of the big phantom. Right? It feels exactly the same as you.”

“That’s right, it’s a magical phantom of the Grand Phantom, and the spell is a corpse.”

“Can you cast a phantom of spells?”

“I only know one kind, I don’t know the second one.”

“It sounds a lot like the rule of innate talent…hehe, it’s amazing. Don Grandmaster has five curses, and he has practiced summoning and transformation. He should have no time to study the curse. I didn’t want Akasaka’s self-proclaimed genius guy to do it. No, you can do it easily.”

“Golden morning apostle, do you only chat and not fight? Or did your companion not arrive?” Tang Shidao felt that Jin Chen’s attitude was a bit strange.

Originally thought that there were other people lurking.

did not expect.

There are no opponents around.

“No, I only have two plans. One is to hold you, the other is to talk to you and talk about you.”

“So, do you understand now?”

“Well, I am not as good as you are now.” Jin Chen was very frank and said: “But I went back to the Father to ask for it. In just one minute, I will be able to surpass you ten times. I am the son of God… Straightforward, it is the descendant of the Father, not the apostle without blood relationship. Although I am also an apostle, the identity of the Son of God is better.”

“Would you like to wait for you for a clock?” Tang Shidao heard no movement and only understood the difference between ‘Apostles’ and ‘Children of God’.

Both are apostles.

One is an outsider without blood relationship, a descendant of a blood-related God.

“No, there are other mages here, they won’t allow me to kill you. I just got a chance to get half of it. Now there is no chance. I probably know you, remember you, wait for you to enter the holy place 1st Ring, I will find you again. Please let me confess, we have no hatred, but we are not born all the way.” Jin Chen is right.

“hehe, I am waiting.” Tang Shidao Faced with a person who likes to sneak attack, on the surface, he can’t really treat it.

“So, we will have a period later.”

“There will be a period later.”

Tang Shidao only followed the other side’s words, but the heart did not believe in this kind of ‘sincere’. Tang Shidao has learned a lot in the sinful Star River, including knowing that ‘no matter how good a person plays, nature will never change’. Jin Chen may not be a bad person in the general sense, but he is definitely not a gentleman who is open and honest.

His ‘perfect’ appearance is perfect, perfect to some unreal.

Tang Shidao knows that he has been perfect as a god, but that is not the real self, just the fake self that encapsulates the ‘Strength shell’. The true self is not a god, just a human being, a mortal with joys and sorrows.

Did Jin Chen have a lie?


He is declaring war, and he also said: He really is on the bar with the apostles.

There is another possibility.

Jin Chen and so on, a group of gods are the “elderly seedlings” of the gods. They regard themselves as the elite seedlings of the Master. Therefore, both parties are destined to be competitors. It’s like athletes from two countries. Everyone is heading for the championship. It turns into an ‘enemy’ without hatred.

“Are you afraid? When you enter the Holy Land, you are faced with these ‘genius geniuses’, no longer the general mage of the Master.”

An old voice slowly sounded, and no one was seen at all.

No one appeared.

There is also no phantom light.

Tang Shidao does not sense anyone to exist because the level of this person is too high. When I heard someone ask, Tang Shidao only said calmly: “Senior’s question is a bit strange. Why am I afraid, can’t I be afraid of these gods?”

“You are confident.” The voice rang again, but no one was seen.

“I also have the apostles, and I know the source of the apostle’s Strength. Jin Chen is not wrong. He can be ten times better than a request. But how about it, how many people who win me in Void I believe in the order of the Master Network, and I believe that my path is not wrong. Someone on the road is shouting? Is that different from the sparrow on the branch?”

“hehe hehe…” A burst of satisfying laughter sounded.

Then, no more then.

Tang Shidao’s words are not wrong!

The apostle may be very powerful, and the gods have more power, but… the Master Network is Grandfather! Regardless of the Son of God or the gods, the Master is still Grandfather!

The apostles are very proud.

Gods are stinking.

They dare to challenge themselves face to face, but who dares to provoke the scarecrow?


not a single one!

Therefore, Tang Shidao does not care about these people who like to scream in front of the weak. Tang Shidao had expected that he would ‘harvest’ a group of enemies long before he accepted the curse. Void’s competitive things have never been easy to get started. If there is no one to grab something, it proves that it is just a roadside stone.

Get the big phantom, and enemies against the Master Red Emperor.

I got the big cloud, and I hated the Emperor.

Get a big replacement, and enemies all the anti-Mage.

Even with the Great Whirlpool, the enemies of the legendary wizard of the Magic Ocean have become their own enemies.

Do you need to be afraid of such consequences?

Do not!

Not needed at all!

Seeing that Tang Shidao disappeared, the three Masters’ remnants appeared. One of them said: “His mentality is correct. Only the loser needs anxiety and trouble. The winner does not need it. This big curse mission is that he won, No matter how the baby jumps, the provocation and screaming of the loser are meaningless. I thought that Jin Chen was not bad, but I didn’t expect it to be.”

Another shadow added: “This is the difference between the apostle and the mage. One is the one who has picked up the sword, and the other is the one who built the sword.”

The third shadow chuckles: “This scene is very interesting. One is the Strength of the White, and the Strong is a self-study. I am looking forward to the ‘collision’ of the Holy Land. This period is calm for too long, no one pulls out. A little wave is too boring. The boat that can rush out of the storm can fly higher. After all, the word smooth is too pale.”

After that, the three shadows disappeared instantly. They didn’t even alarm anyone, as if they had never appeared.

Someone quickly flew to see it, but couldn’t find any clues.

At this moment.

Tang Shidao is waking up from the black egg shell and just heard Xiao Jin’s call.

The order before the sleep repair: When Wood Huaxing is unified, it is the day of awakening!

“Master, have you completed the task?”


“It sounds a bit impossible to think about, but congratulations to the Master for another big curse.”

“Not yet…” Tang Shidao whispered that he didn’t even get the technology of the Yuanding Grandmaster. He only grabbed the sinful Star River, the Master’s Chamber of Secrets. At the time of the explanation, I also mentioned the things of the apostles. Xiaojin only frowned slightly.

“Master, the apostle often represents the god himself, which is equivalent to the kind of person who is the general manager of the Chinese state of the waters.” So, they are very troublesome.”

Xiao Jin only said trouble, did not say danger.

In its mind.

The apostle can scare the general mages, and the threat to the Master is not great.

“How is Wood Huaxing now?”

“Completely unified, the Zerg, including the giant worm Continent, is also trained. The elf apostles learn very quickly, and they can almost stand alone. If the Master needs it, it is okay to send some into the magical ocean and the sinister river.”

“Not for the time being. I will open the portal of the Fire Star to see what the Fire Star looks like.” Tang Shidao After completing the task, people need to relax.

The apostle declared war.

A new round of competition is about to begin.

Tang Shidao also hopes to solve the problem of the snake mage as soon as possible.

Now that 5th Star has won the second place, Tang Shidao can also feel that the fourth basic message of life weaving is in it.

Nirvana is born again.

The creature is chimeric.

Wisdom revelation.

What will be the next one?

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