Mage Network

Chapter 1455

Tang Shidao responded, and the Elder organizations of Kasai and Heavenly Dao knew that.

Ultimately, the problem is that of eroding here. The more you have to say, the more you dig information about the erosion, the smarter you find it, and whatever way it is. At the same time, it is understood that if the sky erosion is linked to certain casters, it will not be possible to think about “good people” in this regard. The sky erosion is really for the sake of ‘saving’ endless Void, and it is not possible to leave behind the method of kidnapping that was destroyed by Void, living side by side.

It can only be said that the erosion is for some of its own purposes, and it must be irrelevant to save.

The meeting is here.

“We’ll send someone to talk to Old Xing Minor again. At the same time, try to identify the eroded allies. Wrong guess, no one of these people is the best. If so, everyone must ‘lock’ these people and, if necessary, resort to force. We should be grateful to Casters, who are the workers of endless Void and the breeders of the race of life. But we’re not their experiments. At least we don’t need them to decide our survival.” Heavenly Dao organized Great Elder to be serious.

At this point, we all understand.

Force represents life and Death.

Casters’ groups are ‘workers’, are beneficial to all life races and are also successful in building a life environment. However, without Void Mage, the mighty man cannot listen to fate and cannot listen to God.

On the way of cultivation, they have been helped by countless help.

Initially, parents and teachers, or tribes. Later in Void, it was also favoured by this environment. So Mage Hood, but if there is a little gratitude, they have to protect their own race and infinite Void. Casters want to destroy all this, and they never agree.

As you know, it has the force to endure the scourge of chaos.

But their race can’t.

What is the meaning of the presence of force if it takes care of itself, regardless of the people and ethnicities who have helped themselves? So, Mage Hawks are even more intolerable about the destruction of the entire uninhabited Void and the extermination of the race.

At this point.


time shuttle as fifth elder also made a statement: “With regard to the group of casters, if only against us, we lose, and we have no regrets. But for my clansman, for giving birth to my Plane, that’s never gonna happen. Great Elder, I hope you’ll have good consultations. Otherwise, please don’t blame us for ‘acting in good faith’. As long as there is a crisis in the gods, we will never let it go.”

“I understand.” Great Elder gently nodded.

The world’s secrets have been fighting, and there is certainly no possibility of ‘surrender’. Whoever the other side is, the weak clansman under their asylum can’t.

Don’t say too much time, Great Elder himself.

The four primitive races have the strongest group force, and they are absolutely hardly hardly touched with the casters’ groups.

Caesar didn’t intervene.

It is more aware of the nature of humanity and trusts that this will not be so easy to resolve. The miracle, though one of the casters, has a higher reputation. But it is clear that demons and bitter stars have different ideas, and they probably don’t listen to strange stars. On the other hand, the casters sound weak, and the second word of the casting is different than the Lord of the World.

But in fact, they’re strong enough to imagine.


ceiling doesn’t say, look at the level of personal cultivation.

If the following are the limits, the threshold for controlling the private owner of Plane is only ‘Little Fireball Technique’, while the lower limit for casters is‘ Star Making ‘.

Little Fireball Technique.

Making stars.

Where is the distance between them?

strictly speaking, all Mage’s strong start-ups in every single race are small spells, except for Great Curse. Thus, the power of the casting group is absolutely beyond what everyone imagined. A bunch of Mage, which can easily create a world of life and create a whole new Plane, must be stronger than a group of Mage from Fireball.

It’s like a bunch of ants and a bunch of people competing in parallel.

Even if ants chase people, it’s hard for both sides to persuade anyone.

Sir said a word “boxing can solve all the problems”, attesting to the fear that this wave will not be good. More deeply, sir has been slowly promoted, and there is a growing “fear” of the failure of Void to destroy the matter. Even if there is no definitive solution, there are probably better ways of asylum.

So this kind of ‘threat’ will be less and less.

Once Mr. Void is able to ‘fully asylum’, the sky erosion is too good for you, sir.

At this point.

Tang Shidao did change his mind. Because of minor Void, Tang Shidao’s experiment, there are more things that can be sheltered. This‘ volume ’is growing every day, and it’s growing faster. On the other hand, Tang Shidao is indeed looking for new ways, one of the most likely.


long as the word “little” of little Void is removed, it’s easy to solve the problem of endless Void.

Long ago.

Tang Shidao built a lot of large transmission doors in an endless Void’s network. This‘ tissue network ‘workloads are easier and larger when the world’s seventh legacy is upgraded and countless. It can be said that if the endless Void is divided into each and everyone’s large areas, every piece has millions or even billions of transmission doors.

A little smaller, a small piece of area, each with Tang Shidao’s portal.

Because the endless Void is too big.

A small piece remains an extremely large figure, so Tang Shidao is unable to completely penetrate every corner. If little Void can remove the word “small”, he has the same nature as an endless Void. At that time, Tang Shidao is completely likely to transfer the whole race of Void to a new Void. In so doing, 80-90 per cent is positive, even if 100 per cent cannot be transferred.


Heaven erosion of this’ threat ‘will not always be effective, and Tang Shidao is not the one who will be destined, nor is the vast majority of Mage.

Silence, I’m quiet, I change.


angels will not change, and We will make the sky change… That is the real Mage.

Fate, just a joke to Mage.

At this point.

Tang Shidao is also on foot with the abandonment of the little Void said by Caesar in search of the relevant leads to the erosion. Incidentally, Cassim went in without anything. At the time Tang Shidao arrived, two types of bodies fainted before stepping in.

“Please wait, Mr. Emperor.”

“Oh,” Tang Shidao hears‘ stop ‘paused, realizing the identity of the people: “The Originator? Too balanced? Sunshine?”

“It’s us. Excuse me.”

“All right, do you guys have anything?” Tang Shidao can quickly identify two people, because they’re like two others: Grandpa Kim and Grandma Mu. Feeling too balancing and sunbalance is basically the same as Mu and Mu Grandma. In the face of them, you’ll feel ‘everything around them is in their hands’.

Not because of force, but because of the sense of “natural life”.

This feeling is like: when you see giant whales, you feel that the ocean belongs to it, and when you see the tiger, you feel that the forest belongs to it… in Void, and when you see the shadow and the sun balance, it’s natural that Void belongs to them. When we first entered the bridge of the world, it was the same way to see Muzu and Mu Grandma.

Alternatively, Mage may also need to ask.

Tang Shidao is recognized in the event of the creation of Divine Physique and Void bloodline.

It was also surprising that the shadow and the sun were inside.

But it’s not surprising that the emperor can recognize himself in a moment.

“We came here just to say a few words.”

“Can’t you” show yourself? ”Tang Shidao is very sure that each other is not a living or a dead person, not a substance or energy, both of which are involved.

“We have no body or capacity, and we are already with Void.”

“Please wait, gentlemen. The gods have the power of God, which is part of the endless Void, and what are they different from you?” Tang Shidao asked.

“We are happy to answer your question, Emperor.” “The vague balance and the sunlight talk are all the same, just like the same feeling as the shadow, and then say,“ We are like gods, but there are some differences. The gods are the “takeover” or “reproduction” of the endless Void force, and we are part of the incorporated Void. ”

“Sounds the same.”

“Yes, it’s like, but it’s different. The gods are also integrated and part of the power of endless Void, and we are not ‘acquired’, and we are integrated. In another way, if Void is a fruit tree, the gods are pouring water, and we only pour water.”

“Can’t you attack me with an endless Void force?”

“The gods belong to the” borrowed “force of endless Void, and we are” assimilated “without Void. Don’t dare to do more than the whole void, but Void is part of us, and we are Void. If the gods borrow ‘some god’s power’ in Void, they can also say that some of our gods have been borrowed.” The term “vague balance and solar balance is an illustration.

The gods borrowed the water of the oceans, the clouds and the sun, and turned themselves into the ocean.

Compared to the two.

The gods are one or more gods.

The shadow and sunbalance are all the gods of Void. They can use it, don’t say, they can do it. But they don’t usually use it. Why? Because Void is them, they have everything inside. Good bad, beautiful ugly, all part of them.

“Okay, i understand, what do you want to say?”

“First sentence: Do not undermine Void and the unbalanced balance that Void and Failure may lead to the invasion of Forbidden Curse Force outside the world.”

“Oh?” Tang Shidao was surprised.

“Second sentence: Sky erosion can be eliminated, but do not destroy Forbidden Curse.”

“Well, a little understanding.”

“Third sentence: If you want to take the sky away from Forbidden Curse, please take the ground away. If you’re going to leave the sky to erode Forbidden Curse, please don’t take it away.”

“Still related to balance? Sky erosion and erosion built a conservative network?”

“You can also understand that, Pope. Failure Void possesses a Forbidden Curse that may also guard against the invasion of Forbidden Curse Force outside the world. However, we recognize that there are two complementarities that are more effective. In just one case, endless Void would have reached a certain ceiling and would not have exceeded it. There are two types of” mutual assistance “and” competition “that will keep this ceiling up.”

“Slowly, you guys have the opportunity to lose the day, but you didn’t do it?” Tang Shidao heard a little weird.

“Rice, everyday night, you, and Jackie could do this, right? But it’s just possible, not sure, to succeed. We can only say that we tried, but we don’t know what it was. Because of fear of the invasion of Forbidden Curse Force outside, we chose another way.”

Tang Shidao got it.

The first “confident killing” of the sky is not a scarecrow, but two of us are now: a shadow and a sunset balance.

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