Mage Network

Chapter 1393

“What’s Little Void?” ignore the sunny face, and the white man suddenly speaks. At that point, she had already seen that the sun was brilliant, and it wasn’t possible to turn over. Because at the end of the day, the white man knew that the sun was brilliant. But not as powerful as you can imagine. strictly speaking, the bright force of the sun cannot be described as “powerful”, with “big”.

If the usual ancestors are small ponds, the sun is brilliant to one side of the ocean.

He’s “big” a lot, but it’s not different in nature.

Water or water.

A little less, there is no substantive difference.

At this point.

The sun was brilliant to hear Tang Shidao say the name “Little Void”, and he’s all rocked, and he’s forgotten to keep moving.

“Little Void is an endless shorter version of Void.” Tang Shidao also has no bright response to the sun.

“Plane’s expanded version of the universe?” White win man doesn’t understand much.

“No, not really.”

“Look, this guy doesn’t threaten you anyway, does he?” The white eye swept the sun’s eyes, and doesn’t care about each other’s reaction.

“Well, this‘ Big World ’can’t hurt me. It’s very complete in itself, but it’s a little weaker than my Samsara World. It can say 100 per cent of the growth threshold, but my Samsara World is 100.01 per cent high.” Tang Shidao calmly said.

“Does it make any difference?” The white man asked again.

The sun doesn’t attack, and the consciousness wants to know how much the emperor knows.

At this point.

Suddenly, there was also a conversation next to Kiki, which was very serious: “There is a difference, very big difference. My little Void is also 100 per cent, which is the time to increase to 101 per cent and to complete the Void sanctions. So, upward breakthrough is a death, and there is no doubt that he will die.”

The white man heard a wrinkle and looked forward to Tang Shidao.

The sun is brilliant again.

Little Void… not only does the Emperor own, but does this kiddo also own it? What’s the matter with the World? Is everything dreaming now?

Clearly, only the gods have this‘ force ’.

Why now?

“I didn’t say I was 101%, and I was 100.01% outreach. It’s changed ‘quality’, but there’s no change in ‘volume’. I was killed once when I fought with Void, and I knew I had no way to resist that kind of sanction.” Tang Shidao explained.

“All right. You haven’t explained what this little Void is?” The white winner asked again.

“Unexhausted Void, known as Void, is a shorter version of the endless Void.”

“Isn’t that Plane’s universe?”

“No, the winner, you think ‘space’ is not the same as little Void. Let me say in a different way that if Void is an ocean, Plane’s universe is a bubble in the ocean. We rehearsed to get, actually, a bubble from the ocean. At its roots, this bubble continues to belong to the oceans, including us as well as to the oceans.”

“Little Void isn’t a bubble?” The white man grabbed the point.

“Yes. Little Void is another ocean, very small. It doesn’t belong to endless Void, it belongs to it itself. Even if I had a little Void, I was killed by endless Void sanctions, and Void was still able to keep it, because it was not an exhaustive Void. On the other hand, little Void does not equate with space, and if I deliberately adjust Little Void into a daily erosion of the world, it can be a fire sea.”

“The said, little Void is like a bunch of rubber mud. How do you want to lie about it?”

“Yes. Little Void has no definition, has it and uses its Mage to be defined at all. Of course, you need to have the force to adjust it, and it won’t be empty for something you don’t understand. Besides, you want to change it and it needs energy and substance. So, without Void sanctioning me, little Void things will disappear, just because it doesn’t disappear.” Tang Shidao states in detail that it is possible for a white winner to take his own step.

“A little understand. But this guy kills you with it, if you don’t understand, is it possible?”



“Little Void is like another ocean, you know, you can understand space. Simply, throw me in his little Void, and I may not come out. Of course, it’s just possible. Beyond a long time, I might find a way to leave. From the point of view of ordinary people, I’m like a big fish in the ocean, little Void might send me to a desert, or a refrigeration. Different rules are likely to kill me, okay?”

“You can’t do that?” The white man asked again.

“His oceans are smaller, my bigger.” Tang Shidao’s words are clear. Whether they fall into the sea or into the sea, the more “big” party is victory.

At this time, Yuki also answered: “Little Void can store energy and use different models of energy to attack the enemy. But if the sun is brighter…”

白胜男gently nodded 。

That’s clear enough.

Storage energy attackers, the opponent has a bigger ‘big’ inventory, and you attack more food.


The world is with Samsara World, the former being a “good” model, but the latter is a ‘round’ model.

They can’t compare at all.

“Slowly, if this is the force of the gods, do the scarecrow need ’em to talk’ about this group of people?” The white winner is looking at the sun, sorry, not feeling how terrifying it is. Even if you don’t have a little Void, you have the first speed, you can’t hit the speed.

“I don’t really understand, now I understand.” Tang Shidao indifferently said.


“There are three reasons. First, the gods are indeed strong, and the sun is brilliant, and he is not ordinary Mage. No one guarded Mage Network, Mages could be slaughtered. Secondly, the dust world owns’ the first day of dust, the day of dust, the day of dust ‘3-Layer, the sun is brilliant, and he is only the inhabitants of the sky, not the top. The third reason, because of this little Void.”

“With little Void again?” The white win man is weird.

“Well, I said, little Void is another ocean model. If the scarecrow leaves Mage Network, the gods break in, no one can hold it. The gods use little Void, easy to pack ‘take the whole Mage Network.”

“But Mage Network has countless Plane… oh, right.”

Mage Network is huge.

There are countless Plane World and countless different rules. However, little Void is another ocean, unlike the ocean without Void. It can be accommodated and packed to take the whole Mage Network away. This could damage Mage Network, but God doesn’t care, all of them destroy or kill all lives.


long as no one can hold Mage Network, they can force Mage Network.

The gods are more than one.

And the dust is lower than the dust.

Once the scarecrow leaves, the consequences are unbelievable. Mage Network creators can’t keep up with it. It’s hard to say, after all, they’re better at ‘technology’ than fighting. If you don’t keep it, running Mage Network’s heart will be wasted. They created Mage Network, and undoubtedly they were prepared to fight the ‘dust world’. All efforts during that year were meaningless if they were halfway away.

“So, how does this guy deal with?” “The white man means sunshine.

Hear that.

The sun is bright.

That tone makes no difference with a ‘goods’. Now that it has not failed, it is still the strongest in the field. How dare you laugh at yourself?

You can’t kill yourself. You can’t kill your little trash?

Next second.

The sun is brilliant and boxing, straight to the white man.

He was the gods, and he was the user of the original natural erosion of Forbidden Curse, and he was able to turn around and distort a whole space. Indeed, his fist will die, and the Chinese will die.

“So? That’s your fist.”

The sun’s brilliant, he hit the white man, really hit him.


When a white winner is beaten, the white winner disappears at the time when formidable power is about to play its effects.

At this point.

The white man is standing on the glorious boxing of the sun, and his face is disgusting. Such boxing is too weak to deserve attention at all. While formidable power can play a critical game, there is no need to retreat in the face of such fists, let alone escape.

“You…” The sun is a brilliant fist twice.


He hasn’t waved out yet, and a fibre legs have reached his arm. At a time when the sun’s brilliant has not yet reacted, another shoe slipped into his face. The sun’s brilliant body fell back, and there was another foot on it, and there was a stamp on the chest. Three attacks were heavy, and the sun was brilliant, and there was little damage. But he was really jerked off. And, three kicks are the same foot.

Fast speed, the sun can’t even keep up with its physical response.


defence of the gods is perfect.


Obviously, the bright and perfect defense of the sun is “ineffective” … the effects of “automatic defense” have been lost in front of the white winner’s speed.

The sun’s brilliant and obstruction, unfortunately, has slowed down a little.

Not much.

Just a little bit.

“I’ve seen more powerful people than you, but not as big as you think. I sneak attack her, but I was defended. You’re too weak, you can’t even block one foot. Tong’s been fighting you so long, probably trying to understand and learn to erode magic. Otherwise, at your speed there is no chance to start.” White win coldly said.

“Don’t say anything big, come on.” The sun is glorious.

Not yet waiting for a fist.

One foot and the other side of his arm.


Sun’s brilliant has thought of his feet, and he has prepared his defence in advance. But still face one foot. And he will not be able to defend his chest in the next instant. The same attack, the same location, the sun fell twice in the same pit.

This time, the sun is brilliant.

“You don’t seem to understand yet. You’re too slow to use the gym at all. I just intentionally got hit by you, just leave before the effects come. You can’t keep up with that state, but you can see how slow you are. Your reaction, the use of magic, is meaningless, and you can’t even locate me.” The white man is blurred, and people have returned to Kiki.


She’s standing there, but she doesn’t feel anything.

Like, the existence of a white winner is just a mistake, not a real existence.

“I’m going to kill…” The sun is gloomy and boxing close. When he approached the white man, he suddenly changed a target.

A fist crushed a bend.

Straight finger, Jackie.

The Void Goddess of the Unknowing of the immensity of Heaven and Earth are too impatient.

Kill one for yourself to vanish.

One punch is enough.

“Did you find the wrong guy? Are you sure it’s me?”

Bright sounds loud.


glorious arm of the sun was pinned by a corpse hand.

At the same time, the arm’s ‘stone’.

This moment.

Sun’s brilliant is completely stupid… but God, why can’t he even fight a weak Goddess in the zone?

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