Mage Network

Chapter 1381


Void God and the Wizard Mage ‘Cooperation’, that’s none of the unexpected things.

It was.

Void is their basic platoon as a child of the shadow and sunset. I didn’t think that, in order to preserve their position, they ‘abandoned’ Void communities, working with no Mages. This is the case with Goddess, who chose the same choice, and also included ancient beast ethnic groups living in the archaeological graves. Their factions have compelled people to wonder whether the wars of the ancient era also have the knives stabbed behind them.


Now things have been said, “Void God, no Mage, no god, ancient beast race… these are enemies!”

This moment.

Void Mages is helpless.

The quartet is hostile.

The only anomaly…

“Aren’t you calling for backup? Without puppet Legion, we’re just courting death by your ability.” Tang Shidao’s still showing video, and puppet Legion’s surrounding. Unlike that, their goal is not Void Mage, but the gods and the powerhouse.

“Do not be too arrogant, do you think you won?” The Lord of the Beast also has his own confidence.


powerhouse at the top of the threshold can not be encouraged by him.

When there was an initial courage to provoke sanctions against the Emperor, the animal defender naturally had similar methods. It’s really done. No one can live. Force is stronger, and younger brother is still in front of the rules of the exhaustion of Void. The ancient graves are called graves, and it’s not a good stage.

Nothing can be sacrificed for the sake of each other.

“If that’s the case, I’ll kill you first, and then I’ll find those so-called gods.” Tang Shidao doesn’t want to drag.

“Come on.” The Lord of the Beast saw things so far that it was impossible not to fight.

The battlefield at this moment.

Void and the elite of the world have gathered to write a poem for this era. Is it over, or continues, and today is a turning point.


only thing that’s regrettable.


highest Void God did not stand with Void… except for Jackie and the three ears, others were standing opposite Void.

Things have evolved here.

There is no need for more words.

Void Mages went into the quartet, moved towards the enemy. Virtual parties are also approaching the Quartet, surrounding Void Mages. They’re acting weird and completely unprotected against the puppet Legion that is surrounding. It’s not like being stupid, and they seem to know that these ‘enemies’ people are dealing with the general. The gods Goddess are also confident and even smile on their faces.

The opposite forces appear to be full and in fact dangerous.

You know.

Both groups are at the forefront of force, with little caution and no doubt death.

In numbers, the gods occupy absolute advantages. Apart from Goddess, their descendants, and their descendants, ancient beast races and their strong descendants, there are no Mage groups. With so many forces working together, the total number of members is hardly measurable. Void’s sharp, too far from the other.

Under the shock, Void Mage’s team was drowned.


The oceans are bigger, the waves are more murderous and not meaningful to the giant whales… The two forces confront and crush only one side: the people of the divine and ancient beast.

Goddess is a monkey, with a stronger force.

But their descendants are close.

You can also say that.

Their development is also limited, and the Goddess do not make it possible for descendants to exceed themselves. So their descendants are just the extent to which they can fight. On the other hand, the ancient beast race has limited power and cannot exceed the goddess’ masters’. Above all, the intelligence of the ancient era, Void Mage’s power is expected to be wrong….

The information received by Goddess is basically from the people of the dust.

Replace it.

The people of the world are the standards.

Among their standards, there are no more than the people of the world than the people of the world. Of course, following the end of the people of the world, the gods Goddess raised that criterion. However, even if the criteria are uploaded, such an ‘assessment’ is still wrong and a big mistake.

The possession of force is not just the secret world of the world.

Similarly, the use of force under Void is far beyond expectations.

When two forces confronted, the Void side did not lose one person for the time being, and all casualties were just one of the descendants.

At this point.


Lord of the Beast has not moved, and other gods are waiting. Not far from the other side, Tang Shidao and a bunch of big guys have not moved, and they feel that such fighting does not require their own hands. How many troops do Void die and the race of Void knows about itself? How powerful is the world of the world, and the world has a strong knowledge. In the same vein, where the world hides many forces, the Mage of the ordinary world knows.

The gods Goddess are strong, but that’s not their most important goal.

The two sides fought.

And whoever has a bad eye will know.

At this point.

The goddess of the beast, who had always been very confident, were a little upset, and the body felt a little cold. He’s pretty sure he has a reinforcement. But those reinforcements will not be easy to act, because they are all “elders”. If you can’t hold this group up, even if the Rescue comes and wins, this collaborator will be despised and the harvest will be reduced.

All right, let’s do it, not count it. Once they are seriously traumatized, no one will have to comply with the contract.

Not as hard as you can, it doesn’t seem to be.

“You’re hesitant. No way. After you chose to” surrender “, a lot of things didn’t come to your own account. When someone else’s chess, he’s going to have to ask people’s views on a step. I don’t know what happened in the ancient era, but we believe that those people, like you, chose to bow down the road.” Tang Shidao didn’t do it, just indifferently said.

“We’re working together.” The beast gods don’t like the word chess, they’re the gods, the gods.

“That’s what people feel like. In fact, you’re a bunch of chess.” The white man suddenly answered. She’s a direct mockery, straight character.

“You are all losers.” The gods endure, rejects a ‘fact’, what he envisages in his head.

“Even if we fail, we are stronger than those of you, henchman.”

“History is written by the winner’s book.” The gods bite their teeth, and still remain unchanged.

At this point.

The war has become clear, with no one failing.

Although some Void Mage was beaten down and killed. However, since Samsara Seal, a ‘salesman’ with witch and Tang Shidao, Void Mage has not been reduced altogether, most of which is resurrected on the ground and returned to the fighting forces immediately.


More than a hundred times more empty Legion deaths and injuries are increasing and few can be resurrected.

Imagine that as long as the puppet Legion gets here, they can’t run away. The puppet Legion is more numerous and more powerful, and it is impossible for them to bear the brunt of this’ internal and external shock ‘. If there is no help, this time the gods Goddess died in white.

Less than ten minutes.

This situation is even worse, with no one dying or injured more.


At this point, the goddess and the others, instead, sighed in relief. Rather than coming or agreeing on time, the puppet Legion did not come.

On time.

The nearby puppet Legion needs a short time to kill in a few minutes. It may not take more than 10 minutes for the emperor to bring them together in large quantities, late. The puppet Legion has not arrived, or the emperor is bullying and has not succeeded; or the puppet Legion has a problem and the force is not known.

无论哪一种,对Void Mage 都不是好事。

“Don” is also strange.


“Do you need me to look at it for a second?”

“No, they’re coming.” Tang Shidao shakes his head, as if he knew what was going on.

At this point, the fighting between the two sides remains the same.

Ten more minutes later.

After more death and injury on one side, the first puppet Legion arrived. The beast’s goddess and the others look, surprise laughs… puppet Legion is not flying, but it’s ‘Titty’. Take it by another group of people, or another group of devils.

They have been killed, or halfway apart.

A new group of guests.

Needless to guess, you can feel it with your breath, and they’re absolutely invisible.

In addition to the mysteries, there is a bunch of empty Mage arrogance. Unsurprising is not their strength, but their numbers. Compared to Goddess, the number of new aid forces was over ‘10,000 times more than the Void battalion. At any time, this 10,000 times has become 100,000 times, and it’s slowly approaching the’ millions’ ratio.

Tang Shidao whole group is still inactive and continues to wait.

Less than three minutes.

The situation has changed.

A puppet Legion… no, it should be said that a river’s general puppet Fragment, like a giant snake, is the first to have a man, just one. There is no need to think, just to feel his temper. He killed all the puppets, and a man slaughtered the light and turned into Fragment’s disability.

“Pleasure, gentlemen, my own sunshine.” As soon as you say, the entire battlefield is calm.

The sun shines light on a piece of debris on the palace.

He’s ordinary, hidden a sense of ‘no force at all’. Moreover, his mood is calm and has not participated in the war at all.

It’s like.

He’s just a tourist, come and see a bunch of small animals play.

After the sunrise, the new Legion, a million-level new rank, also joined the battlefield, surrounding all of Void Mage’s people.

“Please continue.” The sun is brilliant.

No one bothers him.

Nor was there a question.

paused, the sun was brilliant and said, “This is interesting, but I’m still not interested. So, please continue. I’ll see, there’s no need or want to do it. Commends you for the fact that these puppets are quite counterproductive, but the force is almost the same.”

After a word, people still haven’t moved.

It’s too ordinary for the present.

This is already the norm of anomaly, and it can only be said that there is no capacity to see him at all. Like a mortal looking at the space of the universe, there’s no way to see that great shore with the force. It’s too far. Even speculations are like childish fairy tales.

“Don”? ”The white man looks forward to the sun, and there’s a mistake to see the Nine.


It’s different, and it’s different.

“Well, the prep is over, the show starts.” Tang Shidao lightly has a ring, and next second, all broken puppets recover instantly.

At this point, everyone can see.

In their chests, a ‘melting furnace’ of unknown flames is burning.

One more second.

The puppet Legion’s roaring ripped the whole space.

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