Mage Network

Chapter 1177

The deadline bridge bloodline was pushed to 50% height, and Tang Shidao could not improve it for the time being. This product is too bad, there is no way to practice in Void and Nothing World. From then on, I want to improve it only by chance. For example, the character like Old Man Tang is also suitable for the lifeline bridge bloodline, it is probably difficult to find the second one.


Life weaves have a direction, and we are close to half.

The world of the wilderness.

The development of the magical race is still continuing, spreading and expanding, and the structure of the cloth is growing day by day. Tang Shidao uses Tang Feng’s identity and naturally upgrades his ranks step by step. When the magic machine clansman joins the level of the landlord a lot, the spokesperson ‘Tang Feng’ also approaches the secret spring direction and enters the environment of the main level. A few years later, the magic machine clansman joined a large number of supreme levels, and the spokesperson ‘Tang Feng’ naturally followed up.

“This guy is growing very fast.”

Tang Feng, the spokesperson of the magic machine, grew very fast, but everyone looked at it. In a sense, this guy is one step at a time, not a particularly weird example.

It’s not surprising that I can go this step for more than ten years.

not to mention.

“This is not his credit. It is the magic machine clansman who is funding him. Or, this is the return of the magic machine clansman. Tang Feng has made a lot of money in recent years, but rarely buy anything, I believe it is He was ‘eaten’ by him. The secret spring stone can be used directly, and he used to upgrade naturally quickly.” The person with a confident eye is better.

“Is it so fast to raise it so fast?” The upper level also has a mocking voice.

“He has a bladed wing, and the clansman will monitor and provide the most correct advice. If Tang Feng can’t stand it, the clansman will definitely remind him not to do this. Since he is the spokesperson of the magic race, The magic machine clansman must be very good, Tang Feng wants to do stupid things will also be discouraged. “There are people who understand.

“I don’t think it’s more than that simple. This Tang Feng… probably has something we don’t know.” Some people remain skeptical.

“Do you want to do it?”

“No, of course not. He just entered Supreme Realm, and he is still far away. Now he is the spokesperson of the magic race. If you do it to him, the consequences are hard to predict. In our case, as long as you don’t play Secret Spring’s idea. What happens when he loves it. The most important thing is to take advantage of him. There is no benefit at all.”

In the last sentence, everyone understands.

The strongest in the world of the wilderness are… robbers. Nothing is good, everyone doesn’t do it.

This is a mess to the three-point land except the secret spring, where you can’t manage anything outside. There is no benefit to the spokesperson of a race, and everyone is not full. In this chaotic place, there are more than a hundred times more genius genius than the Tang style, and there are more freaks than him. You can manage a few.

An Anan earning, cultivation, and upgraded Mage cultivator is considered to be the most embarrassing child.

the other side.

Another group of higher-level people, they are also talking about the newcomer Tang Feng.

“It’s the kind of magic.” The right way organization and the hunting group, some of them are the ancestral elders of the world, and some are the strongest in the secret world. There are more, one of the secret spring hegemons in the wilderness of the world. They know more than the average person, and they know the magic of ‘mechanical eternal life’, and even some people have personally touched it.


“The magical race doesn’t need a spokesperson, and it won’t work with a human. Unless he has that magic.”


“The group of guys are still dead? This magic is in the hands of Tang Feng. Yuan Tianshu should be dead. It is very strange that the group has always been very careful, even the real number can not be found. Why, this time is easy It’s exposed. Tang Feng has just entered the supreme and is easily pinched to death. Is this guy deliberately released bait?”

“There is this possibility.”

“But if he is a bait, who is he going to fish?”

“Yuan Lan and so on. Their group of people used to train their cockroaches, let 蛊 and other devotees control the big Void.”

“No, they don’t care about it.”

“Yes, they are regardless of Void, but they have some descendants of ethnicity, and the result is all suppressed. In theory, the group of people with Yuan Tianshu is a deadly enemy. Tang Feng is only a chess piece, the focus should be the magic machine race. If the group still survives, it is their revenge. If the group is dead, it is the revenge of the magical race.”

“They don’t matter to us.”


“If Tang Feng can win the game, he is also worthy of us to use. The magic machine race, their development has limits. Resources, energy, they consume more than the average person. Expand to a certain extent, unless the natural balance is destroyed, Otherwise, it will not be able to develop and expand. In a few years, they will not survive the secret springs. Once they are robbed, they will naturally be targeted, and we will not bother.”

“Yes, the Emperor is our goal.”

The right way organization and the hunting group know more than the general clan, but they are the ‘guest’ status, and they will not care what the world will be.

on the other hand.

Even if they want to manage, how do they manage it?

Could it be that.

Every secret spring is informed, is the magic machine race harmful?

Nothing is possible.

In the above-mentioned world, the ‘hungry ghost’ gesture, even if you know that food is poisonous, you should eat it first, then slowly find a way to detoxify. When greed reaches a certain level, they do not see the risk. Even if you see it, you will pretend not to see it.

Five years, ten years.

Fifteen years, twenty years.

The rhythm of the world’s wilderness is: no rhythm! The biggest news here is that a certain clan joins an outsider, challenges a certain secret spring hegemon, and finally wins the battle, or fails. For the world’s wilderness, things below the ‘Secret Springs’ are small things, and the things that go to the secret spring are easy to change… it’s not your business.

and so.

People are like climbing a giant mountain. People at the foot of the mountain and on the mountainside don’t care what they do.


There are more than one such giant mountain, and there are many seats.

You didn’t climb to the top of the mountain, then you are not qualified to be mentioned by everyone.

at this time.

In some people’s eyes, the magical race spokesperson ‘Tang Feng’ started from the holy place, slowly to the landlord, and slowly stepped into the supreme, then the supreme 1, the supreme 2, the promotion of the supreme 3, the promotion in 20 or 30 years To Supreme 9, reaching the upper limit of the individual Force, people feel normal. Every step of his life has a trace. Every time you upgrade, everyone knows that there is even a record for every dollar you make.

In such a short time, climb to the extreme limit of the Supreme 9, is it normal?


It is completely reasonable.

The fastest speed in the wilderness of the world, the children of some ancestral elders, Innate Skill is good enough, one step is the one who is the realm of ‘finding things into gods’, and no practice is required. It takes three or five days to adapt, and another activates the magic gift, which reaches the personal limit of the Supreme 9 in two steps. Although the energy to activate magic is only shared, these children are slightly trained, and they have stabilized themselves for three years and five years.


All receive the spirit of Force, change the movement technique to the strong level.

Compared to these people.

Tang Feng’s calculation is a relatively slow increase.

Because there is a magical race behind Tang Feng. One race trains one person, this time, this speed, this height is impeccable, the perfect growth path and the perfect growth record. It is even said that if Tang Feng has the racial support of the magic machine, the results can not be done, and people must look down on this Tang Feng can not afford it.

As with the script, as everyone guessed, Tang Fengyi was promoted to Supreme 9 and immediately studied the activation of magic.

“Look, I said it.”

At this time everyone is a prophet, and everyone has seen the cultivation route of Tang Feng.

“It must be that the clansman told him early.”

“Of course, it must be.”

“I guess he wants to close.”


Tang Feng retired.

“I guess he doesn’t have to learn in a year. The clownman is afraid to teach him to do this long ago.”


Tang Feng went out of customs in less than a year and practiced an activation magic.

“I guess he will continue, one is definitely not enough.”


Tang Feng has closed again.

“I guess this time is shorter.”


Tang Feng came out only half a year.

“I guess he will retreat, and he will practice several activation magics.”


Tang Feng’s double exhibition

In short.

From the wilderness to the secret spring hegemon, down to the mortal civilians, know that the ‘Tang Feng’ person can guess. The intelligence officers do not need to inquire, but also know the growth path of Tang Feng by guessing. He gives the impression that the magic machine race was arranged early, just like the first-level game mission. Tang Feng does not need to think, as long as the plan made by the magic machine clansman, everything is where water flows, a canal is formed.

In fact.

No one guesses wrong, unless the brain is stupid, most people know what Tang Feng will do next.

Like the Crown Prince of the same country.

Birth, growth, health, education, learning, experience… all are well arranged, as long as they are not fools can guess. The whole line, from the sacred to the landlord, from the landlord to the supreme, from the supreme to the spirit of the law, to the rule of the spirit, people can be backwards in the growth of Tang Feng. Even his hunting places, hunting methods, and hunting records can be easily flipped out.

In everyone’s testimony, an Innate skill is excellent, hard-working, and supportive, and the ethnically-oriented Tang Feng has grown up like this.

The whole process can’t pick a little bit of a problem.

It is completely reasonable.

Even if it is raised to the height of Failing’s dominance, people feel that… It is the magic machine race that provides the means, provides resources, and provides energy. Tang Feng is only the lucky one to be selected. Switch to another good person with Innate Skill and another person can do the same thing.

Just like the genius children of the ancestral elders, those growth routes are exactly the same as those of the Tang dynasty.

“Master, according to your order, I let the clansman secretly spread, so that everything is reasonably formed.” The weapon is not very clear, why the owner wants to ‘create another’ himself, is not a waste of time?

“Working hard.”

“Your command, my honor, master. It’s just weird, why are you doing this?”

“Because my ‘Tang Feng’ identity is different, he has a certain background. Mechanical eternal life is the only magic of the founder of the magic machine civilization, but the founder is not alone. I am not convenient to use the identity of Tang Shidao, Because some things may still have a legacy, I have to collect it. It is more convenient to change my identity.”

“Master, what do you need, please order, we will collect it right away.”

“No, these things are not accessible to you for the time being. I have to do it myself. Now this strength is not strong or weak, just right. If you are not mistaken, they will come to me soon. I need an apostle to appear with the ‘ancestral’ force, for my Tang Feng identity station, so that they will not be too impudent.”

“Yes, I will arrange it right away.” The weapon also knows that the owner has a new plan. However, this plan can only be done by the owner, and he asks why he can’t ask.

Revival of the magic machine race.

That is what you need to do.

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