Mage Network

Chapter 1380

Tang Shidao was present for the first time in front of the mysterious Mage, where he had been hiding. These Mage buried the gods differently, and they took power to the top. Except for a very small number of mysteries, their battles are comparable and hold the highest level.

This moment.

They’re not afraid of the King’s battle, but the other question: What about puppet Legion?

The palace is, in fact, one of the hundreds of temples, because functions have been damaged, and it is in a state of half-abandonment. Because in partnership with gods like laughing, the gods provide this place. Apart from repairing the effects of ‘limited access to’, no Mages arranged the defense line, the Guardian line of puppet Legion.

Guardianship bases, the French are more like puppets, puppets are less than Mage.

They are temporarily uncomfortable, and puppet Legion is naturally the most appropriate option.


The enemy is here, but puppet Legion is not moving.

What happened to mutation?

The first idea.

No Mage thinks he’s surrounded. The enemy is a super big team, with the possibility that the vast majority of Void Mage has been attacked. Otherwise, such a large number of puppet Legion outside is unlikely to be taken at once, nor is it possible for them to hear a little bit of silence. The emperor is stronger, and he’s a man too.

A man, together with Jackie and Triangle, can’t turn around and take so many puppets.

“Don’t wait.” Tang Shidao waves slowly show up.

In the picture.

Thousands of puppets moved towards Tang Shidao, and the next second, they all hit a ‘maze‘ door… No, or, in any case, the maze has numerous doors, and no matter what. Even if they don’t rush, the maze will automatically expand to include all puppets’ eating ‘. This “battle” has been short and calm from the beginning to the end. Since puppets did not hit any targets, including the effectiveness of the law, they fell into the maze, and magic did not know what the target had been hit.

“You…” No Mages saw the “maze” as well.

The burial is indeed dead.

His maze has fallen into the hands of the Emperor.

Those puppets went into the maze, not to say if they could get out of trouble. Even if that is possible, it will take a long time, and it will not be possible to help the RUF in the short term. In the light of the current situation, the emperor is really three, but it is courageous.

“That’s good, unfortunately.”

At this point.

Suddenly, there was another familiar voice in the palace. Slowly, a familiar body shows up. And then, another familiar man came in. For the head, there are two… the Lord of the Beast and the Magic Goddess! Behind them, there are five gods, the left eyes and the left, and there is a group of less famous but highly powerful Goddess.

More surprising, there are also dozens of Kiki’s very familiar neutral factions, Goddess.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Emperor. And you, Jackie younger sister, three ears, long time no see.” The Beast God said with a slight smile.

Next to you, the Magic Goddess only smile.

Because of the relationship between the neutral Goddess, you don’t have to guess and know what’s going on with the Emperor… and they already know. Although it is unclear about the secret conversation with the Emperor, they all know about cooperation and relocation.

Sometimes a traitor can be a million troops.

He only looked at one eye, and he didn’t speak.

Everyone has reason for everyone, and she has never insisted on all of them. It is, however, two things that do not act as conspiracy and betrayal. In the eyes of Jackie, these ten sisters will not be spared.

“Nice to meet you.” Tang Shidao said something strange.

And then.

each and everyone pass the door open.

Slowly, Void Mage’s team member each and everyone walked out. Apart from the time of the world’s secrets and the others, the strength of Void’s world of peace has also emerged. Tang Shidao’s friends, such as white winners, witches, and the Mage Network team Charming Stroke, Blue Kiki, Wu Moon, White and Lake Fairy. In addition, the powerhouse of the former people of the world, permanent life, security mirrors and martial correspondence and the others are also present.

It’s just a little ambush, all the big guys show up.

It’s absolutely not normal.

“Don, that’s all these people?” White wings flown to Tang Shidao, not satisfied with this’ opponent ‘.

“No, they’re just soldiers on the road. As I said, I will not meet you unless I find a real target. Now, the target is found.”

“Where is it?” The white man totally ignores this group right now.

At this point.


Lord of the Beast laughed and answered: “Here we are.”

Play hands.


Suddenly, a forensic device flashes, activates, gives birth to thousands of routes. Between eyes, these portals fly out of countless silhouette. It is alarming that, in addition to the Goddess ethnic group, there are Mage strong people of ancient beast ethnicity. In addition, a man who has never met, but who can guess: the temporarily head of the gods, the head of the heart, it’s coming.

Not only did it come, but Mage powerhouse of all the gods came.

Ten of them can’t breathe.

The palace was forcibly crowded, countless ancient beast, countless descendants of blood, and a large number of gods Goddess surrounded this place. Three ears and Maggies can also see, some of which are the Goddess of the ‘already dead’. Are they real dead? Or did you invest in the power of the world without the world? I don’t know. You know, they’re enemies now.

“I knew you must have the method of calling for reinforcements. Right, we can do it online.” The beast goddess are standing by the vain Mage.

There is no sense of stranger, as if it had long been allies.

Because of what?


‘s no need for more questions.

The bridge at the archaeological cemetery has always existed, and the last time they won is a world of vain, and it’s not surprising that they ‘surrender’ on the other side. Maybe they’re not relying on, and they’re working together, and they’re joining out all Void Mage. Even if they had cooperated in an ancient era, they would not seem so familiar.

Last time.

Failure world wins, the ancient graves are safe, and it must be a compromise.

“Don, that’s what the real enemy is?” White win is not very satisfied.

“Your catastrophe is now a real beginning.” “The Lord of the Beast has interrupted, and said,” Indeed, you have done something unexpected and much progress has been made. But this is our land, and our hidden force is far from what you can imagine. Is it over to persuade the ancient beast? No, that’s just some reluctant groups. Our cooperative group is far more than you think. ”

“…” is not answered.

It seems that the gods prefer to publish a victory declaration.


It was also a flaw… he needed someone else’s confirmation. Why do you have to fight for the name of the goddess? Why do you have to be big brother? That’s a desire to be sure of it. Now he’s ‘won’, and he certainly needs to speak.

“Don’t you understand?” The gods are slight.


“All of you assemble, that’s a mistake. Mr. Emperor, you persuaded the ancient beast community to induce the fraudulent puppet Legion to be present, and then a little weakened by the world. Do you really think your plan worked? No! No! Now it’s the beginning. What we really need is that you concentrate, because that’s all.”

“You can order the puppet Legion to invade Void.” Tang Shidao has a little reluctance to listen, or just answer.

“Oh, yeah.” The beast is a bit of a coincidence, but it is also true.

“You just used the machine not only to call for backup, but also to distort the surrounding space, making the transmission effect difficult to locate. So you can haunt us, and puppet Legion can invade Void, destroy our camp, right?”


“This place of exposure is also deliberately provided by you. In order to get me to work, it didn’t mean to be too hidden. Let me find it deliberately, let me summon Void Mage into your trap. Whether you win or not, as long as the puppet Legion invades Void, the wind is yours, right?” Tang Shidao continues to explain, so help the gods finish.

At this point.

But the Lord of the Beast is gone. What’s wrong with that?


Everything’s in its own plan.

“With your mind, it may not be possible to think about such a plan, nor would it dare to make such a decision. Let me guess, it’s sunny that makes you do it, right? You did not rely on the sun, because he didn’t want you guys like henchman. He will surely say to you,” As long as you cooperate, the pit will kill Void Mage, and he will call back the falsehood of Mage, and continue to give you hegemony here, and will never rob you. “

“… the goddess.”

“…” Big Goddess.

“He certainly also tells you that he will not infect Forbidden Curse at the ancient graves. Whatever you want, you take it, you can’t rob Mage. Even said, he promised that one day you would challenge the balance and the sun and lose, and that he could seek refuge in you and give you a chance to return. Right, pawns on the plate?” Tang Shidao Fresh said with a smile.

“Who will be a pawn in the future is not necessarily.” The Lord of the Beast rejects consciousness, because the Emperor… is right.

Right thing.

I can’t admit it.

“Well, you’ve been cheated, and I’m not playing you anymore. Look who the puppet Legion is.” Tang Shidao waves and a group of magic photos shows.

On the picture, puppet Legion is assembling.


No invasion of Void, and, uh, it’s surrounding this place.

“This is impossible!” The Lord of the Beast, it’s not true.

“Without Scholar, in order to allow these puppets to listen, they do not shape consciousness, but force and order sequences. The sequence of orders is extremely simple because of the fear that we will be disbanded. In addition to fighting, defense, stay and so on, they do not have any more instructions. The craftsman knows that the simpler the puppet’s instructions are, the harder it is to break.”

“Why do you…” the beast gods do not understand that, and these puppets have been measured on numerous occasions.

They can’t be countered.

Even if they are self-destructed, they cannot be overcome.

“I have a great soul, the only magic, the only magic, the only magic you’ve ever heard?”


“I didn’t respond to them, really, I just helped them shape a simple soul. And then they think about it, and they think you’re not the master who created them, and they think I am.”


“There is also a need to explain that I have no interest in you at all. Go on, get the sunshine crowd over here. Otherwise, we’ll find it ourselves. Anyway, I already know how to go, and now you have no value.”

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