Mage Network

Chapter 1394

The sun’s brilliant trick was made, the arm was pinned, and the rest were unintended.

Tang Shidao knows the identity of Jackie, while White Beauty feels like Jackie has his own force, and White Beauty believes that Goddess are not idiots, and that she has no courage to follow in. Moreover, she was the subject of Tang Shidao’s cooperation and could not be powerless.

It’s not surprising to stop the sun.



bright arm of the sun was “rocked”, which was an accident.

Physical, sunny.

The speed, the sun, too.

But the forces of the gods are all fake, and they really have a critical strike capability for ordinary Mage. Tang Shidao and White Beauty can resist, as they also have Forbidden Curse Force and the destructive power of fearless’s original natural erosion. The white win man is fast, fast to the sun’s brilliant level.

What did she do?

Not only blocked, but also stoned the glorious arm of the sun?

As you know, sunshine bodies have gone beyond the general concept of material and energy, as well as non-matter and non-energy. Normally, it’s impossible to hurt him.

鈥淵ou” are more brilliant than anyone else.

When the alarm comes back.

As soon as you lift your hands, a dust explodes, the sun is blown up at high altitudes, and even brakes stop.

didignified gods, tricks and tricks, like clowns.

Fighting reached this step, and the sun is brilliant and completely cold. It would have been easy to think of one against four. I didn’t think a pair of them would take any cheap. The majesty of the Emperor, Forbidden Curse of the Emperor’s wife, Void Mage’s fast-speed, Mage’s…

鈥淥rigin erosion?” On the brilliant occasion of the sun, it was found that some parts of its body had become soil.

Not much, just like some kind of spot.

But full of them.

While it is not clear why, this pattern must have some meaning. Once it explodes, it must have some irreversible damage.

Jackie didn’t take it.

She fully believed in Tang Shidao’s plan and also in Tang Shidao’s actions. Tang Shidao clearly owns the original erosion without the first time to attack the sun, which must be justified. Like the white man said, maybe Tang Shidao wants to know and learn about the original erosion. Even if it’s not possible to learn, the more to understand, the more to deal with the gods.

So, Jackie doesn’t want to expose her mother and kill the sun.

鈥淚t is not possible鈥?no, it is impossible. I’m sure there are no third people who learn to erode their origins except for the vagina and sunbalance. The beasts and the witches also said that no one in Goddess would learn to erode the force. You, you can’t… you’re really…” The sun is brilliant not only to the users of natural erosion, but also to learn that capacity.

Unless the ‘holder’ of Forbidden Curse’s competence vetoes his right to use, the sun is equally bright to understand the original erosion.

Same reason.

The vagina and sunbalance are the only ones who learn and use the original erosion, and the Goddess are not taught, nor are they given use. The sun knows the attitude of those two people鈥?the vague balance and the sun balance allow only the children ‘learning’, and learning will not allow borrowing to be used. This approach is tantamount to forcing Goddess to learn, but unfortunately no one can learn.

Maggie, this Goddess sunshine, has also heard of a genius who created his own barbaric “purification bubble”.

But genius’s just genius.

I didn’t hear she learned the original erosion.

At this point.

White Beauty and White Beauty are also curious to look at Jackie, and the sun is not as brilliant as lying. Jackie doesn’t want to explain, nor does he want to lie. In order to justify her abilities, she did only one act.

Hands up.

Show it.

In the hands of corn, a black flame is slowly flaming. And the flame spreads, and it slows down into a black sun.

鈥淵ou鈥︹€?the sun is brilliant to see the forces that were eroded from the very beginning, and the entire people are retiring.

Looking forward to Tang Shidao.

Tang Shidao does not speak but gently nodded, as if he said, “Yes, I taught Jackie and Maggie learned, and now has some small Accomplishment fruits.”

This moment.

The sun is brilliant and desperate.

Forget it, Jackie and the Emperor are not in the long run. Since she can learn the emperor’s original erosion in a short time, it’s normal to learn the original erosion. Couldn’t be less guided by the emperor’s time when the clouds and the sun had been nurtured for many years.

Suddenly, the sun was brilliant and the question was, “Will I die?”

I’m God.

Will I die?

鈥淚’m not gonna kill you easily, don’t worry. I really want to learn about the eroded force. If you’re all dead, it’s not a legend to this force. Origin erosion can control energy, and it must have some meaning for nothing. Like the original erosion, it manipulated Void’s soils, which formed the basis for Void, and that was what it meant. Likewise, the erosion cannot be wasted or lost.” Tang Shidao also slowly picks up when he talks.


the same time, a sand dust floats around its arms.

This moment.

Not only does the sun look bright, White Beauty and White Beauty also see the dust of Void.

鈥淣o, you won’t!鈥?The sun is so brilliant that it’s gone.

He doesn’t want to admit it.

He’s the gods.

He doesn’t allow anyone to climb to his head.

鈥淭he dust of the world.” One word lightly said, Tang Shidao was defenceless, and the body was suddenly wearing a dust. The hard clothing of the sun is brilliant, the dust is scattered, but the dust is not broken.


gods will kill, and they will fail.

Sky erosion is Forbidden Curse.

It is likely that it will kill non-Forbidden Curse forces once, but it will not be possible to do so in the original erosion of Forbidden Curse, which is also Forbidden Curse. When the force level is pulled to the same platform, then look who’s bigger and smaller. There is no reason for weakness, whether the little spell Great Curse or Forbidden Curse. It’s not like Tang Shidao, whose fist can break the dust of the world.

And so, the sun is more desperate.

Maggie would have eroded.

The emperor will erode the original day.

The Pope has taught Yankee how to erode. The Emperor taught the Emperor and the Emperor learned to erode the force.

Now this group is a monster.

They can’t live.

Never live.

Sky erosion, little world, and sky erosion, big world, then there’s…

鈥淵ou must die.鈥?The sun is cold, as if it had already been certain determination.

Tang Shidao and the others have nothing to say.

鈥淭he angels are the gods, and you will never be but mortals.鈥?/p>


鈥淭he shadow and the sun are balanced with mercy, and they are wrong.”


鈥淵ou are all monsters, a monster who does not respect God, and you will not be allowed to live in the world.鈥?/p>


鈥淵our world is our blessing, and your forces are our blessings. Now, I’m going to recover all this, and you’re not supposed to have them.”

鈥淚 didn’t want to ignore you. But you were only born early, and you had an asshole with a grace.鈥?The white winner was cold.

鈥淣o, you don’t even have the chance to be born if we don’t have a hand. And because of our mercy, you survived, and that is the grace.”

鈥淓ven if we are not born, there will be others who will kill you.鈥?/p>


鈥淚s your mind broken? You’re just a bunch of stupid Old Codger that thinks you can be blacked to a few hours. Just say I can’t kick that one, hang you like that, don’t be too easy.”

鈥淣o, no such person. You’re dead, it’s over.鈥?/p>

White win won’t talk anymore.

Turn your hands on, like, “Be able to come, I stand and let you kill.”

In her view, the sun was brilliant, except for the force that had eroded the original sky, and there was nothing else. This feeling, the original natural erosion is like a super weapon, and whoever holds it is powerful. However, those with weapons are not powerful.

To this step.

The sun is unlikely to have a chance to turn around.


鈥淪ky erosion and confusion of the world鈥?#8221; “The sun shines out of its glorious face, and then its body collapses first. As if he could not bear the move himself. Little World is the energy universe, the big world is little Void, what is it?

At this point.

鈥淒o you want everything back to the original chaos?” Tang Shidao said with a slight smile.

鈥淵ou and me, everything will be zero鈥?this is the honor of the gods鈥?#8221; The sun will be brilliant, and the valley force will sacrifice this move.

I can see.

The sun itself cannot reach this step. Maybe that’s why he can’t get into ‘dust tall’. However, he can forcibly climb and use his life as a basis for forced recruitment. Then, with this move with all the enemies perish together.

In fact.

It’s totally possible, the sunny plan is right.


And then four people reacted.

White win wants to pull three people out and run away at speed. While Heavenly Palace is still in place, the move will certainly collapse when Heavenly Palace is released. White win has confidence in synchronizing formidable power, walking in such 鈥榙eath鈥? It was uncertain whether she could succeed, but she had confidence in trying.

Jackie raised a dust.

Her thoughts were simpler鈥?nothing could completely destroy the Void Pyongyang and it was possible for her to raise four people 鈥榮tone鈥?together.

White Beauty picked up his hand as a consciousness exercise, and she wanted to be “quiet” all of this.

Don’t let it happen.

However, because Tang Shidao also stretched his hand, White Beauty stopped acting and believed in his husband.

鈥淚’m sorry, the incomplete formula is meaningless. You alone can’t finish this formula, and I’ll help you.” Tang Shidao stretches his hand, and the force that began to erode suddenly flares on the sun. Tang Shidao just activated them. It’s not fake to say help.

The sun is so brilliant that it’s hard to mount the weather erosion of the world, Tang Shidao’s help has accelerated it.

This acceleration

It’s like the sun is going to hang, and Tang Shidao kicks his bench.

鈥溾€︹€?this moment of sunshine is too brilliant to speak, and his body has slowly collapsed. Heavenly Palace collapsed early, and the force was backlash his own. The glorious body of the sun would have been unable to withstand the advent of the erosion of the world, and Tang Shidao’s ‘help’ would have been equivalent to a step behind those who ran exhausted. Not only will this foot help him accelerate, but it’ll make him get down directly.

If Tang Shidao does not help, the sun will slow down and it may also succeed in bringing everyone to the funeral.

Help, it’s too fast for him to lose control.

Because it’s his trick, so backlash’s the only one.

At this point.

Heavenly Palace collapsed, and the outside world saw the last scene, and it should be said that only the last one was seen鈥?the sun imposed some kind of magic, inadequate self-control and self-destruction.

What happened before.

Nobody knows.

The surface looks like the sun is brilliant, destroying itself, not about the emperor and the others.

The Emperor is a few.


don’t think there’s much to play.

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