Mage Network

Chapter 1415

Real fast defense does not necessarily mean that everyone can ‘see’.

First of all.

The information gathered through robotic widows and summon beasts is in itself isolated from a layer of replication and sticking. The ability of the devil and the summon beast does not necessarily record everything ‘true’, reflecting and not necessarily true. In Mage World, only eyes‘ see ’a lot of things are illusions.


The sun wheels fight the White Winner, and even Mage’s personal presence does not necessarily have to ‘see’ clear. The level of the parties varies, and understanding varies. It may be meaningless for the strong to act in the eyes of the weak, but one action for the powerful may be a victory. Like ordinary Mage thinks “magic activation” is just one more assistant, but for Paragon Mage, it’s the sky from the baby to the grown-up.

The watchmen don’t understand, but they’re not blind.

The sun wheel and the white man must have crossed hands and won each other. So they praised each other.

At this point.

In the battlefield, the white man attacked again.

As a martyr, she doesn’t need to hesitate to do her job, and she wants to fight. Unlike before, this white winner has increased his attacking power. The sun wheels are very careful to evade, but this attempt is still failing. As it should be by rights, the sun wheel will be “shattered” again, but it will return to the halfway circle.

“The same number is useless.” When the white man kicks in, the fragmented energy is highly sophisticated and turned into ‘decorations’ and ‘rotten’ wrapped her legs.

in an instant, become a rebuilt shoe.


One foot of the white man kicked the second life in the chest of the sunwheel, farther away from the end of the life.

And that hit added to the warshoe force.

Such a kick had been enough to cause ‘trauma’, even to create advantages. However, as the white man kicks the sun wheel, the solar wheel is basically kicked back at the same time, killing the white man’s back. It doesn’t make any sense to react, and it doesn’t make sense, and it just happens. The two men attacked each other, and the sun wheels were basically fine, but the white winner flew out.

Tang Shidao and the others can see that the forces of the White Wing Man on the middle of the sun are back.

This equals that the white man kicked himself all the way.

“It is true that you’ve rehearsed the force of the original natural erosion, and that’s a good achievement.” The sun looks forward to the white man’s ‘shoe’ indifferently said.


knew his shadow was absorbed.

Turned into the arms of each other.

No magic can do so ‘fast’ except for the original eroded force. Sky erosion can control energy to break its own “energy” shadow. If it wasn’t tactical plot against itself and its own special force, it would not be easy to try to hurt each other because it was too fast.

“You’re smart.” “The white man retreats must be far away, just shaking and stopping.

It doesn’t look like it’s hurt.


The white man really hurt, but not only did she have the speed of moving, but responded to the wounds.

Just for a moment, the white winner has been healed.

At this point.

The white winner also understood that the solar wheel was useless, and he itself knew. Furthermore, he expects to have a breakthrough. So he deliberately did the same thing to make himself ‘broken’. Then we hit again. This approach is smart, with the smallest force as Great Accomplishment fruit.

The dust is a high day of dust, with insufficient brain or arrogant and conceited roles.

It’s just…

“Be careful, sunwheels. The biggest difference between me and the other Mage is that I’m Legion alone.” Small, white guys already know the power of each other. Things are not going to hide their strength now.

Opening alert.

Lift your legs and kick.

The next moment, the sun wheel has stretched its hand ‘block’ the white man’s feet: “Thank you for reminding me…”

Not finished.


Surprise just starts, the third ‘white win’ came up and kicked in the right direction.

When the solar wheel reversed the kick, his feet were stopped by the fourth ‘white winner’, and his feet were cut off with kicks.

This results…

The solar wheel was ineffective, and the whole man was beaten to fly.

“Clone Technique?” The solar wheel is God’s speed, and it is God’s speed of self-healing. At the same time, he opened his hand, summon, for thousands of pieces, and was ready to confront the white winner. Unfortunately, the next second after his summon was separated, all of them were kicked out and none left.

At this point.

The sun wheels only detect: this is not identity, nor illusion, and…

“Evolutionary magic?”


“The dynamism of the great magic is just one more?” The sun wheels don’t understand.

“Same case, yes, just one more. But unlike other gods, Mage, my speed has reached the limit long ago and cannot exceed the boundaries of endless Void. To upgrade it, I had to find a new way myself. To that end, I also went to the plain place to find the repair machine.”

“And then you succeeded?” The sun’s heart is amazing.

To God’s speed limit.

This proves that the white man has become the first god, and there is no beauty. She’s not satisfied, is she trying to upgrade?

So human beings… she’s the real opponent of God.

“Yes, I have the passive skills of the great magic activism: God’s fast-split. Speak of it, where I see many weird things, but I’ve never recovered. And when I was disappointed, I suddenly heard the news of Tong, who was using the force of the plain land itself to change the place of normalcy. Don’t be exotic, just by itself. At that moment, I thought of the great magic itself.”


“Yes. Since vitamin magic can” add one more “, why can’t two more? With that idea, I began to try it on a continuous basis, drawing on some of the forces that were already in place. As a result, I’ve been failing, because it’s an exhaustive Void rule, and I can’t break it.” The white winner slowly explained it.

“Yes. Revitalization is just a technology, not a physical. You can’t succeed.” The sun wheel indifferently said.

“You’re right. normal cultivation, I can’t succeed. magic has inherent rules that cannot go beyond its boundaries. But I can do it myself.”

“What do you mean?”

“I have seen Kowloon in plain place, and I have been with you for some time. No Forbidden Curse, no magic, but she can compare her to Orange. Because her force doesn’t go beyond the boundaries, but she itself goes beyond it. I don’t know what Kowloon has, but I found my own way. I can’t split up the magic of God, but I split my life.”

“Oh?” The sun wheels are bright, and that’s really funny.

“Theoretically, I’m not me, I’m a lot of me, every one of whom I know great magic. If you don’t count as a number, I have countless great magic, bigger Great Curse than anyone.” The white man explains it here, and everyone understands it.

Although it is not clear how to do it, it is understandable.

It’s not part.

White win ‘split’ his own life, making life countless. Her purpose is not to separate themselves, but to use these ‘self’ to learn new gods. And then revitalize these great gods. Eventually, the white winner has countless real self, and every one is extremely fast. The magic thing is that her life is not much separate and still united.

No one at the scene can fully understand, except Tang Shidao.

speaking of that.

Tang Shidao can also be truly understood where only Tang Shidao possesses the legacy of the Seventh World.

In principle.

There is no shadow of the Hereafter or of the Hereafter, but by working hard to create her own shadow of the Hereafter and the Hereafter. Or, it’s just the shadow of the ‘bodies’ and the shadow of the next, not the force version. In plain places, the white winner must have rehabilitated the integrated force like “Spirit”, thus creating a special spirit.

However, unlike Tang Shidao, the white winner was able to practise the spirit itself only through the ‘spirit’ exercise.

You can also say that.

White win men have yet to realize that special spirits can learn not only, but themselves can “evolve”. Even, above my height.

“Beyond life?” Nor can the solar wheel be fully understood, but it can be understood what the opponent did.

Lack of Void never lacks genius lamps.

There are similar people in the dust sky.


This level of self-climbing is no longer a threat to God, but a real challenge to God.

“Since you’re so strong. And out of respect for you, then I’m going to” revitalize “a little.” The sun wheels are serious and no longer carefully explored. Real comparisons should do everything possible to confront them.

At this point.

The sun wheels a hand, and the whole man is fast “shattered”.

Next second.

The whole space is like ‘alive’ coming over, like a moment of life. Sky erosion, power control. When it’s activated, everything with energy will come ‘alive’. At this point, the solar wheel is space, and space is the solar wheel. Normally, the same Mage may not even have a larger volume, and no one can win the whole space, just like the fish won’t win the ocean.


The white win man is not the same Mage, and the sun wheels are only at this level and die as they are.


There’s something new in space: each and everyone’s rune wheel.

These rune cursors are not an magic, but a large group of magic gatherings. Next change, on these rune cursors, it slowly stretches out an arm. Not gas energy, not liquid energy, but solid energy, a level higher than the sun, Divine Physique. These rune cursors are big and small, and their arms are small.

How many rune cursors are these?


More rain than rain when it rains.

Only ten breaths are less than, and the space at the towers of the gods is 100 floors into a world dominated by the hands of the gods. Whether the opponent is a white winner or Tang Shidao, White Beauty and Maggie, or the samurai and summon beasts of the fighters, everything is in the hands of the gods.

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