Mage Network

Chapter 1200

Luo Sen and Wu Yuan can understand the meaning of the elders of the Devils: the patriarchs of the Shangshizong rely on accumulation.


This ‘accumulation’ is meaningless in the face of the magical power of the Arcane God. Because, if you accumulate a hundred million years, it may surpass you in a second. Unless Void doesn’t have that many energy, how much it can be ‘taken’ around Void. Practice improvement, transaction storage, hunting and robbing, all means are sons in front of self-generated magic… No, they are grandchildren.

Why didn’t the god of Arcane come?

Very simple.

Because she can’t get rid of the patriarchs of this group. Will a tiger attack a group of mice?

will not.

Not interested at all.

“She…the god of Arcane, is it dead?” Silence for a long time, Yuan Zhen finally came up with a sentence.

“Yes.” The dragon field is faint.


“The god of Arcane is dead, are you very happy? We also know her cause of death, she wants to challenge Void, surpass all the rules of Void. The result, failure, is slain by endless Void sanctions. Happy? So powerful ‘enemy’ themselves Kill yourself. Laugh, why don’t you laugh? You continue to pray, pray that the Scarecrow is doing the same, killing yourself, then we will not finish the Mage Network.” Dragon Field said with a sneer.

Yuan Zhen and the others are dumb.

Although they are proud, they are not stupid. Pray that the enemy will go to death, and then the idiot will not dare to think.

“Long Range Elders, Devils Elders, Void No one wants to resurrect the god of Arcane?” Rosen carefully gestured and courteous.

“Hey, there is another one with a brain.” Dragon Field said with a smile.

“The meaning of the elders… Have you been treating the god of Arcane as a response to the ‘resurrection’ in the four worlds?” Rosen was not stupid, how could a head of a hunting group be stupid. When Long Tian smiled, he understood that it is an idiot to expect the enemy to die by himself. It is also an idiot to expect the enemy to die and never resurrect.

Since Void has such a person, you have to be her.

What’s more.

She is also the Mage with its own ‘level modifier’.

“Okay, gossip less. Let’s make it clear… We only want to ‘win’, don’t want to ‘kill’. Killing doesn’t make sense, winning makes sense. You don’t understand that we don’t care, we want to stay in the meeting. , said, what do you have to offer. No, please roll out.” Magic Court stretched his finger to the door, indicating that you are not qualified to attend.

Losen stepped back and gestured for the Lantern Festival.

Although Yuan Zhen’s heart is uncomfortable, he can’t help but can only open the card: “Zhuzu people have contacted us. He said: The moth moth may not be invalid, and the emperor may not break the magic infection.”

“This kind of nonsense is a bit fresh and refined.” Long domain does not believe.

“Zhuzu still has some kind of induction, and the ability of the moth is still there on the emperor. Although it is temporarily unable to affect the assimilated emperor, as long as the timing is suitable or creates some favorable conditions, it is still possible to assimilate the emperor.” Said.

“Sounds, it’s a bit interesting.” Longyu and the Magic Pavilion looked at each other, but still did not believe it.

Even if there is such an effect, it is not necessarily advantageous.

Also a possibility.

The Emperor is deliberately leaving a little to do research.


Yuan Zhen and the others were still left to participate in the last battle meeting. At the same time, how to win the people is also an issue. Yuan Zhen and the others feel weird, because the Dragon Field and the Magic Court and the others are more persistent, and they are more attentive than their siege. However, they only need to win, not to pursue killing… Of course, they can kill and will not show mercy, the premise is to win.

In this aspect of Force.

Even if Yuanxiao and the others are arrogant about their resurrection pools and resources, they understand the importance of ‘winning’.

There are also such wonderful things in the secret world of the past.

You killed him 10,000 times and refused to accept you, but if he wins, he will give in. For some people, winning him is more effective than killing him. If the Emperor loses, he will not be able to continue to squat. It must be leaving the past, hiding from cultivation.

at this time.

On the other side, a palace made up of Void Yuanyang, entertaining the emperor’s room, Tang Shidao and White Beauty have just completed a ‘small battle’. The biggest advantage of this Void meta-building is to ban everything. Plus a variety of magic spells, the interior is an independent space, not to disturb. All the guests in the world have only lived in this house, otherwise they would rather live in their own magic airship.

“What is this in hand?” White Beauty is only the weakest in front of Tang Shidao, and more like a lazy cat at the moment.

“Butterfly surgery.”

“It seems that I have not heard it.”

“The new magic I just created, using the ability of the ‘蛊’ to make materials. He has the ability to change like a butterfly, but it is not perfect. I upgraded it slightly and made it a separate magic.” Tang Shidao There is a butterfly on hand, not life, nor energy, just like the Tianling ancestors are generally in a state of ‘visible and untouchable’.

“Why? Adao, do you seem to retain the effect of magic infection?” White Beauty knows that the infection is hard to beat Tang Shidao.

“Well, the effect of the infection remains on this ‘die’. The challenge I accepted before was also deliberate. I know that his ability is not strong and there is nothing to fight. However, I need to know where the ancestor is. He hides Very well, the Scarecrow also specifically asked me to investigate him. I think that Zhaizu is not hiding in the hiding place, but his identity.”

“Mage Network?”

“No, definitely not on the Mage Network. If he can hide in the Mage Network and is not found, the Scarecrow’s dead dealer is not qualified to be a staff member. Void or the past is possible, and he has many identities. Those people are not weak, there should be some to find out, but the reason for not doing it is because they are not the ancestors themselves.”

“I thought that the sly Force was concentrated, but I didn’t expect it to be scattered.” White Beauty was a little surprised.

“Everything has two sides. If it is not the enemy hiding too deep, I don’t have to be so troublesome. The dust is like the secret world of the world. There are strong people inside, but we can’t find out. The ancestors may have more to hide.” But it is even harder to find.” Tang Shidao indifferently said.

“Because of the house in Void Yuanyang.” White Beauty understands what it means.

“Well, it should be said, because Void Yuan. Because this material can not be destroyed, things hidden behind this material can not be verified, can only be guessed. The dusty patriarch is very strong, but they are all superficial Force. In history, there are many superpowers invading the outside world, and eventually they are defeated and fallen. I believe that they certainly are not dead in the hands of the characters, the opponents have others.”

“Dare to invade the world, and then anger will also investigate, the surface of Force will certainly not stop them.” White Beauty can understand.

In the final analysis.

This material is isolated from Void.

Not too far.

Right now.

For example, the house where you live, the palace next to it is also inhabited. However, because of the ban on Void Yuan, he could not sense who was living in the palace next door. It may be a stranger, or it may be Yuanxiao or Luo Xiangyun, or even a monster above the level of Shidudu. Anyway, unless you ask, the other party opens the door to entertain, otherwise you just don’t know.

All the planets on the dust are made up of Void meta-algae. Another one is Tibetan, and the hidden thousand is easy.

In the past, many people have won the division.

Where are they?

do not know.

To put it simply, there are a group of such monsters living in the palace next door. You don’t know if you don’t open the door. The biggest reason for the superiority of the Shangshi clan to self-proclaimed is the resurrection pool. The biggest advantage of the resurrection pool is that it is made up of Void meta-soil.

To put it another way.

The resurrection pool can’t be destroyed, and at most, the energy is cleared. No matter what, after a while it naturally has energy.

and so.

The arrogance of the elders such as Lantern Festival is not unreasonable.

It can ensure that it doesn’t die. Just like a video game character that doesn’t have a title, it’s not a bad thing to swear by everyone. The Mage Network is also much bolder than other Void cultivators because it has an ‘archive’ of Mage credentials. That’s why Mages desperately wants an ‘archive’.

“If the teacher is four, you have to fight?”

“Of course. In the past, he was a measure. If he didn’t play with him, he wouldn’t know what the real powerhouse is like. For the time being, Shisidu probably won’t show up. His level of characters, It’s not that people like Yuanxiao can ask for it. We have to stay a little longer, and we should ask about the news of the ancestors, the four divisions, and the three.

“Adao, did you have any insights before, why didn’t you practice it later?” White Beauty listened and changed a topic.

“There is still one thing missing.”



“…” White Beauty is a bit awkward and doesn’t know anything at all. I only remember that I had mentioned some kind of flame before, but I didn’t see it before. At this time, White Beauty did not ask much. It can be seen that Ai Lang attaches great importance to this ‘breakthrough’ cultivation and does not want to have a slight mistake. Therefore, she does not bother, and when she sees the results, she naturally knows.

on the other hand.

The failure of 蛊 conveyed a message: The Emperor knows that there is no World, and he is very familiar.

this means……

“Is the Emperor from Nothing World?”

After the negotiations between Longyu and Magic Court were completed, they also reported their own peak leaders. The group of people in Yuanxiao did not care, only interested in the origins of Tang Shidao.

At last.

This topic is back in the hands of the Dragon Field and the Magic Court and the others.

Because those people don’t want to worry, professional things are handed over to professional staff, they just wait for the results.

“I don’t think so.” Longyu first discovered his own opinion.

“But he should have been to World Nothing.” The Magic Court is also the idea.

at this time.

There are two different groups of powerful people at the conference palace: the original snakes, the original Yi people.

The four worlds.

The wind is the site of the original Dragon Race. The fire is the site of the Primitive Demon Race. The water world is the site of the original snakes. The soil is the site of the original Yi people. They are not friends, and there is even war between them. However, Void has some visitors, they must pay attention to it. Because they are good at each other, it is difficult to train each other, just like the eagle and the tiger are difficult to divide.

The reason for practicing Void is that Void’s strong is all good at it, not a specialization.

“Yes, it is clear to send someone to try it.” The Dai representative said that it likes to experiment with results, not by guessing.

“It will be dead.” The Magic Court said that the Emperor would not be merciful.

“There are no cowards in the four worlds. And death is just an honor, and waste will be alive.”

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