Mage Network

Chapter 1414

The representatives of the Nouvelles Alliance will always negotiate with the chiefs of the forces in the early days of dust, and the message will also come out of the world, and the main areas of concern will soon be known. This result was premature in some people’s minds, but it was beyond what everyone thought. It was not thought that the natural race in the early days of the dust had such an idea, that it did not come to war, and that it was close to the enemy.

Just a little bit of news, something more unexpected came up.

Not only did they change their minds in the early days of dust, but they also changed their actions: more than 90 per cent of children and beasts were sent to the towers of God, and Mage was a bunch of dust from dust and returned to Void or a world where new boundaries were opened. Mage on the top floor, stay in the living zone waiting, or go to the dust and scratch himself.

You can say that.

Every day of the dust, the race is “dispersed”, there are little places, old targets, nobody’s leisure.

At this point, neither the sky nor the dust are light in the dust that has been “leisure”.


beginning of the dust changes to give them a sense of threat. Of course, it is not yet a threat. But what happens later? A hundred years later, 10,000 years later, 100 million years later? People who have made progress and those who have not made progress do not need much longer to exchange positions. Especially everyone is the one who touches the top, almost as close as bloodline and technique, and the people who make progress may be more than a hundred decades away.

On the other hand.

The emperor and his companions have become stronger… it is clear that they are really moving forward.


In order not to consume the force, the upper floor or the lower floor would have avoided the puppet. Because the puppets are very strong, about the top of Mage. Although there are few techniques, they are hard to die, and the same death will be reorganized, so everyone will seize their ‘slow’ shortcomings and pass through. Recently, the emperor and his companions have gone away.

Shoot directly, and then pen straight through.


Nor did they stop fighting one more time, but… one second to kill, and then fly over. From time to time to second, it’s a process. This process has been seen and the progress of little by little is measured. Now they haven’t reached 100 layers, and they can have a hit off.

Guard the puppet.

The original erosion of the most powerful summon, the integration of the particularities of the gods’ towers themselves, and the integration of the special Guardian of the best puppet technology in the dust world. In dust and dust, even God will not be easy to “mess with” these Guardians. Today, they become background templates.

The emperors and friends are closing under sight, and it is not their true strength.

Another angle.

Mage Hawk, the race of the heavens, besides the monarchs with special bloodline or special technique, the Mage Hood and the old men of the rule are worth only one shot before the emperor and his friends. Because custodial puppets are a standard value, representing the highest level of energy in normal state, the limit of the most normal body.

They were all killed in one second, and Mage Hood, representing the main section, was hardly able to block it.


Mage Hawk, the first day of the dust, used to choose not to do it, and he couldn’t do it now.

Faced with such a change, the forces of the parties have become tense.

War starts at any time.

As long as the Protestant Alliance and the gods do not want to be pushed down, they have to do something. The Emperor’s whole group is moving too fast to follow and go beyond how long they don’t take. And when force and force are greater, they will not do anything but end up. People still hold the legs of God because they are the strongest fighters. Once they become dick, their system will collapse.

powerhouse has no second name, only the first.

“100 floors.”

In a climate of tension for several months, finally, all those who are concerned have waited for an opportunity for war.

This time.

The days of dust, the race of the sky, is war a retreat?

Or, finally, negotiations?

Nobody knows what’s going to happen, everybody’s waiting. This is the last chance of dust in the first day, and they’ll definitely do something. For almost a decade of meltdown, it is confident that the emperor will also speak to them. After all, they have been silent in their support for so many years.



No! No one!

None of the ethnic members of the day of dust came, and they used action to illustrate two things: one, they would never stop the Emperor’s plan for reshaping. Secondly, they do not come or explain the consequences… If there is no negotiation, the crown will kill directly, just like they will kill the puppets on time.

Not right.

Here it comes, either by itself or by the Emperor… neither is the choice of dust.

When the Emperor boarded 100 floors, there was only one person here.

“I call the sun wheel.” A simple reputation, all those who use the devil and the summon beast to see. The new gods are imitating eternal night, and everyone has a word “forever”. The ancient gods are used habits of ‘Sun’ and ‘vagina’, specifically called Sun Sun and so on, basically brother, the so-called gods.

The sun wheels, no one has ever seen, but certainly one of the gods.

“You’re more brilliant than the sun.” Tang Shidao smiles.

“Of course, I belong to the sky of dust.” The sun rotates quietly, and all those who observe the war are shocked. 300 floors of the gods, no one in the dust, but the gods of the sky are here?

“That’s it. Well, you’re a little weaker than you imagined.” Tang Shidao is still smiling.

“You can’t understand.” The sun wheel indifferently said, and said, “The Emperor, you’re doing a great job, and the dust became better in the first days. We can admit your efforts to get you to manage dust in the early days.”

Talk to me.

The solar wheel is very naughty, as if it was just a matter of no importance.

“Aren’t you going to kill me?” Tang Shidao didn’t rush, because he found something, a very familiar smell.

“Kill you? No. Maybe the gods in the dust should try to kill you. But we don’t need to do that. The gods’ towers are too old to adjust as easily as life sector. You can fix it, prove you’re very good. We are gods, but we refuse to learn new things. Your abilities, we have to admit.”

“What if I’m not interested in listening to your arrangements?” Tang Shidao said with a smile.

“Never mind. We only give you a chance, not to force you to accept. You have an opinion, I’ll stop, and maybe you don’t have an opinion.”

“Very good way, I agree.”

“So, who are you going to go? Or, one of them can do it.” The solar wheels are really different, and his kind of self-confidence is not arrogant, and he is truly self-confident. Like that, there is no distinction between an enemy and 10,000 enemies.

“The winner, did you find it?” Tang Shidao didn’t move, just looking around.

White win gently nodded.

The solar wheel now has a characteristic: legs are long… not tall and feel.

Face face.

You’ll feel that the sun wheels can cross all the distance.

“Oh, is that you? Come on.” See the white winner nodded, and the sun wheels are on their side. He did not scream ‘all of you’, and he took the enemy seriously. Even if the white man is not strong, he has not looked lightly. This is not prudent, but serious. Simple and basic seriousness.

At this point, the white winner didn’t have much to say.

Because she’s serious too.

There are some enemies you can ignore, even contempt. But there are some enemies you need to be serious. You must treat your enemies seriously, regardless of their low strength. The sun wheels feel like a man: Kowloon Nine is a very serious fighter. Either you don’t fight or you’re serious. Even if the opponent is 100 times weaker than she is, he’s serious.

Tang Shidao also shows that this man is very similar to Okinawa and the opposite.

O’Lin likes to play.

magic, Mana, Mage, even natural rules, or no Void, all she dares to play.

Right now, this one.

He takes everything seriously.

At this point, the white win man took a step forward. No flash, no god speed, just a simple step. At the same time, the sun wheels have taken a step towards the side. It’s like a half-circle evasion, not a straight line with a white winner. However, the result of this step is not a circumvention. The solar wheel took only one step, and it turned around like a wheel… and he came by the white winner.

Like, space and distance don’t work for him.

He can walk around, choose a starting point and a terminal.

Same brake.

White win’s feet have been kicked out. There is no need to think, and the great magic of the white man is “step up”, and kicking is a step. So the white man decided to kick out of his life when the sun’s chest was “on foot”.

Aliens can’t understand this fast attack because it’s too fast, they can’t see it.


The sun wheels can see that the white man’s foot does kick his chest, but it does not amount to results. At the time of the success of the White Winner’s ‘Step Point’, the sun’s wheel has been on the other side, reaching behind the White Winter Man.

One foot of life, formidable power has nothing.

At this point.

The change is reborn… the white winner, the ‘god man’, is not bragging out, hiding from this technique, is useless for the white man.

The sun rotates to the back.


White win’s feet are still heavy in front of his chest.

For the white man, the “stepping point” of God’s surgery is “foot point”, and it’s not about where you’re hiding. She wants to ‘walk’ someplace, but unless she can’t find it, you can’t hide again. There is no difference between hiding before or after life.

“Quickly.” As a compliment, the sun wheels‘ crushed ’.

In the eyes of Jackie and the others.

He was kicked to death by a white man like a puppet guard.

In fact.

“You’re very hard to deal with with.” The white winner also pays serious praise, because the other side is not dead, and it’s just energy images that you kicked.

It’s kind of kicked in kind.

Only, not the sun wheels themselves.


magic of the great gods is not mistaken, but the “speed” of the solar wheel is not only experienced in terms of physics, but his “fast-speed approach” is as horrible as it is. It can be seen how fast this approach can be achieved by putting itself in place with energy images at a time when the white man kicks.

The sun wheels are not prepared in advance, and he’s really doing an magic so fast.

At this point.

The man who used the devil and the summon beast to fight a little bit… is this a fight? Hands up? Why do you blow up on each other?

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