Mage Network

Chapter 1456

Tang Shidao listens to vague and sun-work statements and understands their intentions. They know more about the erosion than anyone, and they know the existence of this abandoned little Void, and even about everything inside. Remind themselves not to undermine Void’s unbalanced balance and have actually shown what they have done… they maintain Void’s balance with nothing.

If not mistaken, the erosion is the ‘sabotage’ of the balance.


The vaginal balance and sunbalance had been the same as the mother of the earth, and were prepared to kill the sky and lift the unresolved Void crisis. But because the other thing stopped. Not because of the failure of Void, it was Void and the vain balance. Sky erosion can be ‘dead’, and it erodes Forbidden Curse from ‘dead’. There is no difficulty in this, don’t think about it. Since it can be kidnapped without Void, it can naturally be kidnapped to erode Forbidden Curse’s co-existence.


The balancing and sunbalance are not the problem of winning, but rather the balance cannot be undermined.

In addition, at the time of writing, they referred to the scarecrow, the night, the mother and herself, but no mention was made of Orange and Kowloon. Because they believe that Orange and Kowloon are not interested in the erosion of the sky, there is no need to worry about their turmoil. In the absence of Void, only a small group of people who want to remove the erosion is likely to remove it.

“Two Senior, I would also like to ask what happened to Forbidden Curse Force’s invasion outside?” Tang Shidao thought, or asked.

“Unexhausted Void is not the only one.”

“can understand.”

“No one can be sure how big Void is, because it’s growing up ’. Similarly, some of the space is less than the size of Void, or almost the same. They are both large and growing. The expansion of space is related to internal powerhouse, the more internal powerhouse and the greater space expansion. This is the case with private Plane, the owner of the community.”

“I know.” Tang Shidao naturally knows that from the smallest Mage Chamber to private Plane, to Little Void, all space is grown by internal energy.

The more energy grows.

The more life within the country or Mage powerhouse, the easier space will grow.

“We have not seen each other personally, but it is estimated that those spaces are related to” little Void “, probably some little Void in Mage powerhouse. Mr. Pope, you also have little Void, and believe you know that I’m dead, that little Void won’t disappear, and it’ll stay. So, there’s a lot of little Void inside the endless Void.” The vagina and the sunset interpretation.

“But little Void cannot cross the boundaries, or else seek sanctions.” Tang Shidao also indicated that I was familiar and tried.

“Yes. However, this is the reason why I’m not done with Void. What if you leave without Void, yourself in the dust? On the outside of the dust, there should be no exhaustive Void sanctions, and would little Void be able to break through? We haven’t tried, we’re not sure.”

“I don’t think it’s easy. If this is so easy, the sky erosion must have gone to dust long ago.”

“Yeah, well, we think about it. So we think that the eclipse has some purpose to stay. Probably associated with Great Perfection, or with the expansion of small Void. The question of restitution is due to the fact that the absence of Void is too large, and it naturally produces some value.”

“For example?” Tang Shidao asked.

“For example, the expansion of its own little Void has been achieved through an exhaustive Void approach. Assuming that there are a man Mage powers outside the dust, little Void cannot expand. Does he know that Void might have this method, and would he want to come and see it? Even if Void wanted a tax, he didn’t have to pay for it, did he?”

Tang Shidao can only be nodded.

That’s the truth.

“Forbidden Curse became a ‘dollar’ because of the need to pay Forbidden Curse as a road fee. It is further assumed that without Void without Forbidden Curse, there will be no ‘money’ here, and the powerhouse outside the dust will have little interest. They go inside and find a place with Forbidden Curse, which makes it easier to get back on this road fee.” The vagina and sun balance use business as an example to make it easier to make it clear.

“Without Forbidden Curse, foreigners are not interested. With Forbidden Curse, it would be better to have two, more likely to protect security, what do you mean?”

“Yes. Suppose the sky erosion is Mage powerhouse from outside the dust, what is he most afraid of?”

“Dead.” Tang Shidao should go.

Speaking of it here, everything is clearer. Mage outside the dust is weak and unclear, but Forbidden Curse is the most likely to deal with them. What if they also have Forbidden Curse? It is also Forbidden Curse, and only Forbidden Curse is more likely to deal with Forbidden Curse. Counting Forbidden Curse with a little curse and Great Curse is not impossible, but more difficult than a thousand times.

A long time ago, the shadow and sunbalance didn’t know there were scarecrows, eternal night, Oren, nine of these monster creatures.

So what?


wall of Forbidden Curse has been built to guard against vain Void.

A natural erosion of Forbidden Curse could induce, plus an erosion, which could pose a threat. Even if Mage powerhouse saw it outside the dust, it was known that there must be trouble entering here. One, one, the two king, the two gods of the universe… must be in trouble. Even when entering the infinite Void captured one of them, Mage, with another Forbidden Curse, must never be allowed to do so.

Access to endless Void is more about learning than life and Death’s war. So this‘ trouble ’can persuade some Mage Scholar to retreat.

Why do you say either one or both?

That’s why.

“We are not sure if the eclipse comes from the dust, but he must have a connection with the dust. Mages outside the dust want to know if ‘a Void’ has knowledge and Forbidden Curse, and they have to have an interview. By the way, they didn’t come in so stupid. The only possible ‘transmission’ group is the Castor. ‘” Shadow balance and solar balance supplements.

Sky erosion owns Forbidden Curse, and it’s a caster.

Even if he is not a foreigner, he is a man who works with Mage in the outside of the dust.

“I wonder how you were born?” Tang Shidao asked again. And because the shadow and the sun are also gods, the angels are descendants of heaven.

“Naturally born, like the emperor of the Emperor.”

“Are you born of a certain energy source?”

“Yes. We were born out of nowhere, not Void. There are many creatures in the gods, but there is not much to live, there is a lot to die in the middle, or there is no prudence to go away. Mr. Emperor, do you suspect us?”

“Not right. I doubt it is doubtful, but I doubt that you are the will of the sky to erode. On the contrary, I doubt you have nothing to do with the erosion.”

“Oh?” “The vagina and the sun are so balanced.

“Your adversity is too strong, and it does not seem to be the nature of life in order to protect the untouched Void from killing his own ‘father’. So I doubt you and the angels have nothing to do with the erosion. Your real father, perhaps‘ heaven erodes Forbidden Curse ‘instead of’ sky erosion ‘.” Tang Shidao is not sure, but some things are getting clearer.

“…” is too vague and solar, and it sounds silent.

They didn’t want to understand that there was no confusion in defining it.

Sky erosion and natural erosion of Forbidden Curse are two things.

Both are one, but both do not represent the same thing.

Good for a second.

“Mr. Emperor, we’ll think about it. However, there is no real help at this time, regardless of that outcome. We can’t help you, and we need more balance.” There are also some convictions that God’s father is more likely to be ‘eroding Forbidden Curse’ than ‘heaven erosion’.

“It’s okay, I don’t have the strength to fight.”

“With regard to the promotion of Little Void, we are now integrated into Void no longer trying. But there was a bit of a heart before.”

“Many thanks.”

“You’re welcome, actually, just a way of thinking. Little Void who wants to upgrade the fixed boundaries, the best way to do this is to be ‘sabotage’. This destruction has two ways. The first, swallowing other people’s little Void. backlash is a certain one, but it’s finally a possibility. The second, deriving a new little Void. Like life breeding,” descendants of the same nature “are breeding in small Void.” Shadows and sunset analogy, and Tang Shidao understands.

Two ways, one word, is to force it to become more.



Both methods must be sanctioned without exhaustion, Void. It is, however, unlikely that success will be possible without success.

“Okay, I’ll think about it. Since there are many small Void coexistence within Void, the latter approach is likely to be more successful. And suddenly, you came to remind me that this abandoned little Void is in danger, in addition to demonstrating the possibility of a balanced and dust invasion?” Tang Shidao said with a slight smile.

“We know someone’s gone in.”

“Except for Caesar?”

“Yes, someone went in before Cassius. He didn’t leave, but he was able to hide our search.” That’s the point.

“So that’s it.” Tang Shidao nodded.

It is only at this time that it is clear why the “warnings” of the shadow and the sun are balanced.

They’ve been integrated into endless Void.

They can be hidden… the scarecrow, the night, the Orange, the Nine, the Mother of the Earth, himself… when the people of the shuttle don’t know, it’s a little hard to guess. Either the first caster, or the sky erosion. Or else, a special “guest” came out of dust. Even Mu Zu and Mu Grandma, the power to leave the Secret Bridge of the Hereafter will fall halfway.

If this man stays here all the time, he also hides the cartoons.

“I’ll be careful.”

“Well, then we go first.” “The vague balance and the sun balance are just a reminder that no one will be cared for. For them, all life of Void needs their help as much as it is. Tang Shidao may defeat the erosion, which is why he is speaking. In general, they only do their own job, spreading and repairing all Void in silence.

Tang Shidao did not abandon the plan and did not hesitate.

Enter the abandoned little Void, and there’s no ‘enemy’ ambush in it.

If there is, it might be a good thing.

Tang Shidao also felt a little bit after stepping in. There’s a little unusual breath, but there’s no sense of malicious or brutal smell.

There’s someone else here.

But each other is just like a road man.

Tang Shidao did not think that the ‘map’ provided by the cartoon would be transmitted to a super collector cabinet. Incidentally, there are really people here… this is a gentle young master like corn, freshness. Whether he’s tall, visually, temperatures, he’s like the “human dominant” of the extreme population.

Description is useless.

He was best suited to describe the term ‘perfect and without blemish’.

This moment.

Tang Shidao had thought of another person for the first time: 39747;

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