Mage Network

Chapter 276

The latest chapter of, Chapter 276: Apostles with good and bad, floating astronomy

After having the ‘鲲’ combined with the holy ring, Tang Shidao suddenly found out that he seems to have the strongest moving castle.

This is not to say that you can practice ascension, but its characteristics and the application of your own curse.

for example.

You can leave a few big transmissions to you, and you can transfer them at any time. Even if you are in danger, you can enter your own safe space. Or use a large replacement technique to exchange damage with the scorpion Puppet made by some life grasses. In this way, even if you are fatally hurt, you have a chance to escape.

Even more.

Indulge in the abhors of everyone’s abhors, and once things go beyond control, they will immediately create a ‘depleted’ space around them to reduce enemy damage. In this way, the embarrassment of the 1st Ring with the Holy Land is easy to transfer.

Say it.

It’s just that you don’t know how to cast spells, but you have a super giant body and a super-constitution. With its life characteristics and wisdom, it is basically impossible for a mage at the same level to destroy it. It is even said that it is difficult for a higher-level mage to eliminate such a huge sacred behemoth.

Not counting the future.

Just now, in order to create a new world in the stomach, it has swallowed more than a dozen planets in succession.

Such brute force and such a giant body, the general planet behemoths are far behind.

Tang Shidao Remember Lan Ji said: Why is the star nest important? Not because it is huge, but because it is a living thing, it can undergo healing and resurrection.

In other words, you can.

Just need only one rebirth, and you will be close to the body.

and so.

鲲 is indeed the strongest moving castle that can be thought of at the moment.

At this moment.

After gaining the authority of the Sinister River, Tang Shidao can also use God’s vision to view the entire Master’s Chamber of Secrets. People of all ethnic groups do not care for the time being, and it takes a while to enter the business model. Seeing the scattered Devil-Beast race, Tang Shidao is not going to destroy it all.

In the past, they were the military opponents of the major legions.


Tang Shidao found some relatively good Devil-Beast races and then used their wisdom to open their wisdom.

Devil-Beasts are very obedient when it comes to understanding the identity of the people in front of you.

Then Tang Shidao made some arrangements, thinking that this Galaxy still needs a period of ‘resting’. When the task is completed, it is time to return to the original World. In addition to the Holy Ring, the humanity education of the evil Star River is also a sublimation, a class that allows one to reflect on reflection. I am very helpful in the wisdom of revelation, and I have become ‘mature’ myself.

Before leaving.

Tang Shidao summoned the management of the Tang company and explained that it was necessary to ‘close’ the evil star river for a while. Wait until you get back here slowly, and then find time to open its access rights. The management people don’t quite understand, but they know that the Master’s Chamber of Secrets can be ‘packaged away’.

After hearing the closure, it can be separated from the outside world. They have no objection and only happy.

The sinful star river is too big.

This place is enough for them to slowly reorganize and slowly develop. What’s more, there is the influence of the magic spring. The better the development here, the more space it will expand. If there is no outside invasion, they can develop themselves with peace of mind. The genetic technology of interstellar science is developed, and it is also possible to replace the body with machinery. Longevity is a breeze, and no one feels that time is tight.

“Master, we must work hard, please look forward to our results.” Management people call the Master Chamber of Secrets Master, no more suitable than this.

“Well, I will go back first. I promise that even if I am dead, this place is still innocent.”

Tang Shidao left.

Immediately, the sinful star river is included in the book of Wanfa to ensure safety. Following the small library and the magical ocean, this is the third room to be included in the Master’s Chamber of Secrets. The outside world, the pirates and apostles who were still waiting to see are stupid… The entrance to the evil Star River disappeared?

This means that its permissions have been transferred to the new Master?

The sixth sage took it directly?

The crowd outside the entrance is raging, and most of them still have the last hope. Especially the pirates, all of them are counting on the blood of the evil star river, and there is no viability in other places. They all want to wait, maybe the sixth sage needs their slave merchandise. The sixth sage is still the Grandmaster, and the demand for Magic materials is also great.


They didn’t wait for hope, just wait for another thing: death!

There is no second opponent.

Just a ten-meter-high crow monster, a simple summoning beast… When it is waving its claws, the surrounding starship is easily shredded like a tofu block. Lightning speed, comet-like power, tearing the sky sharply, the most important is its unimaginable Defence ability, including the ability to be resurrected by bombardment.

Everyone found that this was not the same force of force!

Not only are the pirates stupid.

The apostles in the distance are also stupid. They are 1% sure: this acer’s combat power is absolutely perfect. Ancient Devil is like Nine Streets. It is even said that there is no such thing as a “undead monster” in the Holy Land, and it has been fortunate that it has been able to escape under the claws. What a magical couple, what a dragon, is only vulnerable under the claws of a small insect.

Who is it?

Which strong lord is looking for the trouble of these pirates?

The apostles were all skeptical.

at this time.

Seeing the magic energy dissipator are not effective, barely hurt only the other side, the pirates immediately fled with all their strength, no longer have the courage of a battle. This kind of killing monster is simply no solution, and technology can’t win this cheating spell. Unless you have hundreds of times the magic energy dissipator to attack together, it does not evade, otherwise the opponent can not kill.

If you run slower now, you can’t escape the speed of lightning.

Not a moment.

After a slaughter, the pirates left only a small number of people to escape.

The arak man stood still.

At this time, Tang Shidao slowly walked out of the ‘Famen Passage’ of a general spell and stood beside the ten-year-old Ark.

“Is you? The Sixth Sage?” The audience were shocked.

No need to know the face.

In the entire Mage network… No, including the pseudo-Mage and the gods outside the net, there are only two people who can hold a book of the law of the law. So, the administrator of the Master Network, the Scarecrow. Second, the sixth sage Tang Shidao.

In addition to these two goods, everyone is empty-handed.

“Are you an apostles? Well, it’s much weaker than I thought.” Tang Shidao flipped the book and slowly summoned the gods and awakens back. Looking at a group of angry apostles, I found that the strength of some people is not as good as Xiaojin.

“What did you find in the sinful star river? Hand it over!” A leopard was flying in front of his body and half sipped.

Tang Shidao is stunned.

I miss you mentally retarded, I have medicine.

The robbers know how to scream, and when you open your mouth, let me ‘hand it out’…what do you think you are!

I can tell.

These people are people who are used to ‘aloof and remote’, which is similar to the arrogant inner city of the Sinker River. It is not difficult to imagine that they must be windy in the area of ​​the god’s master, and it is raining, so it is taken for granted.

Tang Shidao thought back and thought that there was nothing wrong with it.

The apostle does not need to practice, the gods like to give you how many Strengths to give Strength.

If the Spirit gives the Strength to the 1st Ring, it is normal for a child to fall into the hands of a wise man. It is normal to fall into the hands of a wise man. Obviously, the apostle who shouted ‘handed out’ was ‘children’… No, giant baby… um, not wise. It’s worse than the prince of the week, worse than the savage, and stupid than the sinful pirate Second Generation.

“Tang Shidao, surrender the relics of Yuan Ding, otherwise… ah…”

A blazing ray shot.

A book runs through the chest of the Leopard youth.

In the blood splash, the leopard youths fly back several tens of meters. Tang Shidao was slightly surprised, and the ‘radiation’ of the blazing ray was greatly reduced. Just like shooting underwater, the bullets can’t fly far. The light bangs on Void, and the energy of Void quickly disintegrates it.

Tang Shidao shot another ice arrow in the blank.

Not a hundred meters.

The ice arrow is automatically shattered. In normal times, it is easy to fly tens of thousands of meters.

At this moment.

“Do you dare to attack me?” The Leopard youth responded with a spell and responded with a little bit of trouble. At this time, I was glaring at Tang Shidao, as if Tang Shidao had done something about people and gods.

“Are you an illegitimate child of a god?” Tang Shidao smiled.

“Oh, you…” The youth of the leopard seemed to be said to have thoughts, and it was impossible to attack at a time.

At this time, a wolf with glasses came forward, and the whole gentleman looked like a gentle arrogance: “Tang Shidao, we are not malicious, just want to ask what relics you got from Yuan Ding.”

“Do you have Sir’s politeness in your family? Frankly speaking, you are coming, and I can afford the name of ‘Don Grandmaster’. Yuanding Grandmaster is the first refinery in the Holy Land. Where are you confident? What’s the name? I can see that you have a little Strength, but I summon a group of Wyvern. You may not be able to win. This level is yelling in front of me. Are your brains normal?”

“Tang Shidao… well, call you a Don Grandmaster. Don Grandmaster, we are apostles, we don’t need to practice. If the Father needs it, he always gives us the Strength of the Holy Land. And you, Don Grandmaster, you are not yet Holy Land Master.”


“You are doing the right thing with a group of gods who are ten times more than you are at all times, understand? Put the relics of Yuan Ding out, so that everyone is good.” The glasses werewolf indifferently said, the same is a pair of me, I am not allowed. The look of others rejecting.

“The apostles are like you?” Tang Shidao was smirked.

“Of course not. In the Fathers and Sons, my Strength is not even ten thousand.” The glasses werewolf thought that Tang Shidao asked Strong, and he couldn’t help but introduce: “Don Grandmaster, your name is big, but my brother sister. Some are infinitely close to the Holy Land. They are the favorite of the Father, once they shoot…”

“Okay, talking to you, I have a feeling that IQ is being pulled down. I understand why the elite didn’t come, only those idiots are still there.”

Hearing the idiots all the apostles are complexion transients.

Waiting for an attack.

Suddenly another figure flashed, the white assistant Headmaster’s assistant, Longquan, it is slowly stepping out: “hehe, don’t be surprised, Don Grandmaster. Those so-called ‘spirits’ are okay to breed offspring, too many have some brain damage. Knowing that there is no drama, the elites have left early, and this is left.”

Hearing such provocative speech, the apostles…no words.

They recognize the dragon fist.

They know how strong Longquan is, and also know that Longquan is the temper of slaughtering people. So they groaned and dumb.

Tang Shidao shook his head and chuckled.


He just felt that there were some ‘shadows’ that were dozens of times stronger and disappeared. I knew that I had to get out of time without a chance. It is now more than apostles to monitor here, as well as the mighty net of the Master. The elite apostles are really just sending them to death.

“Dissipate it.” Longquan is not interested in dealing with these people.

The apostles hesitated, and they were really scattered.

There is no temper at all.

Longquan said: “First of all, congratulations to you, Tang Grandmaster, you have completed the curse task. However, this time you really offended a lot of apostles.”

Tang Shidao smiled: “I want to pretend to be a very scared look?”

Longquan also laughed when he heard this.

These apostles can arrogate in front of the general mages, but for the sixth sage, their farts are not counted.

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