Mage Network

Chapter 221

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 221: Goals, Astronomy

Seeing a small corner inside the city of Yunzhong, everyone has been shocked and unable to speak.


The water Huaxing Star has already been called the world of God’s inexplicable name. Now it is a little different from the land called the “Cloud City”. If the environment of the Emperor is like a garbage dump, the water Huaxing star can be called the green field, here can be called…immortal realm!

Dihuangxing is a place where there is no magic energy, a small amount of pollution, and life is very uncomfortable.

Nine Worlds behind the Black Gate, no pollution, very low magic, called a normal place.

Shuihuaxing is a planet with magic springs. Zero pollution is a place where you will feel comfortable breathing, exercise will feel comfortable, and you will feel comfortable sleeping.

And this cloud city…

“The Taoist, holding a grass, is it an illusion? It is a very comfortable feeling to stay here, just like the fresh air is desperately drilling into my body. Taoist, this is not really a fairyland, I feel like I have to Flying.” Lei Dazhuang yelled.

Others feel it too.

There is really a feeling of ‘light staying will be better’.

“Stay here for a month, and do not do anything to do with the Body Refinement ring for a month,” Tang Shidao explained.

“Hold the grass!” Lei Dazhuang jumped.

“It’s just that this effect will stop soon and will not always be enhanced. You can imagine that your body is negative 1Level 0, here you can make up for the experience to help you to add Level 1 to the normal standard strength. After Level 1 has reached Level 2, it will take a long time. If you practice it yourself, it will be much faster.” Tang Shidao explained.

“Hold the grass, you still have this kind of benefit, no wonder you can surpass me. You don’t say it early, I also ran to this place to practice.”

“The outsiders are not allowed to enter. Seeing the bronze Puppet with the sword over there, it is called General Qing. It is the Guardian here. If someone from outside is forced to come in, it will kill you with a sword.”

“Then you brought us in, you made the rules of the door? Taoist, you will not have anything, was the waste Meridians still smashing the wall?”

“You have a lot of brain holes. Many thanks, you forgot, now it is my fief.”

“Well, can the mermaid make friends?”


“Well, I asked if the mermaid can be a girlfriend?”


“Taoist, can’t this be?”

“You can’t see male sluts in your eyes, not just women.”

“My eyes come with a ‘male auto ignore’ system.” Lei Dazhuang said it was proper, only to see the mermaid.


Everyone was speechless when they heard this.

So sacred and solemn immortal realm, are you so embarrassed?

“Dao Shi, what language do they speak? You translate it for me. Mermaid girl, about? Don’t misunderstand, I just asked her to have a meal, it has nothing to do with the hotel. By the way, I can see the movie again, it doesn’t matter with the hotel. Come again. Jumping a dance and singing a song, it has nothing to do with the hotel. If you play too late, you can take a break, this has something to do with the hotel. But my starting point is just to eat a meal, I am a proper gentleman.”


“Do you want to translate the Taoist priests? Are you all scattered? No wonder you lived for so long or a single dog. Learn with me, don’t say flowers, don’t say anything to send a mobile phone, don’t say to send a luxury car, Yes, the tail of the mermaid sister can brake on the brakes. Have we introduced the fish tail brake pedal in our country? I think we should develop this technology to fill the domestic gap.”


“Taoist, mermaid sister…”

“Fat, we are all the way, there are Black Turtle beasts, there are Flood Dragons, there are fire monkeys. Is your focus only a sultry girl?” Tang Shidao is sure that Lei Dazhuang’s temper can’t be changed. When he is nervous, he talks nonsense. This is His way of decompression.

“Who said, who is only concerned about a mermaid sister? There are thousands of mermaid girls here, I have all paid attention to it.” Lei Dazhuang looked upright.

Everyone listened and was convinced.

Everyone who walks to the city in the middle of the cloud, this high fat man has not stopped.

Said that he is not nervous, his mouth can not stop.

Said that he is nervous, he can pull the egg can be fresh and refined. Fortunately, because he was not finished, everyone relaxed a lot. Finally, I went to the city under the clouds, and another monk was waiting for the waiter. Tang Shidao gave them up early, and they also regarded Yulong Xianren as a member of the Liu Zongmen.

“There are such ugly monks?” Lei Dazhuang was slightly stunned.

“That is a ghost face, a male is ugly, and a female is not ugly. There are also snake face sluts, crocodile faces and frog face people. They are all branches of the monks. This is a monk. Elder, stone scales, next to the Golden Guardian Golden Scales. The heads of the four branches are called ghost scales, snake scales, crocodile scales and frog scales, both the leader and the guardian.” Tang Shidao introduced a little.

“Introduction so much, will I deal with them in the future?”

“No, I just let you know. In the future, Otaru, Otaru, Otaru and others will often come in and out here, raising Black Turtle beasts and Flood Dragon, etc. Lifeform is a handyman in the cloud city, also in the cloud. City activities. Yunzhongcheng is my residence, most of the outsiders can’t open, you can only find them to lead the way. If you want to bring outsiders to come in, you have to build a house outside the city of Yunzhong.” Tang Shidao Empty the secret things, not afraid of someone to view.

“Then I live outside, you can turn the beauty into it.” Lei Da Zhuang calmly said.

Bai Meiren was ashamed and stunned.

The delegates next to them did not dare to ask, they knew that the city of Yunzhong was not a place that could easily come in. In addition to the guardian guards, there are many guardians of bronze Puppet. There are no 10,000 and 8,000. It is simply a legion stationed here.

Entering the cloud city is also a range of activities for a large stadium.

Most of the surrounding doors are closed.

“Taoist, then, just look at it like this?”

“Yes, I just want to tell you two things: First, I will lend the beauty to you and use it for a while. You can bring some people in. But after all, it is different from the country of water, the bronze Puppet will not think, there is no permission to enter. You will be attacked. You can imagine this is a special VIP hall, no qualification is not allowed. Second, let you see, let you know that World is not as small as you think.”

Lei Dazhuang did not speak.

He knows that his brother is also a reminder to the big stars of the land. It’s almost a meaning: don’t fight, save some effort, World is very big, there is no shortage of resources for you. Want to benefit, look a little longer.

at this time.

The big guys behind the video are thinking about this.

Just the ‘longevity’ of the Shuhua Kingdom gave them a crit, and then looked at the seal of the city in the cloud, which subverted their previous scientific views. Even if they saw aliens in the next second, it was not strange. On the contrary, if there are no aliens, they are strange.

Luo Weng and Wei Ying and others are silent.

The heart is more certain: Your Majesty is a fairy! Otherwise, who can own this immortal realm place.

See a round.

Tang Shidao handed over the matter to Xiao Jin, and Xiao Jin asked Luo Weng and others to build some wooden buildings next to the Great Lakes in Yunzhong City for temporary residence. Want to live for a long time, hehe, in addition to Lei Dazhuang and Bai Meiren, their family may have this qualification. Even Roone and Wei Ying and others, let’s talk about it.

A group of people dispersed, and the Emperor Star once again held a meeting of the ‘death-free club’.

But no one knows what they talked about.

Shuihua country.

After the Jinyiwei and the army scouts had the ‘Owl’ ring, the exploration speed was much faster. Including sending messages, catching prisoners, cleaning up the victims, and having the ability to ‘fly’ is very convenient. Often, in a strange ancient road, a group of owls flew down, and the fugitives in the middle have been surrounded by the full-fledged Jinyiwei.

The same thing.

Some absconded officials, some generals who resurrected, some captive kings who secretly acted, they all had a nightmare called ‘owls’.

Just half a month.

Jin Yiwei sent a new message.

The Shuihua National Army was conquering smoothly, and some monks who heard the Azure Dragon Black Turtle came to the world to surrender. These places have the same faith, and the king is reluctant, and their soldiers are not afraid to be enemies with ‘Divine Beast’.

In addition, there is news about White Tiger and Kirin.

“The female leader of the mountain people?” Tang Shidao read the report and felt that the Jinyiwei were too powerful.

“Yes, Your Majesty. At the forefront of the Western China Department, the mountain people have been fighting against foreigners. Each of their princes is a woman, and they are very violent, and they are like men who don’t love red makeup. We investigated before these female leaders Some are not strong, and now a female leader is dead, she is suddenly as strong as crazy.”

Tang Shidao looked at the drawing, um, not a muscular woman, just as high as the model.

Look at your personal habits. There is no scorpion, which is clearly a big man who was awkward in ancient times. The Chinese people in the water bloomed in the gentleness of the water, and it was strange to see the female leader who had cut the knife.

Hey, this is the name of the female leader of the mountain people today.

“The other one?”

“There is no exact information about the mountain range in the central region. We only inquired about the mountain range. There is a mountain guardian, a woman who never talks with people, only protects the mountain range. It is rumored that there is an ancient fairy in a mountain forest. The murals of paintings, as well as the treasures left by the immortals. Therefore, there are many warlords who smash these treasures.”

“Continue.” Tang Shidao thought of the snake mage, and it must have left something.

“There were rumors that warlords had found it, but they still lacked four things to open. They stayed for too long and were assassinated by the Shoushan people one by one. They could only escape the mountain range. We are from a related veteran. Asked, there are a lot of murals in the place, all of which are drawings of some fairy beasts. I don’t know what to open, but it must be very big.”

瞽Black Turtle and 媸Vermilion Bird look at each other and have guessed what is needed.

聩Azure Dragon can’t hear, just wait for the instructions.

Tang Shidao knows that he needs to find the White Tiger first, otherwise the four missing ones will not work. Now, Tang Shidao only wonders what the snake mage left behind. The nine foundations of life weaving have taken ‘Nirvana rebirth’ and ‘living chimerism’. Is this the third?

No, it should not be that easy.


These things must be related to the weaving of life.

“Working hard, go to Xiaojin to receive the reward, and let us know the next thing. When you find all the holy beasts, I will study the method of opening the four sisters’ gates wholeheartedly. I will inform Xiaojin to accelerate the conquest of the whole land. This is a prerequisite for opening the door.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The heart is hot.

Helping four brother sisters, this is the central idea that the Chinese people from the myth to the reality are inevitable. Your Majesty can do it, even if he is not a fairy, everyone is willing to give everything for him, including sacrificing life.

Tang Shidao also knows that he has to speed up.

Since the reminder of the charm and other people, now the charm of the blue and blue Ji Wuyue three people move towards ‘Mage Voucher’ in this direction. With their own tips, plus their innate talent and hard work, they will soon be able to keep up with their own steps.

As long as these ‘Mage friends’ go further, they can do a lot more.

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