Mage Network

Chapter 268

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 268: Sinister Star River 5, gluttony, floating astronomy

“You seem to have another gift, Tang Feng 2nd Star Technician?” The generals also paused, and asked to continue to eat and chew. There are Devil-Beast in his food dish, there are also human life, even living people. The soldier next to him is holding a group of people, and the pig man, the lizard, has a leopard, and it seems to be one of the candidate snacks for the general.

I heard this question.

The boss raised his surprise and the whole person showed a kind of prayer, as if Tang Shidao was the last straw in his life.

The master of the same is also the same, staring at Tang Shidao.

Zombie and the lizard boss’s complexion changed, looking at Tang Shidao in horror, for fear of what he said.


“No.” Tang Shidao indifferently said.

“You are wasting my time, this is very serious, 2nd Star technician?” The generals were unhappy and all the soldiers raised their guns. Although the technicians are very valuable, the level of 2nd Star is not too high, and it is a pity that the generals have collapsed.

Zirconium and lizard boss sighed in relief.

not worried.

The boss and the master are desperate. I don’t think this Tang style is just a foolish and bold.

“I don’t think there is anything wrong with the boss’s deal with you.” Tang Shidao said calmly.

“I have a better access channel, 2nd Star Technician.”

“No. Although my smart bracelet is not very privileged, I also read some public information about the ‘gluttony’ general. In my opinion, the generals of binge eating are not stupid. If you are a normal person, you must choose your boss instead of Lizard boss.” Tang Shidao looked calm.

“Do you give more money to 50%?” The generals stared at Tang Shidao.


“hā hā hā Ha, this sentence is not funny at all, 2nd Star technician.”

“The generals, you are wasting my time.” Tang Shidao is not surprisingly endless.

“what did you say?”

“I will give an example. The gun technology must be advanced. If it has a new breakthrough after one year, do you think the person who succeeded in this research is 2nd Star technician zirconium? Or 3rd Star technician? The fox person you are eating is ‘breeding’. Right, there is a fox soldier on the left hand side. The taste is definitely better. Why don’t you eat him? Your heart is very clear, bet zombie and give up 镐 just kill the chicken and take the eggs. ”

“So I need to give 50% more money?”

“Zircon is just an egg. The master is a chicken with raw eggs. You are a general, you think…”

“60%! I only need 60% of the previous price.” The boss screamed desperately. He is not a technician, but he is a businessman. He knows what he needs most to do business: a weak compromise.

Upon hearing this, the lizard boss and Zircon are all bloodless.

They know that they have lost.

“It’s all because of you…” Zircon suddenly screamed and activated the mech to rush to Tang Shidao. Not waiting for a group of soldiers to shoot, a metal whip waved, and tied zirconium at once. The generals of the storm pulled gently, and zirconium had fallen into the palm of his hand.

Facing the bloody mouth of the generals, Zircon only looked at Tang Shidao.

Tang Shidao ignores this slag with only five combat forces. However, this situation caused Tang Shidao to think of the fox fox that was eaten by the blame. He was also desperate to grab the bread when he was eaten. The zirconium heart is filled with ‘嫉妒’, and the fox cubs are filled with ‘hunger’, in some ways they are the same person.

This is the sinful star river.

The land is big.

But humanity is poor.

“Wait a minute, the generals will be violent.” Tang Shidao suddenly spoke and said: “I am afraid, I will grab this food from your mouth.”

The generals were very surprised.

The zirconium that was pinched gently licked, and the face was smirking, as if to say: You want to grab my food?

The hate complexion of zirconium has also become confused.

This person wants to save me?

Tang Shidao nodded lightly, turned and opened a box, indicating the soldiers to go forward to check: “This thing is a combination of my modified, normal handgun and tactical gloves. Two in one, improved tactical gloves can hold other weapons The general should know what it means? This is my new product. The prerequisite for trade is zirconium.”

“hehe, do you want this food too?” The generals looked at the surprise complex of the soldiers and immediately knew that the stuff must be good.

Pinch the zirconium.

Throw it in front of Tang Shidao.

Tang Shidao gently avoided this already incontinent zirconium and gestured to others: “No, I only like to eat strong Devil-Beast meat, not interested in other meat. However, I believe that the boss must be very appetite.”

Next to the boss, I heard a strange second, and the corner of the mouth immediately sneered.

Looking at the coma zirconium.

The boss thinks: Although I didn’t like to eat this kind of meat before, this ‘dish’ will definitely like it, very much like it.

The conditions are there, the next step is to talk about business.

Without wasting too much time, the generals and the bosses reached six major arms deals.

The guns were leaked, and the boss did not dare to bid, but instead talked more and more. As for other weapons, you should fight for it. The more sinful the river is, the more secure you are, the more technical things you will always be, the same for everyone. The generals were also not interested in leaving Master Shi or Tang Shidao as their own researcher.

Warlords are different from merchants.

The generals need soldiers and high-tech weapons, but he does not want to invest in ‘research’. Because research is an unknown result, sometimes a bomb can destroy half of your property investment. The generals do not want to bear the risk of ‘research institute being bombed’, he only needs to buy more conveniently… or plunder!

The boss also knows that his research and production will not be targeted, but the generals of the storm have a research institute, and his opponent 1% has done a lot of damage.

Therefore, this is a matter of mutual benefit.

Business negotiations are coming to an end.

“I am very satisfied, things are decided like this. Right, what do you want, Tang Feng?” The generals suddenly worried about the ‘Tang Feng’.

Everyone turned their heads.

I want to hear what Tang Shidao wants.

There is a signal from the generals: If you ask, I can think of letting you enter the inner city.

Tang Shidao smiled and pointed at the smart bracelet: “My smart bracelet only has Rank 3 reading permission. I can only view some basic Knowledge and out-of-town messages. This is too little. General, can you help me upgrade to Rank? 2 permissions?”

A general violent general.

The one-two Rank 3 permissions of the smart bracelet are of little use.

The things that can be circulated in the Galaxy network are certainly not of much value. They can only say that the information is broader.

“Yes.” The generals indicated to an engineering soldier that they came forward and thought about it: “I upgraded the Rank 3 privilege of the Tang Feng technician’s smart bracelet to the Rank 2 privilege, and deleted its own blasting program by the way. Hey boss, you have no opinion. What?”

The boss nodded: “Of course, I just want to do this.”

after that.

Everything was done successfully.

When everything came to a close, the boss also led a group of people back to the outer city.

At this moment.

The generals of the violent army investigated the message of Tang Feng and finally sighed: “It turned out that this Tang Feng was once a subordinate of a mage. It is no wonder that it was so calm. Presumably he used to be a well-informed figure. Adjutant, call me. Don’t let people move him.”

“Yes! But he is just an 2nd Star technician, is it necessary, the generals?”

“Yes. You don’t understand, do as I say.” The generals glared at the evil eyes, but they thought: Although there is no mage in the sinful star river, this place is still a mage, and only a fool can believe that it is big. Curse the mage of the mage.

the other side.

Zirconium woke up from a coma and found a large group of people tied around, including the newly-funded lizard boss. Further to the side is a table with a silver-plated plate with gold-handed knives on both sides and a yellowish liqueur next to it. In front of this dish, Zircon saw the most fearful person in his heart: the boss.

Then, the special feast of the boss began.

At this moment.

Tang Shidao is viewing the Rank 2 permission message of the smart bracelet in his room. It is faint, Tang Shidao confirms what he thought in his mind: the evil star river is not only a melee, but also has a black hand.

According to the contract.

It is impossible for a mage to violate the use of a small curse. Here is isolation is not a warning. Therefore, in theory, only the Master Mantra comes in.

However, theory is only theory.

For the Master, there are countless ways to distort the theory, for example… dispatching general people without the status of a wizard to come in! To put it simply, if the Jinhuaxing of Jinhuaxing understands the interstellar Civilization, it is also possible to send them into the Sinister Star River. This also explains why the pirates here can exchange so many resources.

Because these people have support behind them.

Tang Shidao The strange thing is: it makes no sense to do so.

Since it is a designated mage mission, it is absolutely impossible for a person who is not a mage to obtain a legacy. In the simplest case, if the mage leaves a spiritual communication, it is basically difficult for the general to see the ‘ghost’, let alone the ‘ghost’ to receive the inheritance. The general person finds the mage’s box, and the opening must be empty. Even if the mage is arbitrarily open, it is empty. You must open the correct Magic to see the treasure.

This is the case.

Why did the mages or apostles send general people to come in and do things?

For the magic crystal mine?

Love and laugh, Master can lack your energy, a magic spring can top a planet mine.

For StarCraft?

It is also a joke.

The master who has the ability can’t easily get StarCraft, and the blood count friends are just the worst group of wizards.

Master’s legacy can’t be obtained, Magic Crystal Mine has no fart, and StarCraft can’t look up.

So what exactly do they want to find?

In addition to the mission of the Sinister Star River, what secrets are hidden here?

Tang Shidao could not find an answer at the same time.


As soon as the days passed, Tang Shidao learned that the boss had become a new ‘gluttony’ monster. Since he swallowed the old rival lizard boss, the surrounding businessmen were scared. The boss found that the more fierce he ate, the more afraid others would be, so he simply became the ‘gluttony’ No. 2, borrowing this name to scare others.

Not long.

The boss’s meal was more abundant, and the bosses in the outer city area disappeared one by one.

Some escaped.

Some of them are on the table of the boss.

Quickly, the boss became a sir in the outer city area. During this time, Tang Shidao also raised the 2nd Star technician to 3rd Star, and also enhanced the power of the Mother-Nest spider Puppet, adding some jumping spiders, poison spiders, stealth spiders, diving spiders, and spiders.

“Master Tang, how is the transformation plan of the flying ship engine?” The boss is now fatter and stronger, and the food is not lost every day.

Tang Shidao nodded lightly: “Well, it has been modified.”

Hey boss laughed: “Okay, great. Master Tang, thank you, your kindness will never forget. Something, I want to recommend you to the inner city Academy for a while. How? All expenses package On me, you can rest assured that I will ensure that you will not be bullied after entering school through a relationship with a business friend. He said that it is not difficult to test an 4th Star technician for five or six years depending on your level.”

Tang Shidao gently shook his head: “There is no such need. If there is a need, I will go to an 4th Star technician for a while.”

Hey boss: “…”

Tang Shidao thought for a moment: “Well, the battleship transformation seems to require 5th Star to start, forget it, I will definitely test the 5th Star.”

Hey boss: “…”

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