Mage Network

Chapter 255

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 255: Unification, New Star, Astronomy

The Shuihua National Emperor is preparing to build a fast-responding education team to guide the people of Shuhua and other areas to integrate into the new life as soon as possible.

As soon as the news came out, it spread like a storm.

The Chinese people in Shuihua responded positively, but more were scholars of the Emperor. Thanks to the help and guidance of the experts from the Zulong State, the development of the Shuhua Kingdom has been rapid, and the people of the Chinese people have a high degree of admiration for the ‘scholars’ and have a warm welcome when they go there.

It can be said.

In the country of Shuhua, the status of scholars’ popularity is much higher than that of officials.

“We not only recruit scientists, but also need to be general educators. We need some patient teachers to teach people from different races and different regions to help them know this World and integrate into this world. Don’t be afraid, this is not diplomacy. Event, Shuihuaxing has only one country at a time. You should be a child who is not sensible at home, and you can take a few words.” Lei Dazhuang invited the representatives of scholars.

In fact, the scholars who come to help understand.

This time is not scientific research, this is humanistic education.

They know better.

There is a sharp knife on the back of these ‘student’. If they can’t adapt, they still survive according to their savage way of not civilization, as long as they touch the red line of the Shuhua country, the knife will fall. Even scholars know who the knife is: ghost clothing!

A true ghost, a mysterious spirit that science cannot explain.

Therefore, their education and guidance are to save a life.


Their education is not to force, their ‘student’ sees the beauty of the street still stunned, and then dragged home to be a wife. Then, this ‘student’ will be cut into shredded pork by the ghost costume.

Use the boy and boy to sacrifice the river, kill!

The first child born to kill the points to eat everyone, kill!

Buy and sell your wife to exchange cattle and sheep, kill!

Throw away the old parents back to the mountains and kill them!

Different from Jinyiwei.

The ghost costumes under the command of Jin Xianzi only perform a task… kill!

They are cruel customs for the largest group, especially for live sacrifices or funeral burials. The Chinese people have stopped these customs, but the rest of the country does not. Therefore, before the devil’s knife fell, the educators must use the ‘mouth’ to persuade to stop.


In addition to the custom of death, some customs that are equivalent to crime must also stop.

Ghost clothes are not merciless, and Jin Yiwei is not a kind-hearted person.

“My thunder is just an unqualified student. I just missed the class when I was a college student. It was almost a few days. When it comes to education, I am worse than the baby in front of the teachers. However, I am the boss of the youth Alliance, I It’s still the same table at the same table of the Chinese emperor. I don’t have a brain but I have the power. In the future, I will fully support you in organizing education, asking for money and money, and having things.”

The scholars are listening to such a straightforward speech.

Suddenly felt.

This strong fat man is pretty cute.

“Before you come, you must receive some special notices and know some special news. Yes, the other portals that scientists have studied are about to be opened. Believe it or not, everyone understands it. Here, I ask you to have a preparation. Maybe one day your ‘student’ is not human.”

A group of scholars listened at a glance, thinking that this fat man really did not take the secret code seriously.

“In addition, I will ask some of you to do extra work now to help me educate the sluts and mermaids and integrate them into normal life.”

A group of scholars listened to breathing.

They are not afraid. On the contrary, there is a madness in their hearts.

Education monks and mermaids?

This is a good thing that you can never dream of in your life. Is there a problem with teaching non-human races? No, not at all… My students are swearing, and the teacher likes to blow. Moreover, this is not a major scientific study, but to educate them to live like a normal person. This kind of thing, the average kindergarten teacher can do well.

The Ultra-Grade of the Chinese people’s body is strong, but when it comes to the brain, hehe, the scholars of our landlord are not jealous.

There is support from the emperor.

There are thousands of people praying.

Our educators naturally live up to their hearts and minds.


Huajing of Shuhua China has set up a large number of high-rise buildings, with no influx of mathematicians and teachers, and directed the group to guide the people of Shuhua and other regions. Beginning at the beginning, because the place is not enough, the teachers simply teach at the public compound or the Jinyiwei resident. The content is not a complicated matter, explaining the system of the Shuhua Kingdom, the habit of living, the application of simple figures, and the role of various official institutions.

Not a few days.

People of all ethnic groups know: small things to find Bu Yiwei, major event to find Jin Yiwei!

No matter what the conflict, it is always right to find two guards. If you are fierce, the ultimate bad luck must be yourself.

A few days later.

People of all ethnic groups began to know that money was placed in the Imperial Library and the goods were placed in the commercial city.

Even if you don’t know how to do business, you will naturally be handled by someone. If you want to make a big profit, the most basic value can be guaranteed. Most farmers in Shuihua are not operating, and all harvests are placed in the merchants’ clubs. As for money, there is still something safer than the Emperor Your Majesty’s Imperial Library, which is in the belly of Turtle City.

It’s been a few more days.

All ethnic groups also faintly know: I want to go to the merchant club to apply for business, I want to go to the farmer’s club to apply for registration, I like to go to the art club to register for the song and dance entertainment, and I like to go to the Wuge Military Academy to register.

If you don’t have a skill, don’t know what you should do, nothing, go to Academy to find Teacher!

Go to learn Knowledge.

Go to learn crafts.

Go for the guidance of Teacher.

“The most basic job of a businessman is to deliver goods. We call it logistics. You are worried that you can’t find a place, don’t be afraid, you are in the streets, ask them.”

“The most basic job of farmers is to plant, plant fruit trees, and grow yam. This kind of work is just digging and filling, it is impossible.”

“If you want to go to an artist to develop, you need a little bit of skill. If you like it, you can have a way. There are some jobs that are gongs and drums or scorpions. If you don’t understand, follow others. If someone else yells at you, others will swear.”

“If you don’t think you can’t, don’t be afraid. There is a job that is always lacking in the country of Shuhua: road repairing, lack of roads, lack of buildings, lack of people on the road, lack of cleaning and cleaning. You Luckily better than us, because you have a healthy body and you don’t get sick for a lifetime. So, you have enough Stamina to do the work.”

that’s it.

Once again, scholars and teachers have become timely rains for everyone, guiding the Chinese people in water and guiding the people of other regions.


The teachers also teamed up to write the ‘Water Huaxing Basic Life Handbook’, translated into multiple versions. I also read it in person, even people who are illiterate can hear it. Slowly, the departments of Jinyiwei and Buyiwei also began to ask for Teacher to start their own popular education.

When the last rebel army was destroyed.

Water Huaxing is unified throughout the region.

Without a reason, Tang Shidao’s hand suddenly had a ring: the Mercury ring.

It is the proof of the unified Chinese water star, and also the production of life weaving. Like the big portal, it has reserved things early, with the positioning portal of the Shuihuaxing and a brand new road marking. In other words, having it can enter the water star at any time, no matter where you are.

“The next one is called Wood Huaxing?” Tang Shidao is not surprised by the arrangement of the snake mage. This method can now be copied by himself.

See the information pointed to.

Tang Shidao naturally thinks of the words of the five elements: wood fire, fire soil, earth gold, gold water, aquatic wood… water Huaguo unified, pointing to ‘wood’, that wood China is unified after the point is ‘fire ‘La?

“Xiao Jin, convene the chief officials of all departments.” The new portal is in the palm of your hand and can be opened at any time. Tang Shidao does not act impulsively.

As a mortal.

He is used to giving government affairs to people who are more knowledgeable. After all, I am not a politician, I am a mage.


Several people in the highest position of the Shuihua State put down their work for the first time. With the help of Jin Yiwei, they became the highest ruling hall of the Owl flying to Turtle City. This place is generally not open unless it is opened on the founding of the People’s Republic or the age of the year. In theory, this is the place where Tang Shidao ‘goes to work’. However, he has never been to a class in one day.

“See Your Majesty.” A group of ministers visited the shrine, bowed deep and deep, and probably guessed the importance of things.

Tang Shidao looked at the people in the temple.

At this moment.

As the actual manager of the Shuihua State, Jin Xianzi, Xiao Jin, she also suspended in the temple. In the face of the people, the etiquette of the Master is guaranteed in the official scene.

On the left is the head of all the cabinet officials, the first of the domestic cabinets of Shuhua, Luo Weng.

On the right is the leader of the Wuge Military Academy, the representative of all the generals, Yue Hu.


A little bit ahead of the two, one is the palace eunuch general manager, iron often should; another martial art to worship the leader, Xiang Meng. The two of them never participated in government affairs, but only served and protected. After the ceremony, they went to the other side and left silently.

Representative of the four guards.

Jin Yiren’s leader Wei Ying, Bu Yiwei leader Li Hanyi, Huang Yiwei leader Tang Yudao, ghost clothing Wei leader.

All four of them have their own positions and rarely ask for politics.

Representative of the three conferences.

Merchant Club leader, Jin Fu. Wang Geng, the leader of the farmer’s club. The head of the artisan club, Yao Ji, the only woman among the chief officials.

Other than that.

There is also a character who does not show up in the mountains, the leader of the treasury who manages the wallet of the gang, Wang Jucai, a eunuch who deliberately changed his name to a very earthy but very savvy eunuch.

The next column.

Those who are not interested in grabbing the limelight are the five sacred animal breeders, 瞽Black Turtle, 聩Azure Dragon, 媸Vermilion Bird, 戾White Tiger, and Merlin.

Or more.

These are the most powerful people in the country.

“The water star has been unified. The next sister planet already has a portal. It is in my hands. I need a place to place it, a visit plan. First, I don’t plan to do it myself. I will deal with it. If you can’t do it, I will do it myself.” Tang Shidao is not lazy, he faintly knows this necessity.

The snake mage has some kind of setting, and it is best for him to not intervene. Let the people living on the five planets integrate themselves.

“Master, what kind of planet is it?” Xiaojin went forward to ask questions. It didn’t dare to speak without speaking.

“Wood Huaxing.”

“Please give us some time to discuss.”

“it is good.”

Xiaojin is also not awkward. At the first time, the general named Yue Hu, asked about the current strength. Then there was Luo Weng and Wang Jucai, asking about the financial revenues and grain weapons of the Shuihua State. After that, it was Wei Ying, the leader of the Jinyiwei. Jin Yiwei was a necessary intelligence spy.

It doesn’t take long.

The people have negotiated.

They proposed to set up four major areas on both sides of the holy lake near Huajing, which are dedicated to the “distant relatives” of the four sister stars.

The first batch of visiting soldiers chose iron man soldiers!

The order is: no matter what you encounter, you don’t have to deal with it, and everything will be said.

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