Mage Network

Chapter 269

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 269: Sinister Star River 6, arrogance and laziness, floating astronomy

Tang Shidao has seen countless bad sects in the city of Sinful Star River, thinking that the situation in the inner city should be better. However, when entering the inner city to evaluate the 4th Star technician, Tang Shidao found himself wrong, and was very wrong!

There is no random killing of the alien cubs, and there is no such thing as a security disorder in the outer city.

In comparison, it is more like a normal city.


People here have a bad habit: look at people with your nostrils!

In addition to the slave, down to the civilians to the dignitaries, any one here is ashamed to follow 2,500,000. Under those gorgeous clothes, Tang Shidao even smelled the iron sulphur smell that some people had not cleaned. They guessed that they were just new residents who had just left the city and joined the society of the superiors.

However, these people have a lot of arrogance, as if they don’t look at people and they are not comfortable.

Seeing the orcs and monks behind Tang Shidao, they even cover their noses.

Don’t even think about it.

In fact, they taste more ‘smelly’ on the body.

“You are 3rd Star Technician Tang Feng?” The chief accredited by the technician is a purple-skinned middle-aged man with a group of different ethnic assistants.

The table of the chief judge is very high.

The chair is also very tall.

At least one meter or more of the entire seat, the visiting person must look up at him when he speaks. At the time of the interview, the evaluation officer’s white handkerchief did not leave. It was covered with perfume, as if everyone except him had a stench, he must always maintain his ‘fragrance’.

Especially when I saw the orcs and monks behind Tang Shidao, his nose was flattened.

Sit so high.

Originally, the chief judge needed to look down to see Tang Shidao, but he did not. He still looked up slightly, and he was already taking the chin to see people.

“Yes, I am Tang Feng.”

I saw everyone in the stadium.

Tang Shidao can’t help but wonder: Are these people suffering from cervical spondylosis?

“It’s really rude to talk loudly. I am understood, you apply for the 4th Star technician’s assessment, is there a recommendation for the inner city?” The chief judge of the appraisal fanned the fan, and the face was disgusted. You look like the poor people in the outer city.

The application took a glance.

Did not see at all.

“No. According to the fourth subsection of Article 15 of the third chapter of the technician’s code, the technician does not need a recommender to apply for the promotion. Only the cross-level assessment is required. I am an 3rd Star technician. According to the regulations, 4th Star is not required. “Tang Shidao said.

“I know the technician’s code very well. Everyone is familiar with it. If you are rude, you don’t need to remind me.” The chief judge of the assessment confirmed the stamp.

Carefully pick up the application.

Throw it to Tang Shidao, then wipe it quickly with a handkerchief.

Finally, the lesson is: “Although according to the fourth subsection of the fifth chapter of the technician’s code, the normal leveling assessment does not require a recommender. However, in order to prevent you from maliciously abusing the resources of the inner city, I only allow you to use it for free. If you don’t pass, you will need to pay for the next test. Remind you, rude person. Here, I am the erudite judge, don’t show off your poor Knowledge in front of me.”

Tang Shidao picks up the application and finally confirms it with a smart bracelet.

Before leaving.

Tang Shidao replied: “In fact, the eminent evaluation officer, the fourth section of the technician’s code, Chapter 16, Article 5, is the relevant content of the normal upgrade. The third chapter is only the specification of the technician’s armband.”

Finish, leave.

Leaving a group of face-to-face assessment officers.

Seeing that the chief officer of the appraisal was blue-faced, other officials wanted to laugh and dare not laugh, and all of them got a complexion. At this time, the strange laughter of the orcs and the monks came from outside the door, as if ridiculing the ignorance that did not know how to understand.

Tang Shidao did not have the first time to go to the assessment workshop when he got the sign.

I finally entered the inner city, and a group of three people simply strolled around this strange place. Have to say that the environment here is quite good. Compared with the outer city where people’s intensive disease and claustrophobia phobia occur, the inner city has more space and is not as stinking as the outer city.


Seeing everyone hiding their noses, the three people are gone.

The orc guard’s broken teeth are also very wronged. Because of the full-time protection of Tang Shidao’s relationship, the boss ordered him to take two showers a day, and then waste water. In the working room of Tang Shidao, the slaves have to clean four times a day. It must not let the sour smell affect Master Tang’s mood.

There is no smell on my body… I want to slam the broken teeth.


Here is the inner city, he does not dare to marry. In the outer city, the early break of the broken teeth, the ‘bursts’ will make all these guys dressed up.

Tang Shidao saw more.

Some young people who seem to be ‘fussing the wind and getting the moon’ are gathering together in a joke and a singer, all of them are like a scholastic. Unfortunately, Tang Shidao can see from their ‘fat’: this is not idle, it is lazy.

Clumsy hands.

The body of the micro-fertilizer.

Slow response.

Some people even can’t keep up with the rhythm. When Tang Shidao passed by, they all raised their double chins and only looked at people with their nostrils. I also heard the words ‘a group of poor people’ or ‘a group of savage people who don’t understand life’. It seems that they are the people who really understand life, and they work mentally in the outer city.

Along the way.

Tang Shidao saw a lot of such groups: “Broken teeth, these people don’t have to work, what do they eat?”

The broken teeth looked amazed: “Most of the food in the outer city is supplied to the inner city and the central city. They don’t need work or food. Master Tang, the inner city and the central city are the commanders of the army. Do you understand? Here is Sinister Star River, whoever has the army has the best food. Plus, their family will work with robots and don’t need them to do it themselves.”

Tang Shidao nodded.

I thought about it.

Tang Shidao called the car, and it was also a terrible driver. He turned around in the inner city for a long time, and then went to the technician to check the workshop.

“We have been turning for so long, it seems that we have not seen a school.”

“Master Tang, there is no school here.”

“Well? There are no inner cities.”

“Not only the inner city, but also the central city. Yes, there is no aerial city. Master Tang, are you seeing the news on the Internet? It is not a city school, it is just a school opened by a family at home. Teach them their own children, and sometimes recruit some smart outsiders.”

“Hey.” Tang Shidao was completely speechless.

My own school, teach your own children…hehe, is the person above the teacher called ‘teacher’ or ‘slave’?

No wonder, people here are like this.

Tang Shidao Opens the smart bracelet and gently wipes out the options of the inner city. On the other page, in addition to food and order, I also added two words of education, and I don’t know what it means. Soon, the three entered the technician’s assessment workshop, and the whole process was received by the robot.

In the assessment field.

Five gorgeous 3rd Star technicians are waiting.

They all have a common feature, cervical spondylosis … oh no, they all like to see people in the nostrils.

They are filled with beautiful tools in front of them, all of which are the latest in exquisite instruments. In addition to the precious materials, it is also wiped clean. I saw the cloth bag that Tang Shidao put down, took out the slightly curved wrench, the metal-filled rod, the slightly deformed hammer, and the ring controller that pinched the grip. The proud technicians laughed. It is.

Poor ghosts… They don’t hide their contempt in their eyes.

“I bet you have used this tool for at least 3,000 times. How can you not afford a new set of tsk tsk at the time of the assessment?”

“More than that, the iron mother carving knife has been smoothed out by one of five, which is at least 10,000 times.”

“It’s really mixed, is it really 3rd Star technician?”

“The information is 3rd Star, but the 3rd Star technicians in the outer city can know how much, I am afraid…hehe.”

“Hey, have you touched the guns? It’s not awkward to clean the dust.”

All five people have published their own ‘opinions’ and expressed ‘sympathy’ to the 3rd Star technicians of Tang Feng, a foreign city. While talking, they also show off their beautiful tools and spotless tools. As if, such a tool is the weapon of the winner.

The assessment begins.

The same is the three different questions, as long as one is passed within the specified time. Can complete three items, or use less than the specified time, it is possible to get the ‘lightning hand’, ‘quick hand’ and ‘acquainted hands’ three titles. If the time is exceeded or one item cannot be completed, the assessment will fail.

There are two weapons and mechs in the three assessments, and one is a random selection.

The mechanics sent the corresponding materials.

The assessment begins right away.

Five 3rd Star technicians quickly started working and were very skilled, and they saw a feeling that we knew the answer.

Tang Shidao can see that their tools match the questions of today.

Even said.

The order of the tools is the order of repair and assembly. It is coincidental that it seems to even buy a 10-day lottery ticket, even the top ten-day jackpot.

“hehe…” The five people laughed and skillfully carried out their own ‘assessment’.

I am thinking inside: This idiot from the outside city must be scared, he really thought it was fair and just.


Have not waited for them to complete a third.

“Drip”… Tang Shidao has completed one. The five people looked up and listened: “Give me the second assessment.”

And then.

The five people have not fully recovered, and Tang Shidao has quickly assembled, repaired, and even debugged and re-examined. He directly took the ‘Complete’ button and finally applied for the third item to the robot. Five people were horrified, and even one item was not completed. Tang Shidao had all three items… Because he deliberately released the water, he did not take the name of the lightning hand and only won the title of quick hand.

Putting down the tools, the five people are not easy to complete.

Originally their plan was easy to complete, but also want to take the title of skilled, because it is not difficult to practice dozens of times.

I didn’t expect the title to be gone, and I almost couldn’t pass it.

All blame this poor acid… Five people hate.

“Tang Feng, 4th Star technician passed the assessment. Three excellent, due to less time than the regulations, specially awarded the title of fast hand. Congratulations to Tang Feng technician, congratulations on obtaining 4th Star technician certification.” The robot is only scheduled to be announced, with reference to the assessment Finally, I asked: “The technician who got 4th Star can apply for some materials. Excuse me, Tang Feng technician, what do you want?”

In fact, the five people also looked at each other and thought about what the poor ghost would want.

Tang Shidao thought for a moment: “According to the fourth subsection of the first chapter of the technician’s code, Chapter 4, 4th Star technicians can re-test according to their own level requirements, including improving the difficulty of Rank 1, right?”

“Correct, the description is exactly the same.”

“I applied for a re-examination and improved the 1th Star technician for Rank 5.”

“In line with Rule. Tang Feng technician, please come with me.” The robot compared the data and found that the proposal was in full compliance with Rule, so he greeted Tang Shidao to continue the assessment. The other five people in the field were dumbfounded, and they couldn’t believe that the poor acid actually had the 5th Star level.

They won the prize and they fled.

Most of the technicians who used to be in the same examination room would exchange ideas and make friends. Unfortunately, they obviously missed the opportunity to hug their thighs.

Therefore, they hate more in their hearts.

After changing a set of burqa, five people with resentment secretly hid in the vicinity.

I think that Tang Feng’s 5th Star assessment may fail.

Laugh at him!

Never let go!

In a flash, five people reached a ridicule of Alliance, and also ridiculed the lines with reference to the opera performance. As long as Tang Feng came out, the armband was still 4th Star, and he would spread out the “crazy words” of the assessment workshop video, letting everyone laugh at the outer city of this excessimate one’s capabilities and make him famous.

In the past half a day, time spent a lot, feeling more and more like failure.

All five people laughed.

I laugh very well.

When I saw Tang Shidao coming out, they immediately rushed up, but rushed to half… eh? 6th Star armband?

“Well? Who?”

The broken teeth reached out and protected Tang Shidao, and the five people who saw the ghosts were about to attack. But in a blink of an eye, the five people rushed to the trash can, and refused to look up. The broken tooth touched his head, and the simple brain couldn’t understand such a complicated thing: “Is it just beggar? I thought someone was making trouble. Nothing is fine, let’s go.”

After that, continue to protect Tang Shidao and leave.

Tang Shidao chuckles, no more words. He faintly saw that all five had an 4th Star armband and thought of something in his heart. But they like to pick up trash cans and let them squat.

Such a clown, who cares.

The technicians have reached the X5 XXXX Star and can actually do something for themselves.

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