Mage Network

Chapter 254

The latest chapter of, Chapter 254: Gifts for roses, hands with fragrance, floating astronomy

Tang Shidao’s signing of the ‘borrowing contract’ with the charm is not a temporary rise. This idea was very early, but at that time, Tang Shidao could not trust outsiders as it is now. After all, borrowing a big curse is risky and you must choose some friends you can trust.

long, long ago.

At the time of the birth of ‘colorlessness’, Tang Shidao felt that cultivation is a very important thing!

As a mage.

Not as many spells as possible, not as strong as the power of the spell. You must have enough power to control it, have enough innate talent to upgrade it, and have enough intelligence to use it. In the simplest case, the big curse falls on the hands of a man or a prince, and it has no effect at all.

“Don, I have to discuss it with Lan Ji.”

“of course can.”

“Don, can you talk about it, what are you going to borrow to change the big curse to Lan Ji?” Charm asked carefully.

“The Great Whirlpool.” Tang Shidao calmly said.


There is no more questioning about the charm.

How many hands a mage has, even the most trusted friends will not disclose it. On the other hand, knowing too many secrets is not safe. Even if the Scarecrow is so powerful, it will periodically clear messages that should not be known.


Charm and farewell left, Tang Shidao knew that she was looking for a suitable borrowing spell, and couldn’t really borrow a small Fireball.

Lan Ji and Wu Yueer are still doing the task, and there is no response.

Tang Shidao tried all the materials and returned to the Shuihua Country to continue as a food emperor. As soon as the water Huaxing star was unified, the door clues of the four sister stars were about to appear, and Tang Shidao did not expect to run the mission. Using the free time, the incarnation of Liuyuan Temple, respectively, established ten small portals in Shuihuaxing, which is the 10-meter-sized small portal of the Emperor Star Unicom.

With Huajing as the center, five seats will be established.

Corresponding portal.

One of the other is the western part of the Shuihua country, and the other four are connected to the central area of ​​the Sifangzhou area. In doing so, it is for the convenience of the control of the water Huaxing. With the new portal channel, Tang Jun is much easier to travel.


The portal was established, and the forces in the four territories quickly collapsed. Envoy was sent immediately after surrender.

Because of the emergence of the portal, they believe that they are enemies with ‘God’. It is impossible to win this, so they accepted this kind of Fate. Moreover, they also have the sacred mission of ‘helping four sisters’, and they are also homologous people.

Hearing this mission quickly, most people give up confrontation.

Join this big family quickly.

“There is no invincible Tang Jun who hits the door of the house and says that the sacred mission is to swear.” Lei Dazhuang is the boss of the youth Alliance. He knows what the monarchs of the kingdoms are. In addition to the old, the fear of death and the incompetent monarch accepted the benefits of the Golden Apple, arrogant and want to grab the Golden Apple.

If they are not all beaten, they are willing to surrender.

“No matter what the reason, the water star is reunifying.” Ghost sister is deeply political.

“It’s not that simple. Cultural conflicts, conflicts of faith, and most important conflicts of interest. These things can’t be done. It’s hard for modern society to conquer other countries, let alone this ancient dynasty.” Anderson is a noble family, he is Politics is also very well understood. It is still easy to conquer the countries near the Shuihua Kingdom. The country is too far away and the culture is too far apart.

“Xiao Jin said that she only needs all the territory. Our plan is chaotic, not so much time to calmly arrange.” Lei Da Zhuang said.

The rhythm of Youth Alliance is really messy after the portal.

Modern people can’t keep up with this kind of ‘opening’ ancient people.

Lei Dazhuang can’t do anything. In the final analysis, he is just a student who has just entered college. He can’t live longer than Tang Shidao and Tang Shidao in Master. The students and Knowledge are not comparable to Lei Dazhuang.

Everyone listened to aloud.

This statement means… Peaceful waiting for the transition, peace is fine. Jumping out to be dead, you will die!

Jin Xianzi is not a human being, she does not talk about freedom and democracy. The Chinese people who claim to be immortal people are equally proud to explode. Even if the invincible Tang Jun slaughtered the unyielding, the Chinese people of Shuihua would not have any opinions. They blindly believe that the Tang Emperor pointed out that the Tang army was the territory of its own.

Do people on the land disagree?

What are we going to do, we are the big winners of the immortals.

“I only hope that those people can be interested in it.” Ghost sister sighed slightly.

“Jinyiwei will first remove the leaders who lead the chaos. If the whole family are unbelievable mad believers, we can only wait to burn incense.” Lei Dazhuang also has different feelings. There is never a shortage of people who like to be chaotic. They are not for justice and peace, they only like to destroy.

The overall situation is now fixed. .

Tang Jun must unravel all the chaos, and then see how much the Youth Alliance can ‘help’.

Really incorrigible, Youth Alliance is not a good person of the ninth.

the other side.

Charm and Lan Ji also discussed it, and they definitely accepted this kind of good thing in the sky. Borrowing the contract gives them the benefits of a thousand years of use, but if Tang Shidao needs it, they must return the curse the first time. Although Wannian is long, but the Master lives longer, it is better to cherish this friendship and trust when cherishing 10,000 years.

Tang Shidao entered the Master Network and waited. Soon after, Lan Ji brought the blood of the starlight butterfly.


Official signs a loan contract.

Surprisingly, the magical borrowing spell is ‘Summon Hellfire Chain’, and Lan Ji’s borrowing spell is ‘Summon Ice Spirit Weapon’. One is an infinite number of fire chains, and the other is an ever-changing ice weapon… Both are derived spells, both of which may be useful for the Thunder Tigers to transform into a gods, or useful for the Avalok.

This time, the contract was exchanged, and Mei Mo and Lan Ji obviously took the time to let Tang Shidao get nothing.

The contract was established.

Spells are exchanged.

Charm and Lan Ji immediately rushed to test their ‘new spells’.

Tang Shidao feels very strange.

In the dark.

I seem to have a feeling of ‘gifting a rose, having a handful of fragrance’. This is not like losing something, but there is a faint little improvement in the mind. As if, this is a special understanding… If you say that the big cloud and the big whirlpool are the golden eagle in your own hands, now, let them fly and let them fly freely!

Tang Shidao is also not sure what he has upgraded. He only knows that the contract and spells of the Master Network do not represent everything.

The contract only represents what the contract indicates.

The spell only represents the effect of the spell.

For example, courage can make you fearless and intimidating, but it doesn’t make people really ‘daring’. A mage is bold and only related to his personality, and spells cannot change your nature.

Not much thought.

Tang Shidao submitted a mission to the Queen of the Stars, submitting the blood of the Dragon Heart and the Starlight Butterfly. Mrs. Wuyun did not say anything after receiving it, and returned two thousand mana. This move proves that the mission material has passed.

At this point, Tang Shidao’s ten missions have completed four.


Lan Ji asked parents about the mission of the Queen of the Stars. I heard that there is a connection with ‘calling’. Therefore, she also encouraged Tang Shidao to work hard to harvest this legacy. As for Wu Yueer, Lan Ji said that she still needs some time to come back. Her task is more complicated and takes a lot of time.

Tang Shidao is not in a hurry.

What is to be signed with Wu Yueer is not a loan contract, but another contract.

Return to the water star.

At this time, Huajing of Shuhua China has a lot of ‘unfamiliar faces’. Because of the five portals, travel has become extremely fast, and people from far-flung territory can also come quickly. When the earth is unified, these people must meet the only emperor and exchange benefits. However, they did not think that their proud and self-sufficient things are not worth the money.

The power groups of some big powers in the West came, with golden and silver wanting to ‘buy’ a way of power.

Soon they found out that they are just a poor man!

They use silver to make plates, and silver is used here to make walls.

They use gold as a pen, and gold is used here as a pillar.

They treasure gems, and they use gems to inlay murals; they cherish the swords of the swords, and there are many tools for cutting iron and mud.

Some people think that they have a very obedient mercenary team, and they have the value of their combat power. They should be treated by the emperor and should be reused by the emperor. Soon they found out that there were iron soldiers who would not die, and they were absolutely loyal… The emperor couldn’t keep up with their little slag.

Some people offered rare medicines, but found that they were not able to drink the remaining golden apple cider.

Some people reported seeing the mermaid, where thousands of people lived in the holy lake.

Some people claim to be extraordinary in shipbuilding technology. They have city-sized buildings and ships, and they are metal-built ships.

Some people think that they are excellent wilderness Hunter, but when they see the Black Turtle beast and the Flood Dragon, they are scared.

Just a few days.

The confident ‘Envoys’ were smashed and they found themselves to be just a frog in well. The wealth, treasures, technology, population, military combat power, etc. that Shuihua has are all crushing their ranks. The Ultra-Grade of the vertical and horizontal battlefields can transform the eagle-flying Jinyiwei, and the invincible iron man who can not burn the bad… They suddenly realize that they can live a life that is the blessing of the lucky god.

If you are reckless, I am afraid that it is difficult to find a complete one.

At this moment.

Everyone understands one thing: there is no room for bargaining!

Because the two parties are not at the same time as Rank 1.

Recognizing their weakness, these people quickly turned their brains. In the face of the inability to confront, when not to hold the thigh. It is puzzling. Because of the propaganda of Jinyiwei, people in the Sifangzhou area want to enter the country of Shuhua. Compared with the place where they live, Shuhua is simply a paradise in Legend.

Because of the nourishment of the magic spring, the population of Sifangzhou is also very large. The chaos of various tribes is the same as that of the Shuihua country.

Therefore, the Tang soldiers who went to the expedition quickly brought back a special loot: wife!

This is not a strong grab.

The military discipline of Tang Jun does not allow soldiers to come.

These daughter-in-law are voluntarily coming, even to the door. Hearing the soldiers of the Shuhua Kingdom, they are more enthusiastic than the local officials. The generals are not strange, because the Shuhua Kingdom used to be the same, the victims of the disaster, as long as some food can go with people. Most of the people here are similar to their own.

As the collection of different races, there are more and more frictions.

These people do not dare to marry the Chinese people, but they are both foreigners from the north to the south. It is not polite to pick them up.

“Taoist, I want to ask you to approve the establishment of a school. Just in Huajing, cooperate with our Zulong country.”

“Why?” Tang Shidao is a bit strange.

“Because I just found out that I am just a fool. I want to continue to go to school and continue to learn. I don’t understand the affairs of Youth Alliance. Besides asking you for the benefits, I don’t even understand a financial statement. And, here. There are too many outsiders, they need the most basic education, at least know what they can do and what they can’t do.” Lei Dazhuang was hit.

The entire youth Alliance is too ‘young’, and his alliance lord is more ‘naive’.

the first time.

Lei Dazhuang feels that he is very incompetent… Even if the innate talent is extremely poor, the white beauty who worked hard is slowly coming to his own front. It was overtaken by the most familiar friend of Bai Meiren, which is stronger than any example.

Lei Dazhuang needs to change.

He must change.

“Congratulations on your cure for the second disease. It is a good thing to study hard. I certainly agree. Try to expand the scale. Try to get all the outsiders to take a class for a while, save the barbarians.”

“Thanks to the Taoist.” Lei Dazhuang seriously thanked.

“No, because you said this, I suddenly thought of an important thing. When it comes to the phrase ‘Giving roses, hands have fragrance’, probably, scientists and teachers are the best. They spread their knowledge to Others are obviously giving, but they also have the benefits of self-improvement.”

“I don’t understand.” Lei Dazhuang did not talk for the first time.

Tang Shidao smiled.

It’s not surprising that I didn’t understand it. This is the feeling of borrowing a contract. So I said, “Nothing, I’m just a moment’s emotion. Right, let’s take the class teacher of our third year. From elementary school to university, the whole structure is built up. If I am empty, I will go to class.”

“Do you have a big teacher, Yang, is he a high school teacher?”

“I am an emperor, I said he will do it.”


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