Mage Network

Chapter 206

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 206: The fight of the fat man, floating astronomy

Opening the two portals, Tang Shidao urged Bai Meiren and Lei Da Zhuang to go to the water huaxing cultivation as Liu Yuansi. After all, it was the name of “Disciple”. The two were very interested in the ancient dynasty and were very happy to go to Shuihuaxing.

The permanent transfer door is open,

The Diwangxing countries sent a large number of people, in addition to the elite soldiers who need training, there are also some powerful people.

Because of this incident, Bai Meiren and Lei Dazhuang have made trouble.

“People? The people? What is this, saying that everyone is equal, have you eaten? I don’t care what you think about it. I don’t have any opinions about the black door. The place is really dangerous. But What is the danger of Shuihuaxing? Unless you are killed by Jinyiwei, what problems does Shuihuaxing have? Why can’t the ordinary people go?”

“We have worked hard, but the major federations…” Qin Hu tried to explain.

“Tiger brother, you will pull it. We are Zulongguo, the portal is here, why should we listen to other federal opinions? Well, they have to take advantage of it alone, don’t you just swallow it? They don’t bring us, we Zulongguo let the people go in the past. I also know that I can’t enter a lot. Just like a holiday tour, a group of people take it with me, right?”

“We also want to do this, but once it is announced there will be a lot of things to explain, the science now…” Qin Hu is not worried about the benefits, but people are ready to accept the existence of another World.

In a sense.

This is the same as telling them that there are aliens in this World. Are you ready?

Representatives from major federalities also explained that it would be better to keep things in the hands of a small group of people.

Lei Dazhuang didn’t like it. “It’s just good for you, not for everyone. Are you not democratic and free? If you are good, you are not democratic. Are you free to be eaten by dogs? You think that I am ‘named Disciple’. It doesn’t matter. Ok, I went to the Taoist to say. He is not the ’emperor’ of the Shuhua Kingdom. I am looking for him to restrict you from entering, one for ten or eight people. If you are looking for Xiaojin, she would have seen you not pleasing to the eye. “”

It’s dumbfounded to hear this.

That’s right.

This big man is the buddy of the ‘Water Huaguo Emperor’, and this girl may also be his lover.

To a large extent, they may influence the policy of the country.

The most important point is that they are also the name Disciple of Liuyuan Temple. Can you influence the opinions of Liuyuan Temple? I hate Liuyuan Temple. I want to find him to open the portal in the future…hehe hehe.

“We will go back to deliberation and deliberation.” The delegates made a decision.

Lei Da Zhuang is unhappy, feeling a punch on the cotton.

Qin Hu gently compared a ghost.

Seeing this action, Lei Dazhuang led the Baimei people to find the ghost sister and asked if there was any way. The ghost sister thought about it and said: “In fact, our ancestral country intends to open it, but all the federations oppose it. You also know that even if there are not many people who can enter the gate, the opposite is a royal world. Once the person who entered is guilty. What steals the abduction, but the Jinyiwei.”

Lei Daqiang nodded: “Know, they don’t talk about the law, they are likely to kill these people.”

Ghost sister said with a smile : “You know it, we don’t dare to let people go in, at least need to train them to let them know what to pay attention to. The most important issue here is that Civilization is different, and our people may feel that it is not so troublesome. ”

“What do you mean?”

“For example, people who don’t understand the inside will think: Why don’t you send the army directly to flatten it? It’s just a group of ancient people who can arrogate. So, people with this mentality are killed in minutes. The health of the civilians in the country is generally They are all on the athlete’s level, and some are monsters of the military commander level. Once you have a murder case, what do you want us to do.”

“That is, they don’t know that sending troops in the past is to die, and two giant spirits are next to them.” Lei Dazhuang understood a bit.

If you go to the alien world, it is estimated that everyone will be like a tortoise.

Going to ancient times, which one is not worthy of 2,500,000.

“In fact, there are more than a giant spirit. There are other dangers. For example, some experts have seen something like a ‘ghost’. It can hurt people, but people can’t hurt it. Modern weapons have no effect on it. It is like transparent. Physical strikes are completely ineffective, and even water, fire, electricity and the like are useless. Jin Yiwei has invited some monks and priests, but there is no use of eggs. In the end, Xiaojin is like a dog, and he is dragged away.” The complexion is a little bit when the ghost sister speaks. White.

“Is there really a ghost?” Lei Dazhuang also widened his eyes.

“Xiao Jin has caught a large group of such things, they all ignore physical strikes, and they don’t know how Xiaojin ‘touched them’. Now Xiaojin builds a ‘ghost-clothing’, and the leader is called ‘钺魂’. Experts have been secretly secretly Research, but haven’t found a way to hurt them because they are transparent to anything.”

“What do you want to say about Ghost?”

“Zhulongguo also wants to announce the things of Shuihuaxing, and I am afraid that everyone will not understand the reasons for not invading. If the giants are not exposed, everyone will be afraid, so…”

“Exposed the existence of ghosts?”

“This is what you said, I can’t say anything. You are friends with Xiaojin, and you can’t stop you from recording the ghost costumes. And it’s Liu’s name Disciple, and you can’t block you if you record the portal. As far as I know, Guiyiwei can’t cross the portal. They are invincible there, but they can’t come to us.”

“So we can’t attack, otherwise the soldiers will die, no one will fight the ghosts, right? Ghost sister, I exposed the incident, how do you explain?”

Ghost sister spread his hand and only smiled and didn’t talk.

It is clear.

This is not only the meaning of the ghost sister, but also the meaning of another group of people. Zulongguo does not want to conceal this matter, but it is only for the time being. If this matter is not leaked by the Zulong State, then it is not our business.

Lei Dazhuang fully understands that he really did it.

Tang Shidao has no opinion. Seeing that Lei Dazhuang was seeking welfare for the public, Tang Shidao also signaled Xiao Jin to cooperate with his actions. Surprisingly, when Ray Dazhuang filmed the portal, the soldiers of Zulongguo temporarily entered the state of ‘blindness’ and completely ignored the big man. They are not embarrassed, they have received orders early, and they are chaotic.

Two days later, Lei Dazhuang exposed the video to the Internet.

Oddly, the network information forces of the Zulong Kingdom seem to be collectively ‘off work’, completely ignoring the video transmission. Instead, a group of unknown water forces spread the video. In a few hours, the entire Zulong country was blown up. In less than half a day, the entire royal star also blew up.

There are portals, there are ancient people who are exactly the same as themselves, and the existence of ‘ghosts’?

at this time.

The major federations have jumped and called and asked. Zulongguo is very bachelor: “I am very sorry, our temporary workers have been negligent. We decided to give them a severe criticism and education, and are in a heavy penalty of deducting three months’ salary.”

Hearing this, the giants of the major federations fought a thousand heads of your mother.

The portal is pinched in the hands of others, and you can still look like this.

You dare not say: too dark, I don’t play.

As long as you dare to say, Zulongguo promises to send you away the first time and then pull it into the blacklist.

The exposure was exposed.

How to deal with it?

Quite simply, reality is often more unreasonable than drama. Early the next morning, a large group of scientists from Zulong State jumped out to explain.

Things are like this.

After decades of research, Zulong scientists confirmed the possibility of ‘transmission’. I have played this kind of experiment with the nuts, it is appropriate. However, the technology of Zulongguo is a bit more clear and can open a door. Therefore, Zulongguo successfully opened the door to the moon emperor… There are videos to prove that a group of people wearing protective clothes are on the moon, and also have organic cars and building materials.

Look, this is a very scientific thing.

As for why there is a planet similar to the Imperial Star, there is a second door?


Scientific experiments, mistakes are the truth, no mistakes, what kind of scientific experiment is what you mean. The other door is the product of the error, properly. Originally, everyone was full of joy and sent troops to save the suffering ancients, but found that there is something called ‘the phantom’ in this place. The weapon can’t be beaten, the fist can’t touch it, the fire can’t be flooded, the electric shock can’t be broken, anyway, it can’t be dealt with.

On the contrary, this phantom can kill people.

It sounds unfair. It can kill people. People can’t kill it. It’s a cheating device. In any case, it is so unfair. Fortunately, they can’t cross the portal and disappear when they touch. Therefore, the Earth King is safe and proper.

It is impossible to send troops, and the points are taught by the body.

What should I do?

Temporarily do not publish a silent study, first digging the mine of the Moon King.

“Excuse me, Professor Lin, are you in contact with the country with the phantom?” The reporter asked. All of them received a red envelope last night and added a political task. The question asked, ask a word and go back to the bag.

“Yes. Because we are high-tech societies and have a lot of things they need, so we have the possibility of cooperation. But they attach great importance to the environment and are very resistant to the entry of our polluting items. Another thing, because of our help, They reunified a country of water and ended the war. They are very grateful for our help and also agree that some of us have entered the country of water.”

“Professor Lin, shouldn’t it be worthwhile if this place can’t be developed?” Or a task-style question.

“We thought so at the beginning, but we investigated two incredible messages. The first one, because many young people in the war died, it is impossible to count the average life expectancy. However, the elderly who live peacefully, the age of V is 160 years old. ”

“Hey!” The reporters are no awkward.

“Second, there are no plagues and no infectious diseases in the country of Shuihua. In addition to trauma and poisoning, people in the Shuihua Kingdom have never been sick more than 99%. The illness is also a genetic defect, and normal people are not sick for life.”

“Oh…” This time it was even worse.

People in front of the TV are stupid. I wonder if we are not rushing to move past and wait for anything.

First the army is running over… Oh, no, there is a ‘ghost’ over there.

In other words, where is the Grandmaster?

“At present, we have reached a certain consensus with the Shuihua country, allowing some of us to enter. Because of the difference in cultural civilization, these people who are ‘not sick’ are very convinced that we are ‘sick people’. So, the number of people in the past Not too much. We are trying to convince them to go in the way of travel. Of course, the theme of this time is the development of the Moon Emperor…”

Then no one listened.

Who cares how your Yuehuangxing develops, the moon is an old stalk, and we will not get sick and live to 160’s water blooms.

that’s it.

The message half true half false spread, and there was no turmoil. Zulongguo was ready to guide it all.

Nowadays, the development of the Moon Emperor is overwhelming, and people are paying attention to the Shuhua Kingdom, which is not sick and the longevity of Ultra-Grade. With the distraction of the Moon King, people are not at all reasonable. After all, landing on the moon is a very scientific thing, and occasionally an unscientific water bloom is acceptable.

It’s very hard.

The Western Confederation also turned out their record of ‘transmission experiments’, saying that this experiment has not stopped, and now it is only a step ahead of Zulong.

This explanation, people have no opinion at all.

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