Mage Network

Chapter 222

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 222: The Alien of the Master Network, Astronomy

Tang Shidao is still working on the legacy of the snake mage, but the Master Network has a different voice: Tang Shidao is cool!

Master Curse Master.

Refiner Grandmaster.

Hunting Grandmaster.

The sixth sage who has the sage’s voucher… Is such a character actually evaluated cold?

Is this a joke?

Do not!


In fact, it is not that the anti-Mage is discrediting, nor is it that the ignorant junior is nonsense. This is the comment of some senior mage, more than one hundred and eighty people, more than a thousand people, millions or even hundreds of millions of senior mage are the same opinion. They agreed that Tang Shidao was cold.

The hunter is in the tower.

“Why, White Headmaster? Tang Xiaoge already has the Sage Master’s certificate. He has already surpassed countless people on this point. Why do you evaluate him like this?” Longquan stood quietly, next to the white-faced Headmaster and the legendary hunter mage tower, black Phase, the two are playing a special chess game.

Take Magic phantom as a chess piece and table as a chessboard for a real instant war.

The two talked about Tang Shidao, and Longquan couldn’t help but ask.

It accompanied Tang Shidao to the Void battlefield, and also felt useful for the white-faced Headmaster. After Tang Shidao got the sage certificate, it thought that a new star was rising, not everyone said it was cold.

“The reason is that he didn’t do anything.” The black phase inserted a hard one.

“Hey, this way?” Longquan didn’t dare impudent in front of the black.

“hehe.” Whitehead Headmaster smiled and faintly explained: “Dragon fist, this sentence is correct. Everyone feels that Xiao Tang is powerless, because he has nothing to do. Master Network is a very special place, it is In a place with a very high mortality rate, countless candidates fall in the first step. But as long as you cross the first step, you will be able to fly Sky in the future.”

“Really, but Tang Xiaoge’s achievements are quite a lot?” Longquan knows that the Master Network can brush the mana, even if your innate talent is not very powerful, it is not difficult to mix with the Golden Emperor.

Tang Shidao has no brushwork and high achievement. Why is it not optimistic?

“Hey, this brat… If he feels confused, you can come and talk to me, and I gave him a visit card.” The black phase is awkward.

This is not disgust.

This is just a feeling of hating iron and not forming steel.

“Mr. Black Phase, please forjunior bluntly, Tang Xiaoge did not disappoint?” Longquan asked boldly.

“Hey.” The black phase is only one.

At this moment.

Whitehead Headmaster can only explain again: “Dragon fist, nothing to do with what Xiaotang has now, but later.”

Longquan is even more strange: “Is there anything wrong with it in the future?”

White-Headed Headmaster nodded slightly: “Yes, there is something wrong with it. Let’s talk about his friends first. Charm, Lei Shi, Shishiwei, Qingyan Fox, Wolf Poison, Blood Earl, Professor Xia Guomin, Zhou Huangzi, Lan Ji Reluctantly, he is half captain, and Wu Yueer is a new friend. What do you think of them?”

Longquan bluntly said: “Please forgive Longquan bluntly, Headmaster, Longquan does not think that what is the person who fills a friend after becoming famous.”

Whitehead Headmaster nodded: “Of course, I think so, all normal wizards think so. It is not for Strength, but a commitment to help each other. Tang Shidao has Strength but has not abandoned friends, which everyone appreciates. I changed the question: Longquan, how long he has not acted with his friends.

The dragon fist is speechless and really should not come up.

Master friends are different from general friends, not in mind. Without communication, the days will be separated, and the strength and cooperation will be further and further away.

White-faced Headmaster said while playing chess: “The second thing, against the Master. On the positive side, Xiao Tang became a hunting Grandmaster, experienced assassination, and also killed one against the Master’s Nest. In theory, it is a great achievement. Do you know where the problem is?”

Longquan shook his head: “I don’t understand, I think Tang Xiaoke is doing very well.”

Whitehead Headmaster nodded again: “I agree, Xiaotang did a good job. Unfortunately, the Master Network is not a place to look at the present. It is more about the future. The black brother is angry with Xiao Tang because he avoids it, no matter whether it is really avoiding There are still other things that are busy. In short, this is where everyone is not optimistic. Don’t say that you have a sage certificate, even if you only have a primary mage certificate, no one will be afraid of the sorcerer.”

Longquan nodded: “The inverse mage is really just a clown, except for the dead Seven Yingjie who have no power. However, Tang Xiaoge is still a newbie.”

Whitehead Headmaster smiled: “This is the problem. Xiaotang’s Master is too young, but it is so rushing. Everyone thinks he has done it. A Master’s certificate only proves that you are very good, you are very secure, but the Master’s certificate is only A crown, the real mage is more valued for your achievements. Longquan, I ask you, when we were five sages, Xiao Tang is now also a sage, if the black brother and Xiao Tang also set foot in a place, the inverse master has What is the reaction?”

Longquan listened to a big earthquake.

That’s right, this is the difference between the two.

Think back to the year.

When Mr. Black is still a ‘sage’, he is totally different from Tang Xiaoge. Now that Tang Xiaoge is going to set foot in a place, the Master will try to conceal him. Some of the anti-Mage who washes off the crime even spins in front of him. Changed to Mr. Black Phase of the year…hehe, I heard that Mr. Black Phase had to go where he was, and the Master had to escape in advance, and could not afford the idea of ​​concealing.

“Maybe what brat has a card, but he is too polite.” Black phase still hates iron.

Longquan did not dare to speak.

It started to understand a little bit about everyone’s thoughts… Tang Shidao was too lazy, and nothing happened during this time. Generally speaking, he has at least some things to do with the sage’s credentials. Hiding in your own original World is a ‘timid’ performance, just as modern people despise otaku.

At this moment.

Longquan also thought of another thing: “Don’t the mission of the Queen of the Stars…”

“Yes.” Whitehead Headmaster nodded: “Xiaotang completed one, but there is no succession. Ten missions are difficult. It is normal for thousands of years to finish. However, Xiaotang is different, he is the sixth sage, the first The Six Sages should not be afraid of the mission of the Queen of the Stars. Everyone is rumored that he chose the blood of the starlight butterfly as the target, but that is the most difficult dangerous task. So…”

Longquan received: “They think that Tang Xiaoge did not dare to go, and did not dare to change his mouth, so simply hide, and wait for things to fade.”

White-Headed Headmaster sighed: “The most important point is that Xiao Tang enters the Master Network every day to practice, but only with the charm, Lan Ji, Wu Yueer three people to practice. Blue Ji’s identity you guess more or less, Some people think that Xiao Tang has no intention of cultivation. Calling three people is also a cover-up. His real goal is Lan Ji.”

The dragon fist frowned.

In the Master Network, there is indeed such a thug-like mage… Tang Xiaoge is obviously not like this kind of person.

However, this kind of thing cannot be explained.

Finally, Longquan can only ask: “White-Headed Headmaster, Tang Xiaoge is really the same as everyone said, has already reached the limit, can’t force it again? I don’t think it is difficult for Tang Xiaoge to rush into the holy place. On the current achievements, he Entering the holy world should be a safe thing.”

“This is the most puzzling place.” Black said coldly.

“Why?” The dragon fist was strange.

“Oh, it’s because of dumbness.” The black phase is heavy.

“What does this mean? Hey, yes, Tang Xiaoge has a war with the dumb. Have you said…” Longquan stunned.

“Yes, this is the place that everyone is least optimistic. Xiaotang does not face the inverse of the Master. This is not a serious matter. It can also be imagined as a kind of ‘ignorance’. He does not care about the Master. But, dumb. There is no way to avoid it. No one doubts that Xiao Tang can’t get on the holy land. Everyone only guesses that he dare not go up. Because once he enters the holy place, he must at least give a dumb one to explain.” White phase Headmaster said.

Dragon fist nodded.

Advance into the Holy Land, 1st Ring Master… This level is still not dumb, but dumb will definitely try his results.

This kind of ‘test’ will not be merciless, and it will not stop if it is half-blooded.

You can’t take it, you may die.

Now that Tang Shidao is afraid to challenge the holy world, everyone feels that… this is a slap. Gold Imperial Capital dares to challenge, Tang Shidao does not dare, you say what people think.

All kinds of unfavorable accumulation.

People think: This is a fleeting genius!

In Master Network, there are countless such characters.

at this time.

Another Master Tower, Mr. Hu Xian and Mrs. Wuyun are also talking about Tang Shidao’s conversation.

“Black clouds, you said that you used to call Tang Shidao not to challenge the holy world?”

“Yes, not because of the ten missions, but because of the Queen’s mission.”

“You want him…”

“Is there a better person?”

“Yes, at least for the time being, there is no more suitable person. However, now the Queen of the Stars should not let Don do this thing? After all, a coward has no qualification to contact that mission. If the Queen of the Stars hates being lazy, The second annoyance is awkward.”

“I also wonder what the guy is doing. I have seen him in the sacred land. He is definitely not like a person who does nothing.”

“I hope he is not wasting his time.”

At this moment.

Some people who never asked trivia were also alarmed. Lan Ji’s parents sent a message: Ji Er, go home and talk.

Lan Ji responded: Waiting for me for half a month, you will know the answer.

Upon hearing this, Lan Ji’s parents frowned.

They don’t object to the person who goes with the daughter, but Tang Shidao, who is not optimistic about this person, is not very satisfied. They don’t mind lazy people, but they care about picking up goods.

Waiting quietly.

In less than half a month, the first news came out.

Qingyan Fox, an unnamed alchemist, participates in the assessment of the Alchemist Tower. Only once, he was given the title of Grandmaster. From an obscure little person, it suddenly became the Alchemy Grandmaster.

The rookie said, everyone did not care much: “I have today’s achievements, the most grateful is my friend.”

Soon, people forgot about it.

The Master Network is too big, and there are too many famous people.

Less than five days.

A message that absolutely shocked everyone: Abyss rookie of the succubus race, the magician mage, obtained the ‘big wizard’ certificate given by the Master. The extra 1000 point mana is nothing, the mage certificate she took is important. But this is not the reason to shock everyone. There is another person who got the Master’s certificate at the same time as Charm: Lan Ji!

On the same day, the two received the Master’s certificate at the same place.

No one was shocked to hear the news.

The record of the two men in the Master Network is not without, but the record of such a consistent record is really rare. There is no twin in the Master Network. The Master of One World is destined to have no two paces.

I have not waited for everyone to react.

Another person.

A completely unnamed and unnamed Xin Ding, Wu Yueer, she was less than a few hours away from the charm and Lan Ji, and the third was awarded the Master’s certificate.

People are completely stupid.

the same day.

Almost at the same time, there were three ‘Masters’ in the Master Network?

The time of grant of the Master’s Voucher.

Only once a thousand years.

Sometimes there are more people, and in a few decades or a few years, one person gets it; but sometimes it is rare. No one can get one for tens of thousands of years.

Scroll through all the records.

There has never been a record of three vouchers a day in history. The closest five sages and seven heroes are also separated in a few years. What is this now? Three people a day, three Master’s credentials a day… Wholesale? Mass production?

How much is the voucher? Give me a ton first!

At this moment.

All the wizards instantly think of the same person… the sixth sage… a person who all mages are not optimistic about. Qingyan Fox, Charm, Lan Ji, Wu Yueer, what are the common characteristics of the four of them?

There is only one: they all have the same friend!

The blue-eyed fox is an alchemist. He has not seen Wu Yueer; the charm is good at fire, the blue is good at ice, the charm and blue is a magical fort, and the Wuyue is a hunter… these four have nothing to do with each other. Only one person can connect these four races, identities, status, innate talents, professions, and specializations, and he is the sixth sage, Tang Shidao!


Tang Shidao opens the room every time he enters the Master’s network, and then pulls in the charm, Lan Ji, and Wu Yueer. You can imagine all, but you just don’t know what they are doing. The mages are well-informed, and it is not a strange thing to think that a man’s body is mixed with a woman’s body.


Today, the three people got the Master’s certificate on the same day. I am afraid that the fools know what they have done.

“Have you been for many years?” Whitehead Headmaster lamented.

“Yes, another different kind.” The black phase closed its eyes and inhale deeply, as if in an infinite memory.

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