Mage Network

Chapter 1199

“Although he only measured a little something and didn’t make much difference, at least he created a record.”

“Hey, what record?”

“At the level of the ancestral strong, the first one did not do anything at all, and the Mage who was said to be dead by a few words from the other side. I rummaged through all the history and searched for all the memories. I have never seen this kind of death. The strength is weak, that’s all, but he is still the ancestral level. This person is more fake than the rumor story, but it really happened.”


In the war of the world, the results of the challenge have spread, and people from all walks of life have been talking about it.

have to say.

When they receive the news, the first feeling is not to believe.

Too fake.

Did not fight, did not surrender, that is to say and then self-destruction, this ‘death law’ is too fake. However, the magic video of the battle record proves: Yes, it sounds so fake, it is true.

at the same time.

Long Domain and Magic Court and the others are also talking.

As a member of the secret world, they are destined to be opposite to the major voids. It’s not hate, it’s not for resources, just like the east wind and the west wind. It’s not that you overwhelm me or I overwhelm you. They are weak and they don’t care, they are powerful, they have to pay attention. However, because the emperor is a genius, the secret world of the world must be removed.

Do not!

will not!

This is not stupid, this is their guideline.

A bottom line.

The biggest difference between the dusty world and the secret world is here. Dust on earth does not want to be strong in the world, so they sent strong men to kill young geniuses, and sold traitors to slaughter ethnic elites. Similarly, the dust has invaded the outside world, and it is also to plunder and slaughter the outside world. The consequence is that the next generation and the outside world will be able to retaliate against the world as soon as they have the ability.

The secrets of the past world have not done so.


The secrets of the past world also attacked the next generation and the outside world. However, the secrets of the past world are the most sophisticated ‘soldiers’ in the next generation. The dusty world is the most innocent ‘civilian’. The invasion of the secret world is not to rob the resources, but the training of the Legion confrontation, no crimes against the original autumn. On the contrary, the dust is on the contrary, avoiding the army and focusing on slaughtering civilians.

and so.

The next world and the outside world counterattack the secrets of the world to win… just like the gold medal for sports competition.

Winning the secrets of the past, the status of the next generation and the past will be reversed.


The next generation and the outside world counter-tapping on the earth for the sake of… slaughter.

The things that have been done in the dust world have been revenged ten times in the next generation and outside world. Different from sports competition, if the dust on the earth is a failure, the attacker will never be merciful. No matter who you meet, there is one count, one kills the light. If the secrets of the past world are lost, there will probably be no change, just as the people who take the gold medals will not pursue the silver medals.

The bottom line of the secret world is the ‘competition’.


Under the loser.

There is no bottom line in the dust, it just wants to dominate and annihilate everything else. In addition to the people who are striving to climb, even the geniuses of the big clan are not allowed to make their heads. Only the people of these big clan can do everything. The Yuan clan does not need the genius to defend, but the use of mediocrity, this is the reason. Wei`s not surnamed Yuan, so he is not allowed to be excellent.

Tang Shidao is willing to be invited to be a guest in the world.

However, it is not willing to negotiate with the Shangzong ‘negotiations’. The reason is that there is nothing to talk about with a group who has no bottom line. The winner is born, the loser is dead, only this result is only.

Long Domain negotiated with the Magic Pavilion and the others, not for conspiring to kill Tang Shidao.

If you do this, they are no different from the Shizu clan.


Standing on the opposite side, they also hope to…win.

Winning and killing are both a battle, and the meaning of the two is completely different. It can also be said that the two sides are completely different.

The meeting has just begun.

A group of uninvited guests are coming.

Yuan Zhen, Luo Xiangyun, Luo Sen, Wu Yuan, represent the secular clan of the Righteous Path organization and the secret world of the hunting spirit group. They are huge and unimaginable. But here, they have to ask for help, no one dares to be a hard meeting for the great hall. Because they know very well, as long as they are hard, they will die, and the original Dragon Race will never be merciless.


If the original Dragon Race had different opinions, they would have to leave and could not protest.

They treat the weak very arrogantly, treat the strong… oh…

Long Tian reported that he had agreed to participate in the meeting after he was instructed. However, the signal it gets is: listen to what information they have, others, and ignore a word.

“Sit down, what do you want to say?” Long Tian also did not want to see this group of people.

“We are having a good plan to kill the emperor…” Yuan Zhen’s opening is the topic.

“No interest.” Long domain waved and interrupted.

“Now is the best chance, just…”

“Put your competitors to your own home and kill them. This is not an opportunity. This is called shameless.” Long Domain interrupted twice.

“Become a major event, as long as we…”

“Kill the Emperor, and later there will be the Tiger Emperor, the Emperor, the Emperor, and the others. You will never end this ‘arbitrary section’. This time, success, next time, there will be another emperor, he will Not coming to be a guest. He will sneak in, then kill our children, destroy our technology, and blow up our buildings. We kill the people and kill our children and destroy our technology. , fried our building.” Long domain cold sound interrupted.

“The emperor will not let us go.” Yuan Zhen is also angry, and it is very uncomfortable to be interrupted repeatedly.

“It’s just for you, not for us.”

“You may not be able to have a good end.” Yuan hate the channel.

“Yes, maybe not. But maybe there will be. If we kill the emperor, we will have no good results. The world has always competed with Void fairly, never doing this kind of inferior means. Because we all know, we do one. The other party will retaliate. We will retaliate again, and the other party will still be four. This cycle will never yield results.”

“Just kill them all…”

“Get it, you and I are very clear, Void can’t be completely destroyed. That huge number, you want to count it all over again. Even if you say it, it’s all gone, do you think it’s safe? Don’t forget And there is nothing World. Even if you are so arrogant, even World is gone, is the result really over? Think about it, you don’t even manage a clan, the infighting, the infighting, the inside of the guest Fighting. As far as your ability is concerned, it is not relying on the dusty earth, this mountain has not known how many times it died.” Long Tian has no mercy, mocking the end.

at this time.

The Magic Club interjected: “Well, Long Domain, don’t wait for these greens, eggs, sang, and sang, and sneak into the curtains!

Yuan Zhen and the others heard, his face was white.

Luo Sen and Wu Yuan are very used to it.

In the secret world of the world, no one has put the last generation clan in the eye. Moreover, no matter whether it is beneficial or not, the secrets of the past world do not cooperate with the Shang clan.

“Now there is still a chance to get rid of the emperor.” At this time, Ye Xiangyun also helped.

“The brainless people think so.” Long domain sneer.

“The emperor is very strong, but now it can be removed. After tens of thousands of years, we can’t do it. If he accumulates…” Ye Xiangyun analyzed.

“Accumulate? You guys have this brain?” Long Tian really smiled.

“Now the emperor is still growing up…” Ye Xiangyun was repeatedly interrupted, but did not dare to attack.

“Are you jealous? He doesn’t need energy at all.” Long Tian couldn’t help but ridicule again.

at this time.

The Magic Court had to wave and slowly said: “This topic is really boring. It’s better for me to explain it, and save you all like mentally retarded.”

“…” Yuan Zhen and the others all secretly bite their teeth.

The elderly of this Primitive Demon Race is much more awkward than the Dragon Field, and every sentence is stepping on the dead.

“First, I tell you about one person: the god of Arcane, Oring. You must have never heard of it… Well, maybe I heard it from the report of Lukongyin. But you certainly haven’t paid attention to it. Because, Oring never entered. Going to the world.”

“We know…” Yuan Zhen took the call.

“No, you don’t know. The things you know are just what you think, not the original facts. Oring has the ancestors, has unlimited magic, and also has the creation of Divine Body. This is exactly the same as the emperor. But, you I certainly don’t know that she has a skill called ‘self-generated magic’.”

“we know……”

“Well, what is it used for?” The Magic Court interrupted again.

“Ah…” Yuan Zhenran.

“You don’t know? Tell me what is the use of self-generated magic?”

“That… probably… self-declared magic, not affected by the exhaustion effect. Even if there is no magic World, you can call the magic, always full state.” Yuan Zhen is only an assessment, never really understand. In their view, a Mage who has not entered the world can not be called a big man.

“Do you guess?”

“Is it wrong?”

“Wrong, big mistakes. The role of self-generated magic is to ‘modify’ the rank. As long as you stay in a place with enough energy, such as near the resurrection pool, Oring can rise from the mortal state to the ancestral level, or even higher. Wake up, can you understand the meaning? Self-generated magic, it is equal to Void’s modifier, and how much energy can be ‘taken’ in her own level.”

“…” Lantern and Rosen and the others all showed an incredible expression.

“The original magic of the Emperor is a lot worse than her. Without the consumption, the Emperor can’t take it. But the Austrian is not the same, she doesn’t care what you use, she wants to take it. I will remind you seriously. This group of idiots. If Oring is higher than you, she can let you lose all Forces and become a mortal in a moment. In front of her, you are not even a group of ants.”


“You want to besiege the emperor, right? Do you want me to remind you again that the effect of the original magic is to ‘take consumption’. Can you understand? The more you shoot, the more you send. The more people, the more people you have to deal with. To die. Also besieged, but also organized, your poor brain has shrunk again?” Magic Court is really welcome.

When I heard this, Yuan Zhen and the others were completely dumb.


They thought that there was only a scarecrow and a monster. I didn’t expect that Void had another monster… although she was dead.

“I also remind you.” Long Domain also answered: “The Scarecrow is still there, Mage Network is still there. Mage Network is still there, Mage with Mage credentials has ‘archive’. So even if the emperor is killed, He will also be resurrected. You can’t even help the ancestors of the ancestors, but also kill the emperor. You kids should go to bed early, there is nothing in the dream.”

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