Mage Network

Chapter 207

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 207: Void Battlefield Three-Day Tour, Astronomy

After a big thunder, Tang Shidao completely solved the problem of Dihuangxing and Shuihuaxing. Giving the portal to the ‘scientific’ explanation is more easily accepted by the public, and it is easier for the average person to obtain this benefit than the exclusive use of certain characters. It can be said that this time, Lei Dazhuang did not intend to help a big deal.

Go through this step.

The official notice of the Emperor’s Star has come to an end, and you can also wholeheartedly share the victory with the Snake Master.

It is this time.

Suddenly, an unexpected ‘invitation’ made Tang Shidao a little off guard. A wizard named Longquan, on behalf of the white-faced Headmaster, wanted to ask Tang Shidao to go to the Void battlefield. This time is not a mission, nor is it official to enter the Void battlefield, just a tour.

There is no one who orders between the Master and the Master.

Even though the Whitehead Headmaster is the hunter’s administrator of the Headmaster, virtually all hunters are free and autonomous. Joining the Master Tower does not mean being a subordinate. For example, the leader of the Master of the Refiner, the reputation and appeal are far less than those of the Iron and the Emperor. The Whitehead Headmaster is not even the founder of the Hunter Master Tower. He is only the administrator of the Hunter Academy.

This time is not so much an invitation as it is a guide.

“Dragon Boxing Master, hello.” Tang Shidao did not reject the invitation of the White Headmaster, and there was nothing wrong with going to the Void battlefield.

Entering the Master Network to do tasks and practice does not affect the original World.

The task of the snake mage is only suspended.

“Tang Shidao Master, hello.” Longquan and Tang Shidao were the first time to meet each other. The two sides were unfamiliar and could not even say a friend. But everyone is a hunter, and it is not so strange to a peer. There is nothing wrong with the name, everyone is this distance.

“Do you have any special intentions for the Dragon Master, White Headmaster?” Tang Shidao asked directly.

“Yes, he wants you to witness what the Void battlefield is like, what the real strong world is like. You can rest assured that there is nothing in me. If you can’t even match me, the whitehead is given back. I have a consumable that can be returned in an instant.” Longquan took out a ball and Tang Shidao only felt the transmission of Strength.

Looking at the dragon box a little, I can’t feel its strength.

Dragon Fist is a dragon scorpion race.

It has the body of Giant Ape, with the scales and claws of the dragon. The dragons are best known for their arm strength, so they become masters generally developing towards the body, or focusing on changing technique. Longquan is one of the assistants of the Whitehead Headmaster. Because it is good at changing the movement technique, the Whitehead Headmaster deliberately let it lead Tang Shidao.

Going to the Void battlefield requires a mask to hide your identity, just like the land of the ban.

This is not to divulge the identity, some people are used to confidentiality, used to nicknames, used to use fake identities, and ultimately everyone simply comes to a nickname, and even let this nickname represent the individual’s ability. For example, the name of the Dragon Boxing Master is ‘Dragon Boxing’, and anyone who knows it will have a strong fist.

Tang Shidao chose the identity of ‘Owl’.

The dragon fist was slightly unexpected, and probably guessed something, only whispered a ‘many thanks trust’.

In fact.

The identity of the owl is no longer a secret, and his friends have long been understood, and Mrs. Uyun also guessed it. Tang Shidao didn’t mind using it temporarily for anything that didn’t do anything about it.


Tang Shidao thinks that entering the Void battlefield is similar to entering the Void small base. At most, it is a little stronger.


The two are the difference between heaven and earth.

First, the Void battlefield has a star nest. This is certain, 1% is owned by 100, and no is not a Void battlefield.

Second, Tang Air Battlefield has a sacred monk. This is also certain, it is not safe without a star nest.

The last third point is the biggest difference.

Void The battlefield is not surrounded by high-magic planets or meteorites. To be precise, there are very few planets here, and a little place is occupied by the mages. The planet is rare, but it is not an empty universe. Around the Void battlefield, countless Void doors are shining with strange lights.

To what extent is the Void door?

Probably equal to the leaves of the most lush trees. Or, it is almost the same as the light that bursts through the fireworks in the air.

The amount of vision far exceeds the stars in the night sky.


Although it feels like the Void battlefield is surrounded by the Void gate, Tang Shidao still finds that only Void is near the battlefield. In farther places, the Void door is getting less and less, not even on one side. It is like a group of fish surrounded by food, and the far waters are fishless.

“This is called the White Phase Star Zone, named after the White Headmaster. If there is a critical situation, the Whitehead Headmaster will be the biggest supporter here.”

“Name is equal to responsibility?”

“No, just the whitehead Headmaster is the most familiar here, and it has the most things. The name is named ‘Taker’, which means that the first whitehead is successfully captured and handed over to everyone. If you win a Void battlefield Everyone will automatically name it ‘Owl Star Zone’.” Longquan explained.

“Yeah. So, what is behind the Void door?” Tang Shidao asked.

“This is the purpose of this tour. Owl, please wait patiently, there will be a war every once in a while.”

Tang Shidao listened, and quietly waited for interesting things to happen.


Everything that happened was not as good as he thought, and things were not interesting at all.

Just one day.

Tang Shidao saw that one of the Void doors drilled hundreds of giant demons, who waved their giant swords and tried to kill all the lives in front of them; they also saw the herds that were larger than the tides, which emerged from the Void door. , attacking all targets; seeing one or three or five extremely powerful Void creatures, they have the same strength as the Holy Land Master, and they attack everyone without any distinction.

of course.

Not all Void doors fly out of the enemy, there are some goodwill, some two irrelevant, and even some help.

In these Void doors.

Tang Shidao saw the biggest fist. The Void door, which is super-large on the whole side, only squeezes a fist and punches one of the planets like a package. Of course, this super giant arm was cut off and was degraded by a super-master. Tang Shidao also heard the pain and roar in the Void door, but the Master of the Giants retreats and stunned.


There have also been two situations in which the tentacles smashed the entire planet, and the action looks like a child who loves mischief.

The result is the same, the Masters are unceremonious to cut the tentacles.

There is no child protection law here.


There is also an eye in the Void door, as if a giant peeked at another World through a small hole. In contrast, this eyelid is much larger than the landlord.

It may be found that the opposite person is not irritated, and the Master of the Eyes has also retired.

The favorite thing of the mages is probably that the Void Gate once sprayed hundreds of discarded planets. Tang Shidao feels that the other person is sweeping the trash, sweeping out the unwanted planet. But for the Masters, even if it is a pure iron star block, it does not matter, they only need a place to barely settle.

Will the Void door only sweep the garbage out of the planet?

No, not only.

Big fish, big tree.

A lot of stardust, a lot of semi-residual beasts, even a lot of people.

You can never imagine what Void disciple will squirt in a second. It is normal to see countless gold and silver jewels spilling out. It is normal to see countless blood squirting out. It is normal to see countless Flames and ice squirting out. It is normal to see countless ghosts squirting out.


You can see a majestic Ultra-Grade army squad, see countless wizards, and then… sorry we are wrong.

Then a little Fireball didn’t dare to let go.


You can see a little white fox from harmless to human and animals running out, selling a cute, and then smashing the magical machine and the wizard in the entire star area to kill millions. In the end, I lost to some super-strong guardian mages, and finally ran back without a hitch.


You can see a giant vine sticking out. It does not deal with anyone, only desperately eats a few planets, and desperately retreats.

Of course, the Masters are not coming to eat.

I vomited out when I ate it.

Stay out and leave me.

Cut you not to discuss.

However, do you think that the giant vine stealing the planet is cut off? Hehe, too naive. It spreads out with lightning, stealing a star and then quickly retracting it, which is even more annoying than the Ultra-Grade bear child.

Do you think that the Void door only came out, didn’t you go in?

Hehe, too naive.

Every once in a while, some mages send a large number of magical machine couples, or powerful war magic weapons. That situation is no different from the Starfleet invasion. The only difference is the difference between the wizard invasion and the aliens.

This invasion has two consequences.

The first result: a big win, the wizards are happy to enter the Void door, and then… don’t know what to do, don’t know if it is really a big win.

The second result: the Void door stretched out a big hand, as if licking the mud, and throwing these dolls and magic weapons out. If the number is too much, you can also see the situation of giants pulling sand, sweeping the dust, and sweeping out these super-powerful workers and magic weapons.

Tang Shidao has seen the weakest appearing thing: sparrow.

It flies out and dies… no air, living and suffocating and dying.

I have also seen the strongest appearing: a snake.

When it came out of the Void, all the wizards did not dare to move, including the dragon fists beside them. Even more ridiculous, it only took a look, and then not interested in all the wizards, as if the Holy Land Master is just a group of ants on the roadside. Feel free to find a target, and it plunges into another Void door, and God knows what tricks will come out after it enters.

In short.

No one dares to fight, no one dares to stop, no one dares to speak… Tang Shidao thinks that if the snake has a change, all the wizards will return to the Grand Library of the Master Network for the first time, and even the Star Nest may be left behind. .

“How are you feeling?” After three days in the Void battlefield, Longquan asked.

“I just took a look at it?” Tang Shidao knows the intention of the Whitehead Headmaster. He wants to tell himself: You are still tender, and you are working hard.

“Yes, it is. If you want to come to the Void battlefield one day, this is the new World you will face. You only stayed for three days and only saw three days. I have to tell you, there is A lot more eccentric and more outrageous Strength than these. They are not necessarily enemies, and they are not necessarily friendly.”

“If I want to attack one of the Void doors, the opposite must be an enemy?” Tang Shidao can understand.

This is just a transit station.

Once invaded, the friendly objects become enemies.

Longquan nodded: “If you completely conquer the World of one Void door, Master Network can add a new plane World. Note, I am talking about thoroughness, not to win the unity, it is called complete, still Other conditions may be needed. Well, the tour ends here, let’s go back.”

Tang Shidao is still a bit strange.

Thoroughly, it’s not to win the unification. It’s like a thorough… This sentence is like a Hong Zhong Da Lu, Tang Shidao thinks about the water Huaxing.

I won it myself and unified it.

But this is not complete!

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